CLAN MACLEOD SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA NEWSLETTER Clan MacLeod Society of South Africa Calling all macleods Newsletter Issue No 24 March/April Correspondence to: The Editor, Brenda Morris, PO Box 82, Caversham Glen 3616 President’s Note INSIDE THIS ISSUE will never forget the first quar- is of the MacLeod of Talisker family ter of 2007. For me it was a and is well known in clan circles. President’s Note 1-2 I period of joy, extreme sadness and severe stress. Following a few days in South Af- rica, I flew to London, from where I MacLeod Miscellany 2-3 Our AGM took place at my home travelled by bus to Cambridge. The on 6 th January and although not terrible news of the death of Chief Chief John’s Obituary well attended, council members John on 12 th February came to me (The Scotsman) 4-5 were re-elected, decisions were by e-mail. The ACMS Meeting and made and the Society carries on Annual Dinner of CMS Scotland with a good core of stalwart mem- were already arranged for 17 th Feb- Hugh MacLeod of bers. We still do not have a secre- ruary in Edinburgh. Driving alone MacLeod and the tary nor a vice-president. Our An- on the M6, through the Midlands, Talisker Claim 6 nual Dinner will take place on Fri- Cumbria and Lowland Scotland, my th day 16 November and the venue thoughts were mainly memories of is yet to be confirmed. Please Chief John. Leaving the motorway Cape Town Taliskers make a note of this event in your at Moffat, I cut across country and past Presidents 7 diaries. through the Tweed Valley to Peebles, where I stayed with my Notice Board 8 The following week I flew to Syd- brother Andrew and his family. ney, Australia. I spent most of the rest of January in New South The ACMS meeting was, of course, Wales for the wedding of my sec- overshadowed by the death of ond daughter, Gabrielle. It was Chief John and the lack of his usual the first time for some years that presence was felt by everyone. The my four daughters and I had been Annual Dinner of CMS Scotland together. My three granddaugh- that same evening, was held at the ters were also with us. I am sure Royal Scots Club, a magnificent that you can all imagine the gai- venue for such an occasion. The ety and the tears of emotion. The evening was almost entirely de- wedding was memorable, not voted to the memory of Chief John. only for the usual reasons but The pibroch played by Euan Mac- also for the thunder, lightning, Crimmon was MacLeod’s Salute . I wind and rain. A photograph else- have never heard it played so well where in this Newsletter illus- — a magical performance by one of trates this occasion. the world’s greatest pipers. There was a heart-rending eulogy from A week later I visited Charles Rory MacLeod of Suardal and Cooke, his wife Kerry and daugh- many speeches and words of re- ter Skye, on their farm at Grundy. membrance from international Skye had just flown home from MacLeods. You will be able to read Edinburgh for a holiday. Charles (Continued on page 2) 111 CLAN MACLEOD SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA NEWSLETTER President’s Note MacLeod Miscellany (Continued from page 1) Duncan MacLeod, 1879 ——— ? of this at length in the forthcoming e have received an inquiry Clan MacLeod Magazine so I will from Grant MacLeod not say much about it here. W (Scotland) for information on his great-uncle, Duncan, who came Following a ‘Lying in State’ in the to South Africa at the end of the library of Dunvegan Castle, the 19th century. funeral of Chief John took place on Saturday 24 th February. Unfortu- Duncan was born in Shawbost, nately, I was unable to attend the Isle of Lewis, in 1879 and was the funeral because of prior commit- son of Roderick MacLeod. We ments and family problems. I sent will, of course, search the state messages of sympathy and condo- archives, but should anyone know lences on behalf of CMS South of this man, please contact Leo- Africa to Ulrika, Hugh, Elena, nard. Herewith a photograph of Stephan and their families. Obituar- Duncan in army uniform and also ies for Chief John appeared in all one of his RNV book before join- major British newspapers and ing the army for duty in Africa. probably throughout the western world. We reproduce one of them here. There was a memorial service for Chief John in the Swedish Church in London on Saturday 21 st April at 11.00 am, followed by refresh- ments in the Church Hall. Ulrika and John were married in this church exactly three years ago. There will also be another Memo- rial Service for Chief John on 16 th June in Dunvegan Parish Church. This will be followed by