T °Franklin news-recorD Secondclass postagepaid at Manville,N.J. 08835 $,1.50 a year/15 cents per copy Vol. 25, No. 24 Twosections, 40 pages Thursday, June 16,1977 O’Connorplan rew’sed; Villagers mayget parking hy Carol thmt Mr. Silver said he wassatisfied that restaurant, whichhe will expandto a Special Writer Ihe new parking provisions, added to total capacityof 440 dining roomseats emptyspaces adjacent to the bank Mr. and250 in the cocktail lounge. A group of Franklin residents upset O’Connor plans to include in the He is the owner of a large by the proposed developmentof the development, would supply the restaurant on Mountain Avenue in Colonial Farmsproperty met with the Villagers with adequate parking Warren, O’Connor’s Steak and Ale developer, Jack O’Connor and his facilities during their performances. House, housed in what was once a attorney, Peter Campbell, at the Mr. O’Connor’soriginal site plan, farmhouse. He has said that parking Colonial Farms restaurant on Men. which included a large restaurant, at the Warrenlocation is inadequate day, June 6. bank. and nine shops, parking ap- and that he wishes to avoid a similar Representatives of the Villagers peared to be insufficient. Whenhe problemwhen the Franklin restaurant Barn Theater, whose future in requested that the Villagers find off- is expanded. Franklin has been threatened by site parking, the Villagers im- Mr. Silver said he respondedto Mr. inadequate parking provisions in the mediately began seeking other sites O’Connor’soffer to add new perking O’Connor development, were also for their theater, including areas andeliminate the nine shopsin a letter present¯ They were accompanied by outsideof the township. sent this week to the Board of Ad- their attorney, HerbSilver. justment. In a telephone interview early this DURING PUBLIC iIEARINGS Writing on behalf of the Villagers, week, Mr. Silver related that as a earlier this month,Mr. O’Connorsaid Mr. Silver asked the board to approve result of deliberatians during the he was anxious to provide adequate plans for the developmentas they now meeting, Mr. O’Connor offered Is parking spaces for the Colonial Farms stand¯ (See O’CONNOR,page 16-A) i iii iL! i ¯il i :!i’ supply additional parking by eliminating all the shops he had hoped to construct on tile Colonial Farms property. ~’i%IJ=’’ Publicstill balks at .... i,’i.:,- :" .~’.~ ’.~c’.:.’-".~,’,:’?:’.~’. ::~" .’., .’~’ ’: " BESIDESTIlE IIESTAUItANT,the theater and an antique store already operating on the property, only a bank Racersin the field rounda difficult bendduring lest week’sU.S. junior cycling teamselections in Griggstown.An article aboutthe event,and additional pictures building will be included in the new appearon page14-A. (Steve Goodmanphoto) developmentplan. board’s racial plans by Jane Petroff residents, Ms. Salzmansaid the tests ManagingEditor "have frightened a lot of parents. An News notes exodus has begun, and I want it to The Boardof Educationis beginning stop¯ Think, board.¯." Mayor storms from chambers to suffer from the Sisyphussyndrome. Ms. Salzman enumerated the Every time it seems to have pushed projected housingdevelopments in the the racial distribution issue a pace up townshipwhich she believes will bring the bill, the public pushesit backdown the population fromthe current 34,000 Villagers opens"Dial M for Murder" following outburst over JFK Iwo paces¯ to 50,000residents within the next five In a regular board meeting on years. The Villagers Barn Theater has announced the opening of the Monday,June t3, residents continued "Wehave not taken time to analyze by Carol HJunt disapproval was that the community more compatible with the master to resist plans offered to date for growth, or the numbers of people mystery play "Dial M for Murder" on Friday evening, June 17. Special Writer center wouldbe used by outsiders and plan¯ public review. Plan I, which would cominginto the township,"she said. A Directed by Tony Adase, the play will run every Friday, Satur- that it should be mainly for towr~hip During Ihe public portion of the have Franklin Park transformed into shift to an over-all K-6 programwould day and Sunday night through July 10. A furious MayorFisherstormed out residents, meeting, At Csekc, the owner of a a kindergarten through fourth grade entail an "enormousupheaval" which In reply, Councilman William ’bicycle shop on Hamilton Street, f The mystery play, written by Frederick Knott, tells the story of the council meeting on r~hursday, facility with 95 of its present students would have to be repeated "all over June 9, because, he said, he was being Howardstated, "People who"are not expressed his extreme annoyance bused up to Pine GroveManor School, again" in a few years, she added. of a husband who employs a hired gun to murder his wife, who verbally attacked by Joan Finueane, a townshipresidents use other facilities with over 30 acts of vandalismon his is the only remainingalternative of Residents echoed Ms. Salzman’s