Volume 20, Number 15 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Tuesday, November 13, 1973 Third College Construction To Start Construction of Third College's 1980. Academic Unit I will begin this April. All Cost of the Acad mic Unit I nuilcling buildings in this first of three phases of will be approximat Iy $7 ,400,000 Ihlllcling academic structures will be ready for " B", a three story r earch / ~cl('nce fac illt occupancy by December of 1975. The will cost approxlmat Iy 2,0 9,000 Tht' building site is located betwe n the structure will provide space for nlolog , Central Library and Muir College. chemistry, phYSICS , and applt d phy~l("ill Four buildings will be includ d in ciences laboratorl Offi ce ancl Academic Un it I. The stru tures ar "C", a laboratory servlc room ~ will a l ~o b cience/ t a hing laboratory fa ility; "8", a Includ d faculty re ear h/science building;" R", a The two tory, ~ c len e teac hing cia sroom/I cture hall structur ; and "F", laboratory, building " C" will m t r l o~(' to a ommunications building. $924,000 According to huck Power, A istant Building " R", osting $48 2,000, \-\tli U SD Archite t , and sup rvisor of Third ontain one 300 seat Ie ture hall and o n(' Co il ge building projects, Academic Unit I 125 S at I ture hall AI 0 Included ar£' will be "very re idential in character . .The three 40 at la rooms which can b(' ba ic philo ophy is to keep a low rise, campus." He states t at many of the building she is badly eroded now, by the converted to two 60 s at room~ With u of re idential cale on the campus. This is buildings will have beautiful views- the time the project is completed, the plan­ moveable partitions primarily a reaction to the high-rise, mountains to the East, and the ocean to ning landscaping will have corrected the A two-story communications center, concrete monster concept." Powers the West . / problem. building " F", witl provld t achin g tressed, in a recent interview, that this Building materials will be concrete and facilities for TV , radiO , and audiO-Visual project is designed to meet the needs and concrete-block finished with rough plaster. Two additional phases of Academic scie nces . It will contain two teaching desires of Third College people and to get Earth-tone wooden facing panels will add Buildings will be added to the Third laboratories, offices classroom factlltl away from the high-rise atmosphere at contrast to the edifidces. The cumulative College campus. Academic Unit II will be and a "scene shop" for manufacturing Muir. effect of the low-rise concept and building totally devoted to the social sciences. graphics, scenery, and prop . The building Taking advantage of the building site's materials will be "more human scale" Permanent buildings will be constructed to could also be used as a center for the rolling hills, some of the structures will be structures, Powers hopes . house such majors as Urban and Rural production of closed-circuit television on dug into the hillsides. Students will enter Extensive landscaping, planned Studies and Third World Studies. This the campus. The cost of this structure IS the second floor of several of the buildings throughout the project, will be completed second step is due to open in September of estimated ta $928,700. from ground level because of this. by January of 1976. "We are retaining 1980. The Los Angeles arch itectural firm of Powers describes the Third College every tree of salvagable value," Powers Academic Unit III, to be devoted to the Kennard and Silvers, Arch itect / Planners, locale as "one of the most plea ant on emphasizes. He added that though the hard sciences, is tentatively set to open in designed the buildings. McElroy Issues Ce~ter Statement U (~ Affirmative Action By John Taylor Hoping to assuage what the Town Center at it Town Center core should be La t Thursday UC Vice President Robert L. women to take courses in mathematl s, As i tant to the Chancellor November 15 meeting, scaled to the projected Johnson reported on the UC affirmative physical sciences, engineering, business David Ryer termed " am­ would provide for "con­ population of the action program to the Assembly Committee administration, etc, in order to qualify for biguity" surrounding the tinuous input from University Community, on Employment and Public Employees. positions traditionally assigned to men and Univ rsity' position on the member of the University estimated at 100,000. When Johnson stated that all nine UC campuses to develop the background essential for propo ed Town Cent r, th and lown C nter com­ the Town Center ore is first have affirmative action program which admission to graduate and profeSSional Chanc Ilor's office has muniti . rurther insurance opened, and at each lid scribe the organization of and chools II rei as d a 9-pag would b a sured through