BOOST Watch WOODBRIDGE THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER Woodbridge Grow AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP SEVENTEENTH YEAR Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, March 4, .1927 PRICE THREE CENTS FACTORY SITE Births BUILDING Babe Busts Another WILL NOT PAY Two More Trains ISELINITES ARE February 21, Stanley / Roosevelt One on the Beezer to Stop at Iselin 'Gould, Jr., Ill Fulton street, eon of DEAL FORESEEN i Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gould. BOOM STARTS HOLD-UP PRICE Two additional Eastbound URGED TO JOIN trains on the mainline of the j February 15, Charles Robert Finn, ( 1 Grove avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. j - Pennsylvania Railroad are now stopping at the Iselin station: AT SEWAREN William Finn. WITH A BANG FOR APPROACH IMPROVEMENT No. 3870, due at Iselin at February 24, Kenneth Moore • 7:45 a. m. ' - SAYS WATSON Hoagland, Barron avenue, son of Mr. THIS MONTH TO SCHOOL No, 3790, due at_Iselin at ASSOCIATION i and Mrs. Lewis Hoagland. 12:34 p. m. • —~ n , i February 26, Betty-Jane MaeNair, Train K'o. 3790 is the fastest Attorney for DOyntOn Realty j Barron avenue, daughter of Mr. andTwenty-Six Permits Issued: Administration Considers train serving Iselinites. and [Band of Interested Citizens « - t »• t %t 'Mrs. H. MaeNair. During First Three Days of $1,400* Too Much Money makes the run from Iselin to Has Progress and Welfare Compaar-Applies *" v~ February 27, James Roy Alexan- Jersey City in forty minutes. der Carter, Campbell street, son of] March by Building Inspect- for Two Lots in Fords. of Community at Heart, eating of Old Road, .Mr, and Mrs. M. I. Carter. Facilitate Development. Port Reading or Kayser. Total Value Kisk Favors Purchase. Dist No. 1 lighting Says Treasurer. '. Fbruary 22, Cosmo Sandoro, Sec- Board Holds Meeting ond street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank $153,000.00. \ Sandoro. LACK CIVIC PRIDE . The re-elected, lighting c»m-' j SEWER If SIGHT February 22, Irene May Girdner, mission of the First District, I® Return lor Privilege Boyn- Woodbridge avenue, daughter of Mr. MANY BRICK HOMES Says Mayor, in Denouncing' comprising Woodbridge proper, Plans for Sanitary System and Mrs. Alfred Girdner. held its first meeting at the ten People Wilt Deed 50- February 22, Catherine Girdner, Decker Takes Out Permits for Methods Used by Property; " Municipal Building last Wednes- Completed, Due to Admin- ._ , f ,. , Woodbridge avehue, daughter.of Mr. day night. Henry Dunham was Foot Strip Ol Land tor WeW j and Mrs. Alfred Girdner. 13-Two and a Half Story Owner. New Street Would elected chairman of tbe board, istration's Eagerness to February 26, Florence Solecki, F.. Dwelling Costing $2,500 Aid Children. and Jobn V. Hunt, clerk. Township Street., street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Tbe Board announces that Correct Cesspool Evils. seph Solecki. they will nieet on the third The purchase of a tract of Se- Each. Dunham Also Ac- The *" request of Comrnltteeman (By Correspondent) Fords Thursday night of each Treek •waren waterfront land measuring tive. " ' -: -' \ . • Charles G. Kisb of the Second Ward, A meeting of the Iselin Improve- " February 18, Thomas Wesley Bun- at the Municipal Building, for tbatx-the TJo-wnahip^purchase lots 703 the purpose of transacting busi- ment Association was held on Febru- about 200 by 1,100 feet.by an Indus- j you. Hoy avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. and 704, in order to give children trial concern intending to erect a 9 ness. ary 24, at 8 o'clock P. M.,' at the _ better and safer access to the Hope- manufacturing plant, is .foreseen in11 "•KTS; Victor AlexanderL^'T""^- ^" ^fV Balint New Brunswick avenue, son Woodbridge Township one of the| lawn Sebool, -was denied by the j Iselin fire bouse on Harding avenue. the request o£ Attorney Russell Wat-,"' Qf- •" and Mrs. Stephen Balint. j biggest building booms in the state, All the officers of the previous year son, representing the Boynton Realj Township Committee during discus- „. Keasbey ' j is seen by the great total of construe- •were unanimously re-elected. -. They Bstate Company, for the vacating oij February 22, Dolores Claire Ta- jtion costs of permits issued by Build- sion of the subject. The price of Avenel Woman's, $1,400, asked by the owner, Michael are: ' ' that section of Old Road,.. Sewaren, | kascn Smith street, daughter of Mr. [ing Inspector Kayser" for, the first Goodwin, of Perth Amboy, was con- running from State street to tide-)and Frank Takasch. j three days^of March, Club Has Many Albert Lax, president; Walter -water, and at present bi-seeting the i According - to figures obtained