I THE BRITAIN-NEPAL SOCIETY Journal Number 13 1989 ~--------------------- Our President His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, GCVO 1 THE BRITAIN-NEPAL SOCIETY Journal Number 13 WE'VE TAKEN TIME OFF 1989 FROM OUR o CON1ENTS INVESTMENT PROGRAMMES 5 EDITORIAL TO INVEST IN THIS ONE. 6 EVEREST EXPEDITION ~ A Situation Report 7 . THE SOCIETY'S NEWS 13 . NEPALESEART at the Victoria and Albert Museum by Mayura Brown 16 . BUSH HOUSE AND NEPAL Broadcasting to South Asia by William Crawley 21 . INSECTS OF NEPAL by Colonel M.G. AlIen FRES, FRGS 25 . THE NEPALl SUPPER by Mayura Brown 28 . BOOK REVIEWS B odhisattlla Avalokitesvara by Lieutenant Colonel T.M. Lowe Circa 14th century See article "Nepalese Art at the 31 . N01ES on the Britain-Nepal Society Victoria and Albert Museum" BARCLAYS de ZOETE WEDD ~ THE INVESTMENT BANKING ARM OF THE BARCLAYS GROUP Designed & Produced by Glenbum Services 2 3 --------------------------------~--------------------- EDITORIAL From Strength to Strength Lectures given at the Alpine Club by of paintings of birds of Nepal now in the members of the Society have always possession of the Zoological Society of provided Some excellent articles for the London. Many members will reCall the Journal and this issue is no exception. aalk on "Changes in Nepalese A vi fauna" Mr. William Crawley, Assistant Head of to the Society at the Alpine Club by the RB.C. Eastern follows up Mrs. Carol Inskipp in 1985 (see Silver his well-attended talk with the contribution Jubilee number of this Journal) and also Route va,."",,,w.,,!'. to South Asia be aware of her book ., A Guide to the and Colonel M.G. Birds of The other book to which we feel com­ to make reference here is one , which is not easy to down once It is the told herself of a American who volun- Our thanks to them and to all our COI1l­ teered to become a Peace Corps science Mrs.Mayura Brown for teacher in a village on the east side of our attention to the excellent Kathmandu. Her very frank and vivid display of Art, including some narrative describes conditions prevailing very fine pieces from Nepal, in the new some years ago and how much gallery at the Victoria and Albert Mu­ changed but her courage and genuine seum in London. The authorities of the admiration for the people she lived and Victoria and Albert have very kindly worked with, which enabled her to carry provided the illustrations which accom­ out her undertaking when many others pany her article. gave up make" A Classful of Gods and FOR RESERVATIONS CALL Colonel Lowe has again drawn atten­ Goddesses in Nepal" by Ruth Higbie tion to the latest publications of special (The Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove, 01-3834314 interest to our members, in his reviews California) a fascinating book as much 01 .. 3871541/71 and book list. To those he has listed we for those who know Nepal well as for would here add two titles and the first those who have not yet ventured there. Telex 265241 DABIN G must be "A Himalayan Ornithologist" A third book which has not yet come by Mark Cocker and Carol Inskipp (Oxford our way but which we are happy to an­ Fax 01-528 7789 University Press) which besides telling nounce to our readers is "Samraj" by the life story of Brian Houghton Hodgson, Elame Aron (New English Libary), the a remarkable life that extended over very first of a trilogy based on the Mahabharata. DABIN TRAVEL LTD, GSA nearly the whole of the 19th Century, The book has evidently been well re­ describes in seven fascinating chapters searched and comes out not long before 118 Tottenham Court Road his extraordinary achievements as anatu­ the RRC. will be showing a "nine-hour London W1 P 9HL ralist and orientalist, and provides 49 dramatization" by Peter Brooks of the colour plates selected from his collection great epic. 4 5 It remains only to draw attention to the BRITISH SERVICES EVEREST THE SOCIETY'S NEWS many interesting activities of the Society EXPEDITION 1988 which are described in detail in "The Society's News" and also to let it be A Situation Report by and it has had three Presidents. The first known that the move of the Gurkha Lieutenant Colonel HRA Streamer OBE and longest serving was Lord Hunt who Museum to Winchester is progressing guided the Society through its early days. wen and the museum should be to It will be recalled that in 1988 three He was succeeded by Mr. Arthur Kellas welcome visitors in next year. In determined attempts to reach the summit formerly Ambassador to Kathmandu. He the meantime the important King by members of the Services Everest relinquished the Presidency when he and Mahendra