succes ive tag, a well- re ponsibility for affirmative action, the John on tated that a central difficulty background pap r, in - the e tablishment of a planned balanc of us procedure for determ ining any un - connected with UC affirmative actIOn orporating the U SD Plann d Comm rcial should be provided, in- d rutilization of women or minoritie , th programs IS the high costs which the e position, a hort history of Di tri t that would require cluding housing, developed step to be taken to correct any un- programs entatl The e co ts are for th Town Cent rid a, and a ea h propo d project for op n spaces, commercial derutilization, and outlines the policie and r cruitment for a ad ml and taft qu stion-an w r e tion . th nt r to be approved ~hop, lVI, ultural, and program for as uring non-de crimination In po ition th dev lopm nt of comput r by th City Planning r reational facilities. Th employment." programs, and educatlonl program for I n a hort preface to th Commission . rate of growth of the Town According to Johnson many advances in supervisors in employe development and pap r, addressed to "all Requirements Center and the Town Center the area of equality for women at UC have program to in ure awarene of th n d m mbers of the U.c. San core hould clos Iy parallel b ep made in the last decade. " T n years of women and mlnoritie . Di go community, The background paper tha~ of th defined ago", he tated, "only 8% of th Ph D. Johnson said that " In 1973-74 Cha ncellor William also includes a copy of University community in awarded by this university were conferred University received $250,000 from the MElroy comm nt d, "We McElroy's statement to the each of the above areas of upon women . In 1971-72, 15.4 P rcent of Legislature for affirmative action program plan to endor e the concept University Town Center use." the Ph .D.s were women, and in 1972-73 this We had r quested $1 ,080,000. For 1974-75 of a multifunctional center Associates, the firm that In addition to the above figure increased to 16.2 percent. As the the Regents have approved a specifiC b cause, on balance, a well­ will implement the Town facilities, the University number of women attaining Ph .D .s in-- request of $790,000. Additional financial planned and integrated Center plan, comprising requires that remaining creases, so too will there be more women upport from the tate would undoubtedly center of this kind seems specific requirements for land within the Center be entering the faculty and progressing through help to achieve affirmative action ob­ preferable to the likely the Center. UCSD threatens use d a c c e pta b I y, tenured ranks ." jectives more quickly. Neverthele s the alternatives." to withhold its support specifically for "a Johnson also pointed to advanced in the University is committed to affirmative The paper strongly states unless the specific residential character areas of maternity leave benefits and UC action efforts and affirmative action its concern that plans for guidelines in the position consistent with the housing retirement programs. programs; lack of additional financial the Center remain within paper are met. The general needs defined" in the He stated that the University is engaged assistance simply means it will take longer guidelines dictated by the position of the University University Plan of 1971 . The in efforts " to encourage undergraduate than otherwise be true." University Community follows: position paper also requires Plan, formulated in 1971 by "The development of a that the appropriate "the City of San Diego well-planned Town Cen­ " ancillary" facilities, such Planning Department in ter ... imp lements the as schools, be included in Town Center Vote cooperation with citizens of University Plan and is plans for any residential the community, UCSD, and considered to be in the best On Thursday, the San The vote will be taken at center will be given a various other interests of U.c. San Diego Diego City Council will vote an all day open meeting chance to voice the view , organizations." and the adjacent com­ on the University Com- wh r proponent and The out om of Thur- According to the paper, munity. A vital, active ....m_u _n_itv__ C_ e_n_t_e_r_p_r_o_po_s_a_1. _o_p_p_o_ne_n_ts_o_f_t_h_e~p_ro...:po__ e_d __ c::. o::..:..:n.:.;t1.;.;n.;:;u.;:;ed.;:. on pQ. '3 the administration hopes center of residential, " that construction of the cultural, civic, commercial, ANNOUNCEMENT tl Center as an "economically and recreational activities is viable entity" will prevent considered essential to A mlnar concerned organization involved with '''spot-zoning' and helter­ provide a center of interest with th ucce s of wom n th advancement of wom r sk Iter development", for the University Com­ " ma le-d om ina ted " in that fi Id, Dr.
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