AUTHENTIC KABBALAH FROM ISRAEL KABBALAHT DAY ISSUE #21 A PUBLICATION OF THE BNEI BARUCH ASSOCIATION FOUNDED BY RAV MICHAEL LAITMAN, PHD www.kabtoday.com In this issue: a misdemeanour, and the love of money is detestable, that those walk most truly in the paths of virtue and sane wisdom LOOKING BACK AT THE who take least thought for the morrow. We shall once more value ends above means and prefer the good to the use- ful.” While the most renowned econo- mist of the 20th Century was promot- p.2 SING IN HARMONY FUTURE ing his vision of economic and social possibilities for his grandchildren, the Economic Perspectives from most highly recognized Kabbalist of the 20th Century, Yehuda Ashlag (widely Two 20th Century Visionaries known as Baal HaSulam) was shar- ing his forward looking world view, which was remarkably similar to those of Keynes. Although contemporaries, Keynes (1883 – 1946) and Ashlag (1884 p.3 A BETTER WORLD FOR OUR CHILDREN – 1954) probably never met. Ashlag’s theories were rooted in the Wisdom of Kabbalah . If Ashlag were alive today he would probably have told us that the reason for the Crisis was man’s un- willingness to recognize we operate in a global interdependent system, mankind will only renounce its economic system when the system brings more suffer- ing for society than pleasure. His views p.4 THE LAST SUPERMAN were based on one of Kabbalah’s central by Seth Bogner tenants, if humanity does not work to- JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES Keynes envisioned a vastly different pic- gether to correct our egotistical nature ture of global economic health for our and start acting in concert with nature & YEHUDA ASHLAG generation. In 1930 in his rarely dis- we would bring blows upon mankind of (BAAL HASULAM) cussed article, “Economic Possibilities biblical proportions. According to him he current Global Economic Cri- for our Grandchildren” Keynes predict- we could avert the impending suffering sis has affected virtually every ed an end or evolution of capitalism. In by educating people about our inherent country. No corner of the world fact, he foresaw this as a highly desirable nature and providing society with an al- T ternative path. p.5 I THOUGHT I WAS has been left untouched by the most se- eventuality. RETIRED, BUT I AM vere recession in 80 years. Most nations Keynes anticipated that by now all AN EVOLVED ECONOMIC NOW UNEMPLOYED have reacted to the Crisis by following the world’s economic problems would REALITY the economic theories of John Maynard be solved. Goods and services would Keynes, reputably the foremost econo- be produced at a level to sustain all of The current Economic Crisis is th mist of the 20 Century. Keynes be- humanity and the means to distribute sending us a message that the capital- lieved that government intervention and them to all would end the struggle for ism, of our time, must adapt or become spending is the best way out of a finan- subsistence. He predicted that im- extinct, both Keynes and Ashlag fore- cial crisis. His theories were the basis of provements in productivity due to tech- saw this eventuality 80 years ago. They the strategies employed by both the US nological advancements would increase predicted that the hubris that has been and UK in response to the Great Depres- and together with the accumulation celebrated in our generation will give sion. Many economists, central bankers of capital, would solve the world’s eco- birth to a new economic reality where p.6 CLOUDS IN MY COFFEE and pundits frequently cite Keynesian nomic problems. Keynes observed, “We capitalism will evolve into a new sys- economics when discussing the various shall be able to rid ourselves of many tem. In Keynes’ words, “The critical economic stimulus programs enacted of the pseudo-moral principles which difference will be realized when this globally to attempt to combat the Crisis. have hag-ridden us for two-hundred condition [freedom from concern about VISION OF GLOBAL years, by which we have exalted some of basic survival needs] has become so the most distasteful of human qualities general that the nature of one’s duty to ECONOMIC HEALTH into the position of the highest virtues. one’s neighbour is changed. For it will Would Keynes, if he were alive, be- … therefore, to return to some of the remain reasonable to be economically lieve that we would have found our- most sure and certain principles of re- purposive for others after it has ceased p.7 HOW CAN WE STOP selves in a quandary similar to the Great to be reasonable for oneself.” MEDICINE FROM ligion and traditional virtue –that ava- Depression all over again? probably not. BEING A BUSINESS? rice is vice, that the exaction of usury is continued on page 24 ,, When mankind reaches the degree