FREE EACH VOLUME 26 MONTH ISSUE 10 A community-based newspaper serving the Puget Sound area since 1981 October 2007 Articles translated into six languages TheTheThe newspaper VoiceVoice of Neighborhood House Senate passes housing appropriations bill approved. Bill would provide Under this legislation, HUD would $104.6 billion, but a be required to provide translations for documents considered “vital,” in presidential veto is order to assist those who are likely to have difficulty with such documents in threatened English. HUD published directions to housing BY VIRGINIA FELTON authorities earlier this year requiring Seattle Housing Authority them to provide translations to help those eligible for housing assistance to take On Wednesday, Sept. 12 the Senate advantage of the programs. passed HR 3074, the fiscal year 2008 However, HUD’s guidance requires Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that the cost of translations must be funding bill, by a margin of 88-7. borne by the local housing authorities. However, the bill, which proposes Many legislators expressed concern funding in excess of that requested by that leaving the translations of all vital President Bush, faces the possibility of PHOTO BY TYLER ROUSH documents to housing authorities across a presidential veto. A girl hands flowers to Seattle School Board member Mary Bass (right) during a cultural the country would result in considerable Funding levels for the public housing ceremony, part of the Ethiopian Millennium celebration at Warren G. Magnuson Park duplication of effort and inconsistencies programs remained unchanged from Sept. 15. as various housing authorities translated the earlier Appropriations Committee- the same or similar documents. passed bill. The Mendez legislation would require A very similar bill has also been HUD to procure translations of docu- Local Ethiopians ring in the passed by the House of Representa- ments it judged to be “vital,” to establish tives. a 24-hour toll-free interpretation service Several housing-related amendments by telephone and to establish a document new millennium — at last were passed on the Senate floor, in- clearinghouse which would make avail- cluding a provision to require HUD to able templates and translated documents BY TYLER ROUSH promote unity, not only within Ethiopia’s provide assistance to housing authorities that are necessary for consumers and The Voice Editor many ethnicities and cultures, but also dealing with applicants and residents other stakeholders. among Ethiopians and non-Ethiopians. who have limited English skills. Both Seattle and King County Hous- For Ethiopians, it’s finally the year “We want to bring people together in Funding in the Senate bill includes ing Authorities have been working on 2000. hope that we’ll have a better life and a better the following: plans to better serve residents and ap- Ethiopians around the world celebrated future if we come together,” said Gezahegn $4.2 billion for the Public Housing plicants with limited English skills. a new millennium last month, as the Negussie, chair of Ethiopian Millennium Operating Fund, the same figure the Similar to the House-passed version Ethiopian calendar rolled over to the 21st Pacific Northwest. Committee’s House counterparts arrived of July 24, the $104.6 billion spend- century. Ethiopia’s calendar is very similar to the at and $336 million above the fiscal year ing bill for the Departments of HUD, Ethiopians and Ethiopian-Americans Egyptian Coptic calendar, which is about 2007 appropriation; Transportation and related agencies from Seattle and around the Pacific North- seven years, eight months behind the more $2.5 billion for the Public Housing would provide over $4 billion more than west gathered at Warren G. Magnuson Park widely used Gregorian calendar. Capital Fund, an increase of $61 million President Bush requested. to mark the occasion during a three-day Ethiopia celebrated both the new year over both the House-passed funding The White House has specifically millennium festival, running Sept. 14–16. and new millennium at midnight Sept. 12, level and the fiscal year 2007 appro- threatened to veto the HUD appropria- “This is going to be once in a thousand which is the date of Meskerem 1, 2000 on priation; tions bill. years,” said Metassibia Mulugeta, standing the Ethiopian calendar. $14.9 billion for Tenant-Based Vouch- The bill will now go to conference next to a table full of traditional Ethiopian The calendar is divided into 12 months ers, an increase of $500 million over with the House. crafts, utensils, musical instruments, and of 30 days each, and a 13th month of five the fiscal year 2007 appropriation and The conference process is used to art. “As bad as things in our country are, days (or six days during a leap