Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 6-1-2011 The BG News June 1, 2011 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News June 1, 2011" (2011). BG News (Student Newspaper). 8418. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/8418 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 90|63 THIS WEEK'S THE WOLF PACK IS BACK Should you see "The Hangover Part II?" See The WEATHER: WED SAT Pulse on PAGE 6 and find out. THE BG NEWS SUMMEWEDNESDAY, JUNE 1,2011 Volume 90. issue 148 ESTABLISHED 1920 A daily independent student press serving the campus and surrounding community www.bgviews.com New library dean has history with University By Bobby Waddle Sara In Frxus Editor Bushong Dean of University Sara Bushong's new position as the dean of University Libraries is the Libraries next step in a line of jobs that began with an interest in music and educa- & tion. as two terms as interim dean and is Bushong began her history with excited about her new job. the University as a student, earning a "I'm kind of the person that what- Bachelor of Music Education degree ever is thrown at me, I'm going to and performing as a choir teacher, a go ahead and take it on, full speed school librarian, and was originally ahead," she said. "I think I'm final- going to become a band director. ly realizing that there isn't anoth- She finds her transition from er dean coming in, so we're going music to libraries fitting in the over- to just start making plans for the all pursuit of teaching. future." "I just like the variety," Bushong Officially acting as dean since May said. "1 felt 1 could continue working 9, Bushong's transition into the posi- BVRONMACK I IHEBGNEWS as a teacher as well but be able to tion has been described as "seam- BIG BIRD: The Slroh Center features the weld's largest falcon statue, and its wingspan is approximately 23 feet. See page 5 for more photos. work with all kinds of subject areas less" by Libraries budget manager instead of just one or two." Heidi Popovitch, citing her previous Bushong previously served as the ready. associate dean of the libraries as well See LIBRARIES j ;2 set STROH Falcon Heights, Centennial Hall are on schedule for fall ALMOST FINISHED FOR A PRICE Construction is nearly finished for residence halls Stroh Center to be completed soon Student organization use requires fees ByDanLemle Centennial Hall. With this process, Reporter it is easier for construction workers ByNkkMaHow By Ry«n S.tkowl.k to not tread in dirt from outside or Sports Editor Reporter Two new residence halls, Falcon disturb any of the already finished Heights and Centennial Hall, are on aspects of the building. Kicked off by a $7.7 million donation from Kerm and With a new facility comes a new fee. schedule for their opening in the fall. "1 know that's the process, from Mary Lu Stroh a little over three years ago, the construc- Groups, both on- and off-campus, looking to rent "Everything is on schedule and top down," said Reedy. tion of the Stroh Center is just weeks from completion. the Stroh Center for the use of various activities will set to go," said Tim Shaal, associate Both residence halls are air con- Project Manager Mike Schuesster said workers are see new fees for the use of its space. director of Residence Life. "During ditioned, have wireless Internet, and putting the finishing touches on the 133,000-square According to Undergraduate Student Government winter, work was being done inside. are suite-style, but have differences foot convocation center and should be done in two to Vice President Rob Orians, the price to rent the Stroh Now that it's nice out, the brick is able in the room setup. Falcon Heights three weeks. Center will cost an on-campus organization $250 per to be put up," Shaal added. has a single-room option, where four The grand opening is open to all and set for Friday, hour. However, Orians said that USG will try and get Both buildings are being com- individuals have their own rooms Sept. 9, at 2 p.m. Special VTPs have been invited to that fee lowered for student organizations. pleted from the top down, accord- but share two bathrooms and a In - ing to Corey Reedy, the operations See STROH | Page 3 See FEES | Page 3 manager for both Falcon Heights and See RESIDENCE | Page 2 Director of Public Utilities retires after six CORNER VIEW years of serving the