May 17, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11753 Legislative Affairs, Department o.f the Navy, were introduced and severally referred By Mr. BROWN of California: transmitting notice of the Navy s intention as follows: H.R. 4138. A bill for the relief of James E. to sell certain naval vessels to the Republic By Mr. FISHER: Kennedy; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the Philippines, pursuant to 10 u ..s.c. H .R. 4133. A bill to amend the Internal By Mr. CHAPPELL: 7307; to the Committee on Armed Services. Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that the in­ H.R. 4139. A bill for the relief of Feeronaih Abbosh; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1623. A letter from the Associate Direct~r vestment tax credit shall not be recaptured of Legislative Liaison, Department of the Air in the case of certain transfers by air carriers Force, transmitting the annual report for of aircraft used exclusively to provide air calendar year 1978 on the progress of the transportation; to the Committee on Ways ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Reserve Officers' Training Corps flight train­ and Means. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors ing program, pursuant to 10 U .S .C. 2110(b); By Mr. HUBBARD: were added to public bills and resolutions to the Committee on Armed Services. H.R. 4134. A bill to provide, for purposes as follows: 1624. A letter from the Administrator, Na­ of the Federal income tax, that the one-time tional Aeronautics and Space Administra­ H.R. 1878: Mr. DORNAN and Mr. OBERSTAR. exclusion from gross income of gain from the H.R. 1918: Mr. CLINGER and Mr. TAUKE . tion, transmitting a report on negotiated sale of a principal residence by an individual contracts for experimental, developmental, H.R. 2299: Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. SPENCE, Mr. who has attained age 55 shall apply to sales BAFALIS , Mr. BURGENER, Mr. WHITTAKER, Mr. test or research work, or for industrial mo­ and exchanges after December 31, 1977; to bilization in the interest of the national de­ EVANS of Georgia, Mr. HAGEDORN, and Mr. the Committee on Ways and Means. DANIEL B . CRANE. fense, covering the period July 1 through De­ By Mr. JOHNSON of California (for cember 31, 1978, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2304 H .R . 3421: Mr. STARK, Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. himself, Mr. ROBERTS, and Mr. CLAU­ CONYERS, Mr. DASCHLE , Mr. MITCHELL of (e); to the Committee on Armed Services. SEN): 1625. A letter from the Secretary of the Maryland, Mr. BARNES, Mr. OBERSTAR, Mr. H .R. 4135. A bill to provide for financing, SABO, Mr. STACK, Mr. BLANCHA'RD , Mr. NOLAN, Interior, transmitting the annual report for cost and revenue sharing of Federal water calendar year 1978 on the implementation of Mr. MAVROULES, Mr. STOKES, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. resource development projects; jointly, to HUGHES, Mr. WEISS, Mr. HANLEY, Mr. VENTO, Mr. the Alaska Native Claims Settleme~t Act, the Committees on Agriculture, Interior and MURPHY of Pennsylvania, and Mr. DRINAN. pursuant to section 23 of the act (Public Insular Affairs, and Public Works and Trans­ H.R. 3539: Mr. RUDD , Mr. MONTGOMERY, dnd Law 92-203); to the Committee on Interior portation. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. and Insular Affairs. By Mr. PERKINS (for himself and Mr. 1626. A letter from the Assistant Secretary H.R. 3767: Mr. YATRON, Mr. LAGOMAkSINO, GOODLING): Mr. HALL of Texas, Mr. RoussELOT, Mr. SoLo­ of the Interior, transmitting a draft of pro­ H.R. 4136. A bill to amend the Child Nu­ MON, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. COELHO, Mr. HOLLAND, posed legislation to extend the authorization trition Act of 1966 to extend the authoriza­ Mr. LONG of Maryland, Mr. LIVINGSTON, Mr. period for the Great Dismal Swamp National tion of appropriations contained in section MURTHA, Mr. BARNARD, Mr. CHARLES H. WIL­ Wildlife Refuge; to the Committee on Mer­ 7 of such act; to the Committee on Educa­ SON of California, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. chant Marine and Fisheries. tion and Labor. WINN, Mr. HYDE, Mr. DoRNAN, Mr. WON PAT, 1627. A letter from the Assistant Secretary By Mr. WEAVER: Mr. BOWEN, Mr. LEATH of Texas, Mr. CORMAN, of the Interior, transmitting a draft of pro­ H .R. 4137. A bill to assist the electrical Mr. SNYDER, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, posed legislation to authorize appropriations consumers of the Pacific Northwest through Mr. SAWYER, Mr. PAUL, Mr. DUNCAN of Tennes­ for the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife use of the Federal Columbia River power see, Mr. JOHNSON of California, Mr. AKAKA, Refuge; to the Committee on Merchant Ma­ system to achieve cost-effective energy con­ Mr. UDALL, Mr. DEVINE, Mr. MOTTL, Mr. LOTT, rine and Fisheries. servation, to encourage the development of Mr. ZEFERETTI, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. YOUNG o! 1628. A letter from the Chairman, Water renewable energy resources, to establish a Alaska, Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. GRISHAM, Mr. Resources Council, transmitting a draft of representative