provincial WJ.*/* *-w- Victoria, B» C. GOLDEN, CUP AWARD A COMPLETE LINE COFFEE OF MEN'S CLOTHING at DANNY'S Marine Men's Wear SERVING THE GROWING SUNSHINE COAST COFFEE HOUSE & MOTEL Ltd. Gibsons — Ph. 886-9815 Published in Gibsons, B.C. Vloume 17, Number 47, November ^f, 19G3 7c per copy \ M- Ph. 886-2116 — Gibsons, B.C. 10 seekr 4 Gibsons seats * * ~fi *¥» •fr * * * Fights for council, chairman and school board For the first time in many : Six were nominated. for the housewife will be trustee for the by the department of education years Gibsons municipality will - two seats on council open for next.two years. • AAZ to fill the school board seat, for election this year. These were There has been only one pre­ one year. The next year she was have an election with voting to elected for -a two year period. decide who will fill four offices occupied by Wes Hodgson who vious election for school board i has decided to oppose Mr. Rit- and that was four year ago be When she retired from the board, open for election. They will be , chey as chairman- and Mrs. Ger­ tween Mrs. A. E. Ritchey and Victoria officials appointed John for chairman of the municipal trude Corlett Who has sat as coun­ Robert Holden with Mrs: Ritchey - -Harvey* to" replace~her. Mr. Har­ mm council, two seats on council and cillor for four years. ; winning after a ding-dong count vey having completed two years . one for school trustee. The six nominated in alphabet­ which ran even until the final in office will contest the school, Two nominated Monday at the icalk order are Mrs. Corlett, batch of votes werefipounted.y ... board election rwith Mrs. Volen. Municipal hall to seek the chair, ', housewife; Earl Dawe, lawyer; Mrs. Ritchey was first named This is the first election in manship of council, one was A. ' James ,H. Drummond, insurance many years -in Gibsons. ; which ; E. Ritchey, present cha5*rman agent; Fredrick O. Feeney, BC. has so many seeking office in and the other, Wesley B. Hodgson "; Telephones repair man; Kenneth 'sill'sections of the municipal.pol- -< a-member of the present munic­ • E. Goddard; salesman; ania Eug- itical scene, the council chair- '_ ipal council, who decided to op­ ; ene Yablonski,.school teacher.- manship, two seats on council ' pose Mr. Ritchey. - For school board there will Sechelt will not have sin elec­ and one for school board trustee. • Voting will take place Thurs­ : be;a vote to decidekwhether the tion this year.'."-•• ; (: day, Dec. 5 at the Municipal Hall, ' present: trusteed -John -garvey, All vacant seats were filled Marine Drive, Gibsons. *' mortician/ or Mrs. C. M. Volen," by acclamation by the people who are now holding the same positions. Mrs. Christine Johnston will 500 at star soccer -continue as chairman of council and Councillors Bernel Gordon and' William Swain were nomi­ match in Sechelt nated without opposition. So far as Sechelt's council is Soccer officials were really sur­ Legion- teams, and put up an as­ • When people go away from prised at the turnout given the tonishing well played match con. concerned it will go into the new . this part of the country even for. a Powell River Legion team vs. a Isidering they had never played year with the same members not too long a stay, they find picked team representing Sechelt •together before. Besults were a it had this year. There was no time to drop a line to the editor at Hackett Park Sunday. There 2 all tie. After the games were election for f school trustee, as of the Coast. News. were close to 500 persons at this rover the boys spruced up a bit. Leo- Johnson-has- another year' A .letter carrie 'from Gemany event which the Powell River 'and the players gathered arid en­ to fill ouVas Sechelt village trus­ the other day. It was from Dr.. people regarded as a rather large joyed refreshments and football tee. ' * . E.,and Mrs. Bonnie Paetkau of crowd for such an event. 'talk. the Medical Clinic who are now at On the weekend two teams tra­ twiuuHHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiBiinimiiiHimnniuiiiimiiiHiiHiiniimini) Ludwigshafen. Here is the letter: velled from Powell River to.t play games with our local boys on * Greetings! Sechelt Peninsula the Sunshine Coast, as these is a long way from Germany but games caused such a local stir' Bracewell re-elected the Sunshine Coast is never a amongst soccer fans, return'mat­ long way from our thoughts, es­ ches are now being arranged. -• pecially now with the cold grey The Powell River Rangers president of Socreds winter settling in. played Gibsons All, Stars at Gib. - The annual meeting of the Gib­ where "you folks, the grass roots , The Coast News serves as a sons Elementary school grounds, sons Social Credit group re-elec­ of the movement, fit in. Let us reminder of the .pleasantries of these teams were ; very evenly ted Vince Bracewell as president know what you want so we can - living on the B.C. coast as well as matched and provided the spec­ ^ffor.the next year with C. P. Bal- -work for you." * k .; ,, ^~ . .kee^in^^&v-'4n^5>nne4 ? on ^pqaly tators with many thrilling ,xQom-~kl'entin e -as- yice-presidentr *• Percy" "Speaking"of'*the next election happenings! r A ^ents.