PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1864 VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, 4, WHOLE NO. 699 conspiracy of peace-makers, there cannot be a ZETLAND DAILY PBESS, shadow oi CLOTHING. doubt. It extends over the North WANTS, LOST,FOUND EDUCATIONAL. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS Editor, as CAKUii. JOllK T.CULMAN, well as the tkmth. Its Influence is seen and published at We, 12)EXCSLAMG* flTKEET.by every city, town and hamlet throughout Wanted to Hire. N. S. the *{* Prof, Maooe.A.M. CUSTOM TAILOR! I BK.lDI.Jil-, MOULTON * A CO. land, with its in Canada, OCi AVE PIANO, in Maine Gardiner, UugiTkT^ A.. KOSTKit headquarters SEVEN thorough order, Bonnet Wholmalk stimulated and encouraged the three Pres- A for careful use in a private family. Inquire at Recently of Philadelphia, Bleachery, Dulbb la by P. 308 I Merchant idential factious in the ranks, this office, or address O. Box No. 660, stating Oongres Street, Tailor, i Ht fontLAKO daily Fnxssis publishedat*8.00 Republican terms, *c. French Which Instructor in the -AND DBALKB IV- appears have paralyzed the wholeparty. Portland, Oct 3,1864.—eod3t PORTLAND MAINE. Flour, Grain and PbMB is published every Thors- The of Provisions, pV« maikbStat* conspirators have taken advantage and Latin Languages. _- 83 Commercial street, Thomaa *2.00 per annum, in advance; *2.26 Alexander D. liioci, «*yi>..,ru;n".si this silence and of the Republicans, Wanted Reeves, « riun six months; and be apathy in eoanRi' If |ii *2.50,if payment who Immediately. in schools and families, lectures Straw, Lace & Ready-Made Clotning, uRALar, the year. have hitherto professed to be supporters Leghorn Bonnets M jelly ed beyond, NEAT CONVENIENT RENT, for a family of schools, explanation in French Idioms A na- s’ aocLToa, } PORTLAND, MR. of the and have not failed to add to their OWLY TWO LESSONS -AMD- And Gen Furnishing; Goods, a. a. war, A PKS80*8, (no children ) Best of tive oi France, formerly instructor of Rhetoric and No. 98 uoeaaa. ) ranks and of the reference A line one of the the weak, the timid cowardly given. addressed to A. D., Press Belles letters in College, Exoliange StM __ maj-8,ltl Hates of will Charlesmagne Ho. 62 Middle St.,'comer of Lime Street, oppo- Advertieing: as well as of the Democratic Offioe," receive prompt attention. tf first institutions in Paris. GENTLEMEN’S Republican party Bailey A HATS, unelnoh ofsps.cein length of oolnmn, constitutes Wilnin the last two however, the For further paaticulars, apply at Messrs. Having Just returned from New, York and Boston site the Post Office, party. days, between 11 and 12 A. where information W- »"k«cabe.” roused from Wanted. Noyes' hi., with a Bleached & Pressed at the Shortest Notice W. CARR & Republicans have been somewhat will be r. akea CO., 1.60 per square dally first week; 76 cents week astoterm, Ac, given. POBTLAND,.Mai**. tbo Fruit Store formerly 0 b per their by the recent successes of Maj. SITUATION in a wholesale store, either as -ALSO- octetr »Pi-; Hires insertions or leas, 31.80; continuing eve- lethargy RKFKRKN OES. septSdtt first Gen. Sherman. lor that I can A book-keeper, e’erk or salesman, by a young large and Well Selec ted Stock <*• ry c-'hor day after week, 60 cents, Nothing, aught man. Hon. W. H. of State. sawyer, and its Govern- Good referees. ApplyS. A S. Daily Press Seward, Secretary HATS & flajf square, three insertions or loss, 76 oente; one will save the Union Office. Rev. W. of BONNETS DYED. rio. S discover, octdlw* Bishop B.Stevons.D I)., Philadelphia. “OI— wo ■, ft.fiO; ,i0 cents per week after. successes of Rev. A. REMOVAL! fiuiiauge ment, but the Grant, Sherman, Cleveland Coxe, of Baltimore. exertion will fflrett, Lndor head of Awcsbmbsts, 32.00pereonare per Prof. C. D. Eiery be made to have all ordori and Sheridan. Cleveland, of Philadelphia. promptly attended to. week; three insertions or loss, 31,60. Farragut Wanted. H. rouse the and Prof. Coppie, ol Penna University. ; eoiai. Notioeb, 31.75 first These successes may people B. Cloths, Cassimeres and NATHAN por equaro week, a Young Lady, a situation to tend in a Fancy Geo. Emerson, Esq., of Boston. Vestings, OOIILD, •1.09 per square three insertions or our but from JAMES B. RACRLYFT, after; less, *1.26; preserve country; nothing else, BYGoods Store, or to run a Machine. R. H. Dana, Esq., of Boston. half u throe Sewing all and square, Insertions, *1.00; one week, will save it from the dan- E. W. Portland P. Epos Sargent, of Boston. Embracing the most 8m. Foreign Domestic Fruit t *1.26. present appearances, Address, O. sep27dlw* Esq., aagSU Merchant with which it is threatened. The Rt. Rev. Bishop T. C Brownell, D. D., Hartford, Tailor, Wholeaaio and Retail Advertisements inserted in the Maibb Statb ger perils of never