September 23, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 17 22419 partnership between the Department of seas to keep us safe and free back RECOGNIZING HOWARD Defense and the American Association home. Democrats, Republicans, Mem- UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW of State Colleges and Universities. bers of Congress, as Americans are Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, I move to All institutions that join the consor- standing up for those people that stood suspend the rules and agree to the reso- tium must agree to have military- up for us to keep us safe and to keep us lution (H. Res. 684) recognizing and friendly policies on campus. Generally, free. honoring Howard University School of these institutions agree to things like I was delighted by the remarks of Law’s 140-year legacy of social justice reasonable transfer of credit policies, both Ms. HIRONO and Mr. THOMPSON in and its continued commitment to the providing credit for military training support of this resolution. We are try- training of capable and compassionate and experience, and providing credit ing to thank those colleges, those uni- legal practitioners and scholars, as for at least one nationally recognized versities, those technical schools that amended. testing program like the college-level already do what they can in terms of The Clerk read the title of the resolu- examination program. admissions, in terms of credit trans- tion. The consortium also assists institu- fers, in terms of recognizing the service The text of the resolution is as fol- tions and students in following new time as an educational opportunity for lows: policy changes that may benefit serv- which credit should be given. icemembers or veterans. Committee We want to encourage those other H. RES. 684 Republicans have long been supportive universities, other colleges, other tech- Whereas in 1867, shortly after the end of of ensuring that America’s servicemen nical schools that don’t yet do this to the Civil War, with funds provided by the and -women are easily able to accom- do what schools, colleges, technical Freedman’s Bureau, Howard Normal and Theological Institute was established; plish their goal of achieving a postsec- schools around the country have done Whereas the following year, the Board of ondary education degree. since 1972, and increasingly so. Trustees voted to expand the institute’s cur- The Higher Education Opportunity I was very, very happy that my State riculum and change the name to Howard Act passed last Congress included a university in New Jersey, Rutgers Uni- University; number of new initiatives for service- versity, the State University of New Whereas in 1869, Howard University School members and veterans. The bill re- Jersey, just so recently acknowledged of Law, which shares Howard University’s quired the Secretary of Education to SOC, joined SOC, and is doing what so founding principles: Veritas et Utilitas provide a Web site that should serve as many other universities, colleges and (Truth and Service), was opened in an effort a one-stop shop for servicemembers to technical schools have been doing since to address the great need to train lawyers who would have a strong commitment to access information about all education 1972 to help our servicemembers, to helping African-Americans secure and pro- benefits. help our newly discharged veterans re- tect their newly established rights granted This bill also included a program to alize their civilian American Dream. by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Con- provide funds to institutions to develop Each and every one of them, as they stitution; on-campus centers that will help serv- see fit, by going to a university or col- Whereas Howard Law School is the first icemembers navigate everything from lege of higher education may achieve law school dedicated to the education of Af- course registration to educational ben- the sorts of opportunities they want rican-Americans; efits to help pay for college. These pro- through higher education to have a Whereas Howard Law School’s original fac- ulty members were former Dean of the Law grams will help ensure that these stu- successful civilian life. School, John Mercer Langston, and the Hon- dents receive all of the information I thank both my friends here, Ms. orable Albert Gallatin Riddle; they need without having to navigate HIRONO and Mr. THOMPSON. I thank the Whereas John Mercer Langston, the name- through all the redtape. leadership and the committee on both sake of Langston University, was the first I recognize that many institutions sides for trying to work for Americans, African-American Member of the House of already have military-friendly policies work for our veterans, work for our ac- Representatives from the State of Virginia, in place whether or not they are a part tive servicemembers and for their fam- representing Virginia’s 4th district, and of this consortium. Through this reso- ily members to make sure they have a former President of Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute (presently known as Vir- lution, we are encouraging even more chance at a higher education. ginia State University); institutions to review their policies I urge all our Members to support Whereas the Honorable Albert Gallatin and to think about whether there is this resolution. Riddle, former Member of the 37th Congress, more that they could give back to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. I was an abolitionist and novelist; those who are fighting for America’s thank my good friend for sponsoring Whereas Charlotte E. Ray (class of 1872) freedom. this resolution. I am certainly proud as was not only the first African-American fe- I certainly want to congratulate my a member of the Education and Labor male graduate of Howard Law School, but colleague Mr. ADLER for introducing Committee to support this resolution was also the first African-American female this important resolution. Mr. Speak- as well. I think, to me, more impor- to practice law in the District of Columbia; Whereas James C. Napier (class of 1872), er, I urge my colleagues to support this tantly, as the father of a United States who was invited to attend Howard Law resolution. soldier, thank you for this resolution. School by Dean John Mercer Langston, I reserve the balance of my time. I yield back the balance of my time. served as President William H. Taft’s Reg- Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, I am Ms. HIRONO. I thank the gentleman istrar of the Treasury, and is 1 of 5 African- pleased to recognize, for 3 minutes, the from Pennsylvania for his remarks Americans whose signature has appeared on gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. and, in particular, because in his fam- currency of the United States; ADLER), the sponsor of this resolution. ily he has servicemembers. I thank Mr. Whereas Robert H. Terrell (class of 1889) was the first African-American municipal Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. I thank ADLER for bringing this forward. the gentlelady for bringing this resolu- judge for the District of Columbia; I yield back the balance of my time. Whereas former Dean of Howard Law tion to the floor. I thank my friend Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The School, William Henry Hastie, became the THOMPSON for his support. I thank both question is on the motion offered by first African-American Governor of the Congressman MILLER and Ranking the gentlewoman from Hawaii (Ms. United States Virgin Islands, the first Afri- Member KLINE for their leadership on HIRONO) that the House suspend the can-American Federal magistrate judge, and the Education and Labor Committee. rules and agree to the resolution, H. the first African-American to be appointed We have a country that watches us Res. 491. as a Federal circuit court judge; and is sometimes appalled by what The question was taken; and (two- Whereas former Vice Dean, Charles Ham- they see as too much partisanship. thirds being in the affirmative) the ilton Houston, widely known as, ‘‘the man who killed Jim Crow’’, was known to remark This is another example of Republicans rules were suspended and the resolu- to his students that, ‘‘a lawyer is either a so- and Democrats working together to tion was agreed to. cial engineer or a parasite on society . .’’; help the young men and women who A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas Howard Law School served as the have both put on a uniform, gone over- the table. training ground and planning site for the VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:58 Apr 12, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H23SE9.000 H23SE9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 22420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 17 September 23, 2009 lawyers who, through Brown v. Board of Edu- ing as alumni a Supreme Court Justice, nu- There was no objection. cation of Topeka, Kansas, rejected the no- merous Federal and State judges, Members Ms. HIRONO. I yield myself such tion that separate education equates to of both the House of Representatives and the time as I may consume. equal education; Senate, a Governor, and several Mayors; Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Whereas civil rights attorneys Oliver Hill Whereas the Princeton Review ranks How- and honor Howard University School of (class of 1933) and co-counsel, Spottswood ard Law School’s faculty as the most diverse Robinson III (class of 1939), were attorneys law school faculty in the Nation; Law on the event of their 140th anni- for the plaintiffs in Davis v. County School Whereas Spencer Boyer, a Professor at versary. The students and many exem- Board of Prince Edward County, which was 1 Howard Law School, has 38 years of service, plary alumni of Howard University of 5 cases consolidated with Brown v.
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