Complete Local News w ♦ u i a r opulation OF ---------------------- ? ♦ 1 1 \ ga THE WEATHER 1 8 , 5 5 6 Partly cloudy, continued cool CJ c 2 trtllside e 1 today and tomorrow. 3 Seconi) clai-a ■ m all m atter, January 31, 1925, at the Post^ Offlct rire—at—EUzabetl), New Jersey, under the Act of March .V 1879 Vol. XX, No. 1042 ESTABLISHED 19-24 HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1944 OFKK’I \1, NKWSPAPER o r Tin-: tow nsh ip of h illsid e PRICE FIVE CENTS Funeral Today ( ) { Crowd At Legion Bridge In South Pacific War Chest Drive f | TA rry 1 Installation Named For Charles Bitsko Under Way Today h arden Apartment Wm. Hill Succeeds Died After Accident Quota Set At $25,000 * John E. Trousdell* Bloy As Commander Aboard Ship In 1943 Under New Procedure Former Member Of f ~ Installation ceremonies of Hur- den-Looker Post 50, American Le­ A bridge in the South Pacific The Community unci War Chest Work Starts Soon Township Committee gion. and its Auxiliary took place has been named "Bitsko Bridge’ pf Eastern Union County campaign before one of the largest audiences in honor of Pvt. Charles Bitsko. of lor $558,000 was underway today 1 First Project Of Its Well Known Here 555 Chapman street, who was ac­ in years at the Hillside Presbyterian following the kickoff dinner last [ Intercept Gas Type Here To House Funeral services were conducted Church last Thursday night. cidentally killed on November 11. night at the Y. M. C. A. in Eliza-! 1943. according to Information re­ Liiis afternoon at 2:30 at the Wilbur II. Cox, past commander both, attended by. leaders and; Total Of 160 Families ceived here this week by his par­ workers from the five communities.! Coupons On Tip Honeywell Funeral Home, 1070 of the pds't and senior vice com ­ Construction of Hillside’s first ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bitsko. including Hillside, which arc par j mander of the County JLegion, Confidential iiaftmnaikm to oil i- garden apartment project is ex­ Nor til Broad street, by Rev. Harold The announcement was made in ticipating in the driye. served as county commander in in­ ciuLs ol the OP A resulted Saturday pected to start about November 1 A Gamblin, pastor of the Frank­ two letters from J. Frank Rich­ Meanwhile, leaders ol the town­ stalling the new officers. He was in tlie arrest of two men here on at a cost of over $400,000. The mond, Colonel commanding the ship's campaign organization met. lin Memorial Church, for former assisted by vice commanders John charges ol illegal possession ol development will involve extension Cavalry, headquarters of the Sixth Tuesday at Hillside Avenue School ommissioner John E. Trousdell, C. Screiber of Elizabeth and B ert­ 1.800 “T" gasoline ration coupons ; ol Schley street in Newark through Replacement Depot. In the first who died Monday at Alexian ram Stewart of Union. for. a training session at which worth 9,000 gallons. ! to Hillside and Winans avenues letter, Col. Richmond declared: Brothers Hospital, Elizabeth, after New officers installed are: Com ­ drive procedure and the need, for OPA had been informed that a i horn Leslie street west to Fabyan Perpetuates Memory ;i short illness. Mr. Trousdell, who mander, William C. Hill; senior increased contributions this year package containing the coupons j place. ‘‘A new bridge has recently been were explained. Township chair­ resided at 1532 Munn avenue, was vice commander, Benjamin Levy; hud been sent air mail to American The developers are Monroe Gar­ constructed in the vicinity of this man is James J. Holsing. 65 years old. Interment in Ever­ junior vice commander, Oden Lib- Outfitters Inc., at 1314 North Broad dens Inc., owners, with Benjamin camp which has been named Bitsko Full Credit Given green Cemetery followed the ser- bey; finance officer, Hunt S. Pat­ street. J." K Stewart, chief dis Neisloss, president, Harry Neisloss, Bridge in honor of your son, Pvt. Hillside's quota has been set at vices. _ terson; service officer, Moe L. Bin- trict investigator for the OPA, with I secretary-treasurer, and Benjamin Charles Bitsko, who gave his life $25,000 but on a different basis Mr. Trousdell was one of Hill­ stock; historian, Robert Woodruff. oilier agents and Detective Charles | Braunslein, architect. A garden hi the service of our country on from a year ago when the quota side’s better known residents, hav­ Libbey and Woodruff are veterans Gray* ol the local police, were on, apartment development by this November 11, 1943, Both of the was about half that amount. This ing been an official for many years of World War II. hand Saturday when tlie package group has just been completed In approaches to., this bridge will bear year all funds, raised in Hillside and prominent in many of its Cox