Ct. removed to No. 181 Middie street, where he PaEBb (which has a circulation in of the Union were greater than at the Orange*. Spruce largo every part pres- Found, Dr. E. P. LeProhon, Portland. BASHIONABLE HA8will be Dleafted to onset his tiriends and custom- Gum, Loacnren the for 50 cents aouarein to the ent moment. STYLES, State) per addition up on the line of the Grand Trank R. Sept 5. d2m ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ers. A good assortment of Cloiha and Laaieor, Cau.rySeed, above for Trimmings Muses. Lemon tuudti.. rates, each insertion. The conspirators have secret PICKEDR., between Oxford and Mechanio Falls, a gold constantly on hand. Syrup, Hou.y, Lboal Notiobb at. usual associations, —AND OF— rates. whose members are watch. The owner can have the tame by Particular attention Prunes, Cocoa Hut*. *wy’ ad- scattered over the proving given to cutting for Translontadvsrtlsements must be paid form land, and for this advertisement subscriber respectftilly informs bis triends others to make. Cltreu, Nula, all kind means in their property paying Apply a, Dates, vatoo using every power to alarm and to E. T. GILBERT, THEin goneral that be will 12—d3m oents Sept Olives, Uuialua, Tobacco.. Busibess Notiobs, in reading oolumns, 12 frighten the ignorant and timid. They are alto octl dlw* Welchville, Me. THE BEST Sardines, line for one fifty QUALITY. Clgare- per insertion. No ohargelossthan distributed the armies and of Fahcy Caudle* of ull oents for each insertion. throughout navy He is description, the United prepared to make up to order Repair Gentlemens’Garments Dana & Co. communications intended for the paper States, and exerting all their pow- Wauled 10 Rent NEW HAMPSHIRE ootfl dtf tlgf-All or XVBBT • and ers to DESCRIPTION, ~ should be dirooted to the ‘Bditor of J*® £"**, induce those who have the privilege of HOUSE in a desirable location. Rent from ¥200 those of a business oharaoterto the prMuKert. voting to cast their votes for McClellan, who A to $600. Address, Box 1999, Portland Post Office, Commercial COATS, Fish and Salt, 01 description executed College, AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES' KyJon 1’bibtibo overy is represented to be with the rank and septitfdtf IRA WIM, with dispatch. popular ® Agent, file. At a future day I may facts Central Hall, Concord, N- H. PASTS, So that Money can be Saved in these War Timet. Luther Dana, ) OTtland, present Board Wanted. No. 11 Union St. F, Tracy, Traveling Agent. which will substantiate all I have said in re- Woodbury Dana, 5 most and extensive Commercia J. K. 8TOBY, No. 28 Exchange St. John A. S. a private where there are no other thorough Dana. ) Maine. Is prepared to famish gard to this dangerous conspiracy and their family, College in New and VESTS, 27—dtf IN for the wife and chiid of an officer in THE England, presents unequalled Aug boarders, lacilitlea tor a _jnneldtf convention and candidate for the the imparting to young men and ladies J Presidency. Revenue Service, At the lowest 8TJ5A22 K3GI2JB8 and Tuesday Morning, Oct 4, 1864. It was not the sword of Caesar that complete business education. figure of whloh the timeg will admit, NOTICE. BOILJEES, destroy- Or a Small Rent Wanted Send for a circular full information- and JOHN T. RORDRS &, ed the of containing In the latest style, CO,, ol various sizes and pattoras, liberty Rome, but the WORTHINGTON A the sold our demagogues In a convenient location. Part of a house address WARNER, Ja«t undersigned, haring Stock of that the forum with souls dead to preferred. received a NEW STYLE of Cloths tor WE,Coal and Wood to Messrs. 1 Commission thronged Address 8TEPHEN BERRY, 1721 Fore St. Principals. Randall, MeAlit- Merchants, Stem Pipe isrf Piitim, Miil 4 and and Lean. their 9—dAwCm ladies- cloaks. ter f |Cb., do cheerfully recommend them to Swing, Stifling, Pailtji, Laugh grow Pat—Cry grow country’s honor, and spotted with cor- Sept 21-dtf Aug septisdim onr AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS IM former customers. All persons demands I ruption. haring bioar IIouBa Vfo&K of all and all Various are the opinions concerning the against us are requested to them for settle- 1 desortptionr, I am present kinds of work in cause of excessive some it is respectfully, Your Ob’t servant, Ding Clerk Wanted. ment, and all persons indebted to us are requested i required Dtiiuug corpulence. By Flour, Provisions & Four no ati one. JOHN E. WOOL. LEWIS, ROLLINS* to make immediate payment at the old stand where Groceries, attributed to too great au activity in the di- [Signed.] prefered that has had one or twe years ex- BOND, one ol the undersigned maybe found for the present. No, 61 a assimila- ONEperience. Apply at 146 Congress street.
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