RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION 'The Voice of] the Raritan Bay District" VOL. V.—No. 20 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS 'Keasbey Marine Terminal Is Busy These Days FIRE TRUCKS' ABSENCE BRINGS SHARP WARNING Raritan, Metuchen Fire- Presence Of Apparatus Ai men Meet To Launch TWO KILLED, Ail In A Day Parade Draws Caustic Raritan Officer Experi- Jibe By Rating Bureau SIX INJURED ences Most Eventful SHEPPARD IS CHOSEN Monday A. M. FORDS AND HOPELAWN RARITAN. TOWNSHD?—Of- PRESIDENT OF CORPS (Photos by Staff Photographer) IN COLLISION ficer John Calamoneri, of the TARGETS OF CRITICISM KEASBEY More than fifty boats use the Jennings basin and docks at the foot of Crows Mill Road hej-e as a mooring Township police- department, base during the summer, while nearly 100 vessels of all types are stored in the yards and sheds throughout the winter months. Pictured recorded an eventful morning- Movement Is Lauded By above, left, can be seen the huge sheds and marine railways. In the photo, right, is shown the walkway to the main dock and floats in Disciples Of Father Divine Monday. Comes As Result Of Disas- the Raritan River. The new Edison Memorial bridge stretches across the water in the background. Other boat storage basins are not At 1:54 A. M., he extinguish- Raritan Arsenal Of- shown in the pictures. The site occupied by the Jennings Yacht Building and Storage Yards covers more than thirteen acres. Die In Crash Oil ed an auto fire on Route 27 near trous Varady Fire As The Pines and about 4 o'clock ficers, U. S. Army Super-Highway the same morning he apprehend- x ed a 14-year-old Trenton run- Company Jaunts Keasbey Vies With SewrenFor Supremacy'As Basin away in iPiseatawaytown. RARITAN TOWNSHIP .— The John W. Roberts, of Maple- FORDS—R. M. Cadman, super-' Volunteer Firemen's Home De- FRONT TIRE BLOWOUT wood, was the owner-operator intendent of the engineering- de- Eense Corps, organized Tuesday For Pleasure Craft; Jennings Develops Marine Yards of the car which caught fire. A partment of the Schedule Bating night at a meeting held in the IS HELD RESPONSIBLE short circuit in wires under the Office of New Jersey, in communi- Kenlo Park firehouse, launched a KEASBEY — Smith's Creek in inside storage and many more out- The location is most ideal for INDU front seat caused the blaze. cations addressed to Carl W. Lund, side . new move in the preparedness pro- Sewaren isn't the only spot in the boating. It is on the deep -water Roberts ran to summon firemen, president of the Fords fire commis- A marine railway system was but Officer Calamoneri pulled up gram of the United States. Township boasting of the "marine channel side of the river and faces Car Careens Over Safety sioners, and Joseph Bagdi, chair-," constructed early in the project. in a radio ear, and with a hand man of the Hopelawn fire board, The. new organization includes movement." Keasbey' is also in The floor space in the repair and the new Edison -Memorial 'bridge OF OFF •fire-, extinguisher, put out the warned the two districts for per- ill firemen in the Raritan Town- the race—and greatly so. Isle Into Path Of Machine construction shop can accommo- some 2,000 feet away. flames before firemen arrived. mitting fire apparatus to leave , ship and Metuchen districts. Rep- date four large cruisers. The Jennings Yacht Building The expansion of the yard has Travelling South Joseph Battaglia was the run- areas unprotected. resentatives of the six fire eom- Giesing Is Installed . As away youth. Calomoneri picked and Storage Yard.at.the foot of 100 Boats Dock There been rapid. The property is being The letters, forwarded to the ianies of the two municipalities at- him up on the Superhighway. Crows Mill Road is one of the fin- JLast year, more than 100 boats improved, daily to meet the fast- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A col- two boards Wednesday, directed tended the session. varying in size from 25 feet to 55 growing requirements. Two addi- Commander Of Fords The boy told the officer he was est and largest boat basins in cen- headed for Bayonne and that he the commissioners to advise the' Members of Edison Volunteer feet including many large sail- tional mooring basins are being lision between two automobiles, tral Jersey. left home Sunday morning. He- Schedule Rating Office - at once Pile Company of Menlo Park boats were stored in the yard and dug for summer and winter stor- Post-On Tuesday one loaded with nine women dis- was taken to police headquarters "whether the present practice is to' D. Leon Jennings purchased ap- sheds. This spring a second age of boats. sponsored the movement which ciples of Father Divine, on the to await arrival of a relative to be continued so that we may take heavy-duty railway was installed. s believed