FEDERAL RESIST * 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 12 NUMBER 125 ^ A f/ T E D ^ Washington, Thursday, June 26,1947 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT performance of their duties and may as­ CONTENTS sign or detail such personnel under their EXECUTIVE ORDER 9868 respective jurisdictions, including mem­ THE PRESIDENT bers of the armed forces, as may be re­ Appointment op Members of a Military quested for tlie purpose. Personnel'so Executive Order Pase T ribunal E stablished for the T rial assigned or detailed shall receive such Military tribunal established for and P unishment of Major W ar C rimi­ compensation and allowances for ex­ nals in Germany trial and punishment of major penses as may be determined by the war criminals in Germany, ap­ By virtue of the authority vested in Secretary of War and as may be payable pointment of members.______ 4135 me by the Constitution and the-statutes, from appropriations or funds available and as President of the United States to the War Department for such pur­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES and Commander in Chief of the Army poses, except that personnel assigned br and Navy of the United States, it is detailed from the Navy Department shall Agriculture Department ordered as follows: receive such compensation and allow-, Proposed rule making; ances for expenses to which they may Milk handling: 1. I hereby designate Edward Francisbe entitled by reason of their military Cleveland, Ohio, area_____ _ 4153 Carter, Associate Justice of the Supreme grade and service and as may be payable . Columbus, Ohio, area____ _ 4147 Court of the State of Nebraska, and from appropriations or funds available Tri-State area.________ .___ 4144 Curtis Grover Shake, former Judge of to the Navy Department for such pur­ Tobacco stock and standards'; the Supreme Court of the State of In­ poses. establishment of Type 31-V diana, as members of one of the several Harry S. T ruman under Class 3, air-cured military tribunals established by the tobacco____________________ 4144 Military Governor for the United States T he W hite House, Rules and regulations: Zone of Occupation within Germany pur­ June 24,1947. Peas and cauliflower, fresh, in suant to the quadripartite agreement of [P. R. Doc. 47-6101; Piled, June 25, 1947; Colorado____ ______________ 4135 the Control Council for Germany, en­ 11:15 a. m.j acted December 20, 1945, as Control Alien Property, Office of Council Law No. 10, and pursuant to Ar­ Notices: ticles 10 and 11 of the Charter of. the In­ TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Vesting orders, etc.: ternational Military. Tribunal, which tri­ Beal, Henry J__________ ___ 4159 bunal was established by the Government Chapter IX— Production and Mar- Bruckner-Tyler, Margaret C_ 4160 of the United States of America, the Pro­ . keting Administration (Marketing Hashimoto, Kazuichi_______ 4159 visional Government-of the French Re­ Agreements and Orders) Hear ley, Clarence A________ -4161 public, the Government of the United Hoshino, Tatsuji__ _________ 4159 Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern P art 910—F resh P eas and Cauliflower Kohler, Victor, and Ursula Ireland, and the Government of the Grown in Alamosa, R io G rande, Cone­ Kohler-------- ------------------- 4159 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, for jo s, Costilla, and Saguache Counties Kolbe, Joachim______ ;_____ 4160 the trial and punishment of major war in Colorado Martin, Mary_______ _______ 4157 criminals of the European Axis. Such It is hereby ordered that the rules and Nichibei Kinema Co________ 4157 members may, at the direction of the and regulations, hereinafter set forth, be Saulnier, Raymond, and Standard Brands, Inc___ _ 4157 Military Governor of the United States published in the F ederal R egister. These Zone of Occupation, serve on any of the rules, and regulations are issued pursuant Yoshimoto, Marie Therese__ 4161 several military tribunals above men­ to the provisions of Marketing Agree­ Child Labor and Youth Employ­ tioned, which tribunals are a component ment No. 67, as amended, and Order ment Branch part of the military occupational forces No. 10, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., Rules and regulations: of the United States, and upon which the 910.1 et seq.), regulating the handling of State certificates, acceptance; members designated herein shall perform fresh peas and cauliflower grown in the designation of States_______ 4139 active service during the period of their counties of Alamosa, Rio Grande, Cone­ Civil Aeronautics Board designation. jos, Costilla, and Saguache in the State 2V The Hiembers herein designated of Colorado, effective under the Agricul- Proposed rule making: shall receive such compensation and al­ utral Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, Certificates authorizing inter­ state or overseas air trans- lowances for expenses as may be