OFFICE OF THE BINPUR‐II DEVELOPMENT BLOCK :: BELPAHARI :: PASCHIM MEDINIPUR NOTICE INVITING e‐TENDER NOTICE INVITING ELECTRONIC TENDER NO.PM/EO/BINPUR‐II/eNIT‐32/15‐16 Separate tenders are invited by the undersigned for the work mentioned in the table below through electronic tendering (e‐Tendering).The intending tenderers may visit website for the tender notice, other details & submission of bid will be available on the website https://www.wbtenders.gov.in only. Sl Earnest Tender Time of Tender Name of the Scheme Money form Completion Amount No. Deposite Value (Days) CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ROAD AT 01. SIMULPAL VILLAGE IN SIMULPAL G.P. 2377205.00 47600.00 4800.00 45 under Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ROAD AT BHELAIDIHA VILLAGE IN BHELAIDIHA 02. 2340529.00 47000.00 4700.00 45 G.P. under Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF SPILL WAY CUM CULVERT AT AMLAIN BANSPAHARI G.P. 03. under Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. 1946152.00 39000.00 3900.00 150 CONSTRUCTION OF CULVERT WITH APPROACH ROAD AT KUSHBHULA IN 04. BHULAVEDA G.P. under Binpur-II Dev. Block, 1946152.00 39000.00 3900.00 150 Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ROAD FROM BELPAHARI SUPER MARKET TO 05. INDKURI IN BELPAHARI G.P. under Binpur- 1560991.00 31200.00 3200.00 45 II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ROAD AT SIMULPAL VILLAGE (NAYEK PARA) IN 06. 1260242.00 25200.00 2600.00 45 SANDAPARA G.P. under Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of A.W.C. at 07. Barasuli in Kanko Gram Panchayat under 981117.00 19600.00 2000.00 120 Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF Construction of A.W.C. at Kulgiri in Sandapara Gram Panchayat under 08. 981117.00 19600.00 2000.00 120 Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF CULVERT WITH APPROACH ROAD AT BHANRARUPAL IN 09. BHELAIDIHA G.P. Under Binpur-II Dev. 788605.00 15800.00 1600.00 120 Block, Under Fund : JAP. CONSTRUCTION OF SPILL WAY CUM CULVERT AT AMADUBI IN BHULAVEDA 10. G.P. Under Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund : 779803.00 15600.00 1500.00 120 JAP. Estimate for 150 mm X 100 mm Dia tube well (By Direct Rotary or reserve circulation method) with Installation of 2.0 HP submersible pump, 11. construction of pump house and Construction of 774320.00 15500.00 1500.00 90 Community Water Tank for Mini Water Supply at Amlatora, in Ergoda G.P. under Binpur-II Dev. Block, Under Fund J.A.P (2015-2016) PROTECTION WORK OF PINDRA CULVERT 12. IN HARDA G.P. under Binpur-II Dev. Block, 485688.00 9700.00 1000.00 90 Under Fund : JAP. 1 | Page OFFICE OF THE BINPUR‐II DEVELOPMENT BLOCK :: BELPAHARI :: PASCHIM MEDINIPUR 1. For e‐tendering, intending tenderer may download the tender documents from the above said website directly with the help of digital signature certificate. Necessary Earnest Money (where required) shall be deposited by the intending tenderers by way of DD/Bankers Cheque in favour of the Block Development Officer, Binpur‐II Development Block, Belpahari and the same should be documented for e‐tendering & virus free scanned copies be uploaded. 2. The 2.00% Earnest Money of the tender amount should be deposited in the form of DD/ Bankers Cheque etc. which will be received by this office during office hours on all working days. 3. Properly indexed & self‐attested documents & duly digitally signed for both the Technical Bid and Financial Bid should be concurrently submitted in the website mentioned above as per time schedule given below. 4. Eligibility Criteria for participation in the Tender: i) The prospective tenderers as a primary agency should have a credential of similar type of work against a single work order and having a magnitude of 50% of the amount put to the tender under the State Government or its undertaking or the Central Government or its undertaking or any Statutory Body. ii) Technical Bid Documents should be accompanied with copies of tenderer’s PAN Card, Professional Tax Receipt/ Challan for the current year, VAT Registration Certificate (if any). iii) Registered Co‐Operative Societies of Unemployed Engineers and Diploma Holders in Engineering are required to furnish valid Bye‐Laws. Latest Audit Report, Valid Clearance Certificate from Assistant Registrar of Co‐Operative Societies for the year 2013‐14 along with other relevant supporting papers. iv) A Company shall furnish the Article of Association and Memorandum. v) The partnership firm is requested to furnish the copy of Registered Partnership Deed. 5. Payment of bill on its production will be made after successful execution of the work subject to availability of fund and no claim, whatsoever, will be entertained for any delay in payment. No escalation charge will be entertained against any e‐NIT/ any accepted Tender. Deduction of Income Tax, V.A.T. (if required), Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess, etc. will be made at source in accordance with the existing rules/Orders. 