Is Commended PVT. CHARLES BITSKO arrived. Muses Licb, 50, of 67 Somerville, housing two hundred a sign proclaiming its name and will be credited to the township activities. He was a member of Cox was commended by past im­ Clinton avenue, Newark, alleged lamilies. Headquarters of the com ­ thus perpetuate the cherished me­ received a certificate, Waring the the Township Coommittee from mediate county commander Nevins and will include amounts co n ­ pany is at 163-18 Jamaica avenue, mory of a fine young man and a seal of tlie United States and signed proprietor of the store, and Martin 1919 through 1928 and will probably for his. splendid record in Legion tributed by industries, through spe­ Jamaica, New York. JOHN E. TROUSDELL good soldier.” by the President "in “ grateful Cohen, 33, ol 274 Nesbil terrace, be best remembered for his work circles. Walter Howell, junior past cial gifts and the house-to-house Sixteen Buildings -O ----------------- The second letter revealed that memory" of his sacrifice. Irvington, were present to receive as president of the Board of Health I commander of the local post, served canvass. Heretofore many special Sixteen buildings will be erected tlie body of Pvt. Bitsko, who died Entering the service October 13, the package and tlie charges were and fire commissioner. It was , as chaplain and honor guard to the gifts and some industrial contribu­ in Hillside, each two and a half of a skull fracture in an accident 1942, Pvt. Bitsko trained at On­ ; brought against, them. while he was chairman of the Resident Missing, ! various dignitaries. tion^ were ‘credited to the general They were immediately arraigned zLories high, to contain ICO families. o ’ aboard ship somewhere at sea. tario, N. Y., and at Camp McCain, J health board that the sanitary ! Binstock, a past commander, was fund rather than to.Hillside. Tnc Although the area includes ten was brought to the base and in­ MLss. In February, 1943, he was before U. S. Commissioner Bur- sewer system was constructed in i presented with a desk set of minia­ new procedure is due in large part acres of ground, only 18 per cent Another Wounded terred in an American cemetery transferred from the Military Police I tholomew in Newark and released Hillside and the fire department ture post colors by Commander Hill to the efforts of Arthur L. Theurer, in $5,000 and $2,500 bail respecLively. will be occupied by buildings. A with a military funeral. Chaplain to the Infantry and left for Cali­ had its most rapid growth under Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LaBruno, for having exceeded the record of who fought vigorously for the brick, colonial design will be se­ Walter W. Lanus conducted ser­ fornia the following August on fits They will have an opportunity to his direction. of 1321 Avy street, have been noti­ all Legionnaires in Union County change on occasions when he was lected, with play areas for children, vices “in keeping with your son’s way overseas. He has three brothers plead to the charges later, Resident Many Years fied by the War Department that by selling the most war bdnds dur­ chairman of the lo.?al drive. Theurer o and provision made for service faith.” The letter added: in the service, Pvt. Louts, in Italy; their son, P. F. C. Domenick La ing the first five war bond drives. this year is chairman of the Allied courts. "Living in a park" is tlie Born in Scotland, Mi'. Trousdell ■“The Bitsko Bridge, named in Pvt. William, in New Guinea, and Bruno, has been reported missing The retiring commander, Howard Towns division of the drive. theme of the developers. came to this country as a young his honor: is not such an elaborate Pvt. Edward, in the Burma-India Veteran Building boy and made his home here for ^ acti°n in France since August J. Bloy, was presented with a gold Organziation of captains and All improvements will be made structure, but provokes thought Theatre. A younger brother, Alex, j workers for the loca the past 42 years, Hillside then be- 12, it was learned here tiiis week, past commander’s lapel button by campaign is by Monroe Gardens, Inc., including and reverence as one passes it, in ts a pupil of the local schooL.% A j| practicallypract complete. Harvey W He went overseas in June after members of the- post. He was lauded Fund Is Climbing water, gas, electric, sidewalks, curbs, mg known as Lyons Farms. He that it is named for an American fnarlcs j peace serving as instructor at Fdrt Ben­ for his successful administration brother-indaw, P. F. C. Charles j peace is chairman of the industrial paving. The township, however, fought in the Spanish-American soldier who gave his life for his Dattory, of Rahway, is in France., division.
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