at sidered about $400 in excess of the Longley, vice. - president; James strip of land in question. j the inspector's office this morning, maximum value of the two twenty- • Burns,, secretary; Carl " Brinfcman, The request was informally pre- the 26 permits issued on March 1st., five foot lots. New. Activities!j-treasurer; Albert Luna, financial sec- sented to the Township Committee New Scout "=• 2nd., and 3rd., total $153,500.00 in Committeeman Grausam charac- retary, and Al Thamm, master-at-_ at its meeting last Monday after- | construction value. This is $100,- terized the price demanded as unrea- arms. noon, Mr. Watson stating that his i 000.00 better than .the total of 24 sonable and suggested that the landj The Woman's Club of Avenel, held After a lengthy discussion of the clients were willing to deed to the Troop Shows be obtained by condemnation pro-(their meeting Wednesday night m ! permits for $53,000.00 worth of the school auditorium. In the ab- sewer, question, it was deeided to ap- - Township, a fifty foot strip of land • building issued during the twenty- ceedings. Mr. Kish advanced the point a Sewer Committee with Carl on the north boundary line of the argument that condemnation pro- sence of the president, the vice presi- I eight days of February. dent, Mrs. S. Greenbalgh presided. Brinkman as its chairman, The property, running parallel to the Right Spirit Even though this rapid rate can- ceedings might cost in the neighbor- committee plans hood of .$500, and would eventually | The meeting was opened with the reported' that the road to be vacated, from State street not continue for long, it predicts a for the main sewer line are in the Scout cost the Township more money, even 1 repetition of the Lord's Prayer and to the water's edge at Cliff Road. According to a report of "! building boom which promises to set s office and will In addition to the vacating of what master Jack Tetley, Troop 33 held , de all previous records, and if the lots were obtained at ?500 singing of the club song .after which i n the sna each. • the secretary's report and treasurer's for approval. As is. now Old Road, the Boynton Real j an enthusiastic meeting at their, incidentally add substantially to the soon as-the plans are O. K.'d and Estate.firm, through Mr. Watson, are headquarters in the Parish House of Township treasury in the way of per- Mayor Ryan stated pointedly that statement were read. returned from .Trenton, the Town; the property-owner in question The- music chairman, Mrs. Wm. also seeking to have the Township j the Trinity Episcopal church last. mit feeS( at the rate of $2.00 for ship Committee will advertise for seemed to be dominated by purely Krug, expressed gratitude to all who relinquish all claim by officially va-! Friday evening. Although the. every $1,000.00 worth of construc- to make the recent bids. The work on the sewers will cating same, to two other sections of; weather was very stormy, there were, tion. selfish motives, and was not content j begin in April or May. At present road appearing on the maps but not] fifteen boys present and several visi-| The names of Dunham and Decker to sell his lots at a fair market pnc«i !& success. the Township Engineer is working in the records, and never used. j tors. " _ I are prominent in building operations especially when such action would The art chairman. Mrs. A. on a plan for z enable school children to get to their eroy, reported that the net receipts These short sections of roads, I The program included scout drills fOr -vrfiich permits have been issued THE KING OF SWAT shown on maps of the property ad-; and was followed by patrol meetings j f this month, classes more quickly and with great-! of the card party amounted to s0 ar !er safety | $30.23; motion was made to give The wolk on ^ latter subject.will. jacent to the Boynton Lumber Com-'at which names of patrols were dis-j The records show that Mr. Decker| of j Administration members suggested | Mrs. Pomeroy a vote of confidence not however bo Id up pany tract, are said to be merely j cussed and knot work was practiced. jwas grante<a thirteen permits for the! "map" roads, the public having no! Following the patrol meetings there • construction of thirteen two-and-a-j to Represent ;that the owner be approached agamiin using her own judgment for pur- the foimer, as the two aie diiterent land an attempt made to obtain the chasing an American flag for the contracts and will not inteifere with claim on them, so far as the records j-were contests in knot tying and a half story frame dwellings, construc- Township at Trenton : show, according to Mr. Watson. i series of scout games. The closing.
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