., '. ESTABLISHED IN T863.l J SIXTEEN TO TWENTY VOL. XXXVI. NO. 211. f TOPEKA, KANSAS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1898. 1 PAGES-.1.00 A YEA:B. BREEDER.s' DIR.ECTORY. SWINE. SWINE. SWINE. BOURBON COUNTY HERD BEItKSHIItES. T. A. Oat'da wil! be tmel"ted (n tile Breeder,' Dtrtctort/ tU HUBBARD, J. S, MAGERS, Arcadia; Kas. Rome, Kansas, follows: Jrourltm caraone l/ear, $16.00; at", !(neB, $23.00; Proprietor, Corre.pondenoe Invited. Satl.factlon guaranteed. Breeder of ten !(neB, $30.00; eac" aaamonal "nt $3.00. A CDPl/ 01 tile paper wm be Bent to tile aavertuer ""'ring tile con­ P°l:t:Bif:�trsdnd BERKSHIJ'ES. Two hundred head. All agea. ttnuance tile cara. 01 Thoroughbred Duroc-Jersey Hogs 25 boar. and 45 sows ready for buyers, a�e�r::;'y� ���aln�����c�-gt::rc:::}�fl�fo'"i!: HORSES. tlon to young breeder.. Will be sent on receipt of Standard Herd of Poland-Chinas '.tamp and addre••. J. M. Stonebraker, Panola, Ill. A choice lot of gUts sired by Icleal U. S. an!! bred to FARM.-CLYDEBDALE BTALLIONS, Teoumseh Chief. AI.o some Tecum.eh Chief . good PROSPECTBHORT-HORN CATTLE, and POLAND-()HINA THE w4:!.EDOWICK NUR4:!.ERYw.,CO gilt. bred to Look Over Me (he by old Look Me Over) animals In Kansas. HOGB. Write for price. of IIne.t Sedgwick, Harvey Vo., Kas., and some good fall plga, both sexes. Write and get H. W. MoAfee, Topeka, Ka.. or come and . -Breeders of- ORCHARD HERD my prloe. eee. CHERRY WM. MAGUIRE, Haven, Kas. Short·hom Cattle and Poland·China Swine Composed of the BEST POLAND.CHINA VATTLE. the Best Strains. Of Blood Known. VATTLE. Stock for sale, Oorreapondenoe and Inspectton -In­ The olferlng eonstste of Augu.t, Beptem­ HILL HERD OF present SHORT-HORNB-Btraight vited. ber and, October plg.-l0 boar. and 20 .ow.-very and erosa-bred Bcotch and Batea; a. the ROCK good enoree. The .took by or breed to Klever.' Model, SILVER CREEK HERD best, A all 19 months old bull J. F.· No.1, red, U60. What's Wanted Jr., Hldestretcher, Wilke., Water­ True, Newma.n, Kss. "HIOHLAND POLAND-CHINAS." loo Chief, eto. For further Information addre•• , Twenty-live very fancy fall bo11or., some of which W. H. WREN. Marlon. Kas. SHORT-HORN CATTLE. GROVE HERD OF BHORT-:.'IORNB.­ will do to head any herd or to go In any.how ring. Knox·All 18179 B. and Chief Bootch and with the VALLEYFor sale, choice young bulls and heifer. at rea­ Blred by Wilke. Highland Bcotch-topped, rlohly-bred .. BeM 114671 In AI.o '80nable prtces. Call on or addre•• '.rho., P, Bab.t, ·;'8834 B by Chief Teoum.eh 2d 9ll6. No better sire. Champion'. servtce. hlgh-clas. ·herd. low If at once, BLUE MOUND HERD DUROV-JERSEY SWINE. Can on Banta Dover, Ka•. 'In any Our price. very taken .hlp One hundred line .prlng pig. by ssme stre•. Fe, 'Frl.co and MI.souri Pacillc railroad•. Plymouth Rock Eggs. J. Jr. STOBDER, Burden. Vowley oe., Hal STOCK FARM.