regional power planning proc­ ANDERSON of California, Mr. ERDAHL, Mr. Mc­ proposed legislation to provide for financing, ess, to assure the region of an efficient and CORMACK, Mr. HINSON, Mr. SPENCE, Mr. BAD­ cost and revenue sharing of Federal water adequate power supply and for other pur­ HAM, Mr. Russo, Mr. DANNEMEYER, Mr. LOEF­ resource development projects; jointly, to the poses; jointly, to the Committees on Inter­ FLER, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. WAXMAN, Committees on Agriculture, Interior and In­ state and Foreign Commerce and Interior Mr. EDWARDS of Oklahoma, Mr. SEBELIUS, Mr. sular Affairs, and Public Works and Trans­ and Insular Affairs. WILLIAMS of Ohio, Mr. MURPHY of Illinois, Mr. MCDADE , Mr. GILMAN, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. portation. By Mr. BIAGGI (for himself, Mr. FISH, 1629. A letter from the Acting Secretary of ANNUNZIO, Mr. MINISH, Mr. HANLEY, Mr. Mr. WOLFF, Mr. HANLEY, Mr. ZEFE­ EVANS of Delaware, Mr. GREEN, Mr. VENTO, Commerce, transmitting a draft of proposed RETTI, Mr. RATCHFORD, Mr. STACK, legislation to amend the act of August 10, Mr. WATKINS, Mr. GARCIA, Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. Mr. BEARD of Rhode Island, Mr. KELLY, Mr. KRAMER, Mr. CONTE, Mr. CARTER, 1956, as amended; section 716 of title 10, ROSENTHAL, Mr. SOLOMON, Mr. WIL­ United States Code; section 1006 of title 37, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. KEMP, Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. LIAMS of Montana, Mr. APPLEGATE, PATTEN, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. STRATTON, Mr. United States Code; and sections 8501(1) (B) Mr. MINETA, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. OT­ and 8521(a) (1) of title 5, United States FARY , Mr. LATTA, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. SATTER­ TINGER, Mr. FLOOD, Mr. ANNUNZIO, FIELD, Mr. GRAMM, Mr. VANDER JAGT, Mr. Code; jointly, to the Committees on Armed Mr. RINALDO, Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. Services, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, and CHAPPELL, Mr. HANCE, Mr. COLLINS of Texas, SAWYER, Mr. M'.:>ORHEAD of Pennsyl­ Mr. DANIEL B. CRANE, Mr. EVANS of Georgia, Ways and Means. vania, Mr. Hr WARD, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. DUN<.:AN of Oregon, Mr. SIMON, Mr. FLOOD, 1630. A letter from the Comptroller Gen­ Ms. FERRARO, l\.r. DONNELLY, Mr. RoE, Mr. AShBROOK, Mr. GINN, Mr. PEYSER, Mr. eral of the United States, transmitting a re­ and Mr. HUGI-LES): LEACH of Louisiana, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. BUR­ port on the feasibility of combined disposal H. Con. Res. 122. Concurrent resolution GENER, Mr. O'BRIEN, Mr. CHENEY, Mr. ALBOSTA, of sludge and garbage by thermal techniques, calling upon the British Government to em­ Ms. OAKAR, Mr. McKINNEY, Mr. BAFALIS, Mr. (CED-79-59, May 16, 1979) ; jointly, to the mark upon a new initiative for Ireland; to ROBINSON, Mr. MADIGAN, Mrs. HOLT, Mr. Committees on Government Operations, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. LEE, Mr. JOHNSON Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of Colorado, Mr. HARSHA, Mr. FOUNTAIN , Mr. HUTTO, Mr. CHARLES WILSON Of Texas, Mr. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS CLAUSEN, Mr. WHITTAKER, Mr. BOWEN, and PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Mr. ROE . Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H .R . 3809: Mr. ENGLISH, Mr. FROST, Mr. Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 bills and resolutions were introduced and EVANS of Georgia, and Mr. LEE. of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions severally referred as follows: H.J. Res. 19: Mr. DODD and Mr. McCORMACK. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE GREAT LIBERAL DEATH WISH scription of the speech was published in wish has immediate concern for our so­ Imprimis, and I would like to share por­ ciety, and the whole West: tions of it with my colleagues. THE GREAT LIBERAL DEATH WISH HON. RON PAUL Probably the finest writer of English (By Malcolm Muggeridge) OF TEXAS prose now living, Mr. Muggeridge is a "The Great Liberal Death Wish" is a sub­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES man of immense faith and wisdom. Or ject that I've given a lot of thought to and Wednesday, May 16, 1979 is that a tautology? Whatever, his books have written about. are magnificent testimony to both. But " . in the atmosphere of this de­ e Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Malcolm lighted college, I want to have a shot at Muggeridge, a 20th-century Pascal, re­ What he has to say at the Hill5dale j ust talking about this notion of the great cently spoke at Hillsdale College. A tran- seminar about the great liberal death liberal death wish as it has arisen in my life, • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the MemlYer on the floor. 11754 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 17, 1979 as I've seen it, and the deductions I've made and it stuck in my mind long afterward­ admired Soviet justice, and economists from it. I should also plead guilty to being "We haven't got time to read the Bible.
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