Collection Year 1981 - 1988 (569 cards) Card Number Published Set Name Publisher Number Player / Card Name 1 -1981 The Conlon Collection ~ 1915-1935 Sporting News 1 Ty Cobb 2 -1981 2 Hugh Jennings 3 -1981 Oversize cards - 4" x 5" 3 Miller Huggins 4 -1981 Only printed on front 4 Babe Ruth 5 -1981 5 Lou Gehrig 6 -1981 100 card Set 6 John McGraw 7 -1981 7 Bill Terry 8 -1981 8 Stan Baumgartner 9 -1981 9 Christy Mathewson 10 -1981 10 Grover Alexander 11 -1981 11 Tony Lazzeri 12 -1981 12 Frank Chance-Joe Tinker 13 -1981 13 Johnny Evers 14 -1981 14 Tris Speaker 15 -1981 15 Harry Hooper 16 -1981 16 Duffy Lewis 17 -1981 17 Smokey Joe Wood 18 -1981 18 Hugh Duffy 19 -1981 19 Rogers Hornsby 20 -1981 20 Earl Averill 21 -1981 21 Dizzy Dean 22 -1981 22 Paul Dean 23 -1981 23 Frank Frisch 24 -1981 24 Pepper Martin 25 -1981 25 Blondy Ryan 26 -1981 26 Hank Gowdy 27 -1981 27 Fred Merkle 28 -1981 28 Ernie Lombardi 29 -1981 29 Greasy Neale 30 -1981 30 Morris Badgro 31 -1981 31 Jim Thorpe 32 -1981 32 Roy Johnson 33 -1981 33 Bob Johnson 34 -1981 34 Moose Solters 35 -1981 35 Specs Toporcer 36 -1981 36 Jackie Hayes 37 -1981 37 Walter Johnson 38 -1981 38 Lefty Grove 39 -1981 39 Eddie Collins 40 -1981 40 Buck Weaver 41 -1981 41 Cozy Dolan 42 -1981 42 Emil Meusel 43 -1981 43 Bob Meusel 44 -1981 44 Lefty Gomez 45 -1981 45 Rube Marquard 46 -1981 46 Jeff Tesreau 47 -1981 47 Joe Heving 48 -1981 48 Johnny Heving 49 -1981 49 Rick Ferrell 50 -1981 50 Wes Ferrell 51 -1981 51 Bill Wambsganss 52 -1981 52 Ray Chapman 53 -1981 53 Joe Sewell 54 -1981 54 Luke Sewell 55 -1981 55 Odell Hale 56 -1981 56 Sammy Hale 57 -1981 57 Earle Mack 58 -1981 58 Connie Mack 59 -1981 59 Rube Walberg 60 -1981 60 Mule Haas 61 -1981 61 Paul Waner 62 -1981 62 Lloyd Waner 63 -1981 63 Pie Traynor 64 -1981 64 Honus Wagner 65 -1981 65 Joe Cronin 66 -1981 66 Moon Harris 67 -1981 67 Sheriff Harris 68 -1981 68 Bucky Harris 69 -1981 69 Alec Gaston 70 -1981 70 Milt Gaston 71 -1981 71 Casey Stengel 72 -1981 72 Amos Rusie 73 -1981 73 Mickey Welch 74 -1981 74 Roger Bresnahan 75 -1981 75 Jesse Burkett 76 -1981 76 Harry Heilmann 77 -1981 77 Heinie Manush 78 -1981 78 Charlie Gehringer 79 -1981 79 Hank Greenberg 80 -1981 80 Jimmie Foxx 81 -1981 81 Al Simmons 82 -1981 82 Ed Plank 83 -1981 83 George Sisler 84 -1981 84 Joe Medwick 85 -1981 85 Mel Ott 86 -1981 86 Hack Wilson 87 -1981 87 Jimmy Wilson 88 -1981 88 Chuck Klein 89 -1981 89 Gabby Hartnett 90 -1981 90 Heinie Groh 91 -1981 91 Ping Bodie 92 -1981 92 Ted Lyons 93 -1981 93 Jack(Picus) Quinn 94 -1981 94 Oscar Roettger 95 -1981 95 Wally Roettger 96 -1981 96 Bubbles Hargrave 97 -1981 97 Pinky Hargrave 98 -1981 98 Sam Crawford 99 -1981 99 Gee Walker 100 -1981 100 Homer Summa 101 -1983 Sporting News CONLON Collection Marketcom 83-1 Lewis (Hack) Wilson 102 -1983 83-2 Joe Cronin 103 -1983 5 card Set - Promotional 83-3 Walter (Barney) Johnson 104 -1983 83-4 Paul (Daffy) Dean 105 -1983 83-5 Connie Mack 106 -1983 Sporting News CONLON Collection, Marketcom 1 Jimmy Foxx 107 -1983 Commemorating 50th Anniversary Season of the 2 Heinie Manush 108 -1983 First Major League All-Star Game, 3 Lou Gehrig 109 -1983 1933 - 1983 4 Al Simmons 110 -1983 5 Charlie Gehringer 111 -1983 Oversize cards - 4" x 5" 6 Luke Appling 112 -1983 7 Mickey Cochrane 113 -1983 60 card Set 8 Joe Kuhel 114 -1983 