-Regl.tered Short­ BERKSHIRE SWINE. horn cattle. Bate. 2d No. 1244lK at head of DIETRICH &I SPAULDING, Richmond, Kas. FAIRVIEW Beyal Herd Vlotor Hugo 41799 (sire Imp.), Barkl. herd. Young .took for sale, E. H. Littlefield, New­ boars, 3OOtIO 800 lbs, Prince Jr. 17th, from World'. Oklahoma. (weight ), CLOVER CLIFF FARM. kirk, F(\R. POLAND-VHINAS Fair winner. Choice from live dllferent stratn•. ------------------------------- HEAD�UART.ERS, pig. Al.o breed B. turkeys.and'B; P., Regl.tered ,Gali'v-a;f'·Cattle. IN KANSAS IS AT SHADY BROOK tlhrop.hlre.Jlheep,.M. ,:-;. '·'<1Li� RED POLLED CATTLE-PURE-BRED. Rook chickens, Write. Al.o German Coaoh, Baddle and •• STOVK FARM, hor.e.. 'oung .took for sale, Your order ollclted. Ad­ Linn Kal. Trotting-bred ,world's Allen Thomaa. Blue Mound. Co., Fair '. L. K. Haseltine, Dorchester, Green Co" Mo. H. W. CHENEY, NORTH KAS. prize Oldenburg Coaoh stat­ paper when writing. Prop., TOPEKr, �j lion. Habbo, an.!! the .addle I,. , III _ .ftm�I" """,,;:on tlhl. I Know 19518 at head. All stattton, Bosewood, a Cheney'.'Chlef (B) popu- ',,'W4o,.. ., 16-hand, "!f,t� son lar .traln.l'8Pre.ented In matrons. Write for prtces, - 1.100-pound of Montro.e, In 1I.TBOSHO VALLEY HERD OF BHORT-HORNB.- Buyer. met at train service. VI.ltor. alway. welcome. Addre•• .1., Imported Lord Lieutenant 120019 at head of herd. ::Jcs��;'na;�k.f�::�onable. Nation's Poland Chinas. eaie Addre•• D. P. BLACKSHERE BROS., Elmdale, Chase Co•• Kal. .. Fifty boars and gUts for thlslleason's trade. �g�t��,�'!!�':,c�r�r���ei.a:.or My herd bo..rs cons1st of Darkne•• Quality 14361, Imp. VhesterWhltell Princeton Chief 14643, Col. Hlde.tretcher 37247 and and Her'd Poland-Vhlnas. Btandard Wilkes. My sow. are .plendld Indlvldnal. Wamego E I SWINE. Mated for best and of the right breeding Personat tnspectton and .0 AI.o Barred Plymouth �.�, Kas. !:���op��o�M Rock chicken. and eggs cO�������V:l'i-ION, Hutchinson, ABILENE, KAB., famous Duree- for sale, Correa ondence Reglst,eredJer.ey cattle. Young bulla ' c�' D o • and Poland-Ohtnae. TROTT Jersey. or Inspeotlon Invited. Mention �.�RMER. and heifer. for sale. reSUlts.* HERD OF SHORT-HORN - V. J. HUGGINS, Proprietor. Wamego, Kas. SUNFLOWER Registered Pol..nd ChIna KANBAB HERD OF 'l'HOROUGHBRED CATTLE and POLAND·CHINA SWINE. swine. Young boar. for sale. CENTRALPoland-Onlna hogs, C. B. Bnodgrasa, "alt, Rice Fa.rm two miles east of To­ oounty, Kansas, breed. the best, Stock for .ale now. Poland-Chinas-A head In ber!!, with Sir Knight 124403 at peka on Blxth street road. or Large-Boned Bargain. Come write. 125 the head. Female. are by such Imported For the next thirty days we will sen IIfteen extra T. P. VRAWFORD, Kaa. Crulck.ha.nk bull. a. Cr..ven Knight 0092:r, Thlstl� Mgr., Topeka, line boars and twelve sows, of Beptember farrow, VALLEY HERD Master of the Roll., Earl of Glo.ter 74623. VI.­ POLAND-CHiNAS-One good enough togo In any herd, and some of them top, KAWof the be.t sons of Chief I Know at the head. count Richmond, Knight Templar U66f>8, etc. Forty will win thl. fall In hot company. They go cheap . choice brood sowe. stock' for ...le. SUNRISE Pair. and trio. not akin; of all the leading stratns, while they la.t. 160 .prlng pig. representing all the very Young STOCK FARM. M. F. Tatman, Ro••vllle, Kas, .ANDREW PRINGLE. HarveyvWe, Kas. fa.hlonable ramutes. Come and see ·U. or write. V. A. STANNARD, WAIT II/, WUson Kas. Prop., EAST. Altoona. Co., Hope, Kas. GLABB, Marlon, Ka•. , breeder of thoroughbred - Breeder of SF.