i AncientTimes Published by the Company of fifers & drummers, Inc. fall 2011 Issue 134 $5.00 In thIs Issue: MonuMental MeMorIes le CarIllon natIonal, ah! Ça Ira and the downfall of ParIs, Part 1 HeAly FluTe CompAny Skip Healy Fife & Flute maker Featuring hand-crafted instruments of the finest quality. Also specializing in repairs and restoration of modern and wooden Fifes and Flutes on the web: www.skiphealy.com phone/Fax: (401) 935-9365 email: [email protected] 5 Division Street Box 23 east Greenwich, RI 02818 Afffffordaordable Liability IInsurance Provided by Shoffff Darby Companiies Through membership in the Liivingving Histoory Associatiion $300 can purchaase a $3,000,000 aggregatte/$1,000,000 per occurrennce liability insurance that yyou can use to attend reenactments anywhere, hosted by any organization. Membership dues include these 3 other policies. • $5,010 0 Simple Injuries³Accidental Medical Expense up to $500,000 Aggggregate Limit • $1,010 0,000 organizational liability policy wwhhen hosting an event as LHA members • $5(0 0,000 personal liability policy wwhhen in an offfffiicial capacity hosting an event th June 22³24 The 26 Annual International Time Line Event, the ffiirst walk througghh historryy of its kind establishedd in 1987 on the original site. July 27³29 Ancient Arts Muster hosting everything ffrrom Fife & DDrum Corps, Bag Pipe Bands, craffttspeople, ffoood vendors, a time line of re-enactors, antique vehicles, Native Ameericans, museum exhibits and more. Part of thh the activities during the Annual Blueberry Festival July 27³AAuugust 5 . 9LVLWWKH /+$·VZHEVLWHDW wwwwwww.lliivviinnggghhiissttooryassn.oorg to sign up ffoor our ffrree e-newsletter, event invitations, events schedules, applications and inffoormation on all insurance policies. Many LHA Events and Programs have been sponsored tthhrough the generosity of the Town of Dover, Vermont Economic Development Committee. Ancienttimes Issue 134, Fall 2011 2 1 published by 2 The Company of Monumental Memories froMFROMTHE the Fifers & Drummers 6 edItorEDITOR http:/ / companyoffifeanddrum.org End of the Summer editor: Deirdre Sweeney would like to welcome more art & design director: Deirdre Sweeney Muster Season advertising Manager: “letters to the editor” from our Robert Kelsey 7 2 readership. While responses Contributing editor: Bill maling I Illustrator: Scott Baldwin Book Review: to Ancient Times articles are defi- Membership/subscriptions: nitely encouraged, suggestions, For corps, individual, or life membership infor- The Jaybird mation or institutional subscriptions: praises, or complaints with re- Attn: membership The Company of Fifers & 8 spect to The Company of Fifers & Drummers p.o. Box 277, Ivoryton, CT 06442-0277 Book Review: Drummers or other fife and drum [email protected] Connecticut’s Fife & related organizations, issues, etc., tel: 860-767-2237; fax: 860-767-9765 are also welcome. Be sure to des- editorial: Drum Tradition 6 For submissions or questions: ignate any submission as a “letter [email protected] 9 to the editor” so I don’t mistake it [email protected] tel: 508-847-4460 John McDonagh & St. for a personal communication (see advertising: Benedict’s: Becoming p. 6 for guidelines). In terms of For rates and availability contact: Robert Kelsey, p.o. Box 185792, Ancient content and style, our only re- Hamden, CT 06518 quest is that such letters be tel: 203-645-4231; email: [email protected] 11 Jomi!FClar.i:._ Connecticut's 8 thoughtfully and respectfully The Company of Corps Featured in CT FIFE& written. If you want to see an ex- Fifers & Drummers TV Show DRUM ample of what not to do, just President: John Hanewich, 'l'RAVITlOf\ check out the online comments [email protected] 12 first Vice President: mark logsdon, 586-247-1775, section of your local newspaper, [email protected] Message from the second Vice President: Bill Bouregy, 860-526-1433, which is without a doubt the [email protected] President strongest challenge to the theory secretary: Sarah Brown, 860-399-7572, [email protected] 13 of evolution. I have no specific treasurer: maureen mason, word limit for such pieces, al- [email protected] Le Carillon National, 13 archives / Museum Curator: Jim Clark, 860-346-3232, though generally our longest se- [email protected] Ah! Ça Ira and the facilities Co-Manager: Kevin Brown, 860-399-7572, lections end at about 1,200 words. [email protected] Downfall of Paris However, there are exceptions, as Membership Chair: mark Reilly, 703-975-5517, mem- Issue this In [email protected] 18 this issue will demonstrate. Music Chair: Dominick Cuccia, 203-405-1176, music- This season’s edition has a very [email protected] Monumental City the Company store: Roberta Armstead detailed historical essay by Robin Mini-Jams: 1993-2011 The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. engelman. Just as we frequently Company Store 