Calendar NOTE: This Calendar lists all of the meetings which have been approved by the Council up to the date at which this issue of the cJfo!aW was sent to press. The summer and annual meetings are joint meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society. The meeting dates which tall rather far in the future are subject to change. This is particularly true of the meetings to which no numbers have yet been assigned. Meeting Deadline for Abstracts* Number Date Place and News I terns 702 April 14, 1973 Stanford, California Feb. 26, 1973 703 April 18-21, 1973 New York, New York Feb. 26, 1973 704 April 27-28, 1973 Evanston, Illinois Feb. 26, 1973 705 June 16, 1973 Bellingham, Washington May 3, 1973 706 August 20-24, 1973 Missoula, Montana June 28, 1973 (78th Summer Meeting) 707 October 27, 1973 Cambridge, Massachusetts Sept. 6, 1973 708 November 3, 1973 Minneapolis, Minnesota Sept. 6, 1973 709 November 16-17, 1973 Atlanta, Georgia Oct. 1, 1973 710 November 24, 1973 Tucson, Arizona Oct. 1, 1973 711 January 15-19, 1974 San Francisco, California (80th Annual Meeting) January 23-27, 1975 Washington, D. C. (81st Annual Meeting) January 22-26, 1976 San Antonio, Texas (82nd Annual Meeting) *Deadline for abstracts not presented at a meeting (by title). June 1973 issue: April 26 August 1973 issue: June 21 OTHER EVENTS June 30, 1973 Symposium on Some Mathematical Questions in Biology Mexico City, Mexico September 3-15, 1973 International Meeting on Combinatorial Theory Rome, Italy August 21-29, 1974 International Congress of Mathematicians Vancouver, B. C., Canada Abstracts should be submitted on special forms which are available in most departments of mathematics; f(Jrms can also be obtained by writing to the headquarters of the Society. Abstracts to be presented at the meeting in person must be received at the headquarters of the Society in Providence, Rhode Island, on or be­ f(Jre the deadline for the meeting. ··----~~ ~:~· -------- The cJ,fotiaiJ of the American Mathematical Society is published by the American Mathematical Society, 321 South Main Street, P. 0. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02904 in January, February, April, June, August, October, November and December. Price per annual volume is $10.00. Price per copy $3.00. Special price for copies sold at registration desks of meetings of the Society, $1.00 per copy. Subscriptions, orders for back numbers (back issues of the last two years only are available) and inquiries should be addressed to the American Mathematical Society, P. 0. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02904. Second class postage paid at Providence, Rhode Island, and additional mailing offices. Copyright© 1973 by the American Mathematical Society Printed in the United States of America OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Everett Pitcher and Gordon L. Walker, Editors Wend ell H. Fleming, Associate Editor CONTENTS MEETINGS Calendar of Meetings ....•.......•.....•....•....•............•.... Inside Front Cover PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF MEETINGS..... • . • • . 70 REVIEWING CHARGE FOR MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • 75 QUERIES . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . 76 SPECIAL MEETINGS INFORMATION CENTER . • . • . • . • • . • . • 77 BACKLOG OF MATHEMATICS RESEARCH JOURNALS . • . • . • . • . • . 80 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • . • . • . 81 NEWS ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • 81 SUMMER GRADUATE COURSES . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • 82 ASSISTANTSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS IN MATHEMATICS IN 1973-1974 (Supplementary List) . • . • • . • . • . • . • • • . • • . • . • . • • • • . • . • . • . • • . • . 83 DOCTORATES CONFERRED IN 1971-1972 (Supplementary List)......................... 84 NEW AMS PUBLICATIONS •..•..............•.....•.....•.•..••...•....•...•.•...• 75,85 PERSONAL ITEMS • • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • . • • • • . • • . • . • • . • . • • 86 ABSTRACTS . • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • . • . • . A-249-A-294 ERRATA TO ABSTRACTS • . • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • . • . • • . • . • . • . A-295 SITUATIONS WANTED A-296 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS .•.•.•..•...••.••.•..•...•.•.••....•..•..•..•.•.••.•..• A-311 RESERVATION FORM .•.•.....•.....•.•..•.......•..••.•.••.•....••..••..••.•.. A-312 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF MEETINGS The Seven Hundred Seeond Meeting Stanford UDiversity Stanford, California Aprill4, 1973 The seven hundred second meeting of the Single $18.00 up American Mathematical Society will be held at Double 25.00 up Stanford University, Stanford, California, on Saturday, April 14, 1973. RIVIERA MOTOR LODGE By invitation of the Committee to Select 15 El Camino, Menlo Park 94025 Hour Speakers for Far Western Sectional Meet­ Phone: (415) 321-8772 ings, there will be two one-hour addresses. Pro­ Single $12.00 up fessor Theodore W. Gamelin of the University of Double 15. 