^Oba^V^^Tb 35 Wood

^Oba^V^^Tb 35 Wood

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1933 FOR THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 1933 561 A sten 130 Main E rm 804 h 250 Jackman Jackson IVeSMePlen Herbert E (Irene C) pres Syndicate Oil Corp 49 Lillian V h 27 Clarendon Ruth r 250 Meigs East av rm 302 and mining eng do h 228 Dorches Lincoln (Lula) lab h 533 Tremont Pntr r 54 Rocket ter rd Lloyd (Mabel M) slsmn r 38 Columbia av rh!.Cli>s &sign ZSaJ R Gertrude G) cond NYC h 54 Rocket Howard R rem to Newark Lloyd D (Mary W) mech eng K Pk h 120 Parkwood Gordoni W (Eliz) sis agt National Cash Register Co Merritt E (Gertrude A) shoe ctr h 714 Frost av rd av h Beresford rd Saml (Annie) mach opr 258 State h rear 149 N Mabel R sten r 206 Merrimac <j u ?,0,?.h 365 48 Raeburn av Union Mamie F Mrs cook r 150 Bronson av i7nrahv,E ,rs,r Ivry .Chas H (Anna B) lab h 23 Favor Saml jr mach opr r rear 149 N Union Margt studt nurse 593 MtHope av r do pred W (Julia M) dentist 335 Main E rm 300 Wm E (Florence K) acct 343 State h 184 Birr Margt Mrs fur wkr 31 Euclid r 15 Essex 22 Wm T elk h 99 MtVernon av E studt nurse r av t n. Lincoln av Summerville (Ethel) Margt 4231 Lake Ivy John C r 227 Ravine av Jackson A Lincoln (Lulu) lab h 533 Tremont Mane E elk 285 Main E r 30 Ringle Iwaskow Andrew r 162 Mailing dr Adelaide G h 12 Wayne pl Marion E tchr r 25 Woodside Stephen (Tekla) window clnrTi 162 Mailing dr Adrian A (Mary J) stockmn rear 449 Avenue A h Mary slswmn r 158 Bway Isard Arthur S tinsmith r 645 Ridgeway av Lee rd nr Lexington av Mary Bell r 115 Spencer Eliz cook 193 Corwin rd Aileen M waitress r 565 Monroe av Mary E Mrs r 104 Seward Fredk H (Eliza A) hlpr 10 Gunnison h 693 Flower Alf elec eng h 268 Alexander Mary J wid Ernest E h 14 Salina City pk Alonzo (Vallie) lab h 90 Babbitt pl Matthew A reporter 59 Main E r 176 Rosewood Geo B (LiUian M) opr K Pk h 822 Flower City Arthur D (Grace B) (Jackson-Bailey) 511 Ihurston ter pk rd r 7 Manila Maude Mrs r 14 Danforth Minnie M janitress K Pk h 3 Woodside JACKSON AUSTIN C pres East Side Savings Bank May J cafeteria 250 Main E r 271 Hudson av Sidney J (Ethel G) shtmtlwkr 10 Gunnison h 645 233 Main E h 551 MtHope avSee page 150 Mildred E studt r 38 Columbia av Ridgeway av Austin V (Edna L) r 698 Arnett blvd Miriam R elk r 12 Laburnum cres Wm T (Catherine) carp h 517 Westmount BaUey (Arthur D Jackson, Alf G Bailey) ice cream JACKSON P V CRITTENDEN (Natalie H) pres-treas Izen David S phys 789 Park av r do mfrs 511 Thurston rd Taylor-Shantz Co 478-486 StPaul h 167 Oakdale Izino Antonio (Rose) lab h 647 Plymouth av N Benj R carwasher r 27 Clarendon dr Brighton See page 205 Izzo Albert (Helen) toolmkr h 402 Murray Bert r 115 Laburnum cres Ralph H (Margt A) assembler archer 187 N Water h Anna J asst librarian 571 Portland av r 30 On Bertha M elk Strong Memorial Hosp r 50 Bedfern 32 Shelter tario dr Richd A (Helen G) r 30 Ringle Anthony shoewkr r 272 Campbell C Taylor (Jennie) toolmkr 404 West av h 53 Cen Richd S (Estella M) shipper 194 Edinburgh h 83 Armando (Lucy) shoewkr 250 N Goodman h 1319 tral av Irond Bartlett