Julia Sweeney’s Do you know an FFRF’s guide to religious American Indian Winter Solstice movies atheist? celebration! PAGES 10-12 PAGES 13-14 PAGE 24 Vol. 35 No. 1 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. January / February 2018 ‘A’ is for awesome (and atheist and agnostic)! FFRF blocks giveaway for church repairs An Alaska city wisely chose not to dole out money to a local church after the FFRF raised objections to the proposed move. The Sitka City Assembly was prepared to allocate $5,000 from the city’s Visitor’s Enhancement Fund to help repair St. Michael’s Cathedral. City Attorney Bri- an Hanson had reviewed concerns that funding this church would violate the First Amendment and initially (and er- roneously) concluded that the grant would be permissible. FFRF challenged this assessment. Han- Photo by Kimberley Haas/Union Leader Correspondent son failed to properly After getting approval from the city of Somersworth, N.H., FFRF Member Richard Gagnon raises the ‘A’ apply the Supreme flag next to a Ten Commandments monument on city property on Jan. 2. See story on page 7. Court’s 1971 Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) test. Other cases have shown that Lemon’s second prong (that a Most productive year ever for FFRF! governmental action’s Legal Department scholars across the country for tal consisted of letters warning 350 principal or primary effect must neither ad- legal advice. school districts across the United Shutterstock photo earns more than vance nor inhibit reli- States against allowing the Todd St. Michael’s Cathedral in gion) does not allow 300 victories State/church complaints Becker Foundation into public Sitka, Alaska, will not be grants that support re- Over the past year, FFRF schools to convert students. The receiving public funds to help ligious activities, FFRF By Rebecca Markert earned more than 300 victories to letter included a special report, repair the church after FFRF Staff Attorney Ryan keep religion out of government “Closing the Doors: Why the Todd got involved. after sending out more than 1,500 Becker Foundation Must Not be Jayne asserted. Two FRF’s legal department in letters of complaint. The number Allowed in Public Schools,” draft- subsequent cases, Tilton v. Richardson (1971) and Com- 2017 had its most produc- of victories will continue to grow, ed by Senior Counsel Patrick El- munity House, Inc. v. City of Boise (2007), in particular tive year to date. Not only as many complaints lodged last liott and Patrick O’Reiley Legal affirm this. F The city’s potential funding of St. Michael’s Ca- were FFRF’s nine in-house at- year will still have responses roll Fellow Christopher Line. The torneys busy protecting the in this year. FFRF attorneys wrote Todd Becker Foundation targets thedral advanced religion even more obviously than wall of separation, but they to government officials in 47 high school students, seeking to the unconstitutional actions in Tilton v. Richardson also demonstrated the promi- states (all but Vermont, Rhode Is- convert them to fundamental- and Community House, FFRF contended. Repairing a nence and stature of the staff, land and Hawaii) and the District ist Christianity. The foundation building that is used for religious worship, and that as they were routinely called on of Columbia. by attorneys and constitutional A significant portion of that to- See FFRF on page 17 See Alaska on page 9 Strategic Response Team hits the ground running The Freedom From Religion helping protect FFRF had even faced off against Ma- idel and FFRF Legal Director Rebec- Foundation’s newly created Strategic the Johnson teer in court, besting him in our law- ca Markert traveled to Capitol Hill in Response Team has wasted no time Amendment suit removing a Jesus portrait from early November, speaking with Senate fighting for your rights — with two suc- as debate over public schools in Jackson, Ohio. At Judiciary Committee staffers about cessful outcomes already in the books. the tax package that time, Mateer represented First Mateer and the report. While the behind-the-scenes legal began. Liberty Institute, a theocratic law firm “We’ve tangled with Mateer before work has been happening for years at Seidel identi- seeking to tear down the wall of separa- and knew he would be a disaster for FFRF, the Strategic Response Team is fied one judicial tion that FFRF guards. First Liberty, Se- the federal bench,” explains Seidel, a formalization of the framework of nominee who idel quips, “is basically the anti-FFRF.” who put in countless hours watch- FFRF’s ongoing “rapid response team,” stood out as par- Of the many groups opposing Ma- ing Mateer’s talks and reviewing his combined with a revved-up legislative Photo by Brent Nicastro ticularly unquali- teer’s nomination, FFRF was the only written record. “We pulled out all the agenda as part of FFRF’s ongoing Edu- Andrew Seidel fied: Jeff Mateer. one to compile a definitive record