ISSN 0036-9144 SCOTTISH BIRDS THE JOURNAL OF THE SCOTTISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CLUB Volume 10 No_ 3/4 Autumn/Winter 1978 SCOTTISH BIRD REPORTS 1976·1977 ORNITHOLIDAYS Member of The Association 1979 of British Travel Agents Holidays organised by Birdwatchers for Birdwatchers Ceylon S.W. Spain India Majorca Florida Greece Isle of Mull California The Camargue Isle of Islay The Seychelles Yugoslavia The Solway Kenya Lake Neusiedl The Cairngorms Israel Austrian Alps Hebridean Cruise Morocco Hungary Dorset Tunisia Romania New Forest Turkey Central Wales West Sussex Arctic Norway Isles of Scilly Suffolk The Farnes & Bass Particu lars sent on receipt of 7p stamp to : LAWRENCE G. HOLLOWAY ORNITHOLlDAYS (Regd) (WESSEX TRAVEL CENTRE) 1/ 3 VICTORIA DRIVE, BOGNOR REGIS, SUSSEX, England, P02 2PW. Telephone 02433 21230 Telegrams : Ornitholidays Bognor RegiS. Hebrides and Scottish West Coast Cruises for a maximum of 12 ornithologists or naturalists to visit the more remote parts of this magnificently unspoilt area. PENTLAND W A YE is a most comfortable motor yacht, with a very competent crew, good food, central heating, etc. and maintained to DTI standards. All berths for 1978 were very soon taken, so please write early for details (9x4 sae please) to: TONY DALTON (sb) Lom Charters, Lochavich, Taynuilt, Argyll Telephone Lochavich 212 000000000000000000000000 ISLE OF MULL BINOCULAR REPAIRS STAFFA COTTAGES GUEST HOUSE CHARLES FRANK LID. TOBERMORY are pleased to offer a special concession to members of the Scot­ tish Ornithologists' Club. Servicing and repairs of all makes of binocu­ Get away from It all ... lars will be undertaken at special beautiful scenery, good blrd­ prices. Routine cleaning and re­ ing and comfortable accom­ aligning costs £5 + £1 post, packing modation at Staffa Cottages. and insurance. Estimates will be provided should additional work Quiet situation looking across be required. the Sound of Mull to Morvern. Send to The Service Manager (S.O.C.), SAE for colour brochure. Charles Frank Ltd., 144 Ingram Street, Glasgow, Proprietors: Gl lElL Richard & Elizabeth Coomber looooooooooooooooooooJooc Tobermory (0688) 2464 SUNBIRD HOLIDAYS AT EXECUTIVE TRAVEL BIRDWATCHING AND WILDLIFE HOLIDAYS SPRING 1979 - WINTER 1980 TURKEY May (16 days): Marmara lakes, Central Plateau, Eastern Anatolia (Lake Van). Aug./Sept. (10 days): Bosphorus (birds of prey, storks), Marmara lakes. Sept./Oct. (10 days): Bosphorus (birds of prey), Marmara lakes. Nov./Dec. (10 days): Goksu delta, Taurus, Central Plateau. ISRAEL March/April (15 days): Elat, Sinai, Dead Sea, Jerusalem. MOROCCO April (15 days): Agadir, Sahara, Atlas. Jan. 1980 (10 days): Agadir, Sahara, Atlas. INDIA Oct./Nov. (22 days): Bharatpur, Kath­ NEPAL AND mandu, Annapurna, Chitwan (Tiger BHUTAN Tops). FRONTIER Feb. 1980 (18 days): Bharatpur, Kath­ mandu, Assam, Bhutan frontier (in­ cludes Kaziranga, Manas, etc.) All tours are limited to approx. 20 people and are accompanied by an experienced ornithologist. For brochure write to: Sunbird Holidays, Executive Travel (Holidays) Ltd. 141 Sloane Street, London, SW1X 9BJ. TeJ. 01-730 6609 I.A.T.A. A.B.T.A. A.T.O.L.29lB. focus onourprlces r'"rr ~ Heron £33.78 Heron 8x40 Bwcf Binoculars NEW lOx40 The Birdwatchers Glasses. As used by the W i d~angle Binoculars £34.93 forestry commission. Ideal for the young and Quality, power and light weight. too - a mere beginn.ers . Lightweight (260z), extra wide 200z! 367 ft. field of view at 1,000 yards. Slim angle, 514 ft . field 01 view, also suitable for lelss-type body, centre focus. black finish, spectacle wea rers. We believe - ttiem fully-coated lenses. also su itable lor spectacle incomparable value at £33.78 inc. case and wearers. Excellent va lue at £34.93 inc. case, lanyard plus £1 towards p&p. straps and lanyard. plus £1 p&p _ Top quality optical goods at enormous savings Heron quality, Heron service, Heron choice - Heron NEW 8x40 we hold in stock what we believe to be the lcf binoculars. £24.81 largest range of telescopes and binoculars for birdwa tchers in the country. A few examples Weighi 210z, 341ft. field of view at 1.000 are shown below: Retail Our yarefs. ~old · efown rubber eyecups. Only £24.B1 BINOCULARS Price Price plus £1 p&p. Swift Aud ubon 8.5X44 } Prices MK.II(380z) Swift Grand Prix BX 40 MK.I on I' t' (24oz) app Ica Ion Schmidt &Bender Carl leiss 10 X 40 B Dialyt (24oz) £293.04 £222.75 Carl leiss BX30 B CF(lB'/,oz) £318.38 £242.00 15-60xzoom leiss Jena BX 30 Jenoptem (170z) £59.94 £39.96 leiss Jena 10X 50 telescope Jenoptem (350z) £100.44 E66.94 Habicht Diana lOX 40 (23oz) £242.23 E182.88 Leitz 10X 40 B (210z) £268.82 TELESCOPES This quite B Nickel Supra 15 X 60X60 magnificent (280z) £158.63 E1OS.50 telescope from Hertel & Reuss Televari West Germany is 25X60X 60 (320z) £153.57 E101 .50 ideallor use on Order direct from this li:;t­ reserVOirS and Prices correct as of 8th September 1978, IIlClusiv. seashore. Robust In of case. lanyard and manufacturer's guarantee, construction. excellent In plus El post and packing charge. Access and optical quality. We believe £101.50 Barclaycard accepted. Apply for details and send thiS to be the best on the marke.! for your guide to Binocular & Telescope owner. hip. toda y. Weight 950 g. length 300 m Further deta ils and comprehensive price list closed . 