SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) 15 08 2021 Code: ST210301a-ST210316b Newsletter No. 1447 / Issues date: 15.08.2021 Printed: 30.09.2021 / 09:04 Code Country / Name Type EUR/1 Qty TOTAL Stamperija: ST210301a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Minerals (Minerals (Autunite; Adamite; Bismuthinite Imperforated €15.00 - - crystals in quartz; Citrine) [4v Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210301b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Minerals (Minerals (Lazurite) Background info: Pyrite; Imperforated €15.00 - - Rhodolite [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210302a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Volcanoes (Volcanoes (Mount Rishiri ; Shōwa-shinzan; Imperforated €15.00 - - Mount Kaimon; Mount Rausu) [4v Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210302b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Volcanoes (Volcanoes (Mount Bandai) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Sakurajima [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210303a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Mushrooms (Mushrooms (Handkea utriformis; Imperforated €15.00 - - Tylopilus felleus; Cantharellus cibarius; Lycoperdon FDC imperf. €17.50 - - perlatum) [4v Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210303b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Mushrooms (Mushrooms (Russula virescens) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: Leccinum versipelle; Macrolepiota FDC imperf. €17.50 - - procera [s/s Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210304a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Vegetables (Vegetables (Zea mays; Vanilla lutescens; Imperforated €15.00 - - Allium cepa; Solanum lycopersicum) [4v Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210304b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Vegetables (Vegetables (Diospyros kaki) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Sicana odorifera [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210305a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Extinct species (Extinct species (Homotherium serum; Imperforated €15.00 - - Megatherium americanum; Eremotherium laurillardi; FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Tullimonstrum gregarium ; Mawsonia sp.; Ambelodon floridanus) [4v Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210305b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Extinct species (Extinct species (Elephas primigenius) Imperforated €15.00 - - [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210306a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Endangered species (Endangered species (Diceros Imperforated €15.00 - - bicornis; Leontopithecus rosalia; Canis simensis; Lynx FDC imperf. €17.50 - - pardinus) [4v Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210306b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Endangered species (Endangered species (Panthera Imperforated €15.00 - - tigris tigris) Background info: Gavialis gangeticus [s/s FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210307a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Cats (Cats (Maine Coon; Sphynx; Siamese cat; Bengal) Imperforated €15.00 - - [4v Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210307b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Cats (Cats (British Shorthair) Background info: Imperforated €15.00 - - Peterbald [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210308a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Big cats (Big cats (Lynx lynx; Panthera leo; Panthera Imperforated €15.00 - - tigris tigris; Puma concolor) [4v Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210308b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Big cats (Big cats (Acinonyx jubatus) Background info: Imperforated €15.00 - - Panthera onca [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210309a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Elephants (Elephants (Loxodonta africana) [4v Db Imperforated €15.00 - - 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210309b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Elephants (Elephants (Loxodonta africana) [s/s Db Imperforated €15.00 - - 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210310a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Turtles (Turtles (Chelydra serpentina; Geoclemys Imperforated €15.00 - - hamiltonii; Cuora amboinensis; Testudo hermanni) [4v FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210310b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Turtles (Turtles (Trachemys dorbigni) Background Imperforated €15.00 - - info: Aldabrachelys gigantea [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210311a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Prehistoric water animals (Prehistoric water animals Imperforated €15.00 - - (Shastasaurus pacificus; Styxosaurus snowii; FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Liopleurodon ferox; Platecarpus tympaniticus) [4v Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210311b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Prehistoric water animals (Prehistoric water animals Imperforated €15.00 - - (Diplocaulus sp.) Background info: Shastasaurus FDC imperf. €17.50 - - pacificus [s/s Db 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210312a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - São Tomé ibis (São Tomé ibis (Bostrychia bocagei) [4v Imperforated €15.00 - - Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210312b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - São Tomé ibis (São Tomé ibis (Bostrychia bocagei) [s/s Imperforated €15.00 - - Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210313a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Herons (Herons (Egretta ardesiaca; Nyctanassa Imperforated €15.00 - - violacea; Egretta caerulea; Butorides virescens) [4v Db FDC imperf. €17.50 - - 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210313b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Herons (Herons (Ardea cinerea) Background info: Imperforated €15.00 - - Ardea herodias [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210314a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - White storks (White storks (Ciconia ciconia) [4v Db Imperforated €15.00 - - 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210314b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - White storks (White storks (Ciconia ciconia) [s/s Db Imperforated €15.00 - - 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210315a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Godyris duilia; Euphydryas Imperforated €15.00 - - phaeton; Papilio polyxenes; Lycorea halia) [4v Db FDC imperf. €17.50 - - 124,00]) Stamperija: ST210315b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Euphoea mulcider) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: Papilio androgeus [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210316a SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Moths (Moths (Lymantria dispar; Gonimbrasia belina; Imperforated €15.00 - - Daphnis nerii; Endromis versicolora) [4v Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: ST210316b SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (São Tomé e Príncipe) Perforated €4.95 - - 2021 FDC €7.45 - - Moths (Moths (Hyalophora cecropia) Background info: Imperforated €15.00 - - Deilephila elpenor [s/s Db 124,00]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Total 32 diff. Perforated x 1: €158.40 STAMPERIJA Ltd. POBOX 5 RIESES POST, Vilnius distr. LT-14028 Lithuania E-mail [email protected] www.stampera.eu.
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