Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-8-1981 The BG News May 8, 1981 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 8, 1981" (1981). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3870. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3870 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. FRIDAY Michael Stanley Frisbee throwing Dye has design fans are for pleasure on getting psyched and profit BG Invite Page 4 PageS Page 10 May 8, 1981 Sunny. High 65-70 F, low 50-55 F. Zero percent The B G News chance of rain. Bowling Green State University House passes Reagan's spending, tax cut package WASHINGTON (AP) -- A BUT CONSERVATION Democrats of congressmen listened silently and a ALTHOUGH THE Democrats hold as it turned out, was 77 on the most size and shape of the tax plan won't be unanimous Republican minority aligned with the unanimous packed gallery watched intently. a majority of 241-190, it was clear in critical tally. known for months. teamed with scores of Democrats Republican minority to choose days leading up to the vote that the BUT THE plan does require cuts of yesterday as the House passed a $689 Reagan's austerity spending plan for House was ready to back a president billion budget plan drafted to Presi- "YOU CLOSE the door on $35.6 billion in federal programs, with 1982 over an alternative hacked by the whose popularity, already high, the bulk of reductions ordered in dent Reagan's prescription for Democratic leadership. America" when voting for the soared in the days following a March BUT HE MADE clear the economic recovery through massive Reagan-backbill, he declared. Democrats would try to hold the social areas such as food stamps, cuts in spending and taxes. After the key vote which made Republicans responsible if the presi- public service jobs, health care and Reagan's plan the order of business, But, Rep. Phil Gramm of Texas, a 30 assassination attempt. dent's economic plan goes sour. education. It was the finest legislative hour to final passage was sealed by a margin conservative Democrat instrumental At the White House before the vote, date for Reagan. In more critical of The vote came as the Senate began of 270 to 154. in lining up votes to pass the plan, Reagan crossed his fingers for luck "I guess the monkey is off the two separate tallies, the President said, "We're asking that Americans' and said, "wonderful, just wonderful" debate on its own budget bill, a reaped all of the 190 Republican votes Democrats' back. The federal pro- measure which differs only slightly Opponents of the president's pro- traditional economic and political when told the vote on the 1982 budget gram cuts, as brutal as they are, are and scored 63 of the 241 Democratic posal assailed it to the end. "Do you values be allowed to work again." plan would be a landslide. from the House plan and also carries seats to prevail on a margin of 253 to want to meat-ax the programs that the Reagan cuts," he said. "The Reagan's blessing. 176. deficits are the Reagan deficits." made America great, or do you want And Rep. Bob Michel of Illinois, the O'Neill conceded Democratic defec- Final passage was not expected un- The chief executive had lobbied in- to go slow in correcting errors of the Republican leader, said "let history tions would be "extremely high," and tensively to get his measure through The non-binding budget plan sets til Friday or perhaps next week, but past?" Speaker Thomas O'Neil record that we provided the margin of suggested Reagan might win by 90 guidelines for Congress to follow as it there was no question the Republican the one chamber where Democrats (D-Mass.) said as he concluded difference that changed the course of votes in a House where Democrats have numerical control. passes legislation later in the year, majority would produce a Senate bill debate in a chamber where hundreds the American government." have a 51-seat majority. The margin, and the precise nature of the cuts and to Reagan's liking. Latta offers substitute for Ohio budget plan WASHINGTON (AP) - Veteran "Not since the Depression have we U.S. Rep. Delbert Latta (R-Ohio) of been offered such a bold, comprehen- Bowling Green led the floor fight in sive and workable program for the House yesterday as Republicans recovery as that presented by Presi- pushed for approval of their budget dent Reagan. package. Latta said before debate opened "The bipartisan proposal, endorsed that, counting defectors from the by the President, is based on the ad- Democratic ranks, be had more than ministration's program in spirit and enough votes to assure passage of the content," Latta said. budget resolution backed by Presi- dent Reagan. As ranking Republican on the Latta and *.ep. Phil Gramm Budget Committee, Latta worked (DTexas) offered their budget as a closely with the administration on the "bipartisan