North Carl (Jean) elev opr 42 East av h 124 Blakeslee Robt A slsmn 100 Lake av h 2 Wyndale rd Arthur hlpr 406 Piatt r 19 Woodward Cecil N, K Pk r 14 Salina Irond Benj (Antoinette) metal plshr r 154 Myrtle Chas A elev mn 233 Main E r 31 Bly Robt D hlpr 314 Education bldg r 60 Home pl Chas (Fannie) tailor r 50 Lyell av Chas C (Dorothy C) electn h 69 Cheltenham rd Robt S (Clara M) h 128 Driving Park av Dominick A (Constance) furn rear 10 Ford r 10 do Chas H (Lela M) mach 478 Thurston rd h 1105 Robt S jr studt r 128 Driving Park av Gaetano (Antoinetta) cigar mfr 29 Jay h do Flanders Rose M wid Chas H dressmkr 309 Kenwood av h Geo W elk r 1386 Lake av Chas H (Rose G) died Oct 29, 1931 do Herman shoewkr r 29 Jay Cyril drftsmn r 12 Laburnum cres Rosemary C phone opr r 309 Kenwood av Jas (Anna) elk h 609 Lake av D Edwd porter 233 Main E h 73 Barton Rowena dietitian h 236 Warwick av Jas G (Hazel I) automobiles 384 Central av h 189 Dan (Alice) maintenance mn h 1273 Lyell av Saml C (Agnes) h 23 Richmond Cumberland David H (Lillian) shtmtlwkr h 38 Columbia av Sarah died May 26, 1932 John (Mary) h 50 LyeU av Edna C filmwkr K Pk r 31 Ellis pl Sarah N wid Frank r 134 S Fitzhugh F John studt r 29 Jay Edwd F (Mary) h 47 Ravenwood av Stanley (Edith B) emulsion wkr K Pk h 35 Jos cabtmkr h 67 Otis Edwd L studt r 261 Prospect Ellis pl (Erminie) Jos lab b 167 Corwin av nr Angelo Eliz wid Chas h 37 Nassau Stanley J glazier 92 Front r 1015 Clinton av S T Jos mus r 29 Jay Elmer E (Idabelle) elev h 108 Cypress Sylvester (Daisy R) electn h 67 Manhattan opr Theresa wid John H h Jos A (Cynthia) h 119 Ambrose Erma Lee dentist r 175 Clinton av N 206 Merrimac Thos lab r 461 Clarissa Louis J elk r 241 Flower City pk Ernest E (Lillian) plant eng Gen Ry Signal Co h Thos J studt r 176 Rosewood ter trimmer 185 Norman h 25 Villa 10 Madison (Carmela) Luigi Urial F (Myrtle) h 175 S Marie V r 119 Ambrose Ernest L, USA r 14 Salina eng Fitzhugh , . Walter D chauf h Nicholas (Margt) machine opr h 882 Jay Erwin L (Carrie E) film mkr K Pk h 164 Breck (Dorothy C) 21 Winston pl Walter T Nicholas F (Clara T) slsmn h 241 Flower City Eva M r 38 Columbia av jr (Clara V) mgr Fidelity & Deposit Co Frank (Mae) h 271 Hudson av 45 Exchange rm 832 h 22 Oxford Pk Wilbert h Lake av Frank lab r 9 Marshall (Gertrude E) glazier 266 Glenwood av Nicola (Josephine) h 1386 Wm Fred (Rose A) opr Gleason's h 176 Rosewood ter (Edna) lab h 1206 N Goodman Paolo (Adelina) lab h 272 Campbell Fredk F Food Products malt Wm lab r 392 Ormond (Ethel M) (Lyell Co) Mrs h 10 Ford Pasqualina , Wm A auto r 210 Cedar and hops 191 Lyell av h 415 Electric av (Katherine) mech h 43 Merrimac Thos V (Edna F) slsmn 290 Exchange JACKSON G ARTHUR (Mae E) (Jackson, Zaenglein Wm C (Ethel M) lab r 29 Tilden wood ter & Ellis) 31 Exchange rm 507 h 71 Daley Tilvd Wm E r 31 Ellis pl Vincenzo tailor h 30 Ontario (Clara) Irond Wm G h 318 Melville taUor h 20 Ontario Vito (Mary) G Arthur mach opr r 50 Redfern dr Wm G (Emily) assembler Gen Ry Sig h 30 Ringle Geneva M elk 144 Main E r 208 Antlers drive Wm H h 186 North h 70 Jabaut Adelard T (LiUian L) Asbury