9 Bill Dickey 115 -1983 1-24 American League All-Stars 10 Pinky Higgins 116 -1983 25-48 National League All-Stars 11 Roy Johnson 117 -1983 49-60 Negro League All-Stars 12 Ben Chapman 118 -1983 13 Urban Hodapp 119 -1983 Note: 49-60 are not Conlon photos 14 Joe Cronin 120 -1983 15 Evar Swanson 121 -1983 16 Earl Averill 122 -1983 17 Babe Ruth 123 -1983 18 Tony Lazzeri 124 -1983 19 Alvin Crowder 125 -1983 20 Lefty Grove 126 -1983 21 Earl Whitehill 127 -1983 22 Lefty Gomez 128 -1983 23 Mel Harder 129 -1983 24 Tommy Bridges 130 -1983 25 Chuck Klein 131 -1983 26 Spud Davis 132 -1983 27 Riggs Stephenson 133 -1983 28 Tony Piet 134 -1983 29 Bill Terry 135 -1983 30 Wes Schulmerich 136 -1983 31 Pepper Martin 137 -1983 32 Arky Vaughan 138 -1983 33 Wally Berger 139 -1983 34 Ripper Collins 140 -1983 35 Fred Lindstrom 141 -1983 36 Chick Fullis 142 -1983 37 Paul Waner 143 -1983 38 Johnny Frederick 144 -1983 39 Joe Medwick 145 -1983 40 Pie Traynor 146 -1983 41 Frankie Frisch 147 -1983 42 Chick Hafey 148 -1983 43 Carl Hubbell 149 -1983 44 Guy Bush 150 -1983 45 Dizzy Dean 151 -1983 46 Hal Schumacher 152 -1983 47 Larry French 153 -1983 48 Lon Warneke 154 -1983 49 Cool Papa Bell 155 -1983 50 Oscar Charleston 156 -1983 51 Josh Gibson 157 -1983 52 Satchel Paige 158 -1983 53 Dave Malarcher 159 -1983 54 John Henry Lloyd 160 -1983 55 Rube Foster 161 -1983 56 Buck Leonard 162 -1983 57 Smoky Joe Williams 163 -1983 58 Willie Wells 164 -1983 59 Judy Johnson 165 -1983 60 Martin DiHigo 166 -1984 Sporting News CONLON Collection, Sporting News 1 Grover Cleveland Alexander 167 -1984 Commemorating the Exhibition Baseball Americana/Marketcom 2 Charles Albert Bender 168 -1984 "BASEBALL IMMORTALS", 3 Fred Clifford Clarke 169 -1984 The National Portrait Gallery, 4 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 170 -1984 Smithsonian Institution 5 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 171 -1984 6 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 172 -1984 Oversize cards = 4" x 5" 7 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 173 -1984 8 Gordon Stanley Cochrane 174 -1984 60 card Set 9 John Wesley Coombs 175 -1984 10 Conlon and Margie (wife) 176 -1984 11 Conlon in Dugout 177 -1984 12 Joseph Edward Cronin 178 -1984 13 Jay Hanna Dean 179 -1984 14 Leo Ernest Durocher 180 -1984 15 James Emory Fox 181 -1984 16 The Gashouse Gang 182 -1984 17 Henry Louis Gehrig 183 -1984 18 Henry Louis Gehrig 184 -1984 19 Henry Louis Gehrig 185 -1984 20 Henry Louis Gehrig 186 -1984 21 Charles Leonard Gehringer 187 -1984 22 Vernon Gomez 188 -1984 23 Robert Moses Grove 189 -1984 24 Stanley Raymond Harris 190 -1984 25 Harry Edwin Heilman 191 -1984 26 Rogers Hornsby 192 -1984 27 Waite Charles Hoyt 193 -1984 28 Carl Owen Hubbell 194 -1984 29 Miller James Huggins 195 -1984 30 Walter Perry Johnson 196 -1984 31 William Joseph Klem 197 -1984 32 Cornelius McGillicuddy 198 -1984 33 Henry Emmett Manush 199 -1984 34 Richard W. Marquard 200 -1984 35 John Leonard Rossevelt Martin 201 -1984 36 Christopher (Christy) Mathewson 202 -1984 37 Christopher (Christy) Mathewson 203 -1984 38 Christopher (Christy) Mathewson 204 -1984 39 Joseph Vincent McCarthy 205 -1984 40 John Joseph McGraw 206 -1984 41 Fredrick Charles Merkle 207 -1984 42 Robert William Meusel 208 -1984 43 Melvin Thomas Ott 209 -1984 44 Roger Thorpe Peckinpaugh 210 -1984 45 Herbert Jeffries Pennock 211 -1984 46 George Herman Ruth 212 -1984 47 George Herman Ruth 213 -1984 48 George Herman Ruth 214 -1984 49 George Herman Ruth 215 -1984 50 George Herman Ruth 216 -1984 51 Aloysius Harry Simmons 217 -1984 52 Tristram Speaker 218 -1984 53 Charles Dillon Stengel 219 -1984 54 William Harold Terry 220 -1984 55 Harold Joseph Traynor 221 -1984 56 George Edward Waddell 222 -1984 57 Honus Wagner 223 -1984 58 Lloyd and Paul Waner 224 -1984 59 Paul Glee Waner 225 -1984 60 Lewis Robert Wilson 226 -1984 Baseball Americana Postcard Book, Sporting News 1 Grover Cleveland Alexander 227 -1984 Edition One Baseball Americana/Marketcom 2 Charles Albert Bender 228 -1984 3 Fred Clifford Clarke 229 -1984 Postcard size in booklet 4 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 230 -1984 5 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 231 -1984 32 card Set 6 Gordon Stanley Cochrane 232 -1984 7 Charles Martin Conlon & Wife 233 -1984 8 John Wesley Coombs 234 -1984 9 Josepf Edward Cronin 235 -1984 10 Jay Hanna Dean 236 -1984 11 Joseph Anthony Dugan 237 -1984 12 Leo Ernest Durocher 238 -1984 13 James Emory Foxx 239 -1984 14 Gashouse Gang 240 -1984 15 Henry Louis Gehrig 241 -1984 16 Henry Louis Gehrig 242 -1984 17 Charles Leonard Gehringer 243 -1984 18 Vernon Gomez 244 -1984 19 Robert Moses Grove 245 -1984 20 Stanley Raymond Harris 246 -1984 21 Harry Edwin Heilman 247 -1984 22 Rogers Hornsby 248 -1984 23 Cornelius McGillicuddy 249 -1984 24 Henry Emmett Manush 250 -1984 25 Richard W. Marquard 251 -1984 26 Christopher (Big Six) Mathewson 252 -1984 27 Christopher (Big Six) Mathewson 253 -1984 28 Christopher (Big Six) Mathewson 254 -1984 29 George Herman Ruth 255 -1984 30 George Herman Ruth 256 -1984 31 George Herman Ruth 257 -1984 32 Paul Glee Waner 258 -1984 Baseball Americana Postcard Book, Sporting News 1 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 259 -1984 Edition Two Baseball Americana/Marketcom 2 Tyrus Raymond Cobb 260 -1984 3 Charles Martin Conlon 261 -1984 Postcard size in booklet 4 Henry Louis Gehrig 262 -1984 5 Henry Louis Gehrig 263 -1984 32 card Set 6 Waite Charles Hoyt 264 -1984 7 Carl Owen Hubbell 265 -1984 8 Miller James Huggins 266 -1984 9 Walter Perry Johnson 267 -1984 10 William Joseph Klem 268 -1984 11 Fredrick William Luderus 269 -1984 12 John Leonard (Pepper) Martin 270 -1984 13 Christopher (Big Six) Mathewson 271 -1984 14 Christopher (Big Six) Mathewson 272 -1984 15 Joseph Vincent McCarthy 273 -1984 16 John Joseph McGraw 274 -1984 17 Fredrick Charles Merkle 275 -1984 18 Robert William Meusel 276 -1984 19 Melvin Thomas Ott 277 -1984 20 Roger Thorpe Peckinpaugh 278 -1984 21 Herbert Jeffries Pennock 279 -1984 22 George Herman Ruth 280 -1984 23 George Herman Ruth 281 -1984 24 Aloysius Harry Simmons 282 -1984 25 Tristram Speaker 283 -1984 26 Charles Dillon Stengel 284 -1984 27 William Harold Terry 285 -1984 28 Harold Joseph Traynor 286 -1984 29 George Edward Waddell 287 -1984 30 John Peter Wagner 288 -1984 31 Lloyd and Paul Waner 289 -1984 32 Lewis Robert Wilson 290 -1986 World Wide Sports Collection, Sporting News Set Number Card 291 -1986 Commemorating the Exhibition World Wide Sports 1 Henry Louis Gehrig
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