Wednesday September 5, 2001 Vol. 71, No. 2 mbue student iper of Saint Xavier TJnivi *ty Features INSIDE Contact at 773.298.3380 this issue and online at sxu.edu/ or Email at [email protected] xavierite Comedy Sportz a success Mellencamp at the Tweeter Cougars begin season SXU student meets President Bush By Saul Castenada cated in Colorado, as a "little slice the preservation of national parks. Contributor of heaven." Until his recent visit, Bush believes his naming of Gale Bush only remembered hearing of Norton, from the state of Colorado, President Bush appeared be­ the national park as a child. as the head of the Department of the fore families and youth at Estes Throughout the speech, Bush Interior will make many people re­ Park Center/YMCA of the Rockies mentioned his commitment toward alize that his administration is "go­ following an introduction by SXU ing to be wise and full of common student Tessa Murphy on August sense when it comes to preserving 14, 2001. According to Murphy, the natural beauty of our country." President Bush's presence was es­ "We should not According to Bush, the lead­ Courtesy ymcarockies.com pecially meaningful because the ership of Fran Mainella, National Left: Murphy poses for picture with President Bush. Right: Bush speaks about American Estes Park Center/YMCA of the fear faith in Park Service Director, and $5 bil­ values. Rockies holds an important place lion in the budget for the next five in her heart. Murphy first visited America; we is today." lifetime membership to the YMCA years will help end maintenance the Rockies at the age of five and Bush also visited other local of the Rockies and "YMCA of the ought to welcome backlog that national parks cur­ this year she took the responsibili­ national parks and overlooked the Rockies—Spanning a Century," rently face. ties of a camp counselor, which in­ wildfire prevention project and trail which reviews history and facts of the faith-based In reference to the values in- cluded teaching children values maintenance project, both facili­ the national park. Other national, Stilled by the YMCA of the Rockies such as caring, honesty, respect and tated by the Rocky Mountain Na­ state and local dignitaries, includ­ programs that youth programs, Bush advised responsibility. tional Park and the YMCA of the ing Norton, Mainella, Colorado campers to listen to their mothers. Governor Bill Owens, Lieutenant "The week of preparation for help define our Rockies. The project, entitled Em­ Bush added, "We should not fear Governor Joe Rogers, Senator Bush was very intense. Secret Ser­ erald Mountain Hazard Fuel Re­ faith in America; we ought to wel­ Wayne Allard, Senator Ben vice meetings, background checks, country as a duction Project, aims at reducing come the faith-based programs that Nighthorse Campbell. Congress­ more background checks. It was fuel loads along national park unique land. A help define our country as a unique boundaries. It also aims at reduc­ man Bob Schaffer, Congressman an awesome experience, meeting land. A responsible society is one Tom Tancredo, Rocky Mountain Bush. He is a very personable man. responsible soci­ ing the risk of fire on park borders that we all must aim for." and restoring natural park ecosys­ National Park Superintendent Even with the Secret Service push­ Bush ended his speech with a Randy Jones, Assistant Superin­ ing him, he took time to say hello ety is one that we tems. Throughout the years, other note to the young campers: "Work projects have included fixing trails, tendent Tony Schetzsle, and Estes to all my daycampers and give them hard, study hard, respect your fam­ Park Mayor John Baudek also at­ a photograph," said Murphy. all must aim for." and conducting research and joint ily and respect your friends and our education programs. tended. Bush described the park, lo­ nation will be even greater than it Bush received an honorary Raise your awareness of sexual assault this September By Patricia Foxx Sexual assault by a friend, ing process, but it will also be good consent to take part in intimacy. Xavierite Editor partner, date or acquaintance is the for testimony if legal action is taken "No" does not really mean "yes." most recurring expression of sexual later. Take a woman seriously and stop. One in four college women violence on college campuses. Almost 75% of women who Force is never acceptable in sexual will become victims of rape or of Fifty-two percent of female students have experienced rape do not iden­ relations. Do not assume too much. attempted rape during their college have lived through some sort of tify it as rape. Remember, the vic­ Do not expect a woman to have sex, years. In 60-80 percent of rapes, sexual victimization. Steps