18 p.o. Box 277, Ivoryton, CT 06442-0277 companys- include articles on fife and drum [email protected] 20 Ancient Times is published quarterly by The Com- Three Generations events, we also welcome essays pany of Fifers & Drummers, Inc., museum, music li- on historical and musical topics. brary, Headquarters, p.o. Box 277 Ivoryton, CT. Drumming Together 06442-0277, tel: 860-767-2237 In my opinion at least, it is highly unlikely that anything is too ob- The publication (ISSn0091-7176) seeks to keep individual, institu- tional, and drum corps members throughout the world informed scure, too dorky or too amateur to primarily on the activities of traditional American fife and drum be published. In the democratic corps known as Ancients. The Company maintains a museum and on the cover: windsor fife and drum headquarters on two-plus acres. It seeks to perpetuate the histori- 20 spirit of the fife and drum com- Corps at westbrook, august 27, 2011 cal significance and folk traditions of American field music and to Photography courtesy of Eileen Rodgers munity, we generally try to “take foster the spirit of fellowship among all fifers and drummers. Founded in 1965, The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. is a tax- all comers,” so please do get in exempt, tax-deductible, non-profit corporation. touch. Deirdre Sweeney editor, Ancient Times 2 Ancient times monumenTAl By GuS mAlSTRom s a member and co-founder of the 1950 monumental City Ancients, AI have collected reminiscences from surviving 1950 monumental mem - bers. eight of 15 known survivors have re - sponded with interesting tales of their lives with the monumentals and life after - wards. I offer these stories for your fife and drum reading pleasure. Bill Bevans, fifer glas: the most inspiring music I’d ever nick Attanasio in 1954 at his home in I learned fifing from Gus malstrom heard. new york. I partied at ed olsen’s in at age 15 – 60 years ago. I’m still fifing Hitchhiking home was exciting too. Stony Creek, CT with ed, Kathy, Bob with Hanaford’s Fyfe & Drum Corps Around midnight somewhere in the Ward, Jim edington, Carl Ballestracci, in Vermont where my wife Judy and middle of the Jersey Turnpike, we de - Jack and Gus malstrom. I moved in 1990 and built Coach - cided “to march to Baltimore.” We’d I visited VFW 596 and Stony Creek works Farm: the only fitness / confer - just started when the Turnpike police rehearsals and attended three Jaybird ence center on a dirt road in VT. In the stopped, told us to get in after we ex - Days. 1970s and 80s, I helped organize plained that “we were marching to I was a member of the old Guard pound Ridge Fife & Drum Corps in Baltimore,” and gave us a fast ride to Fife & Drum Corps from 1961-1963, new york and hosted several the Delaware memorial Bridge. and had the honor of performing at musters. I’ll never forget that muster! president Kennedy’s funeral. After A favorite monumental City mem - I saw Gus and other monumentals my discharge, I played in local bands ory: hitchhiking with Alan Jemison at DRAm. no, I’m didn’t hitchhike at various Baltimore clubs. From 1964- and Tom Warfield from Baltimore, this time from my home in Craftsbury 1972, I had the privilege of working maryland to our first Deep River Common, VT. with Buck Soistman. I retired from muster in 1954. bricklaying after 45 years. It’s a long walk along Route 80 from Joe Carter, much to my delight, I rejoined mon - new Haven, which we reached at snare / bass drummer umental City in 1992. sundown, to Deep River, which we I joined St. Andrews Junior Fife, my wife Sharon joined the monu - reached at the dawn of the muster Drum, & Bugle Corps in 1951 at age mentals as Corps photographer. I now day. In 1954, Devitt Field had concrete 12 and played with monumental City enjoy playing golf and making drum bleachers but they felt like feather Ancient Fife & Drum Corps from sticks in my home in millersville, mD. beds. We woke to the sound of the 1953-1955 as a bass drummer. I made Sons of liberty, the Kirks, and two two trips to DRAm with four others Gus Malstrom, fifer / director guys dressed in white shirts and driving all night and arriving at 6Am. priceless memories; active as altar khakis, John mcDonagh and Jim Dou - I received bass drum training from boy; Boys Choir; Boy Scouts; caddie; Ancient times 3 memoRIeS First person recollections of the 1950s Monumentals Left: Monumentals in downtown Baltimore, 1952 Right: Monumentals at the deep river club house at 6 aM, 1955 began fifing at age 12; 27 years a mon - umental, with three brothers who were also monumentals including computer, and golf; still residing in died; Colts / orioles / Ravens fan; Dan as flag bearer for 15 years; com - Baltimore, mD. taught electrical estimating school; mittee member organizing original love being a monumental.
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