-." .-............... _- ,----- 4" • ,- Cabinet Too Busy To. Take Vaca 1 THE DAILY NEWS available al Vol. 6.\ No. 145 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons -------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------- OVAKIA: '* United States: ":,:'/.'.' - :- ! • l' -.-,~ Change In '.. it'.: 'f H OUlm ontinue imit e"'J ... ~, ever bUill! viet Relations cUlers-The visit of Nikita Khrush­ and Xik(11ai Bulgnnin to Czechoslovakia has !nQ:'! (,f the speculation that the Moscow would prcdpilale spectl1cular policy and per­ 5 ,!1atH!C, ill Czechoslovakia. the C~cl'hoslo\,l1k leadership - virtually un­ Si!1CC tn5:!-and the Soviet premier and Com­ pa:·ty l':dcf have gone out of their way to 1'5 that l1'.lthing was changed in the "indestructi­ )2 YEARS !ric!ld~hip" uniting the two parties. '. ill his many speeches dul'ing the has ~trc,;,cd 1he need for still stronger unity alleged weslern bids to "drive a wedge" in Communist bloc. main square rocked with laughter Sl'cn:ss as Russia's boss launched Into a ~f the ~loj:an· long, Impnssioned, off· the • euff f1B~ • lI'al'ing has speech. or~nnizcd in the "Nothing can stop the woman tradition. the \'isit has from giving birth." the pudgy !l'!ttatul~r prr,onal suc· party leader shouted. "She com· Il! Ru;,i~ns, cspeclall)' pletes nine months, and the child appears. Whatever the capital· . rcecil'cd man)' marks Ists do, they cannot halt this de· idolalrou, admiration velopmen!." , luch as the old Khrushchev lectured his audl· lpr~n~ from the ience on the lessons of last fall's a I'i;it to a military Hungarian revolution and what he Thnr!dal' I() cover said Is the falseness Of Western hands in kisses. hopes to liberate Eastern Europe. who followed tbe "The capitalists think people on \'isit~ to other beliving liberated. in a soclallst'state They.are promising wisb to ARGENTINA QUINTS TO IIAVE REUNION-Buenos Aires, Argentina-The two boys and three girls who make up the only set of stales have com· it to all-even to use In the Soviet of quint liP lets known to bc alive toda)' will hoM one of their infrequent reunions to·day. Monday, Jul, 15th., their 14th birthday. the apparent absence measures during the Union," Khrushcltev added amid Six years ago, their parents, Mr. and IIlrs. Franco DllIgenli decided to "break up the quints" and send them tl! {lve separate schools. On sel'eral ~ccasions loud laughter: "They were becomlni:' an Increasingly serious problem." tile father recalled. "Thclr team spirit. a wonderful tblng In most cases " were left complelely "They want to liberate us from was just too mlleb for their molber and myself and their teachers and servants. At first members of the Diligent! "team" were db.. as crowds milled :f:::~~f!~~~dsih~~~~h bJ~v~~y~~~~ mayed but ,eventually they began to enjoy theIr newly·won "Inde pentlencc." Shown In one of their family reunions left to rlgbt:- , Frane~. a pupil at St. George's ColJege. a British community school; l\"larla Esther, who boards out At Michael Ham College, an IrIsh· at O.;\In3 Satur- are honoring people at work. In , Ii, compared the what other countries can you find Catholic Institution. Marla Is conshlcrcd the most beautiful ?f the three girls; l\1~~a ,Fern~~da. I. studen! a~, another English I Ii:, lrom capitalism to that'aworking man 'has the .ea-. schOjlI,.lhe Quilmes· Girls' IIIgh Scbool." Papa Dillgenli complainS mildly , that sbe Is .too quiet and inclined to keep her nose in " I to. prpgnant ",'Oman;' \~",~Jtd"".. pprectaUbn '.': of "Ms' ···.:~·lhe·-ilr·;:-Marla··Cbrlstilra,· l~ .. being trained asa proper' English lad)' al 111159 Brightm:lD's Northlands College. and Juan Carlos, . I I(j jammed inlo tbe country?" who attends SL Andrew's Scotch School in the ToWn of Olivos. Jualt Is de~rlbed' as the "liveliest and most mlscbievous" of the I\ 1/ I.. flve.-(lN Photo. '. I ' '. I ,:: ., ~ ' . In Move. New Aga . Khan Arab Challenge Chinese " Rightists" . ,. , • i.', .;. ' bat Inflation Ass'umes Duties To Israel Make Confessions to reach 5,000 soon. n.v DAVID CIlIPP ing his nose lustily with a large ALliS .1. ~TEI;>;KOP F quieting address Friday by 'l'hor.. CAIRO (AP)-The Anbs gave The Israelis look 10 Eilal to be· PEtPING (Rcuters) - Chinesc blue handkerchief. he declared: fAP I-Britain Is mobi. oeycro[1, The country's economic the Aqaba Gulf problem a new "Long live the unity of all Chi· best b~ainl in politics, chief disclosed the government al. GENEVA (AP) - A handsome, crs. diplomatic twist last week. come a centre for tile handling o[ "riGhtist" leadcl's madc their lirst ·'· foot "outll mounted a \\:III'te \\'01'11", t'l'il'c" [l'om