DOI 10.12905/0380.sydowia72-2020-0095 Published online 24 February 2020 Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae with nodulose spores Ditte Bandini1,*, Ertugrul Sesli2, Bernhard Oertel3 & Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber4 1 Panoramastr. 47, 69257 Wiesenbach, Germany 2 Dept. of Biology, Fatih Education Faculty, Trabzon University, Trabzon, Turkey 3 Höhenweg 15, 53347 Alfter, Germany 4 Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, 1030 Wien, Austria * e-mail: [email protected] Bandini D., Sesli E., Oertel B. & Krisai-Greilhuber I. (2020) Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae with nodulose spores. – Sydowia 72: 95–106. Inocybe antoniniana, a new species of Inocybe section Marginatae is described in detail along with illustrations of its macro- and micromorphology. It is a nodulose-spored species with yellowish-ochraceous pileus colour and smooth to (sub)rimulose pi- leus surface, that was found up to now in Turkey, Austria and Germany. It differs from other species of the group with equally coloured pilei (e.g. I. xanthomelas, I. phaeocystidiosa or I. krieglsteineri) by smaller, often (sub)isodiametrical basidiospores, rather short and slim hymenial cystidia, and ITS sequence data. Keywords: Agaricales, Inocybaceae, Inocybe, taxonomy, molecular phylogeny. – 1 new species. Up to now the family Inocybaceae was consti- from all over the world, many of them from Asia, tuted by the genera Inocybe (Fr.: Fr.) Fr., Auritella North America or Australia (e.g. Horak et al. 2015, Matheny & Bougher and Tubariomyces Esteve-Rav. Latha & Manimohan 2017, Matheny & Bougher & Matheny (see e.g. Latha et al. 2016). The genus 2017, Cripps et al. 2019, Matheny & Kudzma 2019), Inocybe itself was divided into the three subgenera but also from Europe (see e.g. Kokkonen & Vauras Mallocybe Kuyper, Inosperma Kühner and Inocybe 2012; Esteve-Raventós et al. 2015, 2016, 2018; Lars- (Kuyper 1986; Stangl 1989; Bon 1997, 1998), or ac- son et al. 2014; Franchi et al. 2016; Vauras & Larsson cording to Matheny & Kudzma (2019) in five major 2016a, b; Bizio et al. 2017; Larsson et al. 2018; Ban- clades, namely Inocybe, Inosperma, Mallocybe, dini et al. 2017, 2019a, b, c, 2020). Yet many parts of Nothocybe and Pseudosperma. Recently, these five the world, e.g. China, are not even approximately clades were introduced as genera by Matheny et al. evaluated regarding the actual number of species (2019) by treating the former subg. Inocybe on ge- occurring there (see e.g. the list in Fan & Bau 2010), nus level thereby using this genus in a much nar- and thus the number of species worldwide, estimat- rower sense but finally as a monophyletic group, by ed at 1050 by Matheny et al. (2019), probably will be raising the two subgenera Inosperma and Mallo- exceeded by far. cybe to genus level as genera Inosperma (Kühner) Our new species belongs to Inocybe ss. str., char- Matheny & Esteve-Rav. and Mallocybe (Kuyper) acterised e.g. by mostly thick-walled cheilocystidia Matheny, Vizzini & Esteve-Rav., by erecting the new and the presence of also mostly thick-walled pleu- genus Nothocybe Matheny & K.P.D. Latha for Ino- rocystidia. The genus can be further divided into cybe distincta K.P.D. Latha & Manim., now Notho- species that have no metuloid caulocystidia or only cybe distincta (K.P.D. Latha & Manim.) Matheny & near the apex and those that have metuloid caulo- K.P.D. Latha, and finally by erecting the new genus cystidia on the entire length of the stipe. Inocybe Pseudosperma Matheny & Esteve-Rav. for Inocybe antoniniana belongs to this latter group, the section sect. Rimosae (Fr.) Quél. Thus, according to Matheny Marginatae Kühner. According to the key of Bon et al. (2019), the family Inocybaceae now comprises (1998) it is divided into the three subsections, Ru- seven genera. bellae (Kühner & Boursier) Bon with reddish-pink- During recent years numerous articles with new ish (“rosé”) tinges on pileus or stipe, Praetervisae species of the family Inocybaceae were published Bon, characterised by a white or yellowish stipe, Sydowia 72 (2020) 95 Bandini et al.: Inocybe antoniniana, sp. nov. and Oblectabiles Bon with a more or less reddish- Fig. 5 by D. Bandini with a Panasonic Lumix GH2 pinkish (“rosé”) or subconcolorous stipe. Inocybe with a Leica DG Macro-Elmarit 1:2,8/45 mm lens. antoniniana has to be attributed to subsect. Prae- For the determination of colour temperature, a cali- tervisae according to these morphological criteria. bration card has been photographed together with the fresh collections at the site where they were Materials and methods found. The RAW files were developed with Silkypix Developer Studio 4.0. Colour codes are taken from Notes were taken of relevant macroscopic char- Munsell (2009, as “Mu”). Herbarium acronyms are acters, including especially those that change according to Holmgren et al. (1990), the acronym through drying, e.g. colour and smell, from fresh ba- DB means the