LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY and LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Fifth Parliament 15 November 1870 – 16 June 1871 Queensland Parliamentary Debates INDEX Contents of this document* 5th Parliament, 1st Session 15 November 1870 – 23 December 1870 Index from Hansard, 4th series, 3rd session of 1870, V.11 1870 5th Parliament, 2nd Session 12 April 1871 – 16 June 1871 Index from Hansard, 4th series, 1st session of 1871, V.12, 1871 *The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session. This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume. A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf. Therefore the table of page numbers and dates of proceedings allows the pagination in each Index to be matched with the date and the particular Legislative Chamber. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY and LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Fifth Parliament – First Session Queensland Parliamentary Debates, 4th series, V.11, 1870 15 November 1870 – 23 December 1870 (Palmer Government) INDEX PAGE NOS DATE HOUSE 1 15 November 1870 Legislative Council 1 - 4 15 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 4 - 10 16 November 1870 Legislative Council 10 - 35 16 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 35 - 37 17 November 1870 Legislative Council 37 - 52 17 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 52 18 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 52 - 74 22 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 74 - 99 23 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 99 - 100 24 November 1870 Legislative Council 100 - 124 24 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 124 - 126 25 November 1870 Legislative Council 126 - 147 29 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 148 - 154 30 November 1870 Legislative Assembly 154 - 155 1 December 1870 Legislative Council 155 - 175 1 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 175 - 181 2 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 181 - 184 6 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 184 - 186 7 December 1870 Legislative Council 186 - 187 7 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 187 - 188 8 December 1870 Legislative Council 188 - 210 8 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 210 - 212 9 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 212 - 215 13 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 215 - 217 14 December 1870 Legislative Council 218 - 224 14 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 224 - 226 15 December 1870 Legislative Council 226 - 239 15 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 239 - 250 16 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 250 - 253 20 December 1870 Legislative Council 253 - 268 20 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 268 - 276 21 December 1870 Legislative Council 276 - 285 21 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 285 - 294 22 December 1870 Legislative Council PAGE NOS DATE HOUSE 294 - 315 22 December 1870 Legislative Assembly 315 - 317 23 December 1870 Legislative Council 317 - 321 23 December 1870 Legislative Assembly QUEENSLAND PARLIAJ\iENTARY DEBAT~ES: FOURTH SERIES. TI:IIRD SESSION OF 1870. 34o VICTORIA. COMPRISING THE PERIOD FROM THE 11'IFTEENTH DAY Ol!' NOVE~lBER, TO THI~ TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF DECEMBER, 1870. BRISBANE: DY AUTHORITY: J.!MES C. BE.!L1 GOVERNMENT l'InNTER, WILLI.!M STREET, 1871. TABLE OF CONTENTS TO THIRD SESSION OF 1870. FOURTH SERIES. I. SUBJECTS OF DEBATE IN THE LEGISLATIVE CoUNCIL. !I. SUBJECTS OF DEBA.'l'E IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. III. THE MINISTRY. !V. LIST OF MEMBERS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE SESSION. I.-SUBJECTS OF DEBATE IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. 1870. PAGE. Nov. 15. Meeting of Parliament ... 1 16. Opening Speech.-New Member.-Validity of Seats.-Leave of Absence to Members.-Licensing Act Amendment BilL-Opening Speech.-Address in Reply to Opening Speech ... 4 17. Chairman of Committees.-Lands in the Neighborhood of Warwick.-Run of South Toolburra ... 35 24. Privileges of the Legislative CounciL-Suspension of Standing Orders 99 25. Customs Duties Bill 124 Dec. 1: Traffic between Ipswich and Brisbane 154 7. Civil List Amendment BilL-Speaker's Pension Bill 184 8. Validity of Seats.-Civil List Amendment BilL-Speaker's Pension Bill.­ Validity of Seats.-Government Loan Bill, 1870 187 14. South Toolburra Run... 215 15. Power of Select Committee to Sit during Recess.--Despatch of Business.­ G ladstone Exchange of Land Bill 224 20. Power of Committee to Sit during Recess.-Suspension of the Standing Orders.­ Moneys for the Volunteer Force ... 250 21. Suspension of the Standing Orders. - Governors' Salary Bill.- Brisbane Waterway BilL-Settled Pastoral Leases BilL-Marriage Law Amendment BilL-Savings Bank Bill-Country Publicans Licensing BilL-Legislative Council Estimates.