Coast Guard, DHS § 110.138 § 110.134 Portland Harbor, Maine. (2) Anchorage C is intended for use only by small vessels and for tem- (a) The anchorage grounds—(1) An- porary anchorage. chorage A (general). Beginning at lati- ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ tude 43 39 37 N, longitude 070 14 35 W; [CGFR 67–46, 32 FR 17728, Dec. 12, 1967, as thence approximately 090° for 1550 amended by CGD 83–1R, 48 FR 56578, Dec. 22, yards to Fort Gorges Island Ledge 1983. Redesignated by CGD–01–02–027, 67 FR Buoy 4; thence 350° for 300 yards; 68518, Nov. 12, 2002] thence 025° for 780 yards; thence 303° for 750 yards; thence 254° for 560 yards; § 110.136 Lake Champlain, NY and VT. thence 186° for 750 yards and thence to (a) Burlington Harbor, Vt. (1) The wa- the point of beginning. ters bounded by a line connecting the (2) Anchorage B (general—primarily in- following points: tended for deep draft vessels). Beginning 44°28′26.9″ N 73°13′31.9″ W at Fort Gorges Island Ledge Buoy 4; 44°28′26.4″ N 73°13′25.6″ W thence 062° to Little Diamond Island; 44°28′22.0″ N 73°13′24.6″ W ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ thence along the southwestern shore to 44 28 12.0 N 73 13 32.5 W the pier on the southern end of Little and thence along the breakwater to the Diamond Island; 133° for 1200 yards; 270° point of the beginning. These positions to House Island Light; thence along the have been converted to North Amer- western shore of House Island to Fort ican Datum 83. Scammel Point Light; thence 325° for (2) No vessel greater than 35 feet in 1700 yards to the point of beginning. length may use this anchorage and no (3) Anchorage C. Bounded on the vessel may remain at anchor longer northwest by House Island; on the than 7 days in any period unless spe- north by a line running 90° from House cifically permitted to do so by the City Island Light to Peak Island; on the of Burlington, Harbormaster. east by the western shore of Peak Is- (b) [Reserved] land, by a line running 198° from the [CGD1–90–064, 56 FR 12120, Mar. 22, 1991. Re- westernmost point on Peak Island to designated by CGD–01–02–027, 67 FR 68518, Cushing Island, and by the shore of Nov. 12, 2002] Cushing Island to its westernmost point; and on the southwest by a line § 110.138 Boston Harbor, Mass. running from the westernmost point on (a) The anchorage grounds—(1) Bird Is- Cushing Island to Fort Scammel Point land Anchorage. Beginning at a point Light. bearing 93°, 1,400 yards, from the aerial (b) The regulations. (1) Anchorage B is beacon on top of the Boston Custom intended for general purposes, but espe- House tower; thence to a point bearing cially for use by oil tankers and other 81°, 1,600 yards, from the aerial beacon large deep-draft ships entering harbor on top of the Boston Custom House ° at night and intending to proceed to tower; thence to a point bearing 102 , the dock allotted at daylight the fol- 3,100 yards, from the aerial beacon on top of the Boston Custom House tower; lowing morning or as soon as prac- thence to a point bearing 109°, 3,050 ticable. This area is also to be used for yards, from the aerial beacon on top of quarantine anchorage. Vessels must be the Boston Custom House tower; and so anchored in this area as to leave at thence to the point of beginning. all times an open usable channel at (2) President Roads Anchorage—(i) 40- least 100 feet wide for passage of ferry foot anchorage. Beginning at a point and other boats between Portland, bearing 237°, 522 yards from Deer Island Peak Island, and Bay Points. Any ves- Light; thence to a point bearing 254°, sels anchored in this area shall be 2,280 yards from Deer Island Light; ready to move on short notice when or- thence to a point bearing 261°, 2,290 dered to do so by the Captain of the yards from Deer Island Light; thence Port. to a point bearing 278°, 2,438 yards from Deer Island Light; thence to a point bearing 319°, 933 yards from Deer Island Light; thence to a point bearing 319°, 451 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00461 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR § 110.140 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) 666 yards from Deer Island Light; and lowed in all areas. Fixed mooring piles thence to point of beginning. or stakes are prohibited. (ii) 35-foot