- mTHH wm ri t r 0 j - s m tv V m-ww - S 7 f r S r v MWWPBT Jr c rm r m Ct mJl - l m hivim ii n ianiMi iimi iii m iiinii iimt i f immi iwa Minium nnm i in t u m t mi iw niMMiiiii iii juiim ii tsiHUMBBiKBHHHHML vb Kstablished March 4 1885 andGreenMado Famous in the Golobratcd Story of Jonathan and His Continent by MiucbRoU JKiSl x T Herald i v v iHazelK ISrmimMm m SPENCER COOPER O vnor and Ertltor Of n Nlny Worltl With Nmvn Irom All Nntlonx ImuhHnj at IIIk HiicU tl00 A YEAIt AIWny In AdVnC 1 IW MM MM JIJHM i J1WaM J W a flll1llM 1 MMIM v i - a f twwh b TENTH YEAll HAZEL GREEN WOLFE COUNTY KY THURSDAY MARCH 29 1894 NUMBER 1 vh Ii fiflitHH m 1 n vnK 1 B 1 TFlbMAS brood marc Kirn lttnomas and tin nny distance as at n four-year-ol- d I15 JKU MAffQlt the darn of wnrd of a million beat what was considered thd best cup yar the oi dollars will bo horso in tho west two miles and at that sire yy v the As 3h 111 His Solo Possessions at thai Close of Domino The story J totals of tho turf ran 111 single handed In appearance the War is not complete earnings of horses Himyar Is very bloodlike his conforma- ¬ iilltN without an allusion hailing from this tion being of tho highest his wonderful Mmw I to Major Thomas T-- establishment fig-- wiu8tiinep anil power through tho depth Knc Ncl- - gSKKKfv J ytf J Illltltt friend in his days fires all tho moro oi thcRirt nuu his immense siuio hhu KMnA SEiml 1 71 llirttory of Out of thtt litfttent of need Mr Grin m remarkable when second thigh being so evenly balanced r AiWttl S l i HorHDrt In Anicrlcii ym v stead time the xfflffFWWmm M num- - with his other makeup produces in him In VM Al tWKs IM llTG I the minted latter met with iWl iber of colts sent a superb fineness which in a lew well riucinnati Coiiiineroiiil Gnzette financial reverses vftf3 W unit annually from formed horso would result in that cohw W rar4 I M orvsy 7 Tliat Himyar has taken n prnmitienco Then Maj Thomas t tins place is taken ncss so noticeable in some of tho trotting among sirescond to no horso now in had made a fortune W ffi M into consideration stallions of tho day His breeding coiir the stud in America through the aid of and was in a poi n ffi w Guided by this it formation aud performances combined his unbeaten son Domino who has won tion to return the V LSlaP-i - ILIvlUU UWS3X rv is reasotinblc to being eo exceptional was tho reason Maj more money than any two-year-o- ld in favor so gcncrously ixV 4UK -- A YJdlu presume had Maior Thomas did not buy a stallion upon tho racing history and whoso earnings are bestowcu in vears Thomas owned such death of Imp King Ban Ho believed also lienyier than thow of any other liv- ¬ previous and he I - JCKW an arrav in num ho had a greater horso than ho could ing or dead American race horse arc nearly sacrificed his Mvrsi T 7tPt bers of stallions purchase in Himyar Domino is tho re- ¬ iVr4z--4-sr iiv kc J t v yys1r facts well known to the public Hut the estate to save the v NJT y wT A HI X and marcs as Mr J sult and today his siro commands a stud hctuntional incidents and pathetic side man who had bo B Haggin for in ¬ feo of 500 moro than was ever paid of happenings leading up through history friended him Mr stance that ho with but three exceptions for tho ser-- i of marvelous sire andsoji v - - vices of an race horse to thclifc this U mislead was so jr WM- w U - would have out- American t is unknown to the mass of turf followers involved however v tftSMfSerSSt- tripped anv breed Himyars companions in tho stud In as well as this days breeders and owners his financial down- ¬ mfmmmm mmmfflxaz ing farm in the the brood mnro classification nro worthy of the thoroughbred told as it is below fall could not be world in the con- ¬ of the services of their famous horso as in public for the first time averted but Mnjor test for the suprem- ¬ shown below tho first time tho imireH In the early part of the civil war Mai I nomas saw to it acy in races and now at the homo of Domino liavo JJ G Thomas tho veteran breeder and that the once afflu ¬ tt m wiw rrxi iiuonev won Look- - appeared in public print v owner of Himyar from whose stud came ent banker was free - M- - I A ine over his remark Adonta dam of Adora Ban Adonia Ken- - - M - r r m 1SU l had a serious difficulty with a I r w n Vli 11 win lucky Ban mid May Lady by Imp Tho 111 I Jomino from want to the -- able success makes Union soldier whose company was camp ¬ end of his dnys hisindivulual views Used ing in and around Lexington menacing Domino theiijlias ssaMHSE MfJSWPl Aera by Alarm Imp Acropolis r on breeding of Alice Gray dam by Jim wlnnor of Gray tho citizens cj that section their pres- ¬ a history outside of much interest to twenty eight races ana 20720 bv Enquirer ence being a compelled fciiflerance as us own achieve the general public Ann dam of John