• Jersey cattle. Polund-Ohlna and Large Engll.h Berkshtra hogs, M. B. turkey., B. P. Rock and tl. C. SIXTEEN TO ONE HERD POLAND CHINAS. Hereford Cattle and White Pekin duck. and Leghorn chickens, peaoocks, Darkness 18292 aud Best Large English Berkshire Italian bees. REGISTERED POLAND·CHINA SWINE. Guy Hogs. Nlms 10012, herd boar•. Bept. '97 Herd boar., Gold Btandard Wilkes by Guy Wilkes boars and gilt. for .ale. Guy Bull. In service: Kod..x of HERD OF POLAND-CHINA BWINE.­ 2d 17777 B. and Ideal Quality by Darkuess Quality 2d Darkne.. gilts will be bred to Rockland 40731, who has won , KANBABH... five choice yearling .ow. brod to my black 14361 B. Brood .OW., Tecum.eh, Black tJ. B. and Best Nlms for fall f..rrow. more IIrst premiums at lead­ U. S. boar, and one Tecumseh boar and thirty-live sexes, to go. or of Ing Btate fair. In past six ' ready Corre,.pondence In.peotlon - fall pig. by Model Bander. Klever'. Model. th..n any other bull In .t..�t' (2IJ.I\tJ) by ��e�;'oT.:tf!� :g:tg�I'��'I��h herd .ollclted. year. r'r"" I�' have ..l ear...nd .how Ad­ ..va They typlc line markings. J. M. COLLINS, Welda. Anderson Vo.. Kas. Kansas; J tWlK6. Thlrty­ dre.s F. P. Maguire, Haven,Kas. S. W. HILL, Hutchinson. Kas. five ye..rllng heifer. and seven bulls 3 to 7 years old for ...le. PURE-BRED POLAND-CHINA SWINE. Brood sow. by Wren'. Medium, Hadley M. Wa.h­ POULTRY. - ELDER LAWN HERD SHORT-HORNS. Ington, Protection Boy. Mos. Wilke. Teoumseh (by ROSE C. T. 2d). T..nner 19212, a grandson of the famous Hlde.tretoher, at head of herd, &Bslsted by Prince pOLAND CHINAS PURE-BRED POULTRY. Darkne•• , out of Darkne•• I.t. Corwin Ben.atlon and CREEK ABE SECOND TO NONE. Darkne•• l.t are verY chOice .ows. Bome October Barred P. Rock., White P. Rook., Cooh· Partridge Tanner pig. for sale. Get one for a herd header. Ius, White Cochlns, Light Br..hmas, B. L. Wyan­ Al.o .ome One Price Medium 2d pig. for .ale. Three FARM dottes, White Wy..ndotte., Black Java., Brown READ THIS SPECIAL OFFER: Leg­ young boar. ready for .ervloe. Write for price•. borns, White Bulr Sliver Leghorns, Leghorn., Bpau­ J. R. WILLSON. Marlon, Kas. gled Hamburgs, Pe..rl Guinea...nd Pekin Duok•. 'Ir��lc���;�t���"e'a :��nr.:����g��· ������ ��lk��� Two hundred this ·year'. breeders for .ale. Al.o IiOO .... Spring Cbloks, to after the IIr.t of ready ship July. HIOHLAND FARM HERD orw.b;.�tDFORD. Mgr•••Vhester, Neb. Prices lower than any other ·tlme of the vear. Clr- CullLr free. ·A. H. DUFF, Larned, Kas. �!�Ju�d�e��!. !!�o�.����o�!r��!.� Mains' Herd Poland=Chinas Corwin I Know 18448 B., he by the great Chief I Know Headed by the three grand breeding boars,'Model WHITE and IIl\192 B., and others to Hadley U.
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