The Newark Post ===========================~...~-- -. VOL. XXV NEWARK, DELAWARE, ;J, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 ~~==============================~================ ==============~=---========-=---=---=-=====~====-NUMBER 20 ACTING POST­ Newark Poatmuter 'THE WORLD'S ALL RIGHT' MASTER WINS OFFICE STATUES OF DELAWAREANS OPENS NEXT WEDNESDAY FOR FULL TERM Appointment of C. E. Ritten­ TO BE UNVEILED IN WASHINGTON AT WOLF HALL house Confinned-by Senate CEREMONY NEXT TUESDAY All Star Local Cast Presenta Musical Comedy, Full of Sur­ Atter considerable delay, due to tl}e Statues in Marble by Bryant Baker, Sculptor, of Caesar prises and Exciting Features. The Show Is Spon­ injured dignity of Delaware's junior Rodney and John M. Clayton Will Represent Delaware's sored By the Country Club Building Fund. U . S. Senator over a reported politi­ cal -accusation, objection of the Sena­ Distinguished Statesmen at Capitol tor was withdrawn, and the Senate on CLEAR WEATHER OUTDOORS- - . Monday confirmed the appointment of .'On -next Tuesday, June 26th, hun- of the Signers of the Declaratio~ of IF COLD OR D~MP INDOORS Cyrus E. Rittenhouse as postmaster dred and fiftieth anniversary of the Independence, the Socftety of the of Newark. The appointment was death of Cmsar Rodney, a statue of Cincinnati, Daughters of the Ameri­ I n 11"0 performances, Wednesday Harlem High Steppers," and they made by Congressman Wilbur L. Rodney and one of John M. Clayton can Revolution, Sona of the Amen­ and TI,u l' day evening n e x~ , at Wo~f have a dramatic part in the plot. Adams, and had the · active support will be unveiled in the rotunda of the can Revolution, Daughters of Foun­ Hall. uutdoors if clear, mdoors .If Mr. Frank Fader will be Dinkell, of many citizens of Newark of both capitol at Washington. That of Cm- ders and Patriots of America, ra inin~. an all star ,local cas~ Wl~! the pickle manufacturer, who at a parties. When congratulated by the sar Rodney will finally be placed in Daughters of the War of 1812, Jl l't'sp nt, "The Wor.ld s All RI~ht. crucial point, saves the day. Dr. J. Post, Mr. Rittenhouse said he wished Statuary Hall of the capitol, and the Grand Army of the Republic, Sons De,,'rib('d as a mU SICal show ":'Ith .a R. Downes is the bill collector. The to thank all his friends for their sup­ figure of John M. Clayton will stand of Union Veterans, Auxiliary of the fa st movi ng pl ot, the productIOn IS famous quartette of the studio is led port and cooperation, and assures the at a fitting place in one of the corri- Sons of Union Veterans, Daughters! her. Irled a the li veliest and most by Mr. James Barnes, Mr. William public for himself and all employees dors of the building. Ifhe unveiling of Union Veterans, Veterans of For­ orildnal enter tainment of the. sea­ H. Cook will be Dan Tucker with his of the post office of continued and has been a long delayed ceremony eign Wars, Auxiliary of the Veter­ son. Wherever it has appeared It h.as fiddle. Mr. T. Macdonough Cloward constant effort toward courteous and owing to the slowness of decision in ans of Foreign Wars, Patriotic Or­ been a sensational success, say ItS appears as Johnnie, the city Slicker, efficient service. various states as to which ·of the two der Sons of America, American promote rs, a nd e ~ o ugh !'Iewark tal­ Mr. Ralph Neillon as the village good The Senate confirmed the appoint­ distinguished citizens of each, hon- Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, ent is reprcsented 1I1 putting the show little gal. Mr. Henry Mote will be ment of Charles J. Dougherty for ored by statues in the capitol, sho~ld Delaware Federation of Women's OV<'l" big here, to insure the uphold­ Smokey Joe, the Tattle Tale and Mr. postmaster at New Castle, Del. He remain in Statuary Hall. Only one Clubs, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, ing of this r ecord.. The audience. is James Hastings, Nellie Bly, the had also been recomm nded by Con­ from each state is now to be per- Lions Club, Monarch Club, Exchange taken back stage In a broadcastmg vamp. The plot for these characters gressman Adams. mitted in the latter location owing Club and the Quota Club. studio and fo ll ows with laughter is not divulged in detail. Names are CongressJ;rlan Adams today recom­ to strain upon the building, and the The statues are the work of Bryant and deligh t, the successful efforts of enough to give a hint of the fun they mended the appointment of