. SOCIAL SAFETJ NET . , IMPROVEMENT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION ’N ICASARGODE DISTRICT :, ' C l . ■ KERALA STATE \ / ' 6 l i i IA 1 e • X ' DFt AFT PRO|ECl^ REPORT ■REVISED! NIEPA DC D08618 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Li: :;.-Y !i lO:.:JML^TAIiOi^ \' I ' ‘ • t, C i • ,-t b’duCeit !• m ai 'I : . I lid -<luiiu.nCT f:on. <7-i5, jii Autubnsdo Maig, lvlbi-lJ0016 ^ Cl/l(P •::OC, No ....... DISTRICT FRIMr^RY EDUCr^TION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT OF PRIMARY EDUGaTION IN KA3ARG0D DISTRICT OF KERALA STi^TE DRAFT PROJECT PROPOSAL (REVISED) DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF KERALA NOVEMBER 199 3 CONTENTS S I,N o . Title Page Page Synopsis List of Tables Chapter I Introduction^ Chapter II Problems and issues in Primary Education 5 Chapter III The Project 6 Chapter IV Project Cost 7 Chapter V Project Management 8 Chapter VI Benefits and Risks Chapter VII Conclusion ,. i lAiltUte oi kri jCalJOQdi *' )*- J niid AdminiitratidU. 1/ H, Sii Aurobiudo Marg, New l>tlhi~1100]6 DOC, No ...... ...... 0*tr ... i SYNOPSIS The project for the development of Primary Education under "Social Safety Net'* scheme in Kasaragod District was prepared on the basis of guidelines issued by the Government of India on 18. 1. 1993. Universalisation of Elementary Education by 2000 A.D and achievement of the M .L.L in Primary Education are the goals of the project, as envisaged in N.p.E. 1986. The different issues and problems existing in Primary Education have been identified and the intervention to tackle them are elaborated in this project. The total cost to implement this programme is Rs. million. The period of implementation of this project is 7 years starting from 4- 199^. 1,33,906 children are expected to be benefitted by the project, of which Qc>S2.9 belong to the Schedixled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes, are girls. Investment of the project ^’er cliild is Rs. <s> per year. The implementation of the project will be mooted through a District level core group which is the part of the autonomous body registered under the Charitable Socipty Registration Act 1960 at the^ State level* There will be advisory groups, at the district level and Panchayat level to manage raonitaor and evaluate the proj ect. p p & p o o LT Pg. M a p <:?/ ^QYCiUi Pviy iA)Ulc,i^ cMat' u SluxcltA, M^p ^7/ ci/ cVi£?t.‘ yw^YWlw^ l:?lc>C'ks^(yiiAvi\c^pai]ii ^awi^WcAAj^iy ow(o{ fA/'aYciS • s> h k^YdACLj v a tb ~ h lo c k j (Afls e 5 Frfntay'^ ^pcA'joc^I^ iA-b'tt\0 c^llsb- G Si^h-(^\sL l^yise c:>(d^^Yi bn/ticqo 0 j £cz-h^^k‘ ^ 7 C^'ieQoYLj l^'iS O ^ tr e A ^ ^ iy o f (pf^'^p^Cs 8‘ Coll 6 -lrE-vyt'^ of- ovi 6^ iV(T/kh^j clfic/ 9 boifS a n d ^(rl6 i\y fYm^wj (6 {^AStt t'^^se ^^iatiisls o f (J)tfy\xar^l ic a c U iS "Qiloijl- I-I Ai6t of p^MiJ^UaijcR ti nwvv^'cAp^^rfra cw\^ Q:l{> 1*2. ^l?c^M\ tiory A?ur<'i/ c\yiM Clv/:xiib (S' ^api/\.lciiu'v '^a\xz(Miij^xd- oxifse^ l-H l^'tcvacLj rate - bhck I'5 cdu x 6 ^ J.''t fe (•b (•? 