Brighton Wm H (Mabel B) jwlr 325 Driving Park av h 4231 483 Exchange h do Lake av Edwd (Matilda) gro Geo pntr h 12 Laburnum cres G M) prsmn 100 Carlson rd r (Jennie) Wm H (Florence h Lawrence (Lauretta M) pntr 91 Fairmount Geo A h 50 Redfern dr 23 Adams (Flora M) carp Wm J (Rose A) lab h 324 Flower Geo E lab h 546 Clarissa City pk Andrew tailor h 59 Manchester (Agnes D) ZAENGLEIN Jablonskl (Mary) JACKSON, & ELLIS (G Arthur Geo E (Carrie L) Stechers r 318 Melville Jackson, Anna hairdrsr 59 Manchester r do opr Paul C 7,aengleln, V Geo J ironwkr h 456 S Goodman Raymond Ellis) accountants Anna E sten r 115 Dayton and auditors 31 rm 507 Geo L dentist 25 North rm 1221 h 8 Rand pl Exchange Edwd hlpr r 59 Manchester Jacksteit Bcrthold studt r 246 Alexander Pittsford Frank tailor h 79 Dayton Romano assembler 565 Blossom rd h 193 Laburnum (Theresa) Geo M jan 14 Main E r 162 Tremont John wkr r 59 Manchester cres optical Geo belt mkr r 30 h 183 Sellinger W (Lillian J) Ringle John presser (Catherine) Gertrude Mrs domestic r 29 Favor Jacob Albert (Mary) formn 872 Hudson av h 41 Wol W slsmn 285 Main E r 115 Dayton John G elk 303 State r 14 Salina fert ter tailor h 116 Durnan Gladys Jos (Josephine) Glenn B (Vesta L) asst gen sec 100 Gibbs h 172 Alma L h 301 Wellington av r 116 Duman Louis studt Cobbs Hill dr Anna M wid Wm G h 169 Sherwood av h 115 Dayton Michl cabtmkr (Mary) Gordon J r 309 Kenwood av Elsie M sten r 301 Wellington av wood carver h 76 Aab Michl (Adalia) Harold F aviator r 309 Kenwood av John C (Minnie) supt 126 N Water h 292 West- r 1072 Hudson av Sophia elk Hattie Mrs domestic h 46 Spencer field Z T) (North East Realty Service) Theo (Charlotte Hazel E r 31 Ellis pl Jacob! Geo F (Frieda) litho 1150 University av h Helen E wid Wm E seamstress h 370 Bway Superior rd Br do 1070 Hudson av h 1072 Wm S "(Mary) gro Henry F jr (Margt) cigar mkr h 158 Bway Irene r 769 Harvard stovewkr r 28 Lois Jabolowski Jacob Henry R (Bertha M) chemical wkr K Pk h 91 Max B (Catherine) rprmn h 27 Oakland (Uncoln Photo Eng,raving Jack Alexander (Cecelia D) Leroy Sigmund (Ida) tailor h 769 .Harvard av rm 203 h 290 Crosman ter Co) 77 South Hervey R (Terese) h 78 Cobbs Hill dr Jacobs Albert printer r 5 Hanover 100 Carlson rdr 175 Fulton av -Aliene L Mrs sten Isaac H shipper h 226 Gregory Albert W (Dorothy 0) pres-treas Star Headlight 742 Portland av r 79 Eastland av Br Chas slswmn J Pearl r 803 Woodbine av & Lantern Co 5 Prospect h 211 Cobbs Hill dr bldg r 451 East Cora L proof-reader Aqueduct Jacob (Bertha) junk h 398 Lyceum Alf mason r 200 Akron Jas (Eliz) lab h 31 Ellis Alma L K sten r 85 Park av Clerk's office Court House pl Emma C Mrs elk County Jas purch agt 342 East av h at Pittsford Alonzo A (Carrie B) h 77 Beaufort Jas A (Clara) h 92 Hanover Annie S Mrs h 1190 Park av h 224 dr Br 11 Mayflower I, -Ethel5M to School Jas A acct 342 East av h at Pittsford Arthur (E Ruth) firemn h 213 Stutson 410 N Goodman b asst sis mgr Arthur P meat r Frank B (Valerie) Jennie P tchr r 115 Laburnum cres ctr 213 Stutson rd H men's 1265 Culver .

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