.)'...4. ':' ~ •• 1.01 .... ' 1 .. , . ....',J.iu,. " .. ~ ' t..... l hr n lOtI< 'O!!T, 3Ui<4CAt . J1d4UARi 23 . 200(} n -_ •• NEW YORK POST SUNOAY . JANUA~Y 23 . 2000 ~ • • •1 • i ;s ..... " l1tsu)iYlI~ ' ~ -------------------------------------- MTV's most popular veejay doesn't intend to spend the rest of his life about th~t : . -.- -:. :.-....-;~­ . ..~.id!!, _1M ~cripl'" . introducing Britney Spears videos. He has plans beyond "Total Request Live" . t..opiee-,-a ..... ant nLe . andlor dirtrt.........: f1iat "" ould and music-video TV. He's talking about branching out mogul-style into I- be the audience," I ;·• .. • end, nnly'fI been sitcoms and movies. And a lot of important people are listening. on JIIIitcom and ..... ith MTV pro-­ ducer and roomie Juon Ryan (Along with «orne other friends I They plan to By MICHAEl GllTZ film a short lo ter this year in New York and then take EE:-JAGE ~irl,. ....· Rnt it from there. Car!'on Daly. Tht'y Oaly'a st.udy riJO(, loch • T.queal over hi" every like the re.-ult nf a ~II\'V)' move while c8mpin~ outside cnee r plan. but d un't MlVs Time Square studio believe it. where Only ho!'! ' s "Total "I'm an idiot: in )<: i!" t1" Onh' Rcqucllt Live" - MlVs .. , don'l kno ..... nn." pl<iycn:; in anernoon countdown !'!ho ..... '., the bu.sint'I'II. J !l; hnulct prnh· that's become thl.' network's ably buy a Who'" ImportAnt most pnpulur ~eri('s . A1manac bt'for(' I sav :otI nll'· Record compnnil.'s want thing .stupId in fron't u( th(' Daly. ""ronK pcr!lOn ." They burn to have videos PerhAps hi s cnrefre(' Alii· promoting th('ir newel t tude com(' )<: fr um h.wins:: bands debut on "TRL~ - alr... nd ..· Achieved hi ... rl n'lIln especia.lly tinct Daly's been - nnd- it WO~J1 ' t MTV. crediud a~ a major reason oal~"!ol main J!ual in IIft"­ (or tht out-o(·t.he·box IUC­ an('r a CArN'r as a profes- cesl o( Britney Spears, 5ionlll golfer proved nut of Limp Blzkit and others. n"a('h - wa,; 10 dl'ej:lY (or The network, want Daly. ICji!'endary L.A. 1I11('rnatl\'e For the past year, they've rndio ~t;ltion KHOQ. betn sending Daly pilou for "When ' f.!ot tht· Joh thl'l"l' upcoming Ihowl and asking a t 22, J wa~ thf' fin:t full ­ . " his opinion about what "'the timl' on·air tall'nl thcy'd kid," ....; 11 think. hired in like 6(,,'('n v('t" !"." In fact, CBS wa. 80 taken f!ays Daly - quiie An . , with an.er he hosted the 8cromplishmenl for a ~u .\' Mist Teen USA beauty who Jj "t(' n('d to KROQ pageant last (all that every dllY growin~ up I they've tapped Daly to do ''J'd ('ven fill in fronl (I fill{' . the same for the Mill USA :<;,.\·illJ!. contest nut w(!ofk. ~~~r ~~g&r;\ ctit-C Ever)'one else want.l Daly, Ha"ing at."\·omphshrrithnt too. (OUT y('nr~ AJ:U. ("'l'ryth,nc "Entertainment Toniiht- el~ is ju!'t a 001111"" - evcn spotlights him on if thnt honus inrludt'/I ~in~ ~Con ... er!ation, with romonticnlh' linkrd ....·i th Carson: Movie exea keep A('trf'S~ J('l1nlfl' r 1..0\'\-" wondenn, if he can act. Hewitt and pop !tlM mall' playa himself in an Christina A~'Uilt ' rn . upcoming made-for-MTV But Ibly l"n'l .. m ... inst:lY spoo( of boy bands caJled on thc pnrl.v circuit or tilt' W2gether.") gO Il~ip pn~l·S . Pl'rhnpli And when Rolling SlOne onothe r rcnson 1U" :o publisher Jann Wenner Rpl'ro;lchin ~ 11110(' with spendl $50 million to .... - MlV's "Total Requcst ('(Juanimit.\ iJ.; tilt· Imlh Iw relaunch US magazint aa a ltve- hl'cnme :O(' r;1I1I 1I ahout III weekJy next month. it ..... in Reporter - "Entertainment hif.!h ~hl)(.1 nl)d thnt "lnlll,,1 include Daly on the mas\.­ Tonight" Ird him to tht· prif'sihoclii. head. (He'll do a regular col­ ColumnIst - "US" magazine But in the world o( Pf'P umn. probably consililing of Iort hrb 01 ... ..,..,. - cultul"('. Ihl.l only fAith mo!'t even mort celeb Q&AsJ host of cas's "Miss Teen mf'diA nutlc(.1t ..... i11 loll'rate Ob ... iously. this 26-year-old USA~ and "Miss USA~ beauty j" the study of the kflballnh Californian i~ ~oing to need pageants or !'Omf' othl'r fad - 05 Uoly shadn for ~uch a bright a producer cool," says doing that ~nd being pllrt of quickl.v found olll. (uture. right? or writcr or -...