Defeated in 3 School SEE STORIES BELOW AND PAGE 3 •„-. SJttOW.., *£'! ., r Sow ending KttetnB«fte?> '« noon; travel Warnings'in e£; -.• FINAL f?ct Cloudy wiih rain devefe:y, „ Red Bank, Freehold r tang-Branch EDITION , JMohntouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 30 PAGES ^ RED BANK, NJ. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1972 TEN CENTS County Tax Rate By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI The gross total of the new - — A reduction in depart- A significant reason was the pay. The estimated tax rate jor or significant projects for dents in municipalities with and other miscellaneous reve- budget was reported at $34.1 mental appropriation increase in anticipated mis- was based on the preliminary the year and Mr. Irwin de- low assessment ratios pay nues, $4,193,480, up $1,378,620. FREEHOLD - The pro- million, a rise of $4 million. requests. Freeholder Director cellaneous revenues. This rep- equalization table. When the clined'to reveal if the board more and those in high ratio . Taking a closer look at the - posed county budget, in- A public hearing oh the Joseph C. Irwin said the free- resents money the county gets final table is prepared in has any planned. He has said areas, pay less. iriiscellaneous revenue cate- trqduced by the Board of budget was scheduled for 2 holders told, the departments from the federal and state about a month, it could cause the county must continue to County taxpayers will have gory shows that the freehol-" 'Freeholders yesterday, pro- p.m., Feb. 22, at the Hall of they had to get along with less governments and money it the total tax rate to drop move forward. to pay $27,915,382 toward the ders are anticipating $700,1)00, 1 Wdes for a county tax rate of Records here. The board gave money than they sought, but earns through various county about two cents, said County The 66.77-cent rate is not ap- budget. This is $2,171,738 more or $100,000 more, from the 66.77 cents per $100 of equal- the following three major rea- they got' more than they did .departments. For the 1971 Budget Director Theodore J. plied evenly throughout the than they had to contribute county, clerk's office. Mr. ized valuation, a drop of 1.85 sons (or the tax rate drop: last year. The freeholders budget, this category only Narozanick. county. Some adjustments are for last year's budget. Narozanick explained that the cents. — Industrial, commercial trimmed the requests by $2.3 went up $51,000. The 1972 county budget of needed because of local differ- Other Revenues county clerk's office last year The rate decrease was th,e and residential growth in the .million. Further Cut Possible $34,163,482 is up 13.6 per cent ences between assessed valu- Other revenues will come , brought in $776,677 or $116,677- first in nine years! In 1963 it county, representing a $424 — An increase of $1,911,110, County taxpayers may get over 1971. Last year's county ations and equalized valued from: surplus; $1.5 million, up more than was anticipated went down a cent after a two- million increase in tax ra- in anticipated miscellaneous an even greater break in the rate was up 6.88 cents. toward, the 100 per cent set by $500,000; state aid motor ve-; last year because there were cent drop in 1962. tables to $4 billion, 158million. rpvptiiies " share of county taxes they The 1972 budget lists no ma- the county-Tax Board. Resi- hide fund, $554,620, up $32,500, See County Tax, Page 15 ' To Draw Draft Numbers For 19-Year-Olds WASHINGTON (AP) — remainder of J972, but.w.e*do. lass drums in a scrambled se- tive Service Youth Advisory birthdate, then the numberof Today's draft lottery, for men expect calls to be lower than- quence. The drums were ro- Commissions in Maryland, • call. who reach their 19th birthday they have been in recent tated to mix the capsules even Virginia and Pennsylvania. Every eligible man will this year, may be the last of years." - ',' further. , , The selection plan called for keep the number assigned to the Vietnam war era. • For today's drawing the ' Four young men and two a red and blue capsule to be his birthdate for as long as he Coming at least 11 months birthdates were placed in big women—three whites and pulled from the drums simul- is exposed to possible selec- before most of those selected .red capsules and the numbers three blacks—were Chosen to taneously and handed to two tion.'Those in previous lot- could be drafted, the drawing in blue ones. Each color group, draw the capsules out. They announcers to open them and teries will retain their num- will give some idea of their then went into giant plexig-; are members of state Selec- read the papers—first the bers. chances. The call-up is ex- pected to be far underthe lot- tery No. 125 reached last year. • The Nixon administration is - ' APWiraphato aiming for an all-volunteer ^ THE tOP OF EL CAPITANti*. Rick Sylvester skis off. the top of El i army by\June. 30,1973, when Capitan In Yosemite Notional Pork,. Cq|tf,,.