560 mm open. Fitted With tripod· available in return for th is coupon , including bush . EXit pupil 4 -1 mm. light -gathering Field .& TrekCatalogue of camping, rambl ing and power 16· 1. tWIlight 30·60. field of view climbing equipment. Or call in person and see our 1.000 m 47·12 m At a recommended retail vast stock for yourself. price of £153.57 the Heron price of £101.50 including leather case and rubber eyecup .UJ];tI;!QQiM/;!Ii*i'UB __ for spectacle wearers IS outstanding val ue ~eron Optical Co . Add £1 p&p I 23·25 Kings Road , Brentwood. I Essex CM14 4ER I Piease send me details and I price lists on: I B,nocutars D Te,escopes D I Field & Trek Camping EQu lpmenl 0 I NAME _________ ~~~[~2~gSR~1 I ADDRESS ________ Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4ER. I Tel: (0277) 2212591219418. Telex: 995566. I I Onl y 5 minutes Irom Brentwood Station. 30 I I minutes from London 's Liverpool St Station \ / (Sou thend Line). Open dally 9 am to 5 pm except ,--------------- Thursday 1 pm. Satu rday 4.30 pm close. SCOTTISH ~8 NEWS LOCHWINNOCH In May this year, Lord Donaldson, president of the RSPB, and Dr Jean Balfour, Chairman of the Countryside Commission for Scotland, opened the new Lochwinnoch Nature Centre 18 miles south-west of Glasgow. The Centre provides us with the opportunity to meet the public, of all ages, and show them that nature can be exciting, interesting and fun. The new timber building, with its thirty foot observation tower, contains lecture and exhibition rooms, a shop and offices, and outside a path leads to two hides. Set in a 388 acre nature reserve, consisting of two lochs, with fringing marsh, scrub and woodland, 65 species of bird nest here, includ­ ing Pochard, Shoveler, Grasshopper Warbler and up to 10 pairs of Great Crested Grebe. Habitat Management The aim here is to diversify the present areas of open water and scrub. In particular the 250 acre Barr Loch is the subject of a major scheme to control the water level by a series of ditches and sluices, increasing the marsh habitat in summer and returning the open water for roosting geese and ducks in winter. The work, grant-aided by the Nature Conser­ vancy Council, will start this autumn. The Aird Meadow, the smaller of the two lochs, is overlooked by the centre and the public hides, and work has been done here to improve the nesting habitat for water birds. Sections of fringing reed swamp have been cut off, floated into the centre of the loch and staked into place, providing new shelter and roosting sites. Already they have been used for nesting by ducks and grebes. Do come and see us at Lochwinnoch. If you are feeling energetic then work parties are often organised, and assistance is also needed in the shop and exhibition room. Contact us here at 17 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh if you wish to help. There is something for everyone. Enquiries and donations to OpenIng Times: (WInter) THE ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS 10.00 - 17.00 Thurs. - Sun. 17 Regent Terrace, Shop open 7 days a week Edinburgh, EH7 SBN 031-556 5624/9042 SCOTTISH BIRDS TIlE JOURNAL OF THE SCOTIISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CLUB 21 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 SBT (tel. 031 - 556 6042) CONTENTS OF VOLUME 10, NUMBER 3/4, AUTUMN/WINTER 1978 Page Editorial 73 Scottish Bird Reports 1976-1977 73 1976 Species List 79 1977 Species List 116 Additions and corrections to previous reports 153 Notices 154 Scottish Ornithologists' Club 155 Editor D. J . Bates Business Editor Major A D. Peirse-Duncombe 1979 SPECIAL INTEREST TOURS by PEREGRINE HOLIDAYS Directors: Raymond Hodgklns, MA. (Oxon)MTAI. Patrlcla Hodgklns, MTAI and Nev1lle Wykes, FAAI ACEA. By Scheduled Air and Inclusive. With Guest Lecturers and a Tour Manager. *Provisional INDIA AND NEPAL Dr Jim Flegg Feb 10-27 Eric Hosking, OBE £849 Birds Wildlife VENEZUELA John Gooders Mar 6-22 Birds Wildlife £820* SPRING IN CRETE Flowers Mar 8-15 Leisure £180 At the deluxe Minos Beach Hotel Aglos Nikolaos, the area of the famous TV series "Who Pays the Ferryman" and "The Lotus Eaters" SPRING IN ARGOLIS Flowers Mar 13-22 Sites £195 SPRING IN ARGOLIS Flowers Mar 21-30 Sites £215 SPRING IN ISRAEL Flowers Mar 25-7 Apr Sites £480 SPRING IN CRETE Birds Apr 5-19 Flowers £390* SPRING IN PELOPONNESE Birds Apr 4-18 Flowers £390· CORFU Anthony & Alyson Huxely Apr 9-16 Flowers £155 CORFU Anthony & Alyson Huxley Apr 16-23 Flowers £155 CORFU "Mont" Hirons, B.Sc.
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