UK Trust for Nature Conser­ Expedition were turned back by appalling his wife retired to Argyl. In 1979 after a vation is appealing for more support from weather and snow conditions. Application successful career in the Civil Service and members and from the public (see The was immediately made to the Chinese in business Sir George Bishop agreed to Society's News). As for our Society, it Government for permission to make a In February the following announce­ become President. For ten years he and continues to progress and to go from further attempt in 1991 or even sooner if ment appeared in the Court Circular' 'The Lady Bishop have diligently attended the strength to strength. this could be arranged. The Chinese were Duke of Gloucester has become Presi­ Society's functions and the monthly unable to grant permission before 1991 dent of the Britain-Nepal Society for meetings at the Alpine Club. and recent troubles there have now also three years" . Earlier this year Sir George announced put this out of the question. It is hoped His Royal Highness is no stranger to his intention to retire in his seventy-fifth The King Mahendra UK Trust that the situation will stabilise and that an the Society. Their Royal Highnesses The year and in May members had the oppor­ for Nature Conservation, attempt in 1992 might be possible. This Duke and Duchess were invited to join tunity of thanking him and Lady Bishop 103, Mount Street, time the team would not attempt the the Society as Honorary Life Members at a well attended party held in the lovely London route by the long West Ridge but would when Lieutenant Colonel e.G. Wylie Cambridge Cottage Garden at Kew. On WIY SHE try by the North Face direct. As a result of was Chairman of the Society (1969-73) behalf of the Society Lord Hunt thanked the delay in time much work will be since when His Royal Highness has taken Sir George warmly and presented him involved in selecting a new team and in an active interest in the Society. In July with a Kukri made in Kathmandu. In his finding sponsors. 1981 the Duke attended a dinner given by speech HE The Nepalese Ambassador the Society at the Royal Over-Seas League also thanked Sir George and took the in honour of TRH Prince Gyanendra and opportunity of mentioning the trade and Princess Komal and he has also attended transit problems of Nepal and India and talks given by Professor Haimendorf, he hoped the Society would help to solve Prince Peter of Greece, Sir George Bishop this dispute. and John Sanday at the Alpine Club. Lady Bishop was presented with a set We are delighted and honoured that of cut glass sherry glasses by Mrs. Mayura His Royal Highness is to be the new Brown. The glasses were inscribed with President and we look forward to the Society'S crossed flag motif. welcoming him at the Annual General Sir George is now busy planning a trek Meeting to be held, by kind permission in October through the Tamur Valley to of His Excellency Major-General Bharat Kangchenjunga; this walk, there and back, Keshar Simha, at the Royal Nepalese should take about 28 days. On his return Embassy on 23rd November. we look forward to seeing him and Lady The Society is twenty-nine years old Bishop at many of the Society's functions. Everest - The View from the North - Summit (left), West Ridge (right) 6 7 11 Monthly at the Club tile lease in return for substantial funding III The Pestalozzi Children's Village. each year to extend the school so that the On Thursday 20th October Mr. Goorge for new headquarters. Sedlescombe. children will be able to stay and be edu­ Band, President of the Alpine gave "We were pretty unprofitable for Mr. Paul Broomhall, a former Chair­ cated up to 16 years butfrrst, now that the an illustrated talk on "Kangchenjunga­ " explains the Alpinists' President man of the Society has for many years school is running. I am waiting for the First Ascent". George Band, the youngest member of invited the Nepalese House Mothers as District School Inspector's visit so that I Colonel M.G. AlIen's illustrated talk the 1953 Everest expeditiorrn .• 'They made his guests to the Annual Nepali Supper. can obtain my licence," she added. on "Butterflies, Moths and other Insects us a good offer". Three years ago Miss Lakshmi Thapa At the moment Miss Thapa will have of Nepal", took place on Thursday 19th Band however, tilat the deal was one of his guests; she spoke enthusi­ to travel daily the 15 miles from her January. leaves the club homeless for several years astically about her work at the village home to the school. This can take up to Mr.
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