June 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 16121 Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I don’t The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of House Resolution 475, congratu- have any other speakers on the subject. question is on the motion offered by lating the University of Arizona Wom- And I would like to acknowledge the the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. en’s Softball Team for winning the 2007 comments, and I’m very appreciative GRIJALVA) that the House suspend the NCAA Division Women’s College World of the comments of Mr. BISHOP. rules and agree to the resolution, H. Series Championship. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Res. 475. On June 6 of this year, the University my time. The question was taken; and (two- of Arizona Wildcats Women’s Softball Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I thirds being in the affirmative) the Team defeated a very strong and suc- would like to yield as much time as he rules were suspended and the resolu- cessful University of Tennessee Lady may consume to the gentleman from tion was agreed to. Volunteers Team by a score of 5–0 to Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN). A motion to reconsider was laid on win the three-game series 2–1 and cap- Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I won’t the table. ture the 2007 National Collegiate Ath- take much time. I’ll be very brief. f letic Association Division I Women’s I just wanted to come over here and EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR Softball Championship. congratulate my colleague, Congress- THE PROFOUND PUBLIC SERVICE This is Arizona’s second consecutive man GRIJALVA, and especially con- AND EDUCATIONAL CONTRIBU- title. Much of the team’s success is due gratulate his women’s softball team TIONS OF DONALD JEFFRY HER- to its coach, Mike Candrea. Over the from the University of Arizona. They BERT, FONDLY KNOWN AS ‘‘MR. last 21 seasons, he has compiled a proved, once again, as they have done WIZARD’’ several times before, that they really record of 1,131 victories, only 228 de- Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I move have another great team. I think this feats and two ties; however, you have a to suspend the rules and agree to the tie in the softball game. He has won 18 was probably, what, their seventh na- resolution (H. Res. 485) expressing ap- Coach of the Year awards and is an in- tional championship or something like preciation for the profound public serv- ductee in the National Fastpitch that. ice and educational contributions of Coaches Association Hall of Fame. This was the first time that my Lady Donald Jeffry Herbert, fondly known as In his career as a Wildcat coach, he Vols softball team had gone as far as ‘‘Mr. Wizard’’. has taken the team to the College that team did. The University of Ten- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- World Series 19 times and has won nessee is my alma matter. It’s a school tion. eight College World Series titles. Dur- of which I am very proud; and it has The text of the resolution is as fol- ing the 2007 season, the Wildcats com- not only great academics, but it also lows: piled an impressive record of 50 wins, 14 has a very rich athletic heritage and H. RES. 485 losses and only 1 tie. history. We’ve been primarily known Whereas many citizens of the United for our men’s football team and our b 1430 States remember Donald Jeffry Herbert as women’s basketball, several national ‘‘Mr. Wizard’’ and mourn his passing; The junior, Taryne Mowatt, the 2007 championships by both of those pro- Whereas Don Herbert was born in Waconia, World Series MVP, set a record for the grams. But the Lady Vols softball team Minnesota and graduated from the La Crosse most pitches thrown in the College this year was one of the greatest sports State Teacher’s College in Wisconsin in 1940 World Series by throwing 1,000 pitches teams in the history of the University where he trained to be a science teacher; in a week, pitching every inning of the Whereas Don Herbert volunteered for the of Tennessee. And, in fact, our great U.S. Army Air Corps and served our country tournament for the Wildcats. This sea- pitcher, Monica Abbott, won more in the Atlantic theater and earned the Dis- son she compiled a record of 42 wins games than any pitcher in women’s tinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal and 12 losses. collegiate softball history. And prob- with three oak leaf clusters; The University of Arizona should be ably no athlete in the history of the Whereas Don Herbert developed the idea recognized as an outstanding academic University of Tennessee has ever domi- for science programming culminating in institution as well. Now in its second nated a sport like Monica Abbott. ‘‘Watch Mr. Wizard’’, a live television show century of service to the State, the So once again I want to say con- produced from 1951 to 1964 and honored by a University of Arizona has become one Peabody Award in 1954; gratulations to my Lady Vols, my Ten- Whereas the National Science Foundation of the Nation’s top 20 public research nessee Lady Vols softball team. But and the American Chemical Society lauded institutions. It is one of only 62 mem- I’m here today to especially offer con- Don Herbert and his show for promoting in- bers in the Association of American gratulations to a great women’s soft- terest in science and his contributions to Universities, a prestigious organization ball team from the University of Ari- science education and has since been recog- that recognizes universities with ex- zona. They won another national nized by numerous awards; ceptionally strong research and aca- championship, and it was a well-de- Whereas an additional educational pro- demic programs. With a world-class served championship because they had gram, ‘‘Mr. Wizard’s World’’, inspired chil- faculty in fields as diverse as astron- dren from 1983 to 1990 on cable television; to fight very hard to get it, and I just Whereas ‘‘Mr. Wizard’’ continued to serve omy, plant science, biomedical science, wanted to come and say congratula- as an ambassador for science education by business, law, music and dance, the tions at this time. authoring multiple books and programs, and University of Arizona offers a reward- Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, let me by traveling to schools and providing class- ing educational experience to all of its thank the gentleman from Tennessee room demonstrations; students. (Mr. DUNCAN), and just indicate to him Whereas educational research indicates I extend my congratulations to the that both teams presented themselves, that young children make decisions about University’s president, Robert Shelton, not only athletically, but as fine future careers at a very early age and are in- the athletic director, Jim Livengood, fluenced greatly by positive contacts with sportsmanship, fine athletes and fine science and technology; head coach Mike Candrea and his staff, universities. And I appreciate his com- Whereas a strong education in science and all of the hardworking players, the fans ments. technology is one of the building blocks of a and to the University of Arizona. I am Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance productive, competitive, and healthy soci- happy to join my friend and colleague, of my time. ety; Representative GRIJALVA, in honoring Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, Whereas ‘‘Mr. Wizard’’ encouraged children this exceptional team and all of its ac- this resolution may deal with the Uni- to duplicate his experiments at home, driv- complishments and wish all involved versity of Arizona Wildcats, but it ob- ing independent inquiry into science with continued success. viously honors all people, all ladies simple household equipment; Whereas ‘‘Mr. Wizard’s’’ dynamic and ener- I ask my colleagues to support this who were involved in softball athletics getic science experiments attracted unprece- resolution. this year. dented numbers of children to educational Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance programming, even those who were disin- my time. of my time. terested or unmotivated in science; VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:56 May 21, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H18JN7.000 H18JN7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 16122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 June 18, 2007 Whereas Mr. Wizard Science Clubs were And today, when there is such an em- assistant who watched while Herbert started across the United States and had phasis across this country and by this performed interesting science experi- more than 100,000 children enrolled in 5,000 Congress to instill an appreciation and ments. The experiments, many of clubs by the mid-1950s; and a love for science among our students, which seemed impossible at first Whereas Don Herbert will be remembered as a pioneer of commercial educational pro- and among the children of this coun- glance, were usually simple enough to gramming and instrumental in making try, Mr. Wizard stands as a great exam- be recreated by viewers. The show was science education exciting and approachable ple and a wonderful show that did just very successful, and 547 live episodes for millions of children across the United that, stimulated interest and created were created before it was cancelled in States: Now, therefore, be it appreciation among children for 1965. It was briefly revived by NBC dur- Resolved, That the House of Representa- science. ing the 1971–1972 season.
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