GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR IN ONE DIRECTION’S ALBUM “MADE IN THE A.M” SKRIPSI Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Program By: ELVIYANI RITONGA NPM. 1302050262 FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2017 ABSTRACT Ritonga. Elviyani. Grammatical Metaphor in One Direction’s Album Made in the A.M. Skripsi. English Department, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan. 2017. This study deals with the use of grammatical metaphor in one direction album made in the a.m and use types of ideational metaphor code ( transitivity). The objectives of the study were to describe the types of ideational metaphor code and find out the most dominant one. This research was carried out by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from choosing one direction album made in the a.m. There were seventeen songs found and seventeen songs were taken to be analyzed. The technique used to analyzed the data obtained was by identifying the ideational metaphor, classifying the ideational metaphor into their types, and taking the percentage to get the most dominant type. There were 129 ideational metaphor used in one direction album made in the a.m. the finding of the data analysis showed that six types of ideational metaphor namely material process with the amount 20 (15.5%), mental process 47 (36.4%), relational process 25 (19.3%), behavioral process 10 (7.8%), verbal process 14 (11%), and existential process 13 (10.0%) were realized in the album made the a.m . From all types of ideational metaphor, it was found that the most dominant type was mental process with the amount 47 (36.4%). Keyword: Grammatical metaphor, Ideational metaphor, Descriptive Qualitative Design. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Assalammu’alaikum Wr.Wb. First of all, the researcher would like to express her greatest gratefulness to the Almighty Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW, the prophet as well as to his companions for the blessing and the chances given to her in completion of the thesis. Special appreciation goes to both of her beloved father Alm. Muhammad Yunus Ritonga and her mother Malia Harahap for their never ending in giving prayers, supports, loves, cares and encouragements in her life. Special appreciation also goes to her sisters : Nita Arwina Ritonga and Ardini Ritonga and also all of her big family. In writing this research, the researcher faced a lot of difficulties and problems that without much helps from the following people, it was impossible for her to finish this research. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude: 1. Dr. Elfrianto Nasution, S.Pd, M.Pd as the dean of faculty of teachers’ Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. 2. Mandra Saragih, S.Pd, M.Hum and Pirman Ginting S.Pd, M.Hum as the head and Secretary of English Education Program in Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. 3. Bambang Panca.S,S.Pd,M.Hum. as her Supervisor for his valuable knowledge, supports, corrections, and advices to make this study better. And Hj. Dewi Kesuma Nst, SS, M.Hum as the reviewer who have given their suggestion, comment, correction, and guidance in writing this skripsi. 4. the Lecturers of English Education Program for their knowledge during her academic years. 5. the Staffs of faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara for their information during academic years. 6. her beloved friends of English Education Program, especially Fardhana, Sura isnainy, Fitridea, Dita Syafriani, and Nurul Atikah and for VIII-E Morning who always giving care and spirit to her in sadness and happiness. 7. all the Librarian of University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, who has shared their good services for her. 8. all people who loved and helped her but cannot be mentioned here. May Allah bless them all, amin. Wassalammu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Medan, April 2017 The Researcher Elviyani Ritonga NPM.1302050262 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................. iv LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................ vii LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1 A. Background of Study .................................................................................. 1 B. The Indentification of Problem .................................................................. 3 C. The Scope and Limitation........................................................................... 3 D. The Formulation of the Problem ................................................................. 3 E. The Objective of the Research .................................................................... 4 F. Significance of Research ............................................................................ 4 1. Theoritically .......................................................................................... 4 2. Practically ............................................................................................. 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 6 A Theoritical Framework ............................................................................... 6 1. Semantics .............................................................................................. 6 2. Figurative Language .............................................................................. 8 2.1. Simile ............................................................................................ 9 2.2. Metaphor ....................................................................................... 9 2.3. Alliteration ..................................................................................... 9 2.4. Hyperbole ...................................................................................... 10 2.5. Idiom ............................................................................................. 10 2.6 Personification ................................................................................ 10 2.7. Apostrophe .................................................................................... 10 2.8. Onomatopoeia ................................................................................ 10 2.9. oxymoron ....................................................................................... 10 2.10. synecdoche ................................................................................... 10 3. The Classification of Metaphor ............................................................... 11 3.1. Semantic Metaphor ......................................................................... 11 3.2. Syntactic Metaphor ......................................................................... 12 4. Grammatical Metaphor .......................................................................... 13 4.1. Ideational Metaphor ....................................................................... 14 4.2. Nominalization of Grammatical Metaphor ..................................... 16 4.3. Interpersonal Metaphor ................................................................. 17 4.4.. Metaphor of Mood ........................................................................ 18 4.5. Metaphor of Modality .................................................................... 19 5. lyrics .................................................................................................. 20 6.Song .................................................................................................. 21 7. One Direction Album ........................................................................... 22 B. Previous Relevance Study ............................................................................. 23 C. Conceptual framework .................................................................................. 26 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH .................................................. 27 A. Research Design .......................................................................................... 27 B. Source of Data .............................................................................................. 27 C. Technique of Collecting Data ....................................................................... 27 D. Technique of Analyzing Data ....................................................................... 28 CHAPTER IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ............................................ 30 A. Data Collection............................................................................................. 30 B. Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 30 C. Research Finding ......................................................................................... 47 CHAPTER VCONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 48 A. conclusion ...................................................................................................
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