liOI.STER + CnRODICiiFJ ST. JOSEPH'S PROVINCE Very Rev. Leo Whalen, 0. P., gave a novena in honor of .the Little Flower at St. Vincent Ferrer's, New York City, during September. Rev. Benedict Doyle, 0. P ., preached the sermon on Rosary Sunday at the Church of the Resurrection, Brooklyn, New York. Rev. Edward Hughes, 0. P., S. T. Lr., preached at the Holy Name Rally at St. Patrick's Church, Long Island City on October 17. The annual children's mission at the Holy Name Church, Philadelphia, was given by Rev. ]. E. O'Hearn, 0. P ., of the Eastern Mission Band. The work of the Eastern Mission Band this fall is the heaviest ever. Twenty-five men are not enough to supply the demand for missions and retreats. Rev. G. Carpentier, 0 . P., D. S. C., Chaplain at the Ohio State Peni­ tentiary and assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Columbus, Ohio, has been made pastor of St. Mary's Church, Johnson City, Tenn. Very Rev. E. A. Baxter, 0. P., has been elected Prior of the Convent of St. Mary's in New Haven, Conn., to succeed the Very Rev. T . L. Crow­ ley, 0. P., whose term of office expired on July 27th. On October 3, Bro. Matthew Burke, tertiary, 'and Mr. Victor Dillon, postulant, were invested with the lay-brother's habit by the Very Rev. Ignatius Smith, Prior of the House of Studies, Washington, D. C. On October 30, Bro. Aquinas McDermott, 0 . P., made profession of the solemn vows into the hands of the Very Rev. Prior of the House of Studies, Washington, D. C. Rev. T . L. Crowley, 0. P., formerly Prior at the St. Mary's Priory in New Haven, Conn., has been assigned to the Eastern Mission Band with Headquarters at Holy Name Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Providence College Clubs have been organized in New H aven, Conn., Fall River, Mass., and in Westerly, R. 1., to promote the interests of the institution in these places. The annual retreat tor the clergy of the diocese of Louisville, Ky., was held at the Cistercian Monastery of Our Lady of Gethsemani and was con­ ducted by the Rev. C. M. Thuente, 0. P., of the Western Mission Band. The retreat began on October 4th and was divided into three sections of one week each. Cloister Chronicle 315 The Rev. G. F. Level, 0. P., professor at Providence College, lectured at Emmanuel College, Boston, Mass., on the subject of the French Drama, during the month of November. Fr. Level is also delivering monthly con­ ferences to the Little Sisters of the Poor at Providence, R. I. Rev. Boniface Stratemeier, 0. P., S. T. Lr., Ph. D., professor at the House of Studies, Washington, D. C., is also conducting a course in Apolo­ getics, Religion, and Psychology each week at Mt. St. Joseph's College, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Rosary Sunday was celebrated with great solemnity at St. Vincent Ferrer's Church, N. Y. The beautiful Church was crowded to its capacity and many of the faithful were obliged to stand. The preacher on this oc­ casion was the Rev. R. L. Rumaggi, 0. P. Rev. T. F . Conlon, 0. P ., of the Eastern Mission Band, gave a retreat in preparation for the new feast of Christ, the King, at St. Gregory's Church, New York, and Rev. M. S. Welsh, 0. P., of the same Mission Band, conducted the retreat at St. Charles, Catonsville, Md., in September. Rev. Justin Kennedy, 0. P., S. T. Lr., has been assigned to St. Vincent Ferrer's Church in New York City where he will succeed Rev. Clement Nowlen, 0. P., S. T. Lr., as secretary of the Provincial. Fr. Nowlen sailed for Rome on the 6th of November where he will take a supplementary course in Canon Law at the Collegia Angelico. The Very Rev. Walter G. Moran, 0. P., presided at the departure service for the Dominican Foreign Missionaries held at St. Vincent Ferrer's Church, N. Y., on October 14th. Rev. Edward Hughes, 0. P., delivered the sermon. Seated in the sanctuary were the Rt. Rev. Gregory Vulysteke, 0. P., Bishop of Curacao, and Rev. Fr. McDonnell of the Propagation of the Faith of the New York Archdiocese. During the annual meeting of the hierarchy of the United States, at the Catholic University of America, Most Rev. John T. McNicholas, 0. P., S. T. M., Archbishop of Cincinnati, Rt. Rev. Alphonse Smith, D. D., Bishop of Nashville, Tenn., and Rt. Rev. Anthony J. Schuler, S. J., D. D., Bishop of El Pasco, Texas, were guests of the Dominican House of Studies, Wash­ ington, D. C. A most successful novena in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary was conducted during the month of October in the Church of the Holy Name, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Gregory R. Scholtz, 0. P. More than three thou­ sand new members