of complete love for the fellow man, all the happiness intended for humanity will be revealed in all its glory.,, Baal HaSulam formed by the desire to receive. How- This musical example of balance and ever, since we learned that we could harmony can help us to achieve the change our surroundings to suit our de- same qualities for humankind.. sires, we have been focusing entirely on HA MUSIC IS THE N RM the desire to receive. We have become I O ignorant of the fact that we receive en- DIVINE WAY TO TELL G ergy and life not from the desire to re- BEAUTIFUL, POETIC N (Bail N ceive, but from the desire to give.” THINGS TO THE HEART I Y Yourself Out) – Pablo Casals Humanity is discovering that our natu- S ral growing desire to receive remains Music is a universal language and this unsatisfied, unfilled, unquenched. We far reaching quality makes it well suit- are realizing that our exclusive focus on ed to be used as tool to help us emerge our ever growing desire to receive mate- from the world crisis resultant from the rial things and fulfillment from others singular focus on receiving. The desires I ’ d y leaves us feeling more starkly vacant expressed in lack can be supplanted by n and empty. As this song asks, “Will music that espouses unity and balance L o I always feel this way, so empty, so es- between giving and receiving. Musi- ik e m tranged?” (Ray LaMontagne) cians who experience unity and the in- r T a teraction and connection of these two o ThE ANSWER LIES IN H forces can convey this balance in their Te t THE DESIRE TO GIVE compositions both through lyrics and a c c fe The answer lies in the second part of melodies. “Music can help us express a h by Beth Shillington r whole new side of reality … the impact T Pe the equation of these forces of Nature, he In the desire to give. “The interplay be- of such music on the listener will be un- W g matched, precisely because it expresses orld To Sin tween the two desires eludes us because it is the very basis of our makeup, and our life force!” (Bail Yourself Out) MUSIC CAN NAME THE culture, including social and economic therefore resides at a level deeper even than our consciousness. But once we UNNAMABLE AND frameworks, climate, and availability of technology. Not surprisingly with the understand how these desires interact COmmUNICATE THE with each other to create life, we can widely recognized globalization of the 4continued from page 1 UNKNOWABLE world, which is fraught with financial, put this information into practice and discover how to benefit from doing so.” – Leonard Bernstein economic, social, familial, psychologi- Keynes trusted in the inherent (Bail Yourself Out) cal, and ecological problems, today’s generosity and morality of mankind. usic expresses a wide range of music most often expresses disillusion- Unfortunately, mankind has not emotions, feelings and ideas MUSIC IS THE MEDIATOR ment, pain, suffering, and desires for lived up to his expectations. M with varying rhythms, melo- what seems missing: love, sex, money BETWEEN THE Given the accuracy of their vision, dies, instruments and vocalizations. …. It isn’t just the lyrics that convey the SPIRITUAL AND THE perhaps it is time for us to listen to Historically, music has highlighted our unhappy and dissatisfied messages, the SENSUAL LIFE their views on the next stage of so- celebrations with joyful passion; has in- intense beat and discordant, cacopho- timately professed our romantic love in cioeconomic development. Their nous instrumentation share the senti- – Ludwig van Beethoven ballads or dejectedly bemoaned its lack; views are remarkably similar: both ments. Humans are literally singing and Music also provides a key to under- has stalwartly sent troops marching to agree that people must reach a state shouting their desire to receive, and to standing the interaction of these forces war and bugled them into battle; music where concern for other members receive more and more and more. It is of Nature. It can help us see our lack has added pomp to the circumstances of the society outweighs concern for only natural that music resonates these of balance with Nature and a clue as requiring such grandeur; and has la- self-promotion and they also agree sincere growing and unfilled needs and to how to attain the balance. Music’s mented the loss of loved ones in dirges. current almost exclusive expression that this transition will not be easy. Music is capable of conveying deep and desires of humanity. of wanting to receive helps us see our In fact, Keynes saw this as “the great- complex emotions that are understood WE HAVE BEEN singular focus on one of the forces and est change which has ever occurred and felt by the listeners.
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