Reference Map of Akhamb, Malampa, Vanuatu

Reference Map of Akhamb, Malampa, Vanuatu

MA009_Malampa_Akhamb Reference map Lesesa of Limlandr Akhamb, Malampa, Vanuatu Reupanias Penbaghur Turak Mrenser Settlements Transport City ⛜ Airports Town South Runway Village Malekula Road Borders Track Province Council Trail Path Points of Interest Physical ⛳⛘ Health Facilities Coastline Waterbody ⛳⛑ Schools 0.085 0 0.085 kilometres Data sources PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / WGS 1984 Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Produced by MapAction Supported by [email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction. MA009_Malampa_Ambrym Magam Lonwara Olal Fonmur Taneo Reference map Metanwor Rau Ahomlam Ranvergere Halhal Melpulpul Ferapupol Parereu Fonteng Fona Falibeur of Fantan Lonawa Entor Faramenmen Pokor Melvar Likon Wow Lolibwe Ambrym, Malampa, Neuwa Nokhiu Ranhor Laniokon Tonbang Wilit Linbul Metamli Lonre Fantor Vanuatu Lonmariaore Lalipasil Farafuru Fanla Fantcheveur Mengamone Ranbe Fanrereu Lonlililiu Hawot Vatongtong Olau Enror Ranon Liuhor Ranbwe Vanumul Konkon Lonmbe Ranvetlam Lonororo Faramsu Lonwel Pangul Fonwor Ranveremto Vanpal Ranmir North Ambrym Ranverekon Lingrah Settlements Transport Wakon Lonwolwol Policomolmol City Tow ⛜ Airports Pontungi Town Lonnol Runway Lonparik Village Lowel Topol Road Hawore Falimarmar Borders Lonbiunedem Lolibulo Polibetakever Track Sulol Province Polibeak Lolibetaconcon Lokohkoh Fali Polipeak Navu Endu Trail Lonbulbul Poal Tareun Council Melten Lolimari Peleteveurokon Emeltungan Tim-Ahu Hau Graig Cove Bakwe Path Polianpal Lontupol Lele Hormemado Yanluvuvia Endu Melbul Poliumu Meup Yautilie Pahakol Points of Interest Physical Lonver Malvet Pisia Health Facilities Coastline Lonmuek Ewu Yelovuvu Mbulio Mboi ⛳⛘ Hot Yelevak West Sue Waterbody Water Mapkinkin Ambrym Leve ⛳⛑ Schools Baiap Polimapongon Polivak Yentelenio Emiowur Yelai Yelevotopheansa TaviosYelahae Emiowat 4 0 4 Yanbili Oval Sameo kilometres Belemapbolemio Yelemangiap Ase Renou Pemap Bakmir Sesivi MbuleviauYao South East Namonae Ambrym Vemali Data sources Beumo Sanesup Lonmei Pamal PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM Lolonwei Port Vato Ulei Oval Lanver Sahout 2 Emae Pahasangat Vathural Lalinda Oval Vomaweok Ma-at Toak Vaeh Bwele Pakea Vommaweh Vanen Penapo Oval Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Lumai Vehosagat Pawel Penat Tumbon Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP Panlenum Taveak Bethel Talu Utas Moru Vonaair Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / Oval Sae WGS 1984 Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Produced by MapAction Supported by [email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction. 168°E MA009_Malampa_Atchin Reference map of Atchin, Malampa, Vanuatu Melep Settlements Transport City ⛜ Airports Town Runway Village Road North East Borders Track Malekula Province Council Trail Path Points of Interest Physical ⛳⛘ Health Facilities Coastline Waterbody ⛳⛑ Schools 0.1 0 0.1 kilometres Data sources PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / Projection / Datum Onma WGS 1984 Rowar Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Produced by MapAction Supported by [email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction. MA009_Malampa_Avokh Reference map of Avokh, Malampa, Vanuatu Livghos Settlements Transport City ⛜ Airports Town Runway Village Road Borders South Track Province Malekula Council Trail Path Points of Interest Physical ⛳⛘ Health Facilities Coastline Waterbody ⛳⛑ Schools 0.055 0 0.055 kilometres Data sources PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / WGS 1984 Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Produced by MapAction Supported by [email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction. MA009_Malampa_Lembong Reference map of Lembong, Malampa, Vanuatu Settlements Transport City ⛜ Airports Town Runway South Village Malekula Road Borders Track Province Council Trail Path Points of Interest Physical ⛳⛘ Health Facilities Coastline Waterbody ⛳⛑ Schools 0.1 0 0.1 kilometres Data sources PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / WGS 1984 Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Produced by MapAction Supported by [email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction. MA009_Malampa_Lopevi Reference map of Lopevi, Malampa, Vanuatu Settlements Transport City ⛜ Airports