is the first of its kind proximately thirteen acres of land Jennings employs a crew of ex- return him to Trenton.1 suitable action." I" The basin was also enlarged and Superhighway near the Lipory n the state and probably in the bordering on the Raritan River pert boat builders and repair men CO-OPERATION. URGED It was also pointed out that the. lountry. additional docks built. throughout the'year. Boats built poultry farm, shortly after 3 here, including the former Ostran- practice "should never be permit- The yard, beside being privately by Jennings are noted for their o'clock Saturday afternoon, re- Fire Chief Kenneth Sheppard, IN AIRPLANE CONTEST ted unless suitable arrangements der Docks, in August last year. owned and operated, has a retail appearance and seaworthiness. NEW SEWAGE PLANT )f the Menlo Park company, was sulted in the death of two per- have been made for response to In less than one year, he has store supplying paints, varnishes, Estimated cost of private boats :lected president. Sheppard was sons and injuries to six others. alarms by neighboring fire com- erected three large boat storage brushes, compounds and all marine using the yards as ancorage totals -.-"-I nstrumental in the move to organ- Sunshine, Outgoing Com- All are Negroes. BEGINS OPERATION panies." sheds, a huge workshop and an supplies to boat owners.' Gasoline, approximately $150,000. The site, ze the group. He carried on the This week's expostulation from office. The yard can .aceommo- ice, bait and incidentals are al- including buildings and equip- The dead: Purity Sincere, 30, of :orrespondence with army pffi- mander Points To date more than fifty cruisers with ways available at the main dock. ment, is valued at nearly $35,000. 36 West 123rd Street, New York $288,454 Treatment Sys- Mr. Cadman was brought about by :ials which led to the organiza- the recent fire at Varady'a Grove" ion. Growth 01 Unit City, fractured skull and internal tem In Keasbey Has here. Joseph Dudash, of the Clara injuries. Mrs. Martha Mays, 50, Trial Run The pumpers of Fords and Hope- 3arton department, was named, Township Street. Gels. Milk Bath FORDS—Arthur Giesing was in- of 543 Boylston. Street, Boston, lawn were participating in- a fire- J ecretary. --•-""• --- ^>-^ stalled commander of Harry Han- broken neUk; :* • ~-•-••-*••"*• --~"•:•;•. -; ^ - " *-operations men's-parade at liakewodd,"'leav- ~ son Post, No. 163, American Le- A steering committee, consist- The injured: Theodore Mays, have* begun at the Township's ing Keasbey's hook and ladder as Truck, Hii.Cmshes Mo "Pdegion, at the annual induction of rig of officers and chiefs of the husband of the dead woman, mul- new • $285,454 sewage treatment the single- piece of fire apparatus ' officers held Tuesday night at his ix companies, was also elected', tiple cuts and abrasions; Raphael plant, here. All .that remains to protect the three districts. As Kovacs Struck While Walk- Delivery' Wagon Driver Says He Was Forced Off Road home in Maple Avenue. 't includes Chiel'-elect Andrew Esther, 21, bruises of head and is the official acceptance by the a result, a large building, housing )udash, Menlo Park; Chief Mich- Ing On Smith Street By Bus; Woodbridge Avenue Becomes *Milky Way'- The installation ceremonies both arms; Joy Love, 47, multiple Township from the builders—and bowling alleys, at Varady's Grove el Donato, Metuchen; Chief . Early Sunday were conducted by John Dambach, cuts and abrasions; Patience Job, that is expected to take place on was destroyed by fire. jeonard Sanford, Oak Tree; Chief RARITAN' TOWNSHIP—Woodbridge Avenue, near past commander. Benjamin Sun- 38, bruises of head, neck and right or about August 1. Text of the communications to shine, retiring commander, head- The Hopelawn sewer lines were Fords and Hopelawn commission-. Jharles Schmidt, H. K. Company, KEASBEY—John Kovacs, 41, the new industrial highway, Bonhamtown section, was wrist; Precious Heart, 45, cuts ed a short parade which followed and bruises, and Delthier Love, cut into the treatment plant at ers, in full, is as follows: lenry Street; Chief Thomas of 10 Crows Mill Road, this place, transformed into a real "milky way" for more than an Iwales, Jr., Piscatawaytown, and the ceremonies. hand injury. 10 o'clock last Thursday. At The Schedule Rating Office "' sustained minor injuries shortly hour Friday afternoon. noon, the Fraser tank serving the of New Jersey Jhief Michael Bandies, Clara Bar- In a brief address to the guests Tamaca Real, Excellence Obedi- before 1 o'clock Sunday morning St. Stephen's and" hill section was July 17, 1940 on. The transformation was effected when a milk delivery present, Sunshine reviewed his ence and Peace Meakness, all resi- when he was struck by a car driven cut in.
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