-Th'e Poweir Rivter'boys had" Lee as secretary arid Mrs. Hazel she said a further 10 percent of After a shaky start regarding,, the decided advantage in the Wallis as treasurer. the vote*was required to,win the red tape and local customs,, we f first half, showing particular There were just short of 50 per­ next election for Social Credit. are thoroughly enjoying/our stay; skill in a close passing tech­ sons at the annual meeting, a She said she intended tq get-cab­ here. I> am working in a 1,100 bed nique. The Gibsons goalie had his dinner affair held at Danny's inet members over here to speak hospital with one of the most hands full and was not able to Dining room on Wednesday eve­ and had planned for a big So­ modern surgical, units in*, all of reach a well-placed floater "over ning of last week. The meeting cial Credit day duringg March in .Europe. Since the medical sys­ his head. -also decided on monthly dinner Powell River. This would be oiv tem here is totally different frOni However, in the second half meetings starting in January on gagnized to create enthusiasriv ours in Canada, much of the the Gibsons boys showed they practice Of medicine is also dif­ were made of sterner stuff and by the third Wednesday of * each and find out our weak spots, she month/ added. ferent and very interesting to ob­ fighting back, every inch of the serve and be part of. way managed to come up with Mr., Bracewell was meeting Few questions were asked dur­ a couple of goals by Hansen and chairman and he explained the ing the question period. Mr. Bal­ Ludwigshafen is a large indus­ Holden, thereby making the;. meeting, was called as a get-to­ lentine asked for more consider­ trial' centre, having the biggest ..score-.2 to 1 in favor of our local gether of Social Credit supporters ation in the next budget for Bro. chemical plant in Europe. The SimMime Coast progress lads. and those who wanted to know thers Memorial Park. city itself is not an attractive one The other match at Sechelt something about soc'.al credit. but we are surrounded by three ... Hackett Park, the Powell River He said the idea was to have a forest areas and are on the con­ ^ AH£W team was made up of the 1962 ginger group to acquaint .the fluence of the storied Rhine and Best Boys Team in B.C. by win­ government of the requirements again Neckar rivers. ' These ftor new builffi^^ a*ea ning the Sun's Tournament of of the people; k. Housing is at a premium but Stars Trophy/ The executive will appoint com- ' we were fortunate enough to built at a cost approximating $300,000 reveal the commercial progress have a "summer home" on the being made in the Sunshine Coast area. This was a well played and mittee chairmen for presenta­ thrilling match, and proved '• to tion to the January meeting. It iRhine, several miles from the The top picture is the new Sank of Montreal and Thriftee Dress was decided a sizeable executive city. For the winter we moved 1 be particularly rewarding to the Gibsons and District Volunteer Shop in Gibsons. Sechelt AH Stars coaches. The was needed so the group could Firemen re-elected Bill Scott to into town to enjoy its anemities iSechelt team included various keep in touch with things. serve as fire chief for 1964, thus which include a kindergarten. The second picture Is that of the Redman Bed and White food Our elder daughter knows al­ market in Sechelt. players from the Roberts Creek Mrs. Isabel Dawson, of Powell making it his fifth term as lead­ Residential School arid Sechelt River arid president of Macken­ er of 26 volunteer firemen. most as much German as Eng­ The third picture is of the new Wigard Footwear store also in zie riding Social Credit groups Other officers ejected weire: lish. SecheltV . " '•/ and also fourth vice-president of Bruce Campbell, assistant chief; We have made good use of our The lower'picture is'that of the hew plant opened by Twin Creek the provincial Social Credit lea­ Cliff Mahlman, assistant chief free time for travel, which has gue spoke on the recent Social included a trip to southern Eur­ Lumber and Building,Supplies at Pratt road on the Sunshine Coast (instructor); Harry Smith and ope.
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