-Brisbane Bridge Bill 268 22. Constitution Act Amendment Bill.-Gold Fields Homestead Bill.-University BilL-Commonage BilL-Border Customs BilL-Pilotage BilL-Wages BilL-Lien on Crops BilL-Postage Bill Amendment Bill.-" Hansard" 285 23. Common Law Process Amendment Bill.-Manumbar Sheep Destruction Bill ... 315 !I.-SUBJECTS OF DEBATE IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. N(J'I>, 15. Opening of Parliament.-New Speaker 1 16. Presentation of Speaker.-The Governor's Opening Speech.-Retirement of Mr. Speaker Eliott.-Committee of Elections and Qualifications.-Informal Petition.-The Governor's Opening Speech.-Address in Reply to Opening Speech 10 iv. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1870. PAm:. Nov.17. Presentation of Adclress in Reply.-Governor's Answel' to Address •in Reply.­ Adjournment-Ontrages by the Blacks.-Proceedings at Elections.­ Election of Chairman of Committees.-South Toolburra and Canning Downs Runs.-Surveys.-Prayers on Opening the Proceedings of the Rouse 37 18. Supply-Opening of Committee 52 22. vVages Bill.-Ways and Means-Finmicial Statement 52 23. Ways and JI!Ieans-Financial Statement 74 24. vVays and Means-Financial Statement lOO 29. Supply.-Civil List Amendment Bill.-.A.dditional Judge BilL-Elections Bill.­ Speaker's Pension Bill 126 30. Committee of Supply-Mr. Lilley's Resolutions as to Sale and Rental of Crown Lands, Immigration, and Public Works · 148 JJet:, 1. Outrages by the Blacks.-Gold Duty Repeal BilL-Constitution Act Amend· ment Bill.-University Bill 155 2. Postponed Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.-Railway Management.­ The Case of Job Short-Gaol Management • 175 6. Supply ... 181 7. Supply.-Ways and Means 186 8. Queen's Park, Toowoomba.-Gold Fields Commission.-Cancelled Surveys 188 9. Brisbane and Ipswich Railway.-Commonage Bill.-Settlecl Pastoral Leases Bill.-Railway Construction Accounts ... 210 13. Gladstone Exchange of Land BilL-Governors' Salary Bill.-Brisbane Waterway Bill.-Supply 212 14. Civil Service Deduction Bill ... 218 15. Close of Session.-Gold Fields Homestead BilL-Selectors' Relief Bill.­ Common Law Process Act of 1867 Amendment BilL-Court House at Springsure.-Steam Communication with Califomia.-The Case of Dennis Deveny 226 16. Specimens of Gold and Auriferous Quartz for the London Exhibition.-Petition of Jeremiah Kelliher, of Gympie.-l!'ree Library and Museum in Brisbane.­ Mr. .A.. C. Kemball, late Police Magistrate at Maryborongh.-Water Supply for North Rockhampton.- School of Arts, Rockhampton.- Country Public Houses BilL-Marriage Law Amendment BilL-District Courts Act Amendment BilL-Savings Bank Bill ... 239 20. Mail and Passenger Service to the United Kingdom.-Border Customs Duties BilL-Electoral Districts Bill 253 21. The Attorney-GeneraL--Suspension of the Standing Orders.-Pilotage Rates Bill.-Lien on Crops Extension BilL-Payment of Members.-Line of Telegraph from Roma to St. George.-Brisbane Town Hall Debentures.­ Rewards for Discovery of Gold Fields ... 276 22. South Sea Islanders.-Appropriation BilL-Northern Railway Extension.-Dam at Goodna Creek.-Reports of Parliamentary Debates. ...:..Manumbar Sheep Destruction BilL-Parliamentary Library.-Cunningham Street, Dalby.­ Water Supply, Dalby.-Pastoral Country Abandoned.-Hospital at Tambo. -Public Buildings, Mitchell.-Improvement of Roads, Mitchell.-The Case of Dennis Deveny.-Standing Orders Committee.-The Agent-General for England. -Appropriation Bill. -Passengers' Land Orders Bill. - Gold Duty Act Amendment BilL-Northern Separation 294 23. Adjournment-Brisbane Corporation Debentures.-Manumbar Sheep Destruction BilL-Volunteer Drill Instructors.-,-Cunningham Street, Dalby.-Brisbane Town Hall Debentures.-Water Supply for Municipality of Dalby.­ Hospital at Tambo ; and Public Buildings in the Mitchell District.­ N orthern Separation.-Olose of the Session 317 TABLE OF CONTENTS. v. III.-THE MINISTRY. Premier and Colonial Secretary-The Honorable ARTIIUR HUNTER PALMEB, Esquire (Port Gurtis). Attorney-General-The Honorable JoHN BRAMSTON, Esquire. Colonial Treasurer-The Honorable RoBERT RAMSAY, Esquire (West~rn Downs). Secretary for Public Works and Gold Fields-The Honorable WILLIAM HENRY 'VALSH, Esquire · (Marybo1·ougk). Secretary for Public Lauds-The Honorable J. MALBON THOMPSON, Esquire (Ipswich). Postmaster-General-The Honorable THOMAS LODGE MuRRAY PRIOR, Esquire. IV.-LIST OF MEMBERS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE SESSION. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President-The Honorable Sir MAURICE CIIARLES O'CoNNELL. Chairman of Committees-The Honorable DANIEL FoLEY ROBERTS, Esquire. List of Members. The Honorable JoiiN ALEXANDER BELL, Esquire. The Honorable FRANCIS EDWARD BIGGE, Esquire. The Honorable EYLES IRWIN CAULFEILD BROWNE, Esquire. The Honorable GILBERT ELIOTT, Esquire. · The Honorable HENRY BATES FITZ, Esquire. The Honorable JoHN JAMES GALLOWAY, Esquire. The Honorable JAMES FRANCIS GARRICK, Esquire. The Honorable JAMES GIBBON, Esquire. The Honorable
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