he believes is involved with another man. In a twist of fate, the spokesmanfor the ConcernedCitizens in the township,why should this be any property. the five that have been officially discontent, bringing up complaints assassin is killed and the wife is accused of his murder. of Franklin Townshipand a frequent different." "Noone has ever been arrested, and considered¯ ranging from what one called the past Katherine Paul plays the role of the wife, and David Shreve complainer concerning truck traffic TIlE COUNCILalso passed an what are you going Is do about it," he The possible reorganization of the "raping of Franklin Park School"to a onJFK, amendment to a salary ordinance demanded. Hecontinued,’*lhaveasix entire elemenlarypopulation into a K- desire to defy the Office of Equal ’" appears as the scheming husband. Ms. Finueanedidnot realize that the raising the salary of the township foot fence around the shop. two dogs, 6 structure was adamantlyopposed at Educational Opportunity’s mandateto Ticket reservations can be made by telephoning the theater at meeting had been adjourned. She managerfrom $24,100 to $25,500, the and an alarm system and nowI can’t Monday’s meeting by board member redistribute the school population by 873-2710. Students and senior citizens are admitted at reduced angrily cried out, "Youhaven’t let me township clerk’s from $13,900 to even get insurance to cover window Janet Salzmaa. next fall’s reopening. prices on Friday and Sunday evenings. present my petition on JFK with 812 $15,000 and the magistrate’s from damagebecause of repeated claims." "I feel that any plan we comeup Mary Scaly, a Pine Grove Manor names." $9,000to $10,000.The salaries of the Harry Gerken, township manager, wilh should reflect the feelings of the parent, asked if a representative from manager and the clerk have made said he would speak to the chief of entire community.I feel, too, that the O.E.E.O. could meet with parents TIlE PETITIONasks the council to periodic jumpsfrom those with which police immediately following the shifting 600 to 800 kids is somethingwe at some future date. "Have you done oppose the transition of JFK into a they were hired in 1975. The manager meeling and have the chief cometo are just not ready for," Ms. Salzman anything about this yet?" she asked Supervisedplaygrounds open June 27 four-lane highway which would in- was employedat a salary of $20,000 the next meeting to discuss the said. board president Harry Van Houten. crease the truck traffic, and to oppose andthe clerk at a salary of $11,500. problemwith the council. Alluding to the state educational Showingsigns of strain, Mr. Van turning over the road to the county. A zoning change affecting the assessment scores which have been a Supervised playgrounds will open June 27 in ten locations, The citizens groupis also asking that World’s Fair Communitywas passed SUGGESTIONSwere offered by the cause for concern among some (See BOARD,page 16-A the Parks and Recreation Department announced today. The the speed limit be reducedto 45 miles- providing for a light manufacturing audience to help curb incidents of activities will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and will con- per-hour, zonewith a 100foot buffer betweenit crime in the Hamilton Street area. tinue through August 5. All children who have completed kin- The meeting had been quietly ad- andthe residential area. Noprovisions Suggested were: the use of foot journed following lengthy public for a park was included because ac- patrols, better lighting, and citizen "dergarten through ninth grade are welcome. Entrance is free of discussion and Ms. Finaeane claimed cording to planner, Mariam Kiss, patrol units with CBradios¯ charge except for a $1.50 mandatory insurance. A special she had not heard the adjournment. "you do not zone for parks." She Councilman Hichard Messner roving craft instructor will visit each playground once a week MayerFisher said later that if Ms. added, "Any provisions for parks emphasized that efforts are being along with the regular scheduled games, crafts and events. The Finucana had asked to be recognized must be madein site plans." madeto help alleviate the problemin ina reasonable manner he wouldhave Thomas Cafferty, township at- that area. He continued, "With the following playgrounds will be open: Bascom, Castleton, re-openedthe meeting,but he felt her torney, indicated that the reason for addition of more police officers, Dunham Lebed, Franklin Park.Phillips, Griggstown, Mid- outburst to be out of order, so he left the change from commercialto light raising the force to 63 officers, that dlebrtsh, Nassau, Pine Grove and Quarry. the meeting saying, "I’m the mayor manufacturing was to makethe area should certainly help." and I have the right to adjourn a meeting." During a telephone interview, Teencenter sponsorsArt Center trip Mayor Fisher stated, "At no time duringthe public portion did I seeMs.
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