were added to the Rosary Confraternity. Two new windows have been installed in St. Vincent Ferrer's Church, New York City, one depicting events in the lives of St. Rose of Lima, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Agnes of Montepulciano, and Blessed Imelda; the other portrays events in the lives of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Hyacinth, St. Peter Martyr, and Blessed Albertus Magnus. The members of the Third Order of St. Dominic held a special service in honor of the Seventh Centenary of St. Francis of Assisi, in the Church of the Holy Name, Philadelphia, on Sunday, November 28. The services consisted of a procession of the Tertiaries, the singing of Compline, a sermon on the life of St. Francis by the Rev. Gregory Scholtz, 0. P., and Solemn Benediction. 316 Dominican& On September 8, the Rev. D. M. Galliher, 0. P., ]. C. D., Dean of Providence College, delivered the sermon at the formal encloistering of ti}e Dominican Monastery of the Mother of God, Springfield, Mass. The Rt. Rev. Bishop of Springfield together with sixty members of the clergy were present at this ceremony. On October 24, Fr. Galliher addressed four thousand men at the Holy Name Convention of the Hartford Diocese held at Bridgeport, Conn. This year approximately six hundred students, two hundred of whom are from different parts of the country, are in attendance· at Providence College. This year also marks the entrance of the first students of the college upon the professional careers of Medicine, Law, and Dentistry. In recognition of this, the institution has conferred upon them the honorary degree of Master of Arts. A very successful Forty Hours' Devotion was conducted at St. Pat­ rick's Church, Norristown, Penn., by Rev. Edward Cummings, 0. P., of the Holy Name Church. Father Cummings at the same time revived the Ro­ sary Society and Rev. Lawrence A. Fahy, pastor of the Church, announced that the number received, far exceeded his expectations. Ground was broken for an annex to the Holy Name School, East Berks and Gaul Sts., Philadelphia, on October 30. The new addition is to be built of Fox-Croft granite. It is to contain six classrooms and an audi­ torium to accommodate one thousand people. The auditorium will be equipped with all modern improvements. A new oil heating plant for both the new and old school building is to be installed. The Dominican Fathers in charge hope that the school will be completed by Easter. The Fathers of the Western Mission Band gave missions recently to the Carmelites, in Chicago; the Capuchins in Kansas; the Holy Ghost Fathers, Detroit; and the Trappists, in Dubuque, Iowa. Their work brought them into the Archdioceses of Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Paul, St. Louis, and Milwaukee, and into the Dioceses of Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Davenport, Concordia, Springfield, Ill., La Crosse, Detroit, Fort Wayne, Green Bay, Belleville, Marquette, Lincoln and Winona. On September 20, the Rt. Rev. Amandus Bahlmann, 0. F. M., whose episcopal See is in the country of Brazil, paid a visit to the Priory of St. Antoninus' in Newark, N. J. He entertained the Fathers with many inter­ esting stories of his extensive diocese, much of which is still unexplored. On November 4th, Rt. Rev. Gregory Vulysteke, 0. P., was another guest of the Fathers of St. Antoninus' Priory. Rev. Francis O'Neil, 0 . P., Ph. D., and Rev. W. D. Sullivan, 0. P., gave the mission in St. Agnes' Church, Uniontown, Ky., from Sept. 5 to 12 at the request of the Pastor, Rev. J. T. Pieters, and another of two weeks' dura­ tion in St. Augustine's Church, Barberton, Ohio, from Sept. 19 to October 3. Rev. J" W. Schmitz is its pastor. Very Rev. J. H_, Healey, 0. P., P. G., Superior of the Eastern Mission Band, gave the annual retreat to the community of St. Thomas' College River Forest, during September, and will conduct the annual retreat fo~ the Fathers and Novices of St. Rose's Priory in preparation for Christmas. Among his many labors in and around New York City, Fr. Healy organized a Holy Name Society at Sing Sing Prison on November 7th. Cloister Chronicle 317 The first double mission conducted by the members of the Eastern Mission Band in the Archdiocese of Halifax was given at St. Patrick's Church by the Revs. ]. M. Eckert, 0. P ., M. S. Welsh, 0. P., and W. P. Doane, 0. P., and at St. Joseph's Church by the Rev. W. C. Kelly, 0. P., and R. M. Burke, 0. P. The services of these misssionaries could have been used for an entire month in this diocese had not previous engage­ ments called them elsewhere.
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