-for a scene for on upcoming current draft authority ex- ;Skling film: Sylvester then.fell T;$tf?eet before opening o parachute to pires. drop him the remaining U0O feet to.tomtom. He said he landed in a pine Draft Director Curtis W. tree 90 seconds after "chute opened. Tarr, in remarks prepared to open the ceremonies in the Commerce Department audi- torium, said:. % is a continuing goal of President Nixon to establish " an ali^olnffleef'armed-forte; • and thus to end reliance on Uie draft, by mid-197l We do not know as yet what the draft call will be in 1973. "Nor do we know as yet what the call will be for the By GLADYS RIPS plained how alarmed she was band, said the two identical when «he telephoned Mrs, planes that were buzzing each MANALAPAN - "It was •Dahcyger at the time of the other and doing spiral dives close and it was low and it - incident:-''" . , . \ were no higher than 200-to-300 Sea Bright was frightening." > A mother of two, MrsTBjtal- feet up. Each.plane was Af> WlrephoU Mrs. Diana Dancyger of 23 bol said she doesn't know any- • small, seemed gray in color, SCUFFLE AT CONSULATE - Boston plainclothes policemen wrestle with demonstrators outside the Varnum Lane was describing body in the area who doesn't with two tails, one on each Hits Fish British Consulate in Boston yesterday after they attempted to enter offices with placards demanding how She felt about two small have children.' side of the body, Mr. Danc- ouster of British troops from Ireland. Signs identified them as members of Students for a Democratic airplanes that performed dips, Varnum Lane is part of yger said, and they left in a Society. Two were arrested. turns and other acrobatic MonmoUth Heights, a devel- northwesterly direction. He Reef Plan stunts together over her house opment of 685.houses. Across, said he-thought they resem- SEA BRIGHT - Borough at about 10 a.m. yesterday. the street is a field, but "there bled the planes the Army uses Council, last night objected to "I could have sworn they are children playing in that to drop parachutists, but were construction of an artificial (the planes) went right into, field," said Mrs. Dancyger, smaller and had no visible fishing reef approximately Fresh Threats her roof," said Mrs. Barbara who has four children of her numbers on them. five miles off the borough's Boulbol, 27 Varhum Lane, a own. 15 Complaints beaches. friend and neighbor who ex- Henry Dancyger, her hus- Mrs. Dancyger said when By unanimous resolution she, called Manalapan police, council authorized its at- she was told that they had re- torney, Richard L. Bonello, to as ceived 15 telephone com- officially request withdrawal Family of Artists plaints in 10 minutes, but that of the application for con- • LONDONDERRY, Northern ish-ruled Northern Ireland. the Irish Republican Army, of.Sunday's bloodbath. Catho- nothing could be done unless struction of the reef, "pending Ireland (AP) — Thousands of Thirteen coffins, each lit by campaigning to end British lics were on strike every- some one could report the a determination of what detri- gtieving Irish gathered in this a single candle, provided a rule of Northern Ireland, where in the North. identification numbers of the mental effect materials used somber, silent city today to focus of grief at St. Mary's struck back last night and Shops were shuttered, facto- To Display Work for the reef might have on the honor the dead of London- Church in the Catholic Creg- killed an army sentry in Bel- ries closed and streets were Sgt. Robert Kerek of the borough's beaches." fast, the provincial capital. It's all in the family. derry's bloody Sunday. It was gan district of Londonderry empty in Londonderry and. Manalapan Police Depart- The reef project application a'day of bitter mourning for • where a mass funeral was The soldier's death raised other predominantly Catholic It's art — as created by well-known shore area portraitist ment said that none of the was jointly lodged with the Roman Catholics throughout Mary Sheean, Middletown, and three of the Sheean offspring. being held. the fatality toll to 233 since communities. "We're living in area residents who reported Department of the Army, divided Ireland. St. Mary's overlooks the communal violence erupted in ghost towns," said a local An exhibition of their combined works will'open Sunday in the • th,e incident were able to sup- New York District, Corps of Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury.
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