Winkle and Miss Win- ¬ martial law had been declared meats and the glo couched as they are kle by Tiehbornb t The courts dismissed Major Thomas on rious record he has Own Itrnthcr to Vnbcnten Domino Most in a few words and Atttolat Imp dam of Arben by Kirbcr a preliminary hearing Iwj his enemys won MannieGrey Valuable Yearling in the World exprcssimr Ban Amy second a mile in 142 1 4 by as thev Ban comrades in arms not satisfied with the Domiiifis dam was Himyar Sire of Unbeaten Domino whose Man nil Iroy Dam of Unbeaten Dominojdo new ideas for Imn Kinp up Uv have won more than wjis over vm whose liavo won more money llitiika ilam of llaukas Daughter by verdict took tho soldiers cause sncured by Major Het uioiicv produce thaniit0BQ w no a r e Ban i u single seaon by and daughters muse oi any urouu nmre Imp King night and by day they hunted the now Thomas from Gen tlesons oiiilt searching for the filly in 1880 nM Americaii brfd btalio Bamlalutho crack of tho cost famous breeder watching every corner Buford who closedof - J secret of raising nn by Imp King Ban and turn in the streets hoping he would his earthly career in Danville Ind by ideal phenomenal raco horse Ban IlaJjMn u winner by Imp King Bnmjj 1 observed Major Thomas pass along nimitiillHwr uiiirtirln iftnr wk f t rl ci nil II It will be that BravourayoungEnglisli mare by QucgusWl Itiin 1w C l Ho says Having long since learned nlwt liultiwttinM lirofil lirr tttNi- Messenger Finally they sighted him from afar dered a large estate Jio bred her she lM ii h every foal was of these stars of the first five biggest that just a reproduction Corbena dam of Pasedhia by TmpThmt ThcnwCame a race of life and death boingan own sister to that sterling good of some preceding horse or mare in winners hrench lark having also hailed the dcrstorm Fast gaining on him it seemed but a racoTiorso Goodnight who during his family to which it belonged my aim Ciiromi dam of West Side by Imp Glen- - question of time when be would come career won nn oven dozen races Mann e nim i ia num inu u uuduik uimu u since lynn ch as does of that conviction has been o uso within range ot their millets aim what Grey was raced but little She however interest consisting it no Dislike sister to Banana bv Imp Kinir two-yonr-ol- mares for raising race horses except ho leaden missiles failed to accomplish beat a big field at Lexington when a three I complete list of all tho Bun American history that have those who had uo stains in their pedigree iWf1 heir bayonets would finish Fleeing as vearrold She is also an own sister to racing and traced back throuirh irood performers 111 1 My Lady o was he soon passed beyond the city Eutistus the Missouri bred stnllion sire won as iniicu as 5iouuu anu over f My Fellow and by Imp Khig v i lun l origin min j ViJSV imits fortunately came aeros Cec stakes and purses It also illustrates Vu oriental i Ban but iin pf Bobby Beach Johnny Heckscher -- how by figures Domino towers iihnvi igpnivcHa coiLsoinething iiKe school FiHor Ban bv Imp King Ban Favoress engine slue tracked ami inane iwij May lav First Ward Quiver William Favoress Macaroon fiiifc Favor- - them all ing does a boy but good material is by Imp Jus danger to the engineer iuoa lacier the 10000 Galen and other famous requisite in both before a con bo dale dam of the Favorihdo colt for aid polish responded to the call openedihc performers made At a recent salo in Lexington Fclicitielam of Gardner TimberlRnd and throttle turned tho iron horse looseand Every one of her foals that have start- ¬ 5 the expression I will buy the horso and Tom Tough by Itobel V noon the murderous soldiers were left ed are creditable winners In addition Gossamer tltiiii of Mackintosh and oliibbo- - I 5 you may have tho pedigree was heard leth by Imp Moccasin far behind tcV this fact her worth as a brood mare is NAMKS but such talk came only from peoplo WllllnntttV friend when frnn fiio lnnt livlmn Leaving his new found illustrated more fullv bv the statement who had never bred a great raco horso Kvrln Dnlv -itl ntrc- was Maj Thomas ¬ immediate danger past that the noted performers she has pro Ah nn evidence foals Jlanapdam of llama by Imp i Domiuo run hack to different KlnBnn tramped on until he finally reached the duced are by fo uridine rent sires Ten iwos members of their families the really Uuiem fdnin of Ban Jlajeni llhtthp HaN- - troops ana Ten Ban His Highness 100 tOO sail liotefand Imp AuBtrallnnA southern in west Virginia Strike being a son of Broeck 78100 great raco horse Tom Bowling was Ihuenuby followed the cause until the Keel iotoiuae Hearsay dam of Banana King Troublcr he then lost dala a daughter of lung Ban Lady Proctor Knott WI7WI known to have only a few crosses of doscW tho rebellion and Freemason
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