E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2019 No. 93 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was In the line of duty, Sergeant born into extreme poverty. These are called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Gwaltney sacrificed himself for his not persons who were born in the land pore (Mr. PETERS). men, costing him the use of his right of liberty and justice for all. These are f hand. Even after brushing with death persons who are seeking liberty and and experiencing the horrors of com- justice. These are persons who are try- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO bat, this selfless patriot said he would ing to flee harm’s way. These are ba- TEMPORE do it all over again. bies. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- This year, President Trump signed a One can only imagine what grief a fore the House the following commu- law directing the Secretary of Defense parent suffers knowing that the child nication from the Speaker: to conduct a commemorative program has been removed from the custody of for the 75th anniversary of World War the parent and is not able to be recon- WASHINGTON, DC, nected. June 4, 2019. II. It is important to take such oppor- Let us just imagine ourselves: What I hereby appoint the Honorable SCOTT H. tunities like this week’s commemora- would we do if our child were taken PETERS to act as Speaker pro tempore on tion of the 75th anniversary of D-day to this day. highlight heroes like Sergeant from us as we were trying to journey NANCY PELOSI, Gwaltney and remember the brave toward freedom, if we were trying to escape harm’s way, and when we fi- Speaker of the House of Representatives. Americans who fought and died for our nally get to a point where we think f country in World War II to preserve that the laws that are applicable would our freedom. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE apply to us, our child was removed f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from us? What would we do? ant to the order of the House of Janu- CRISIS AT THE BORDER This is the United States of America. These laws are in place. Those who be- ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The moan the fact that people are coming nize Members from lists submitted by Chair recognizes the gentleman from and seeking asylum should remember the majority and minority leaders for Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. that the law allows what they are morning-hour debate. Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I doing. They are not breaking the law The Chair will alternate recognition rise with a heavy heart, but I still love when they walk up to the border and between the parties. All time shall be my country. I rise today, some 48 days say, ‘‘I am seeking asylum,’’ when they equally allocated between the parties, now since the Mueller report was made and in no event shall debate continue give the pronouncement as to why and public, some 48 days for all who have it is an appropriate pronouncement. beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other said that the President should be im- than the majority and minority leaders That is the law. peached and that he has broken the And for our President to make this a and the minority whip, shall be limited law, some 48 days now the President big issue now, when he had control of to 5 minutes. has been above the law—48 days. the House, the Senate, and the Presi- f But as we continue this journey, let dency and never sought to change the us remember this: There are still chil- law, one can believe that this is done HONORING USMC SERGEANT dren who have been separated from GERALD GWALTNEY with intentionality to make it an issue their parents. Let us please remember such that he can now claim someone The SPEAKER pro tempore. The there is a new story today about this else is responsible. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from separation. Let us remember separa- But the truth is we are all respon- North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- tion doesn’t always mean that the sible. The truth is every one of us, my- utes. child was separated from a mother or a self included, we are all responsible for Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. father, but perhaps a grandparent or what is happening to these babies at Speaker, I rise to recognize U.S. Ma- some other person who was a signifi- the border. This President is willing to rine Corps Sergeant Gerald Gwaltney. cant other in that person’s life, some- raid every coffer in the country to An Alexander County native, Ser- body whom the child had some sense of build a wall, but he is not willing to go geant Gwaltney was sent on four major belief in or belonging to. into those coffers to make sure that landings in the Pacific during World And let us remember, please, that children are treated fairly at the bor- War II, including Iwo Jima, where he these children are among the least, the der. witnessed the iconic American flag last, and the lost. These are not per- I will close with this, my dear raising there. sons who were born into plenty—likely, friends, my dear brothers and sisters, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4221 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:19 Jun 05, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN7.000 H04JNPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H4222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 4, 2019 all of whom I love. I close with this: If try, who have committed violent acts, Mr. Speaker, I wish today’s vote was these babies and the babies that were criminal acts, folks who are convicted an isolated incident. Unfortunately, it seen on television this morning peering of DUIs, gang members; but it is not is the latest in a long litany of exam- through some sort of small space were the dream of the American citizen. In ples that exposes just how extreme the coming from the northern border—if fact, it is a nightmare what is hap- Democratic Party has become, whether these babies were coming from the pening on the border of this country. it is advocating for open borders, al- northern borders, if these were babies And it is anything but a promise. It lowing for abortion up to point of coming from the northern border— is a failure. It is a broken promise to birth, or putting our country on the would we have the same mindset? do our first job, and that is to protect road to ruin with failed socialist poli- Would we allow this to continue with the American people, to provide for a cies, and it is just another example of babies? common defense. Democrats showing they are more in- We are all responsible, and it is time From denying we have a crisis in the terested in opposing and obstructing a for us to do something about this crisis first place, despite all the evidence to President than solving real problems. at the border—and doing something is the contrary, to irrationally calling f walls immoral, to repeatedly refusing more than building a wall. A wall will HONORING HISPANIC SOLDIERS not solve the poverty that they are liv- to get the President the resources he ing in in these other countries, won’t needs to secure the border and safely The SPEAKER pro tempore. The solve the persecution that they have to detain the children and families who Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ´ endure. A wall is not a solution to a have made the dangerous trek, Demo- California (Ms. BARRAGAN) for 5 min- crats have been derelict in their con- utes. humanitarian crisis. ´ It is time for us to act on the human- stitutional duty to defend our borders Ms. BARRAGAN. Mr. Speaker, this itarian crisis at the border and for this and to stop this flow of illegal immi- week I have the honor of travelling to President to lead the way on acting on grants into our country. the beaches of Normandy, France, the crisis at the border. We have a responsibility to safeguard along with a congressional delegation I love my country, and I beg that we our sovereignty as a nation and know to commemorate the 75th anniversary would do something to end this crisis. who is coming into this country. of D-Day on the exact site where over President Reagan said: ‘‘A nation The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- 2,500 brave Americans were to, in the that cannot control its borders is not a bers are reminded to refrain from en- words of Abraham Lincoln, give their nation.’’ Right now, we have zero oper- gaging in personalities toward the last full measure of devotion. ational control of our borders. Several among those fallen were President. For the second straight month, Bor- some of the nearly 500,000 Latino sol- f der Patrol agents apprehended more diers who served in World War II.
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