year). approximately $191 million higher than negotiate any differences between the let’s celebrate it — this is a once-in-a-life- Ethiopia is the only African nation with the level supported by the House. House and Senate bills before bills are time thing.” its own calendar, script, and numerals, After protracted negotiations, an submitted for the president’s signature. Mulugeta said that disputed elections in Negussie said. amendment by Sen. Robert Menendez Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) is a 2005 and an oppressive political regime in Still, much of the country’s culture and (D-N.J.) to provide $380,000 to HUD member of the conference committee. Ethiopia have fostered divisions among the rich history is lost upon émigrés to America for the creation and promotion of trans- country’s people, of which there are more — particularly among second-generation lated materials and other programs that Source material for this article was than 80 distinct ethnic groups. Ethiopian-Americans. support the assistance of persons with supplied by the Council of Large Public The goal of the millennium event was to Please see “Millennium” on Page 2 limited English proficiency (LEP) was Housing Authorities. In this issue Quotable Neighborhood House Nonprofit org. Jesse Epstein Building U.S. postage PAID Health Notes Page 2 “Our team is excited to get started 905 Spruce Street Seattle, WA BRUSH UP ON ORAL HEALTH in the schools, and to help more Seattle, WA 98104 Permit #8887 One to grow on Page 3 students stay in school and be more TAKE THE EDGE OFF WINTER’S successful,” FROST — Chuck Bartlett, CASA START manager Our Voices Page 3 on the new Neighborhood House program TRICK-OR-TREAT NO PICNIC housed at Lee House. Translations Page 8 See story on Page 4 BE PREPARED IN THE EVENT OF A DISASTER 2 – locAl AND NAtIoNAl NewS OCTOBER 2007 Health Notes Stop the bullying: What you A column devoted to your well-being can do to help your child Brush up on oral health to add years to your life BY PAM MCGAFFIN parents: Special to The Voice If your child is being bullied: BY ANNE DOBSON 2. Talk with your dentist, pharmacist or 1. Listen to him and tell him the bully- Special to The Voice doctor if you suffer from dry mouth, a com- Your child tells you he is being bullied ing isn’t his fault. mon problem among older adults. Seven out at school. 2. Suggest your child stick with a group When it comes to thinking about quality of the 10 most commonly used medications Do you: or walk with a friend. of life, teeth and gums usually aren’t the first can cause dry mouth, which can lead to A. Advise him to ignore it? 3. Role play simple, calm responses: things that come to mind. cavities in the roots of teeth and diseased B. Ask what he did to provoke it? “Cut it out” or “You’re right” and walk But good oral hygiene is vital to overall gum tissue. C. Tell him to hit back? away. health, particularly for seniors, who run a 3. If you struggle to handle a toothbrush D. None of the above. 4. Don’t tell your child to ignore the higher risk of developing dental problems, or floss, consider using an electric tooth- The correct answer is D. bullying or hit back, both of which could notes the Healthy Aging Partnership, a co- brush or a floss holder. Both items are Children who are being bullied need intensify the situation. alition of 35 Puget Sound-area government available at your local drugstore. their parents’ support and help, says Brian 5. Tell the teacher or principal about and non-profit organizations dedicated to 4. Avoid tobacco products and heavy Bailey, violence prevention supervisor at the bullying and encourage your child to the health and wellbeing of older adults. alcohol consumption. People who smoke Youth Eastside Services. Start by acknowl- do the same. The mouth serves as a mirror of the are seven times more likely than non-smok- edging the courage it took for your son to 6. Build your child’s confidence by body’s overall health, according to a re- ers to develop gum disease, and drinking tell you about the problem, he says. helping him make new friends and explore port published by the Surgeon General. heavily increases the risk for mouth and Make no mistake, bullying is a prob- talents and interests in and out of school. Practicing adequate oral care – everything throat cancers. lem. If your child is doing the bullying: from daily flossing to routine dental exams 5. Snack smart. Avoid sugary foods such Fear of being bullied causes thousands 1. Talk to him about his behavior and – helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease as raisins, chocolates and hard candies that of children to miss school annually, and its effects on others. as well as a number of potentially life- cause cavities.
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