substitute" to the one of- campaign to build support for the fered by the Democratic leadership. GOP budget IN HIS opening statement, Latta REAGAN AND members of his ad- told the House the Gramm-Latta ministration capped that campaign substitute meets the need for an with personal appeals to conservative overall plan for spending and tax cuts, Democrats to win their support and to regulatory reform and a stable wavering Republicans to bring them monetary policy. inline. Officially—It's Monday The University officially will Memorial Day until 1962. recognize Memorial Day Monday, Academic Council originally May 25, Academic Council decided revised the first spring quarter yesterday. schedule on February 4 by moving the Memorial Day holiday to Fri- The council approved the return day, May 29, after the Department to the University's original spring of Administrative Services an- quarter calendar after the Ohio nounced the holiday would be staff photo by Dean Koepfler Legislature agreed this week to observed on May 30 and not on the delay the recognition of the May 30 last Monday in May. Adrian R. Trio (Initials A.R.T.), an Instructor In the School ot Art, Spring Festival ot Arts which started last night and runs through Fri- relaxes In the grass as he takes a break from setting up tents lor the day. Ohio universities seek solution to business school overflow, budget cuts DR. KARL VOGT, dean of the col- As stated in a letter from Vogt of elective offerings keyed to the pro- lege, said not only will the proposed distributed to business faculty gram objectives of the non-business Deans find strategies insure the quality of their members, the requirements are as curriculum. Other schools face similar offered programs of study, but also follows: the quality of students admitted into • A student must complete the pre- Vogt added, however, that he is con- alternate plan the College of Business. business core courses (i.e., Accoun- fident the college can do a good job in over enrollment problem "I think for the whole University ting 221/222, Economics 202/203, MIS meeting the class demands of non- by Marie Clstertno business majors in the future. by Marie Clsterlno placed on students in the school to Ntwt staff reporter there will be a more able student 200, Statistics 211/212) with a grade of body," Vogt said. "We've had higher at least a "C" in all courses. and Tom Wllllaon assure a well-rounded education and ACT scores, student averages and • Students enrolled in programs ANOTHER idea being considered to maintain the quality of students. Rising enrollments and lack of class Several other universities around space is forcing the University and rankings. I think it's safe to say sponsored by other divisions of the would require a student to complete there's been a nice improvement in University must satisfy the same the pre-professional core courses and the state facing similar problems AT THIS TIME, UT has no solutions several other Ohio state colleges to have also planned strategies to to this enrollment dilemma, although seek alternative solutions in future those areas." 300-level entry requirements as can- at least the introductory courses in a Although the exact wording and didates for the BSBA degree. particular area of study before a ma- eliminate some of the administrative Kail believes the number of enrollment and scheduling pro- jor can be declared. Students planning headaches associated with over- undergraduates seeking admittance cedures. regulations of the new enrollment "WE TRY TO accommodate non- strategies is still being considered by to concentrate within a particular crowding and partial schedules. to the business school will drop in the A number of proposed enrollment business majors," Vogt said. "Our field of study would first have to con- Thomas Kail, associate director of future. strategies designed to restrict business deans and faculty, general problem is we haven't been able to ideas have been outlined. sult with the program director. students in the school of business at He added that in order for a undergraduate enrollments and im- project very well the enrollment of The University of Toledo, said there business student to enter the upper prove the quality of the student body IF THE alternatives are im- non-business students." Eligibility for transferring into the are no specific restrictions placed on division level of classes, he must meet and the instructional process are be- plemented, all students enrolling in Some business electives are College of Business from any col- students planning to enroll in the UT certain set standards including an ing considered by the deans and facul- the bachelor of science in business ad- popular, and the school has added sec- legiate unit would be dependent upon College of Business.
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