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P/^jject ^ o :k U ^ ^ ^ o\^xj)e^ylC^l'UYa H '3 Prdject C£>st h^i CarrvpOvvivCt owic\ h h 'V^rt^L O^St j^cr ^^h a X ^ j c^\\:l^ccr<^^> CoQi aj cyevt\^ vjiiaj ^joUoals- -^r <Jp€A^"r^ ^\nYcAk\Al^;^ minerals A O^^^iri'lctfcroO'j (^^ytAkiA-l^ Gchtx^ls • ^ '^ '2 ' Q C c s t ^ j ■fiyrnjh'fre. 7^ 6(nrMkt'xl<iS<rhcfd^ Cosijcr . Qc,„,JcnA &6<r<^A 0 ASiAhty'sh cUt\y'Qe. ■ ❖•^•c3- CoS^(^-{ Che n:?oxy ^(Zrm O e^/ ^c i^C (^\:::^oryu- ^oti\t CjoS'i -fo)' ^rxjydjJrtYievi:/' H'S'/ Cj>sL'fvr'' 0[ iAC^SS Ara/cx>?rn^ ^ c r rrje ^ h w oj p TA ^r>ci ^0'P'T^. /^•6* ^ot^i Cost. fcY ^c/evLy,'S^ • l ‘db\C CaSi /<^Y' A^c I'viiivevwevxi . C o ^ i /p y 'l^ai'nu'cty C(rv\yS&' Casijcr f^xs&n^ce ^y^j» Ccni}j 'f ^ y p^f<^y7<i.r^'tccK.cl\i\s ^rescvace. cwxchnxscYnce ^ fi't (p:>ep'o/^:^ryy &acU^' Cast /c r Ccri^y^j-^y c^ -//. o f M e ys H'7/'E C o st fc 'i /aj^» / i '> / F I C o s i f n ' / ^ r ^ , /^•Z^’ ^•7-a- 'Tcc<cl^^<^ )ij ,<^n )iT^/l>.Ay I ll'j^hWyl'/ • 'c'os-^ fcyy C^<ytishc’p -fc-,-pn’pf'r'.-Jir^dj X.OM C hil2iw aiiU c,„U ^ jilo.S'/ Ih^'. Covsf^'ii'icdcx? cxy&K. deLp d ’6 ^t'cO I CTcx^/ j o y tu x . fOcx^^'yp ■ \(x> S/'/cY p t £-f>£{yc^d>c^^ Coyy:>j^eJc'y^Cy h^Q €C^ ^<rdAz.f \^U>S>i '/o r' rc> d ''> jJ <£^Vv-ic?/ Pr€-p<^-i'<i:hc^s) cl uM)G(x^^x> cyf ^c/a A ia : ^ ^ y$i.>.g. /y?.9 (c'si fci>‘ ^^c%t/cU.,js ^ ra„^xj; c^„cJ SebeinA^^H^t’ ^chocri Cd^-rjo^Co::C^' -J ’^7/'A O^Si '/o y S/^7f €.<->p^//i^jCry'j / c ^ Z)//r ~7 C o s i-fm ' r^?nn;r<^j fry ,o/AT S / n / / w A ^ \(T<\S'/ '/V' f fn ^ O/-^r^S7<~,/y pj -^^/dr . OPeP ____ _ TCa5^g)ocJ I Co6t{(yY^ ^cW-iCiPC/rcns) . ^ '7 '/3 /)Jp ^ <^/ ^ ^ - io rI{j . n ^ C ^sh jcrf £ CC B p >rz£. • //•7-/5 '/o^ jO /is^^iV'tce^ Qc::iv \c^-:fyc-rv> ^ 7 'f 6 0 > ^ f a r ' /sc^h^c^Yi^ J2csi^ay'ck^ £><^/pcrcfls'’ C o s ^ /a r cCyXfciyE\'U J% )r(^i^(^ Cos ce AfS ^iT / ^•7V9 C o s ljc ^ c v e a h ^ £ayy^\fijQ C-ianod p Y 'o ji f pY2^ p (^ 'S > :__________ ___ I- l-C^\ of Sctaoc:iUS ia^L G)i\yW'f^iK\.<\ QcWoo\ 7, . f ScWo o\/i I CLc^uL\\/\.hv\ya^ Cj£ji\sX\Mc ^i c \/\ o f c U u i r^9 c . 3- ^'f 5cUoc:)U - f^pl^c^tvi-ei/ti- o f iii-^ Irc^ 1 / (d CI ! ir> |ji l i Ut(Ay/ 4 * U ^ l ‘^•f Sc^^^oc>\^ - r^'v^ $1vtictii>vv (3.f pa^'t i:|r[^v^ Vv'w-W .'^ . S. fc-t-s 1 d ( ^cUc^^iS- ravXslvHtr^blcV.) (^P ll/ellj . 1/1^1' rclvooU - C-o\x<>'\ri\cti^v\ o ^ \A>Av\a-l^ avv-d T o i U-fcs . 7 • Lt^lr 5^0 1 ' •A/ MAP OF KERALA cB:xb o 5 :^3) o r-— /---- r^\ roi L IV1.A Du AI?AB1?/\NJ 5t3A C^ocjnt) ^amt) k'/^NJY-^ KUi<^Ri Ij3 Q^n) ! KASARAGOD DISTRICT ^^AficUAVATHS 3un »o>tr^tcTa |.M^(-JJ£SHWAR I vofj.KADy ^Mebmja L WANJE5»<WAR 4- MANJS AUPADV I SuB-OiST 5PAWAL1KE J. 6 KUMBLA 7 PurmGE % EN w\ AKATE 9 B A D |A d <A lo Kumbadate. > KLlMtiALA II kap^d^a sos-Disr. i^bellur l3 D e l ^ k ^ P a d v - \(\- MOGRAUPUTrtOft. IS (-^AXDHUR, lb kASAC.AGGD 17CHEM G AI-A KASARAGOO I? C^AEM^JAO &UE..DIST. 19 V^OUyAR 20 BEDADKA udma ai rAUUIKAHA xri A-xAhjue. B E K A L , ill PuL.i_uii,_PeB,j.xye}J iUB DiiT- IT K AKJHAhJGAD. ' iJb HILEbHu^JAa 22 rSODc,n-B5LaoR. kHOSOuBiS/ sug.DiiT. t*! PAMATHADy J JOat K.HAMUa-<^NT«Ai>MCi>a,L^t- MWESTEt.Ea.\ fsug OIST. 333 EASTChe e.U'/ATMUd, e.CE»-\ J sr KAVYU^-Cf^eHBMI 3t. P|i-\cc>oe >CHepOVATHUf 3'l P A D M S SUI.-01ST. Z'l VAHVA P/^ty^MBA ^9TP,\kA(irafi. «.«•««« fitcit« iSoundanj. _______ _ Dislr'icl Iiou.v,(larLj SdN>\ , &nb -DisliicV Pav.oVittYa^h CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION : 1.1. Kasaragod District is the Northern most district of Kerala, which came into existence on 24th May 1984 by bifurcating the former Kannur District. Fig l^..and Pig 2.
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