DepEd.. DIVISION OF OUEZON m p h c e t t ;'l;,F";lr?fir ::'# H x1:;'#; fi:;::, " C reati ng PossiD I I fti es, t ns p i ri ng I n n ovati o n s" UNNUMBERED MEMORANDUM TO: Goncerned Public Schools District Supewisors, Secondary School Heads' SeniorHighSchool(SHSICoodinatorc,SHSTeachers FROM: suBrEcT: participation to the BPI Senior High Acceleration Prcgram for Employment and EntrePreneurshiP (BPl SHAPEI DATE : Octohr 24, 2018 High This informs all the Senior High School (SHS) recipients-of_the BPI Senior ffice training Acceleration Prcgram fior Employment andtntrepreneurship (BP!S.il4.PE) to attend the St', program on ociober 29 and oti, z6ta ii siril"'r catering runanbn Hall, llang llang cor Camia Zaballero Subdivision, Lucena City. The aciivity is organized by BPI Foundation and YGOAL, lnc. in partnership wilh-DepEd and financial euezon. lt aims to pr&io" values-driven skills development, e-ntrepreneurship, 12 Cuniculum management program for SHS students and teachers. lt shall enhance the K to on lmpteientaion wilrr progressive, ag+appropriate, and_experiential Math ac{ivities thefi shall focus saving and entrepreneuiship while connecling these to the core SHS leaming courses' participants are the Attached are the list of recipient-sHs for this adivity. The exPected -Lt- Teacher, selecfed SHS *rpo=Lo tn" bnS School Head, Coordinator, EntrepreneursllP personality oevelopirent Teacher, concemeo SDo Personnel. Please refer to the follodng participation details : "nJ Head, SHS Coordinator SHS Teacher for Entrepreneursh! , SHS Teachelfor P for PersonalitY DeveloPment materials shall be shouldered This is a live-out training program. Foods and training Prcgr?r.n be charged against by Bpl Foundation and yGoA[,'lnc. while travel allowance oi participants shall All participants are school MooE/ localfunds subjected to usua! accounting and auditing procedures. advised to come at exactlY 7:30AM- process. Kindly register Kindly go to htps:Iltinyurl.comlBPlShape for the online registration to this Memorandurn until Oc{ober Ze, ZOiAliriO"Vi. lmmediate dissemination and stric{ compliance is earnestly desired. cid-ims/rmv/10n#2018 DEPEO . OUEZON DEPEDQU EZON-TM -SDS-o4-O 1 O.O OO : o u.e [email protected] ep.ld.q ov' ph n27 (Globe and TIt) Comments: Trt HELEN - fF,ITSSOZS f$ Cell No: 0917582re29 oFFtcE - PROVTNCE and the contanfs ata ttodod cp,|fid'nael #,gls[& T}rrb documcrrt ls a proprty of scrlooLs D/wstr,N QUZON 8y: *pr"iiii---i-33riav pr"am* raral oosnrree pemnfrad bythe schools &vigon Superinten&ttt. Ref. no. DepEd r DIVISION OF OUEZON '{;,;{;rfffi c e t t f :: :f ffii fi':;'e? f::;:l m p h " C reati ng PossiD i I iti es, I n s pi ri n g I n n ovati o n s,, 2of3 List of BPI SHAPE SHS Recipients No. Schools Municipality Congressional District 1. Jomalig National High School Jomalig 2. Burdeos National High School Burdeos 3. Libo National High School Panukulan 4. Patnanungan National High School Patnanungan 5. Polillo National High School Polillo 6. Paaralang Sekundarya ng Heneral Nakar General Nakar 7. lnfanta National High School lnfanta 8. Tongohin National High School lnfanta 9. Ungos National High School Real 10. Paaralang Sekundarya ng Lukban Lucban 11. Dr. Maria D. Pastrana National High School Mauban 12. Manuel S. Enverga Memorial School of Arts and Trades Mauban 13. Talipan National High School Pagbilao 14. Pagbilao National High School Pagbilao 15. Sampaloc National High School Sampaloc 16. Quezon Science High School Tayabas City 17. Manuel M. Macasaet National High School Candelaria 2 18. Sta. Catalina National High School Candelaria 19. Lutucan National High School Sariaya 20. Castafias National Hign School Sariaya 21 . Dagatan National High School Dolores 22. San Antonio National High School San Antonio 23. Recto Memorial National High School Tiaong 24. Lusacan National High School Tiaong 25. Hinguiwin National High School Padre Burgos 26. Pitogo Community Hign School Pitogo 27. Unisan National High School Unisan 28. San lsidro National High School (Catanauan) Catanauan 29. San lsidro National High School (Gen Luna) General Luna 30. Malaya National High School General Luna 31. Olongtao National High School Macalelon 32. Patabog National High School Mulanay 33. Bondoc Peninsula Agricultural High School Mulanay 34. Pagsangahan National High School San Francisco 35. Marcial B. Villanueva National High School San Francisco 36. Buenavista National High School Buenavista 37. Camflora National High School San Andres 38. Alabat lsland National High School Alabat 4 39. Perez National High School Perez 40. Cometa National High School Annex Quezon 41 . Atimonan National High School Atimonan 42. Gumaca National Hign School Gumaca DEPEDQUEZON.TM-SDS.O4-O 1 O-OOO Em ail address : q uezon@de ped.qov.oh Comments' Txt HELEN - N178902327 (SmarilSiun/TalknTrd) 2327 (Gtobe and Tt) Cell No: 0917fi21629 This document is a Wpfty of ECHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE - QUAON PROVTNCE end the contonb ere treated confidentiat. Therefora, unauthoized reproduction is strictly prohibited unless otherwise permitted by the Schools Division Suprintendent. DepEd E DIVlsloN oF olJEzoN c e t t f tr;, illlri:,ri; :: :i ffii x1!,!ff;,2i3ii!, *, n " c reati ng PossiD i I iti es, I n s p i ri n g I n n ovati o n s,, 43. Lamon B_ay School of Fisheries Gumaca 44, Concepcion NatioQql HiM Plaridel 45. Celauag-National High School Calauag 46. Sto. Ooringo N"tionrt HiM Calauag 47. Hondagua National High Lopez 48. Lopez 49. Guinayangan National High School Guinayangan 50. !gh Tagkawayan List of Participating clD and sGoD perconnet No. UniU Section Participanb 1 Curriculum lmplementation Division CID Chief and Division Coordinator for SHS and TLE 2 Schools Governance and Operation Division DEPEDQUEZON-TM-SDS.O4-O 1 O-OOO Email address : [email protected] Comments Txt HELEN - 09175902327 (Smarttsun/Talknfrt) ?J27 (Gtobe and TM) Cell No: 0917fi21629 This &cument is a Nopefty of SCHOOTS DryrSlON OFFICE - eUF7:ON pROVINCE aN tho contents aro trcated confidentiat. Thereforc, unauthoizad reprodudion is *ictly prohibited unles c/lhenlisr pmitted by the Sc,hcrlrls Division Supirrtendent. ffiPt tmufidmtiffrl YGOAL Ih.IstM Evardorre Sotroo}r DMsion Superintcndsnt Dilision of Quczon Prorrinca Ilepartment of Educafion IlearI}r. Evardome, Gneetingst Thar* you for yorr mntiru,red srpport to fte BPI SHAPE Proied of BPI Fomdation ard YGOAL tnc, in partrership with the Dlvbion d euezon ftoulrrce. nT S"ryg High_Aderatlort Progran for Emdoynrent ard Ertreprerrerrship (BPl SFIA,PE) is a v*res{riyen slf,s deudopfiient, en@eneustrp and finarrci,al managenreri program for Senitr High Sc*rcol Stdents and Teacfrers. Tfp pmrecr enhances DepEd X-tZ cuniallrin wtttr progressive, age appropriate, and e:qerientbl Bffii divities tlnt focus or saving and enrepeneiffi wtrib conrnctirg these to core Social Strxtiee topics. This proiect is in partrership wisr BPI Foundetion, Departner* of Educatinn and YGOAL. ln line with thb, urc vuould lke to irwite pu fr tre launchiqg of BPI SIIAPE on OcL 29, 20iS, Hoday at E:00 At. wtl coordinatre witr Mr. Rq \fiTErEs rortrerrnal venrre. Bdow ls a &afr progran for pr.r refererree: r NatrcrulAnthem i ] lOmins li/ekome Remarls i [tr. m€rdEl Enrdome I S*roof DMsion Superintendent j I Program Managerfor Education i i i BPI Foundatisr i Video ahut BPI SHAPI 3Omins Program Orerui€tr IR Osmscals . Senior High Acceleration Program Presidetrt, YGOAL for Empklyment and Entrepren€urch ip (SHAPE l 10mins MOASIGNING l5rnins -El &elt t.erg-g"t"ti 20nnins Awardlng of Certificate of Partnership Yail AlontoJr, PrtErarn Manager, BPI Manny and Me ffi SDS OFFICT DEPED. QUEZON RECEIYfrD ICT UNIT EnIAILEB ffiP# Fmn"lndmrlun I/GOAL we wor# abo rke to schedub yurr BPf sllAPE Teachers Training on october 2g€o, Furttermore' pbase cttoose s-to6 tr* t"bh 201g. discnssions -6*"r* b"b;: ii,G ."u be the basis for the break-oi.t m entreprerle,rship # darebpment TilTREPREilEUftSHIP mftSOfIAL DryE[OFfHf,fUT l! I I 0 f This is a crash course to hasic iiio*rnring as Ttris topic cover$ understandlng l part of business processes" the 21'r I An actual u century I learner i and effectiue strategies accountant will be giving to i this course. engage I them in rneaningful learning I activities i i I o fl o ( I This is to give i an overview on the;i$r,g ,: This I topic covers the business n cycre and industries and the competency I practical demands- A I exarnpl* will be strared with t the discussion I on the curent I competencies and attendees, A discussion on teaching I quality of graduates produced I Entrepreneurship may also be will also be conducted. An I facflftated. A representative frorn I actual entreprerreur the prtvate I will be giving t this session. sector l will be invited to talk about this topic. ,3 0 This is a session on strategic business ideation A guidance counsefor, career using Deslgn Thinking coach or an HR as a frarnewsrk. This is practitioner will be invited to introduce tools to help generate business ideas that are ready that rnay help students in planning for prototyping and iteration, a career aligned with their existing talent and potentials o Marketing This topic focuses on marketing as part of ) running a business. Tophs such as identifuing Resiliency target market, strategic cornmunication fsr This is to lay down realities business, and hranding. of workplace and how teacfiers can better prepare the students for the professional world, An HR practitioner 0 $algS will be invited to facilitate this session. This fncuses on generating sales by placirrg stratqies in rnoving products or seryices o offered by a business. This is a session on focuses discovering the teachers' competencies as coaches and use it in guiding the students towards a career path.
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