to take tim is not to blame even if: the at­ no matter what the circumstances, the assailant and the victim know if someone becomes a victim of tacker was an acquaintance, date, until there is a definite consent from each other, and over half of these sexual assault are: to get to a safe friend or spouse; consensual sex has her. Having sex with someone un­ rapes happen while on a date. It is place, and contact someone who can occurred with the rapist before, able to say "no" because they are estimated that only 10 percent of help-like a friend, the police (911), drinking or drugs was involved; the mentally or physically incapable rapes are reported to authorities. campus security or community victim could not say "no' and was also qualifies as rape. Be prepared September is Sexual Assault agencies. Do not shower, drink, eat, unable to defend herself; the victim to resist pressure from friends to be­ Awareness Month. Sexual assault or change clothes. Important physi­ was wearing clothes other people come involved in this criminal act. is defined as sexual relations against cal evidence, needed later on for see as seductive. Intervene if a woman is in trouble a person's will. Rape is another prosecution of the perpetrator, may One in twelve men admit to or may be in danger of sexual as­ word for sexual assault. Acquain­ be destroyed by these activities. Get having sexually abused women, but sault. tance rape occurs when the victim medical attention! Write down ev­ do not think they are rapists. Men Especially remember to give knows the attacker. Date rape oc­ erything that happened, in detail. can prevent date rape. Take time to women time to heal. Women after curs when an assailant, while on a Not only will this help with the heal­ make sure she gives her definite a rape may not want to become in- date, attacks the victim. Page 2 Xavierite Wednesday, September 5 2001 Comic Relief: Comedy Sportz comes to SXU Cougar Bites By Kristen Wajda Contributor The Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Saint Xavier University stu­ dents recently got a glimpse of what Park will present Stanley Fish, who will discuss some call the most demanding act­ his book, "How Milton Works" on Wednesday, ing genre: improvisation. September 19,2001 at 8 p.m. in the Hemingway As one of many activities scheduled during Welcome Week Museum on 200 N. Oak Park Ave. in Oak Park. 2001 (August 19- September 4), Stanley Fish is the Dean of the College of Lib­ seven actors from Comedy Sportz displayed their talent on the eral Arts and Sciences at UIC. He is an author McGuire Hall stage on Monday, who has often addressed the topic of censorship. August 27. The show was spon­ His works include "There's No Such Thing as sored by the Student Activities Board, and was the suggestion of Free Speech and It's a Good Thing, Too," Keith O'Neill, Assistant Director of (1994); "Professional Correctness: Literary Student Activities. Studies and Political Change" (1995); and "The The act began with referee and producer Steph DeWaegeneer Trouble with Principle" (1999); Tickets avail­ introducing a short audience-pump­ ing exercise and a few "rules of the able at the door: ten dollars (eight dollars for Photo courtesy of Kristen Wajda members and students). game." Basically, the actors per­ Performers from Comedy Sportz sang the tune of their favorite emotion on August 27 in form skits based on ideas given to McGuire Hall. them by the audience. However, this is not as easy as it may sound. After these preliminaries, the One such skit was the "Emo­ The American Red If the actors use any crude language competition began. tional Sound Song," in which the Cross of Greater Chicago or make obscene gesture's, then they Six actors were divided into audience volunteered six different two groups of three. The two teams emotions and the actors were asked is offering nearly two receive the "Brown Bag Foul," where a brown paper bag is placed were "The Red Hot Silly Peppers" to make a song out of the sounds dozen internship opportu­ over their heads throughout the re­ and "The Chicago Bosses." The one would make when feeling that actors were asked to perform skits mainder of the skit. Also, if the ac­ emotion. Although the end result nities for the fall session, in which they were to sing, dance, tors use any lame or overused jokes was a blurred harmony of grunts and take on alter egos and basically groans, the audience found it hilari­ which starts in late Sep­ or phrases, they receive the make complete fools of themselves. ous. tember and runs through "Groaner Foul," in which the audi­ Throughout all of this they were ence must groan as if they are irri­ December.
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