E H TT RANSCRIPT Ohio Wesleyan University The Oldest Independent Student Newspaper in the Nation Delaware, OH Thursday, December 14, 2006 Volume 144 No. 13 Formal recruitment fi rst weekend after break By Matt Patrick down one by one until they decide which Staff Reporter house they like best. Junior Lacy Moore, director of new The recruitment process for fraternities members for Delta Gamma, said freshman and sororities is right around the corner. should go into the recruitment process with Senior Britney Coale, vice president an open mind. of membership for Delta Delta Delta, is “No one should be too sure about any in charge of recruitment for her sorority. house because all of them have great girls,” She said freshmen and unaffi liated women Moore said. “One of the benefi ts is that you planning on joining a sorority should enjoy get to meet so many girls you might have the recruitment process. missed, so don’t limit yourself. It can seem Coale said the recruitment process for overwhelming at times but take it for what women is a fun way to see each sorority it is and have fun.” house and meet lots of people. She said it is Junior Jeffery Scholtz, president of Sig- a three day process and takes place the fi rst ma Alpha Epsilon, said the goal during fra- weekend back from winter break. ternity recruitment is to get as many people “Everyone gets split up into groups and as possible interested. tours each house individually throughout “An average pledge class in the spring is the weekend,” Coale said. around eight,” Scholtz said. “It’s important Coale said while everyone has an oppor- to keep your house full because, with more tunity to participate in formal recruitment, people, we will have more money to put to tour the houses and join a sorority, wom- into activities like recruitment and social en must be in their second semester and functions.” have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. “The food budget gets increased the Coale said the fi rst night, girls will go more people we have living at the house around to all the houses. She said the ,and more opportunities are available when second day is a longer visit. Skits are per- we have more people living here including formed for the girls, and it’s typically the allowing seniors the privilege of moving off Photo by facebook.com most fun day. campus,” Scholtz said. “Living in a frater- Alumna Kristen Cemate does the Theta jump durning set two of formal “The third day is the longest and most nity takes a lot of work, and it’s easier when serious,” Coale said. there are more people living in the house to recruitment last year. In the background from left to right are senior Tracy Coal said after the fi rst night, girls rate Cepnio, juniors Anne Bizarro and Maggie Donovan and senior Jen Tilden. the houses they like by narrowing them See Recruitment, page 2 Faculty addresses sexual harrassment policy By Jacqui Coffey and dance professor; and Mail Supervisor sors and kept on fi le in the Provost’s Of- Johnson’s proposal on behalf of the Fac- Guest Reporter Suzanne Stork. The approved changes will fi ce.” ulty Personnel Committee’s revision to the now increase the number of departments Finally, faculty unanimously approved “FPC Refusal Policy” to assure impartiality Several changes to the sexual harass- with available advisors. to increase the number of advisors for the in decision making. ment policy in the University Faculty There are now 15 departments with “Administration of the Policy,” which is The revised article states, “Members of Handbook were unanimously approved by sexual harassment advisors, including the designated and supervised by the Provost. the committee will not read materials relat- faculty and staff Monday. Student Health Center, Provost’s Offi ce, “Recommend to the President the ap- ed to or deliberate and vote upon, cases in- Nancy Gamso spoke on behalf of the Public Safety, Athletic Department, and the pointment of 10 [up from fi ve] Advisors: six volving themselves, their relatives or family Committee on the Status of Women for the Chaplain’s Offi ce. faculty members [up from three], two ad- members, or their domestic partners. In proposed changes under Article III: what A second change made under the Sexual ministrators [up from one], and two staff cases involving individuals in their depart- to do if you believe you have been sexually Harassment Policy was to the language in members [up from one]. At all times, the ments or their relatives, family members, harassed. Par. 8, p. 4, “General Statement on Proce- group of advisors should include both men or domestic partners; departments and the The fi ve current faculty sexual advisors dures.” The article now reads, “Annually, and women. Advisors shall serve a term of committee members will withdraw during are: Joan