anchorage. Beginning at a [CGFR 67–46, 32 FR 17728, Dec. 12, 1967. Redes- point bearing 256°, 2,603 yards from ignated by CGD–01–02–027, 67 FR 68518, Nov. Deer Island Light; thence to a point 12, 2002] bearing 258°30′, 3,315 yards from Deer Is- land Light; thence to a point bearing § 110.140 Buzzards Bay, Nantucket Sound, and adjacent waters, Mass. 264°, 3,967 yards from Deer Island Light; thence to a point bearing 261°, 2,290 (a) New Bedford Outer Harbor—(1) An- yards from Deer Island Light; and chorage A. West of Sconticut Neck, and thence to point of beginning. shoreward of a line described as fol- lows: Beginning at a point 100 yards (3) Long Island Anchorage. East of southwest of Fort Phoenix Point; Long Island, bounded as follows: Begin- thence 154° along a line which passes ning at the southwesternmost point of 100 yards east of New Bedford Channel ° Gallups Island; thence 270 to Long Is- Buoys 8, 6, and 4, to a point bearing ap- land; thence southerly along the east- proximately 130°, 225 yards, from New ern shore line of Long Island to Bass Bedford Channel Buoy 4; thence 87°, 340 Point; thence to the northernmost yards; thence 156° along a line approxi- point of Rainsford Island; thence to mately one mile to its intersection Georges Island Gong Buoy 6; and with a line ranging 87° from the cupola thence to the point of beginning. on Clarks Point; thence 87° to (4) Castle Island Anchorage. Bounded Sconticut Neck. on the north by Castle Island and adja- (2) Anchorage B. Southeast of a line cent land; on the east by a line between ranging 222° from the southwest corner Castle Rocks Fog Signal Light and Old of Fort Phoenix to the New Bedford Harbor Shoal Buoy 2; on the southeast shore; west of a line ranging 154° from by a line between Old Harbor Shoal Palmer Island Light to Butler Flats Buoy 2 and Old Harbor Buoy 4; and on Light; and north of a line bearing 267° the west by a line running due north from Butler Flats Light to the shore. from Old Harbor Buoy 4 to the shore (b) Buzzards Bay near entrance to ap- line at City Point. proach channel to Cape Cod Canal—(1) Anchorage C. West of a line parallel to (5) Explosives anchorage. In the lower and 850 feet westward from the center- harbor, bounded on the northeast by a line of Cleveland Ledge Channel; north line between the northeast end of of a line bearing 129° from the tower on Peddocks Island and the northeast end Bird Island; east of a line bearing 25°30′ of Rainsford Island; on the northwest and passing through Bird Island Reef by Rainsford Island; on the southwest Bell Buoy 13; and south of a line bear- by a line between the western extrem- ing 270° from Wings Neck Light. Each ity of Rainsford Island and the west- vessel must obtain permission to pro- ernmost point of Peddocks Island; and ceed to Anchorage C from the U.S. on the southeast by Peddocks Island. Army Corps of Engineers Cape Cod (b) The regulations. (1) The Captain of Canal Control traffic controller. the Port may authorize the use of the (2) Anchorage D. Beginning at a point President Roads Anchorage as an ex- bearing 185°, 1,200 yards, from Hog Is- plosives anchorage when he finds that land Channel 4 Light; thence 129° to a the interests of commerce will be pro- point bearing 209°, approximately 733 moted and that safety will not be prej- yards, from Wings Neck Light; thence ° udiced thereby. Vessels anchored in 209 to Southwest Ledge Buoy 10; ° this area shall move promptly upon no- thence 199 along a line to its intersec- ° tification by the Captain of the Port. tion with a line bearing 129 from the tower on Bird Island; thence 309° to a (2) In the Long Island Anchorage ves- point 850 feet easterly, right angle dis- sels shall anchor in the position des- tance, from the centerline of Cleveland ignated by the Captain of the Port. Ledge Channel; thence northeasterly (3) Floats or buoys for marking an- along a line parallel to and 850 feet chors or moorings in place will be al- eastward from the centerline of Cleve- land Ledge Channel to its intersection 452 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:47 Aug 20, 2010 Jkt 220130 PO 00000 Frm 00462 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220130.XXX 220130 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with CFR.
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