6. Neither any Mobilization Advance nor any Secured Advance will be allowed. 7. The Contractor shall have to arrange nearest to the work site, required land for installation of plant & machineries (specified for each awarded work), storing of materials, provision of labour shed & laboratory etc. at his own cost and responsibility. 8. Bids shall remain valid for a period of 365 (Three Hundred and Sixty Five) days from the date of opening of Financial Bid. If the bidders withdraw the bid during the period of bid validity the earnest money as deposited will be forfeited forthwith assigning any reason thereof. No interest on the deposited Earnest Money shall be allowed if the said bid is cancelled. 9. Date and Time Schedule: Sl. No. Particulars Date & Time 1. Date of Uploading of NIT Documents (Online) 13/10/2015 2. Starting Date of Downloading of Documents (Online) 13/10/2015 06:00 PM onwards 3. Starting Date of Submission of Bid (Online) 13/10/2015 06:00 PM onwards 4. Last Date of Downloading of Documents (Online) 02/11/2015 06:00 PM 5. Last Date of Submission of Bid (Online) 02/11/2015 06:00 PM 6. Last Date of Submission of Original Copies for the EMD & 03/11/2015 05:00 PM Cost of Tender Form (Offline) 7. Opening Date of Technical Bid (Online) 04/11/2015 11:00 AM onwards 8. Opening Date of Financial Bid (Online) 04/11/2015 02:00 PM onwards 2 | Page OFFICE OF THE BINPUR‐II DEVELOPMENT BLOCK :: BELPAHARI :: PASCHIM MEDINIPUR 10. Financial Bids of those tenderers who qualify in Technical Bid will only be opened. Dates, if changed, due to unavoidable circumstances, will be published in the said website and the office notice board only without any individual intimation. 11. A tenderer may visit the site of works and its surroundings on his own cost in order to prepare bid for its submission. 12. No cost of bidding shall be reimbursable by the Office of the Block Development Officer, Binpur‐II Panchayat Samity. Authority may accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason, whatsoever, and is not liable for any cost that might have been incurred by a Bidder. 13. Refund of EMD: The Earnest Money of all the unsuccessful Tenderers will be refunded through on receipt of application from the Tenderer by the Office of the Block Development Officer, Binpur‐II Panchayat Samity. 14. The Earnest Money deposited by a successful Tenderer will be converted into Security deposit and the balance amount for security deposit @8.00% of the bill value will be deducted from the bill at the time of payment to retain 10% of bill value of the total work done (final bill value) from the Security Money for performance of work. No interest on Security Deposit will be paid by the Tender accepting Authority. 15. The willing tenderers may remain present at the time of Opening of Tender. 16. The Block Development Officer, Binpur‐II Panchayat Samity/BDO, Binpur‐II Dev. Block reserves the right to cancel the e‐NIT due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained. 17. A tenderers bid will be out rightly rejected with a forfeiture of his earnest money if it comes to the notice of the Tender Inviting Authority scrutiny that the credential or any other papers of a tenderer are manufactured/ fabricated, etc. 18. The Tender Inviting Authority may verify the original credential & other original documents of the lowest tender, if found necessary, before issuance of the Work Order and the work order will not be issued in favour of the tenderer if it is found on verification that such documents submitted by him is either manufactured or fabricated, etc. 19. A clause stated in the later notification will supersede the corresponding one mentioned in former notification in the following sequence:‐ i) Tender Form as prescribed. ii) NIT. iii) Special Terms & Conditions. iv) Technical Bid.p v) Financial Bid. 20. Evaluation of Technical & Financial Bid will be held at of the Block Development Officer, Binpur‐ IIPanchayat Samity as mentioned in Para 09. of this NIT. 21. In the 2nd call, even if one tenderer applies, it will be accepted. 22. The participating bidder must submit an undertaking/agreement paper on no judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10 at the time of the issue of work order. 23. Any Clause/Items/Condition in the NIT may be relaxed/Changed/Modified/Dispensed away with without any further notice in public interest. 24. No extra/additional cost for water, electricity, power, approach road, removal of bushes, barrier or hindrance etc will be borne by the undersigned.
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