private herbarium of Ditte Bandini. sidiomata, of habitat and surrounding trees, and in The DNA of specimen KATO fungi 4064 was ex- the following of the exsiccatum colour. Microscopic tracted in Trabzon University Mycology Laborato- characters were examined and photographed in ry. The DNA of specimen DB16-9-13-1 was extract- water and 3 % KOH solution with a Leica DM-750 ed and the ITS region sequenced by Alvalab (Ovie- and a Zeiss Axio Imager A2 at 400× and 1000× mag- do, Spain, http://alvalab.es/). The ITS sequence of nifications. Measurements were made with Zeiss WU_20047 was generated following Hahn et al. Axiovision version 4.8. Basidiospore length includes (2019). nodules; cystidia were measured without crystals Sequences were assembled and edited using Ge- and basidia without sterigmata. The size of all char- neious (version 6.1.2, Biomatters Ltd., Auckland, acters measured is given as length by width. The Q New Zealand). Forward and reverse sequences were value is the ratio of basidiospore length to width for merged, edited if necessary and a consensus se- each spore. quence was generated for every sample. Sequences were submitted to GenBank (Tab. 1). FASTA se- The photos of the fresh collections on Figures 2 quences were studied and edited in MEGA 6.0 (htt- and 3 were taken by E. Sesli with an Apple Iphone ps://megasoftware.net/) (Tamura et al. 2013). The XS Max, those on Fig. 4 with a Canon EOS 600 D comparative evaluation of the ITS sequences to re- with EF-S 60 mm Canon macro lens, and those on cord the adjacent species of I. antoniniana were Tab. 1. Specimens investigated in this study. The original identification (orig. ident.) is given if the current species name is deviat- ing. Pseudosperma spurium is used as outgroup. Newly generated sequences are in bold. The acronym DB means the private herbarium of Ditte Bandini. Her- additional GenBank/ UNITE Inocybe species Voucher Country barium voucher number (ITS) I. alnea Stangl M-147 holotype M K64 Germany FJ755801 (ITS1)/ FJ755802 (ITS2) I. alnea, orig. ident. I. ochracea Stangl Stangl-88 M K65 Germany FJ755803 I.-ochracea-holotype I. alpinomarginata C.L. Cripps, EL207-13 holotype GB Sweden MK153648 E. Larss. & Vauras I. antoniniana E. Sesli, Bandini & Krisai Fungi 4064 holotype KATO Turkey MN988712 I. antoniniana DB16-9-13-1 DB Germany MN989294 I. antoniniana WU 20047 WU Austria MN989310 I. bombina Bandini & B. Oertel DB14-10-12-1 FR FR-0246007/ Germany MK929267 holotype BAN247 I. caprimulgi Vauras & E. Larss. JV5808F TUR-A TUR-A 176158 Finland KT958924 holotype I. decemgibbosa (Kühner) Vauras G00126469 G France KT203784 lectotype I. diabolica Vauras JV5712F WTU Norway HQ201350 isotype I. fibrosoides Kühner PAM01100301 LIP TENN063562 Switzerland HQ586857 96 Sydowia 72 (2020) Bandini et al.: Inocybe antoniniana, sp. nov. Her- additional GenBank/ UNITE Inocybe species Voucher Country barium voucher number (ITS) I. flavobrunnescens Esteve-Rav., AH 29883 holotype AH Portugal KJ938784 G. Moreno & Bizio I. hirculus Vauras JV5974F holotype TUR-A TUR-A 2577/ Finland FJ531872 K51 I. intricata Peck Stz2822 WTU WTU:34911 USA MH024844 I. invadens Matheny, Bougher & PBM3746 TENN TENN:066978 Australia JX258832 G.M. Gates I. krieglsteineri Fern. Sas. RFS031213-03 Spain KJ938768 holotype I. lacunarum Vauras & E. Larss. JV12244F TUR-A TUR-A 171771 Finland KT958908 holotype I. mixtilis (Britzelm.) Sacc. M-0219661 epitype M Germany KJ938767 or KM873369 I. obtusiuscula Kühner Kühner 60-56 holotype G K63 France FJ755800 I. occulta Esteve-Rav., Bandini, AH 36443 holotype AH KR-M-0046550 Spain KX290787 B. Oertel & G. Moreno (isotype) I. oreina J. Favre DB25-8-11-3b DB BAN398 Switzerland MK929270 I. phaeocystidiosa Esteve-Rav., AH 9154 AH Spain KT203789 G. Moreno & Bon holotype I. phaeocystidiosa, orig. ident. I. salicis- Kühner 66-49 G Switzerland KM226889 herbaceae Kühner I.-salicis-herbaceae- holotype I. populea Takah. Kobay. & Courtec. TAKK15655 TUR-A TUR-A 171763 Japan KT958911 isoparatype I. praetervisa Quél. SF229598 S Italy KT203792 epitype I. praetervisoides Esteve-Rav., G. Moreno AH 29863 AH Spain KT203794 & Olariaga holotype I. rivularis Jacobsson & Vauras JV3610F TUR-A TUR-A 147424/ Finland JN580885 paraype K262 I. saliceticola Vauras & Kokkonen KK&JV19738F TUR-A TUR-A 163509/ Finland FJ755796 holotype K11 I. salicis Kühner PAM07051802 LIP KT958907 I. cf. similis Bres. orig. ident. MCVE 29287 MCVE Italy KY848217 I. sp. I. strickeriana Bandini, Anja Schneid. & KR-M-0044749 KR Germany MG012477 M. Scholler holotype I. substellata Kühner Kühner 73-218 G France KT958928 holotype I. tabacina Furrer-Ziogas DB28-8-14-1 FR FR-0246016/ Germany MK929272 BAN616 I. undinea Bandini, P.-A. Moreau & DB6-7-14-1 KR BAN2362/ Germany MK929265 B. Oertel holotype KR-0043293 I. urbana Alessio AMB 17142 AMB Italy KT229613 holotype I. villosa Bandini, B. Oertel & U. Eberh. DB29-9-13-2 KR BAN407/ Germany MH366605 holotype KR-M-0042327 I.
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