of stops to end his hopes of a lifetime cate Congress Campaign. Mateer garnered his unfitness for office. Seidel and appointment.” Mateer’s nomination As the new director of strategic re- notoriety when his comments about FFRF Staff Attorney Ryan Jayne au- was ended late last year. sponse, FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel trans kids being part of “Satan’s plan” thored and submitted a full report to The Strategic Response Team also oversaw two big issues: helping defeat surfaced. He’s a long-time nemesis of Senate Judiciary Committee members some Trump judicial nominees and FFRF and state/church separation. cataloging Mateer’s many “sins.” Se- See Team on page 12 Page 2 FFRF | FREETHOUGHT TODAY | Madison, Wisconsin | January / February 2018 Guertin proves that deafness is no obstacle MEET A MEMBER A quotation I like: “The one who says it cannot be done should not Name: Ralph Francis Guertin. interrupt the one who is doing it.” Where I live: Green Valley, Ariz. — Chinese proverb. I included it in Where and when I was born: Staf- a speech I gave at a Clarke School ford, Conn., in 1938. My parents were graduation that included a criti- living in Indian Orchard, Mass. (a sub- cism of those who claim that deaf urb of Springfield), and that is where children cannot communicate well I grew up. via speech and that they should be Family: My wife, Nu Nu Mae, died educated with sign language. last year. She was a native of Myan- These are a few of my favorite mar (Burma) and was teaching the things: Physics and advanced math- Burmese language at Yale when I met ematics, baseball (I’m a Boston her. We were married for 50 years. My Red Sox fan), basketball, which was daughter and granddaughter live in founded in my home city of Spring- Massachusetts. field, Mass., and chess. Education: Clarke School for the These are not: People who say Deaf (now Clarke Schools for Hearing I’m headed for hell and try to get and Speech) in Northampton, Mass.; me to adopt their religion. By the Classical High School in Springfield, way, my parents raised me as a Cath- Ralph Guertin, who lost his hearing at age 7, became a renowned physicist Mass.; B.S. in physics from Worcester olic and were shocked when I told and engineer who developed a mathematical formula that improves the Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D. in physics them that God was a fiction and I ability of a missile to hit its target. He is shown in this photo from 2012 with his from Yale University. was not going to church any more. granddaughter. Occupation: Retired as a physicist/ My doubts about religion start- engineer. Last worked for Raytheon mathematical formula I developed Person in history I admire and ed: While I was at Worcester Poly- in Arizona. Company was awarded which can improve the ability of a why: Albert Einstein, due to his technic and became firm after a a patent that includes an advanced missile to hit its target. theory of relativity. few months at Yale University. Clarke alumnus, engineer and physicist gives back Ralph Guertin was profiled in the the corporate world, including posi- “I loved the high-quality academic wife, Nu Nu Mae, Ralph’s generous 2012 issue of Clarke Speaks magazine, tions at the University of Nijmegen, programs, particularly science, math, annual contributions are a way of giv- the publication of the Clarke Schools for the Middle East Technical Universi- and history, which prepared me well ing back to the school. Hearing and Speech. It is reprinted with ty, Rice University, the University of for a challenging academic career “I believe strongly in providing permission: California at Berkeley, Raytheon and learning alongside hearing students. deaf children with the opportunity to Ralph Guertin, ’53, has led a life Lockheed Martin. I remember enjoying the many active attend Clarke and benefit from its ex- of extraordinary accomplishment. Among his numerous professional discussions we used to have about na- ceptional teaching staff,” said Ralph. After losing his hearing at the age achievements is a mathematical algo- tional and world events, both inside “Clarke makes it possible for individ- of 7 due to meningitis and measles, rithm that is a key component of a and outside of the classroom. I was uals who are deaf to realize their po- Ralph graduated from Clarke and patent associated with a sophisticated also inspired by the achievements of tential in a society where most peo- went on to the Worcester Polytechnic defense system. An inveterate travel- Clarke School’s alumni.” ple can hear. I want other children Institute, where he graduated with a er, Ralph has visited England, Portu- Ralph served on Clarke’s Board of to benefit from Clarke by learning to 4.0 GPA, and Yale University, where gal, France, Turkey and the Straits of Trustees from 1984 to 2004 and was communicate via spoken language, he earned a Ph.D.
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