00 up California, Los Angeles, will lecture at 11:00 TIKI INN MOTEL a.m. on "The algebra of bounded analytic func­ 531 Stanford Avenue, Palo Alto 94304 tions. " Professor Robert M. Blumenthal of the Phone: (415) 327-3550 University of Washington will address the Society Single $13. 00 up at 2:00 p.m. His talk will be entitled "Stopping Double 18. 00 up time constructions." Both lectures will be given in the Bishop Auditorium located in the School of The Riviera Motor Lodge and the Tiki Inn Motel Business. are nearest to campus, but they are a thirty- There will be two Special Sessions on Par­ or forty- minute walk away. Reservations should tial Differential Equations consisting of invited be made directly with the desired motel or hotel. thirty-minute talks. These sessions have been Stanford University is located approximately arranged by Professor David Gilbarg of Stanford twenty miles from the San Francisco Interna­ University. There will be three speakers at each tional Airport and approximately fifteen miles session, including Michael G. Crandall, C. Den­ from the San Jose Airport. Taxf fare from these son Hill, Mario Miranda, and Keith Miller. airports to the university area is approximately Sessions for contributed papers will be $15 from the San Francisco Airport and $13 from scheduled in the morning and the afternoon. Ab­ the San Jose Airport. Limousine service is stracts should be submitted to the American available from either airport for $8 per person Mathematical Society, P. 0. Box 6248, Provi­ with a maximum of $26 for five or more. There dence, Rhode Island 02904, so as to arrive prior is occasional bus service from the airports to to the deadline of February 26, 1973. Late papers the bus terminal in downtown Palo Alto as fol­ will be accepted for presentation at the meeting, lows: from San Francisco Airport (6:00 a.m., but late papers will not be listed in the printed 2:00 p.m., 6:00p.m.; $1. 85), from San Jose program of the meeting. Airport (3:30p.m., 7:35p.m.; $1. 60). The registration desk will be located in the Persons driving to the meeting on the Bay­ main lobby of the Mathematics Department. Reg­ shore Freeway (U.S. 101) from either San Fran­ istration will begin at 8:30a.m. on Saturday. cisco or San Jose should take the off-ramp at The following are among the motels and University Avenue West, which leads to the hotels in the Stanford area: campus. University Avenue becomes Palm Drive on campus, and Palm Drive ends in an oval, with FLAMINGO MOTOR LODGE parking spaces on two sides. The Department 3398 El Camino, Palo Alto 94304 of Mathematics is located at the right-hand cor­ Phone: (415) 493-2411 ner of the Outer Quadrangle, the row of buildings Single $10. 50 up that one faces when one reaches the end of Palm Double 13. 50 up Drive. No permits for parking on campus are MOTEL 6 required. If parking spaces in the oval are in­ 4309 El Camino, Palo Alto 94306 sufficient, a map showing the location of nearby Phone: (415) 941-0220 additional spaces will be available at the regis­ Single $ 6. 60 up tration desk. Double 7. 70 up The only place within walking distance where lunch is available is Tressider Union, which PALO ALTO HOTEL serves cafeteria-style meals. There are several 425 High Street, Palo Alto 94301 good restaurants in nearby Palo Alto and Menlo Phone: (415) 328-9803 Park. A partial list of restaurants will be avail­ Single $ 8. 00 up able at the registration desk. Double 9. 50 up RICKEY• S HYATT HOUSE Kenneth A. Ross 4219 El Camino, Palo Alto 94306 Associate Secretary Phone: (415) 493-8000 Eugene, Oregon 70 The Seven Hundred Third Meeting Biltmore Hotel New York, New York April18- 21, 1973 The seven hundred third meeting of the Martin Schultz (Yale University), Joseph Traub American Mathematical Society will be held at (Carnegie-Mellon University), and Ronald Fagin the Biltmore Hotel, Madison Avenue at 43rd (University of California, Berkeley). The com­ Street New York, New York, from Wednesday, plete list of speakers with the titles of their ad­ April is, through Saturday, April 21, 1973. dresses will appear in the April issue of these By invitation of the Committee to Select c){oticei) • Hour Speakers for Eastern Sectional Meetings, there will be four one-hour addresses. Profes­ REGISTRATION sor Clifford J. Earle, Jr., of Cornell Univer­ The registration desk will be located in the sity will present an address entitled "Some re­ Key Room of the Biltmore Hotel on the nineteenth cent results in Teichmiiller theory." Professor floor adjacent to the Grand Ballroom. The desk Teruhisa Matsusaka of Brandeis University will will be open from 8:30 a.m. to
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