William second from those states already Baker, sculptor, and are to be pre­ having two, must be removed to its sented to the Federal government by the anno un cer Jimmy Waddell and can produce. H. Draper for postmaster at Wl'Om- CYRUS E. RI'ITENHOUSE hi s sec rctary, J ane Rogers, to keep John Fader gives a one-minute talk ing, Del. place in t he corridors before the the State of Delaware under the the program mov ing in spite of a on Why the World's All Right. Dr. ------ k B· W Cmsar Rodney statue from Delaware terms of the Act of Congress inviting can be placed. In order not to delay each State to present statues of two medley of interruptions and defec­ E .. B. Crooks will be the script read- RED MEN'S FIELD AND Newar uSlDeaa 0ednme~_..J_ Delaware's unveiling beyond this an- of its distinguished citizens for the ti ons that th reaten to stop it any mo­ er. In other parts in the cast appear HOME-COMING DAY • Meet Next W CfiUly menlo Se nsational scenes are ,;v~ve~ Mr. George Dutton, Mr. William ___ niversary date, the rotunda becomes Capitol. into the plot, the songs are hitS, Goodwin, Mrs.. George L. Townsend, SATURiDA Y, JULY 21 The last regular meeting of the the ideal temporary place for Dela- At a meeting of the Commission in and the local cast and local features Captain Fairbanks, Lieutenant Ren- Newark Business Women's Club be- ware's memorial statues to the two Dover yesterday, final arrangements in su re a genuine in terest and good stow, Mr. Jack Geist, Professor T. A. The Delaware Improved Order Of, fore the summer adjournment which of her sons chosen to so represent the for the program at the Capitol Tues- time [0 1' t he audience. Mr. Wayne Baker, Mrs. Ruth Morris, Mrs. J. Red Men will hold their annual Field to have been at the home of the State at the Capitol. day were made as follows: Brewer, prominent local actor will Clayton, Dr. R. E. Price. and Home-Coming Day on Saturday, was. ' ib Mr Anna D The statue of Cmsar Rodney will The United States Marine Band take the part of Jimmy Waddell, Many chorus and dance num~e.rs July 21, at the Red Men's Home on pres.lder~ of the c u, s. " . be unveiled by Sarah Duval Rodney, will provide music for the ceremony. owner and announcer of Station W. and musical treats are promised South College Avenue. Committees Justis, " m the garden of Four 14-year-old daughter of Judge and .. More to follow tomorrow . ... A. R. The part of J ane Rogers, his along with surprise f~atures. One .have been appointed to prepare for Acres,'. at Newport, has been post­ Mrs. Richard S. Rodney, of New Cas- Former Senator Wilbur E. Jacobs, see l'pta ry will be played by Mrs. chorus is .The Old~ashlO':Ied .Garden, a royal good time. The evening pro- poned for several weeks. Members of tie. Clayton Douglass Buck, Jr., 11- chairman of the Delaware Statues year-old son of Governor and Mrs. Commission has announced the fol­ T. ~ l ac d o no ugh Cloward, also well­ ano~her. given by milk maids IS called gram, initiated last year is to be the club who wish transportation to know n fo r her vividness and charm. Walt Till The Cows Come Home. repeated with dancing as a new . W'II' S H'lIes Buck, of New Castle, will unveil the lowing program: Mr. Leslie Park will be J oe, t he office A parade to attract attention to feature.' At the committee meeting the home of Mrs. I lam . I , Clayton statue. Music, '2:30 to 3 p. m., United bo\'o Th e office boy has a girl, Gertie the performances is arranged for on June 29 in Wilmington further near New Castle, on Saturday after­ Miss Rodney is a sixth cousin of States Marine Band, Captain Taylor C;een, thi s par t pl ayed by Miss Betty Saturday evening at 6 :30. All who plans wil be worked out. 'The full noon, June 30th, may telephone to the signer of the Declaration of Inde- Branson, conductor; Honorable Clay­ Heisc r. J oe and his girl lead the fea­ will take part are asked to a~semble program will be announced as sQon Mrs. George Plummer, Newark 478, pendence, while Governor Buck's son ton Douglass Buck, Governor of De1a­ ture num ber of so ng and dance--"The at the Century Club at that time. as completed. or Miss Marjorie Rose, 238 ,J. is a great great, great, great nephew ware,presiding; Our Delaware, United of the Se~retary of State under Pres- States Marine Band; Invocation, Rev­ ident Taylor. Ierend James Shera Montgomery, D. "The Delaware Statues Commis- D., Chaplain of the House of Repre­ U. OF D.
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