community By Brian Bohnert of those duties include day to day Kevin Reporter operations, planning, implementing Maynard policies, setting rates, finances, labor Bowling Green Kevin Maynard recently made one agreements and economic develop- Director of Public of the hardest decisions he has ever ment. Utilities had to make. In his six years as head of public J. After six years of serving the com- utilities, Maynard has been part of munity of Bowling Green, he is retir- the increasing of capacity in water rates reasonable for residents. ing as the city's Director of Public treatment plants as well as the devel- "In response to rapidly increasing Utilities. opment of wastewater collection and volatile market power prices, Maynard, 50, was elected to the components like water mains, sew- the city is participating in construc- position in 2005. ers and transformers. tion of a number of new power Overseeing the city's electrical, One of the things Maynard said plants, including the largest run-of- water and wastewater utilities gave he has been proud to do during his the-river hydroelectric development LAUREN P0FF I THtBGNEWS NEW BRICKS: Construction on campus is coming along for the upcoming school year The Maynard many jobs required to keep career has been getting electrical University is making an effort to make the campus look more appealing. residents safe and satisfied Some power contracts at low prices to keep See MAYNARD | Page 3 CAMPUS FORUM SPORTS PEOPLE ON THE STREET Construction is almost done Memorial Day is full of hope Kent, Illinois take out Falcons Who do you want to see perform at the Stroh Center? The Stroh Center is almost complete Columnist Alicia Riedel remembers The Falcons baseball team lost both of its games EDWARD MEKLER and is due to be finished in two to three Memorial Days as a child with cookouts. in two double-elimination MAC Tournament Junior. Computer Science weeks. Turn to page 3 to see photos of As she has grown older she's found more games last week The Falcons fell to No. 1 seed "Streetlight Manifesto." | Page 4 the Stroh Center so far | Psga 3 meaning in the holiday | Paga 4 Kent State 6-2 and Northern Illinois 4-2 | Paga 5 ^ VISIT BGVIEWS.COM: NEWS, SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE Lourdcs Graduate School Open House 3 -credit-lh 'orshipi Business Education Leadership Liberal Studies, Nursing Theology '"$17JS , i,i:\l'i \ 11 M i ii H >i Ww ' '-'^"' %t&£'''iu To RSVP or for more information, please visit gr lvOl.lourdes.edu 2 Wednesday. June 1.2011 FROM THE FRONT PAGE WWW.BGNEWS.COM FRIDAY NIGHTS SATURDAY V~ 10PM til 2:30AM 3.6,5 DRINK SPECIALS ***** \ ,)•;//, BOOMER & mv »w IF,., v jr ,r SZ: ^S^zlbt—_—.-^is S3 Pitchers/Beer! .«,„ DJ MANNY ,S9 $6 Pitchers/Mixed Drink! ,C^ 18 & Up* 21 & over FREE clazel.net * facebook.com/clazel 3 FOR $5 Vodka Bombs! len from his unlocked vehicle within "I have always been more of a BLOTTER the 300 block of Parkview Drive. LIBRARIES Borland said the faculty conducted collaborative person," she said. "I SAT., MAY 28 From Page 1 a confidential online survey to help ask a lot of questions and I try to be 1:12 P.M. Borland know whether a national really open and honest and to lis- 12:20 A.M. A complainant reported that experience as associate and interim search was needed. He found over- ten. I think those are really impor- Matthew G. Hemingway. 25, of sometime after 1 a.m. an unknown Perrysburg, was cited for open person took two CDs and a Pioneer dean as a big help. whelming support for appointing a tant qualities of a leader." container/drinking alcohol in a Dr. car stereo valued at $200 from an "She already knew what duties current member of the staff and for While she has the final say in Pepper can in City Lot 4. unlocked vehicle within the 1000 and responsibilities the dean need- Bushong to be the choice. making decisions, she said that block of N. Main St. ed to be prioritizing and working "When 95 percent of the faculty collaboration is the most effective 12:49 A.M. on," Popovitch said. "One thing and staff [approve of her], who know method. Karoline H. Nilsen. 24. of Bowling 7:22 P.M. about Sara is that she is focused and her very well in her leadership roles "I try to talk with people as much Green, was cited for open con- Bulmaro Garcia-Mendez, 25.
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