-­www.carsondaty.com Only, ",·ho tht production JOide behind "W}14.'n 1 ~otlo MTV. J ..... rol(' "I gue!l5 It af'lNfla$ on my dirfclor of ,.., .... _,,- exudes his the camern!!? S lowly but M Article nbout my fnth('r s (utur(' ...... hich ill a little bit nlrus, ~i t - company - in the workS own ami· surely thal',. really grab­ dt'A th ftOd my mom ' ~ baUI(' up In the air." in5isL. Daly. CHma and nble mix of bing my intl'rell l." \\',Ih bre:Ult ('noc('r l ~ h(,' !Ii fme -I'm In thl' p ..occ~ of n!ne­ nlher enter· chArm and That's ...., hy hi!'! n('golia. no ..... I and lold about ho ....· s:ntiatinj.": my contract so ". tni nment sho ..... s. cool. .. " wa!l a \'cry perMnsl tion..... ·i th MTV arc focus­ faith h('lp!' 1Tlt'," hl' sayA. .. He pa u5t.'11 for a mnment nick Clnrk host I'd mcctin~ ..... ithjust him nnd I ing on devt'lopm('nl dt·nl ... "It'll nmAzins: - you'r(' An d tht!n h.ugh". "American Dnnd5hnd" in two big ch .. irs. He told WA t this point I'm sittin,:: trying to ~ay something "Apparently. I'm not IIUp­ - the show "TRL" is oncn me ..... hnt he ..... as going down ..... ith MlV f'i1mfl, ny. pl)I'itive ..... ithout JIII('Iunding po5cd to be l alkin~ obout chat or to ~rcen their latell l ""11le funnt '~t P:lI't fur mt" i:5 liUl"i, :In udd mix i1l inr('C­ Would Daly w~lk n .... ·ny~, ' co mpa red to - for nn throuJ:h when he wus my inlC to L.A. to mC'Ct with preachy find all of a sudden that: opus ond the crowd" out- pullin,::: th(' ll'Mt lik('ly pro- ti ou~ That',r ..... h\· MTV nt' W Nul Vl't . J •• a.'l lounding 32 yeA r ~ Daly n~e . ~ them and s..1yinft, ' I-I t"y, I('C. Ho ..... ard Stern i!'! ('ailing you But ~fT\' i~n'tllbout tu let aide g1\'e it 011 the (e\'l'r- pit! in the Ii~m(' runm." !lsyt! him uut ttl I..A. tu IIWt.~t Du't till' ~1ic'kinJ! point in H: cnn't imnginc doing it for Clnrk ('rrtninly appro\'C'd lCet in bU lli nc!olll: I'm I Otlkin~ " Je!"u~ fn""k: their biR'ltellt slar 'lip away. pilch uritcml'nl of a rock Duly. wO ne shuw ..... (' had lht! talk Il ('OMl'ntion of TV crit­ nl'l-:uli:1lionllo does,,'t seem eo- :' thnt lonR· of DlIly's d(' ~i fl' to explore to rtrllt of all gn to my 1I ....· n nut ~lhf' kid!"" - that iJIII, He', the kf'Y to the runaway concert. Wu-Thn..: Clan nnd Oritney ic" nnd hypC' upcnminJ,t be m"m.'y fObviou.-ly. lhl'y'l1l I Out ht' d()('!'i admirf' nth"r II1"pt'ctJi of the bus;· rompany IMTVI ..... hil·h ha!'! the fanl' who· ... e m"dl' oalv luccess of their ancrnoon Daly hosts it 311 with casc, SpearJ nnd Melisli n JOAn c\'t'nts like lh~ airing of he- gh'inl( him :1 lot mon'l. .. ' Clllrk'!i ahilit.v to furgt' inll! nl'!'!!'.. be('n so Rood til ml' nnd My­ n I tnr - ('AmI' through Imash. .eauing from bubblegum Hart. I'm IIt8ndin~ in thl' ~ITV~ ollc-l1Iilliunth \'ld('O In:-ott'll d. Da ly wanl:o to . other a rCRS of the husine,.,.. '" would hl\\'e a hard time ing, 'Thrse nn' nil my nr('n~ a/o:o;n . ~ 1 i:"ot likf' " gAllllion Fan5 \'ote onlint' or by pop \0 the 13tC'lt rap star middle of them all imd \\',,- IIht·."' 1I ~i\'l' n ..... ay $1 million Illn" oul his futllre. Thnt, lie e\,f'n JCenrrhf'd ClArk out $('f'in,::: mY!4Clf !'!itllllg on Ihe of intt're",t pud you r.n)':o Il'Ih'rs fr.ln1 Ii't'n:: s.'yin~ .l.ho_n~. (or. !h~ir _ . favo~i!e__ ",ith sin('t'rc cnlhuliiaijm · 'I(J'~I'\I¥.lik"AVh n~"lIp J!1r1 "'~ lu 1-:0 with. Itll; nnd ~RL-1t fulllrl' will include more I til ~et Jon ml.' fl1th('rly od\·I(','. ~'I and lW"in~ tht' BctC'lr all hrwe outlC LA fur them. M) thai ..... a 1" "'. cnol. ~ ht' NJY" \·,tlt'Os. arfillb cuml' h~' ror" lhHt npYl'r :< ~ms fAwninJ: naly'~ caJl ~' l;t,,~h .. I., . .. '.1I hrip aer",.!" tilt' t'OllI1lry h! 'I" ll cl·tlll'·1"('t·nl's ....·!lrk as "Uick (,lark ..... n~ rc ... lly day lonJ:." ndmitJIII Only. "Hut let'5 !"i t duwn and Illik pnludl~' .
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