Kal'achi, an Illiblic confessions amid stony si· nese. Long live the Communist In d trade unionism to ready has taken one Important Sl ~.' , .. " In press eommcnt and speechcs, bulk cargoes - slIch as grain, i:Ulation ant! defend the step-nlslng to six per cent thc satin throne Saturday and .with a important Ismaill' centrc, that Is- Arab leaders challenged not only phosphates and potash and oil­ lencc at the National People's party." .. "S Chinese leaders seated on t1ie Interest on money local gol'cl'O'"grin "n(1 IVI'nk be"nn".,,, hi'· rille nlal'll's' evervwher'" e 1"111 accept the Israel's right to send ships into noW that United Nations troops Congress (parliament) Saturday. spl'rl'tllnl le"der o[ 20000000 Is will of thc A"a Khan III in nam· guard the sulf's mouth, Tiran Thc group included a formcl' platform behind the' speakers ap. mcnt units borrow from the nR. n ,,' b tile ''''if, an outiet to the Red Sea, ri!in~ pri<'r'-~ quicken. mail! Moslems ing Prince Karim, his 20·year·old '" Strait, once commanded by Eg· newspaper. editor who admitted pearcd unimpressed by Wang's after .n ,Ir\\'ard mo\·e. lional government. This is de· 0 h .,' Ifill "randson, as his spiritual sllcces. bllt also Israel's right to maintain ~cnding out hi~ reporters to stir tearful c·anfession. signed to curb spending by eOllnty n t c spacIous awn 0 a va" the port of Eilat on the gulf. yptian guns. man)' mont~, - caused Eilat is virtually surrounded by up troublc ~gainst the commuuist Chu An·pin, recently dismissed I ~1?{'mil1alt'5 Can. and olher local governments. overlookin~ Lake Conslance Aga 501'. Cairo headlines screamed: Ei· enitor·in·chicf of the Kwang Ming It A rI Arab territory. Israel holds only regime. Anothe!, prominent ri;:ht. ~QHrnmrltt ;ril\'! con. Uncler especially heavy [ire arc Khan 1\', rircssr!l in " blue n:ln· It he~n l'l'pected that lat. Is Illegal. the nationalized Induslries. which nel suit, received the first hom. Prince AI), Khan, father of Karim The Arah argument is that Is· <I six· mile stretch of the gulf's ist broke into tears and apologized Daily. chief non·communist news­ paper. said he sent out reporters for months have bcen alternately age o[ kneeling rcli~lous folio\\'· (Continucd on paile 20) raell forces occupied from the shoreline. Egpt, Saudi Arabia for opposing communism. !ijmr yon'rrl'lh\'p ~up. At the same time, the official to nine cities to stir up trouble raising wages, and then boosting southern Ncgeb the gulf in 1948 und Jordan control the rest. Ir! .sa)·tn~ Ute ,::ol'crnment to The new twist gave fresh im· party newspaper, Peopte's Daily, for the regime. He has been a !~:l1re unlcs, it checks the the cost of their products and ser· In violation of United Nations or· revealed Ihere are rightists' within leading rightist along with Com· vices. Demands for pay increases W.EST· GERMANY"'. ders and tlte Israelis stili have no petus to the Arab cry that Aqaba I In prlc~! 01 coal, elec. is a purely Arab gulf and only the Communist party itsc!!. At· munications lIlinister Chang Po !. lran;portatlon. posl. inevitably spread to private enter. right to he there. Arab ships have rights there. tacks for the last month have Chun. Timber Minister 10 Lung I~ and clothing. prises, with a general spiralling MR.' Egypt is reported drawing up a Saudi Arabia, whiCh borders the mentioned only rightists outside Chi and Food Minister Chang Nai Chi. p.Jlllical and ~conomlc effect unaccompanied by increased . ay eVlse me m 0 ran dum, in consulta· gulf's easUlrn shores, has .taken the parly. WIU be broll.ht together production. tion with other Arab nations, rin the lead. In a speed! I() Moslem The newspaper said party memo His efforts under the leadership lor consultation with The 8,ooo,OOO.strong Trade Union what they call the Iilegality of Ei· ber Teng Yen Hsiu, a vice·man· of Chang and La, Chu said,' had Congress bas refused to give ad. lat, the boom town of 2,000 pop- pilgrims, King Saud hintcd the the Exchequer Peter (Continued on page 20) ager of the People's Publishing been to use the Kwang Min'g and memhers of the vance pledges of wage· restraints NATO Set. Up' ulatlon which the Israelis expect H 0 use, had "slandered" the Daily to "aUack the Communist advisory cOUn­ without attion 10 stop tbe rise In party's propaganda department party, and weaken Its prestige and Council members leadership among the people.": and had. made "anti·Soviet did­ ; of the nationalized In. -~.'Wage increases, without corres·. Powers 'D· Isagree courses." The congress also received··J! emplo)'er; and a repre.
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