the unveil- ing of the memorial headstone at Kilmuir Church and a buffet dinner will be served in the castle in the evening. The new chief of Clan MacLeod wishes to be known as Chief Hugh MacLeod of MacLeod. The Chief is dead. Long live the Chief. Upholding the Scots Tradition ‘Downunder’ Yours aye hen Harry Buisman, grandson of Sheila and Robin Douglas, set W his heart on joining his school pipe band, he knew that Sydney’s Knox Grammar had the only known junior school pipe band in the world. Leonard McLeod Now 13 years old and having moved up to Knox College, Harry has just been invited to play the tenor drum. This involves twirling the sticks be- tween beats, his mother Fiona says, and his uniform has the red McPherson tartan worn with a dark green jacket with large gold buttons. A red flash in each stocking denotes that he is a member of the band. Anzac Day (25 April) was his first public parade, in the presence of an important Australian Air Force officer. 2 CLAN MACLEOD SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA NEWSLETTER MacLeod Miscellany Sheila Douglas writes: McLeod’s Daughters Come to Port MacQuarrie eter and Ann McLeod flew to P Cape Town from Bloemfontein recently to spend a few days with their many friends. They will both retire within the next year and have bought themselves a house in Fishhoek. As their ac- commodation is just close by, they walked to visit Treasurer, Sheila Douglas, to pay their annual sub- scription, at the same time enjoying tea and a pleasant chat. From left to right: : Laura, Leonard, Gabrielle, Emily and Jessica. his photograph shows our president, Leonard, with his four daughters. T They were all together for the marriage of Leonard’s second daughter, Gabrielle, to Jason Towers. The wedding took place at Port MacQuarrie, New South Wales, Australia, on 27 January 2007. All four sisters were Highland Dancers and many of our members in the Cape will remember them dancing at our function some years ago. Laura Peter McLeod, his wife Ann (left) and lives in France, Gabrielle in Australia, and Emily and Jessica in England. Lerma Macleod, on the occasion of Chief John's atttendance and read- Our congratulations go out to the happy couple. ing at the Cape Town Presbyterian Church on 11 April, 2004. KEARNEY/WILLIAMSON acqueline, only daughter of John and Liz Williamson of Rondebosch, J and Liam, eldest son of Kieran and Maree Kearney of Noosa Heads tied the knot in Brisbane, Australia on 26 March 2007. A very glamorous- looking Liz went ‘downunder’ to supervise! 333 CLAN MACLEOD SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA NEWSLETTER THURSDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2007 THE SCOTSMAN OBITUARIES John MacLeod of MacLeod BY GORDON CASELY MacLeod — he was correctly addressed of the ilk rather than as "Mr MacLeod" — held claim to being a Renaissance man. A successful businessman and musicologist, he was a professionally trained singer who recorded a number of albums, clan leader and moderniser, scholar and tourism manager. Cha- risma he had in plenty, and moved readily among any whom he met. MacLeod was not born to be clan chief. But it was his fate that he was chosen so. Born John Wol- rige-Gordon, the second son and elder twin of Captain Robert Wol- rige-Gordon of Esslemont, 20th laird of Hallhead and ninth baron of Esslemont in Aberdeenshire, he became the tanistair (nominated heir) as a 16-year-old in 1951 of 28th clan chief Dame Flora MacLeod of MacLeod — a move recognised by Lord Lyon Sir Tho- mas Innes of Learney — and took over from her as chief when she died, aged 99, in 1976. Dame Flora married Hubert Walter in 1901, succeeded her fa- ther as chief in1934 and reverted to her maiden name on the death of her husband. Her elder daughter, Alice, married the chief of MacNab, while Joan, the younger, wed Robert Wolrige-Gordon, heir to Esslemont in east Aberdeenshire. Of Joan's three sons, the eldest, Robert, succeeded to Esslemont; the youngest, the late Patrick, became Conservative MP he name of John MacLeod for East Aberdeenshire; with John, of MacLeod, 29th chief and Patrick's elder twin, being nomi- JOHN MacLEOD T holder of the arms and nated as heir to MacLeod and the name of MacLeod, will be forever barony of Dunvegan. of MacLEOD associated with his £10 million The talented MacLeod, edu- 29th chief of MacLeod attempt in March 2000 to sell off cated at Eton and McGill Univer- the Black Cuillin range in order to sity, Montreal, trained at the Lon- Born: 10 August, 1935, at repair historic Dunvegan Castle.
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