McLean, politics and government the Provost shall issue a statement indicat- no more than four consecutive years. One discussions and voting.” professor; Lauren Wiebe, modern foreign ing the number of reporting complaints of half of the group will be replaced every two Faculty unanimously approved Jeffrey languages professor; Psychology Profes- sexual harassment. This statement will be years.” sor Vicki DiLillo; Edward Kahn, theatre approved by the Sexual Harassment Advi- Faculty unanimously approved David See Faculty, page 2 Smoking rules unclear Issue 5 not enforceable until June By Keller Sehringer include the telephone number to report vi- olations to the Ohio Department of Health. Guest Reporter Junior Tim Rosendaul said, “I do not The passing of Issue 5, including the see how self-enforcing this rule and simply restriction enacted by the University pro- calling in an offense will have a signifi cant hibiting smoking within 20 feet of campus impact on people’s decisions to not smoke buildings, will not be enforced until rules within 20 feet of buildings.” and regulations are drafted sometime next Smoking receptacles are also being year. moved away from the buildings to help The amendment to the Ohio Revised send the message. Code, passed as Issue 5 in November, Junior Matt Murphy said “I have been states that smoke should not enter build- waiting for a policy such as the 20-foot rule ings through “entrances, windows, ventila- every time it is cold and I am at the library- tion systems or other means.” people feel the need to smoke with the en- George Elsbeck, vice president for busi- trance door open to stay warm.” ness affairs and treasurer, are responsible The ordinance applies to all University for choosing the 20-foot distance. buildings, including the library. The Ohio Elsbeck said, “The 20-foot [distance] Department of Health has six months to was based on my experience in California. adopt further rules to clarify the prohibi- For example, the San Francisco airport has tion on smoking. The smoking ban will not signage prohibiting smoking within 20 feet be enforced, citations will not be issued, of an entrance. If this does not work, we nor will fi nes be given until the fi nal rules will need to change the policy.” have been made. The smoking ban is not Sophomore Tom Yaggi said, “I think the only intended to protect nonsmokers from 20-foot rule will be very hard to enforce secondhand smoke, but also to encourage unless there is yard sticks outside of the smokers to quit smoking. buildings to tell whether someone is 18 or The phone number to report violations 20 feet away from a building.” to the Ohio Department of Health is (866) The 20-foot policy is self-enforcing, 559-6446. The web site for the Ohio De- Photo by Ryan Kim meaning that the ordinance will require partment of Health is www.odh.ohio.gov. Senior Emily Lloyd gets fouled by an Ohio Northern player last night in that signs be in front of the buildings that See Smoking, page 2 the Bishops’ 60-51 upset against the Polar Bears. Inside This Librarian to retire Confi scated focuses Three soccer players Cheerleaders fi nd in a few weeks on crossing artistic named All-American coach Week’s Issue: disciplines Page 3 Page 6 Page 11 Page 12 Page 2 http://trascript.owu.edu Thursday, December 14, 2006 Thursday, December 14, 2006 The Transcript Page 3 Faculty (from page 1) News Nunemacher’s proposal on behalf same time. audience. We have narrowed our logo which Straker said includes of the Executive Committee of the The faculty unanimously ap- brand building focus to OWU, the name, the seal and, of course, Faculty to specify the language in proved Bradley Tree’s proposal peer schools and our target audi- the Bishop. The fi rm is in the pro- Briefs three sections of “Descriptions of on behalf of the Academic Policy ence.” cess of studying how the Universi- Faculty Committees.” Committee for PSYC 452 – Social Straker said peer schools in- ty logo has evolved over the years RA applications The fi rst was to the Academic Cognition to be permanently add- clude Denison, Kenyon and De- and how a more consistent image available Policy Committee (APC) mem- ed to the curriculum. Pauw. When comparing the OWU can be projected. berships. APC is considered a The faculty meeting closed website to others, he said, “We “For example,” he said, “the Resident Assistant Ap- non-overlap committee meaning with a presentation by representa- have a lot of great content but lack different logos on sports jerseys plications are available for faculty may not serve on two non- tives from Ology, a Columbus fi rm the emotional appeal, we don’t tell make every team unique, but a 2007- 08 academic year overlap committees at the same hired by the University’s market- a story.
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