Town Runway Village Road Borders Paama Track Province Council Trail Path Points of Interest Physical ⛳⛘ Health Facilities Coastline Waterbody ⛳⛑ Schools 0.65 0 0.65 kilometres Data sources PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP Holen Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / WGS 1984 Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Halhos Produced by MapAction Supported by [email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction. MA009_Malampa_Malekula Lembetiar Wowo Potovro Anap Lepotuam Lesarnalas Tobghanu Botolvo Lehuru Tontar Lerongrong Lasarap Singon Nazareth Senbughas Labung Matanvath Larur Tontarasak Sowol Lavalsal Lejernavun Fotinweiu Tanmial Reference map Navtar North East Omale Melep Malekula Peker Rowar Santar Jerico Galili Pakloas of Oroni Petermel Clear Tanmalilip Peterpu Orap Melnatoro Letephuei River Wumul Ramaso Molin Neumev Peteros Leonare Malekula, Malampa, Malua Potowar Sapa Wal Metkhun Tchinambon Bay Malua Tanmiliu Notre Dame Tchinengatep S Peterngar ° Albalak Bay 2 Melarere Vanuatu 6 Nuas Tsinasets 1 Wornambek Nunmari Sandorosdelima Tchinatot Lekan Penut Mbenenavet Peterlep But Amelbila Aknadum Lapu Ablanakalyamek Tenmaru Las Graon Burao Bethel Ablanili Bur North West Nivet Mbeltung Nasareth Peknatep Rambek Tivel Pikahar Malekula Nunpa Pao Lalnani Mblamae Vahas Tsimpiripiri Tsingolon Pinawe Wirop Alemtu Tniu Aplaveunkhai Alemtu Lelwokrerum Tevri Win Sara Natafoa Pekriwriw Potnambwe Apreukha Wiaru Potpotup Pri Station Nanwut Willekh Palu Forestry Emilperes Selenamboro Marybel Linmare Station Tsele Tenmial Mborkus Alnivert Lawesinwe 2 Senal Litslits Abeurkah Albatei Kona point 2 Breha Unmet Uri Unvar Kona point 1 Wiawi Lehan Nenjing Wiel Nabnabar Alkampani Brenwe Livet Tulwei Metitar Molku Ginonarong Leviamp 2 Lalas Unmakh Ameli Lendo Himorol Port Standley Betuwal Pontidir Rosarsar Amelaten Letevtev Larevet Lalinda Filmbil Lewesal Vili Formbukh Hatbol Mbormet Lowni Sarmette Vatukas Faralo Freddy's Community Settlements Transport Central Rue Malekula Bakof City Limap ⛜ Airports Taremb Tembimbi Mbatambu Town Vinmavis Mbarngen Neramb Runway Mboton Wakon Village Haran Penamur Roghumbo Lonwolwol Road Vanowom Raghuh Repenunur Roghuros Metenua Lonbiunedem Borders Mbwitin Track Lonbulbul Province Tisvel Repantchir Melbul Trail Tpli Retchar Council Rakhonaut Rembe Repanvaun Poliumu Path Tisman Vetkakas Ewu Points of Interest Physical Mbangir Health Facilities Coastline Assen ⛳⛘ South East Asurukh Waterbody Amil Kindu Malekula Autof Banam ⛳⛑ Batnamos Schools Larambus Melgen Ahotwin Bay Lambulmbatuei Fartapo Remep Tavendrua Latwitambus Batekfaev Rapaksivir Yapkatas Retur 9 0 9 Mbengemavis Letokhas Nduen Varak Weso kilometres Kamanliveur Gami Burbar Aktep Legeibuas Levetbao Labulwol Baobaobuluk Bambu Nambagura Data sources Ronevier Lamap PCRAFI, COD-FOD, SRTM South West Barmandrin Haikor Penesies Mahapo Malekula Lenukh Lawanemis Lainduo Port Sandwich Tsiach Marharh Lamlo Barngindre Dravail Labo Barisengaol Latatah Lampu Mbarav Venembuas Lorlow Ngot South Wintua Created 19 Mar 2015 / 10:00 UTC+11:00 Venambo Malekula Beneur Lamango Leumir Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP Lembinwen Laama Arumai Farun Louru WGS 1984 UTM Zone 58S / Bul Bul Projection / Datum Worlesles Naraniem WGS 1984 Leungaihor Limlandr Glide Number TC-2015-000020-VUT Mrenser Faru Livghos Pellonk Turak Reupanias Lombrevuh Mbonvor Peskarus Sangalai Produced by MapAction Marpagho Supported by Venbirtib Ravuhen Lutes Witava Hokai Ranvatleu Lenoimala Malfakhal [email protected] Lourop Lovormavis Luumow Mbwat Vorburi Bang Veingbongbong Melip The depiction and use of boundaries, Ohiveu Vatmbuang names and associated data shown Vunaiamp here do not imply endorsement or Vunbang Leungor ´ acceptance by MapAction. MA009_Malampa_Paama Tavie Tavienesa Luli Lironesa Seneali Voravor Asuas Nou Lulep Vinoale Netan Lulep Nesa Tahi Tahi Nessa Nasise Sise Sise Amoilep Tevali Teaim Nessa Tavoai (Tavulai) Lakelai (Tavulai) Lanoai (Tavulai) Lanoai Tevali Aot Lehili Tasimate Kelai Vaoleli Nevane Nesa (Vaoleli) Paama Vaoleli Tahal Nesa Tahal Nesa S ' Tahal 0 3 Netan ° 6 Tahal 1 Netan Vutekai Vutekai Wailep Wailep Hingal Hingal ´ Data sources Settlements Transport 0.85 0 0.85 PCRAFI, Europa City ⛜ Airports km Technologies, COD-FOD Town Runway Created 19 Mar 2015 / 1000 UTC+11:00 Village Road Map Document MA009_Island_Reference_DDP

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