deter­ as amended (48 Stat. 31, 670, 675; 49 mined by the Secretary of War and as • portation; terms, conditions, Stat. 750; 50 Stat. 246; 7 U. S. C. 601 et and limitations-_____ ______ 4155 may be payable from appropriations or seq.) The provisions hereof are issued funds available to the War Department Federal Communications Com-. by the Administrative Committee estab­ for such purposes. mission 3. The Secretary of State, the Secre­ lished under the amended marketing agreement and' order as the agency to Notices: tary of War, the Attorney General, and Hearings, etc.: the Secretary of the Navy are author­ administer the terms and provisions thereof. The provisions are prescribed Dekalb Radio Studios_____ _ 4163 ized to provide appropriate assistance to Flint Broadcasting Co______ 4164 the members herein designated in the (Continued on p. 4137) Interlake Broadcasting Corp_ 4163 4135 4136 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Indian Affairs, Office of Pa£e Wage and Hour Division Pa£e FEDERAfijpEGISTER Rules and regulations: Notices: San Carlos Indian Irrigation Advisory Committee on Shel­ Project, Arizona; operation tered Workshops; acceptance Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and maintenance charges__ 4138 of resignation and appoint­ and days following official Federal holidays, Interstate Commerce Commis­ ment __________ __________— “ 4162 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Proposed rule making: National Archives, pursuant to the authority sion Special Industry Committee No. contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Notices: 5 for Puerto Rico; public proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Cars, reconsignment at - St. 8 hearing to receive evidence for amended; 44 U. S. G., ch. B ), under regula­ Louis, Mo___________________4165 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ consideration in recommend­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Machinery, unloading at Ameri- ing minimum wage rates for tion is made only by the Superintendent of cus, Ga___ _____ 4165 employees in various indus- Documents, Government Printing Office Rules and regulations: . tries (Corr.)_______________ 4155 Washington 25, D. C. Car service: War Assets Administration The regulatory material appearing herein is Box cars, free time_________ 4142 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Demurrage charges: Rules and regulation»: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Disposal agency offices for filing to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Box cars, closed__________ 4142 amended June 19, 1937. Gondola, open and covered declarations of surplus prop­ The F ederal R egister will be furnished by hopper cars_________ 4143 erty by owning agencies, lo­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 State Belt Railroad of cation_____________________ 4139 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ California-------- -------___ 4142 War Department vance. The charge for individual copies Empty cars, movement; ap­ (minimum 15*) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: size of the issue. Remit check or money pointment of agent______ 4142 Grain cars, distribution____ 4142 Decorations, medals, ribbons, order, made payable to the Superintendent etc. (Corr.)________ _______ 4137 of Documents, directly to the Government Icing at Roseville, San Jose or Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Stockton, Calif_—•______ 4143 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Lumber* restrictions on re­ CODIFICATION GUIDE tion of material appearing in the Federal consigning__________ 4143 R egister. Terminals; joint use at Louis­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code ville, Ky., for livestock___ _ 4143 of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Post Office Department opposed to final actions, are identified as 1946 SUPPLEMENT such in parentheses. Rulés and regulations: to the Procedures before Solicitor; Title 3— The President PaBe rules of practice in cases aris­ Chapter H—Executive Orders: CODE OF FEDERAL ing under postal fraud, lottery 9868----- ------•_______ _________ 4135 REGULATIONS and fictitious statutes______ 4141 Title 7— Agriculture Reclamation Bureau The following books are now Chapter I —Production and Mar­ available: Notices: keting Administration First form reclamation with­ Book 7: Titles 1 through 8, (Standards, Inspections, Mar­ drawals: keting Practices) : including, in Title 3r Presiden­ Missouri River Project, Wyo- Part 30—Tobacco stocks and tial documents in full text with ming ________ ____________ 4162 Upper Burnt River Project, standards (proposed)_______ 4144 appropriate reference tables and Chapter IX-—Production and Mar­ index. Oregon-______ 4162 Water service, temporary; Buf­ keting Administration. (Mar­ Book 2: Titles 9 through 20. falo Rapids Irrigation
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