Basic FRESH Junction Box The softest, Best in Class Price/Performance Ratio Leader in solar cables and flattest, straightest PV connection systems Photovoltaics Fortune 500 developer and producer Not all PV wires are created equal. of solar mounting systems High Performance Tapes and Adhesive Hirschmann Automotive GmbH Products Industry Leading Energy Storage for Division Renewable Energy TRC Durasolar P+ Oberer Paspelsweg 6-8 Quality Bonding Renewable Energy Applications industry 6830 Rankweil, Austria HIGH PERFORMANCE SOLAR GLASS and Mounting for T +43 (0)5522 307 0, F +43 (0)5522 307 553 the Solar Industry valksolarsystems.com [email protected],www.hirschmann.at www.trakyacam.com | e-mail: [email protected] Hi-Bond Tapes Ltd., 1 Crucible Road, Phoenix Parkway, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 5TS, Telephone: +44 (0)1536 260022, +1-562-236-3000 | www.trojanbattery.com www.leoni-solar-windpower.com www.jetionsolar.eu [email protected] Fax: +44 (0)1536 260044, email: [email protected], web: www.hi-bondtapes.com SOLAR MAP Poster_90x60_e.indd 1 25.07.14 13:11 Luvata Ad Sunwire_SWE_90x60_V01.indd 1 08/10/2013 15:41 World map of the PV industry Central and Western Europe Production sites of 212 cell, 578 module Solar-Fabrik -/-/90 and 66 thin-film producers worldwide Solland Solar 170/150/150 GSS 18/18/18 Avancis 120/120/- Publisher: SUN & WIND ENERGY Solarnova 30/30/- Inventux 180/-/- Solar Energy 35/35/35 www.sunwindenergy.com ML&S 40/40/40 Layout: EILERS-Media www.eilers-media.de Jabil Circuit Hanwha Sunware alfasolar 40/40/- Selfa 15/2/5 360/800/800 2014 Date: July 2014 2/2/2 aleo solar 280/120/120 worldwide Source: company data, own research Q-Cells 200/200/200 BaxThor Caption 120/120/120 0/10/10 Astronergy 250/300/300 production site for cells Nanosolar 100/-/- production site for modules Algatec Solar 120/-/- production site for thin-film modules Calyxo 60/-/- Heliatek -/-/1 ISSOL 10/24/24 On-Eco production site, also OEM production SolarWorld 35/35/35 50/50/50 production capacity in 2012/2013/2014 in MW Masdar 80/80/- 630/700/700|200/200/200 Bauer Solartechnik 25/-/- Hanergy Q-Cells 135/135/- Examples asola 45/40/40 Solarwatt 300/300/100 Solartron At the end of 2012 the Solatron plant in Thailand featured a 25/65/180 Innotech Solar SolarWorld module production capacity of 25 MW. By the end of 2013 the Sunways 100/100/- PV CYCLE module production capacity increased to 65 MW. Production SGT 30/30/30 300/300/300|500/500/750 Telecom-STV 5/5/5 capacity by the end of 2014 is expected to be at 180 MW. Heckert Solar Axitec A cost-effi cient and PV industry- GB-Sol 5/5/5 SunPower 0/44/44 Solarbau Süd Solarion Vetro Shanghai region SolarWorld At the end of 2012 the SolarWorld plant in the United States 170/150/150 20/30/30 driven WEEE-com pliance solution Romag 34/34/- RMCIP 12/12/- KDG Energy Polsak K F Amerisolar -/500/500 500/500/500 featured a solar cell production capacity of 500 MW and a 15/15/15 0.2/7.5/20 FitCraft 25/-/- Suncombe JSC Kvazar Solartec 1/1/1 for your PV module waste in Europe! Sunlight Well 350/350/350 module production capacity of 350 MW. By the end of 2013 A -/600/600 55/55/- AxSun Solar Sunlink PV -/200/200|-/500/500 Norwegian Crystals 30/-/-|30/-/- Kyocera 30/0.05/0.1 Zhongchao Solar the cell production capacity remained at 500 MW and the 20/20/70 Lintech Honsun -/-/200 Latitude Voltec Solar 54/45/60 Shenglong PV-Tech module production capacity at 350 MW. Production capacity of 190/250/360 BenQ Solar Visit us on www.pvcycle.org 900/1,500/- Simax 15/16/20 Revolution 6 -/400/400|400/400/400 40/40/40 WIOSUN J Talesun 1,000/1,000/-| cells and modules in 2014 is expected to remain unchanged. 180/150/150 1,000/1,000/- Danish Solar Solar-Fabrik 210/210/210 45/60/60 I H 6/6/6 E Jiaheng 23/23/23 Naps Systems First Solar First Solar in Malaysia featured a thin-film production capacity Zhongxing SI Module 25/25/25 PVT-Austria 20/20/20 1,400/2,000/- of 1,400 MW at the end of 2012. By the end of 2013 the EPS Soltec 0.8/-/- 50/45/45 Solar Georyt Zlong Solar Innotech Solar thin-film production capacity reached 2,000 MW. 20/20/25 PVCycle_AD_Module_90x60_en.indd 1 11.10.13 12:00 B VHF-Technologies Jurawatt 50/20/10 ertex solar 3/3/3 Risen Energy 700/700/800 Macro Solar 100/100/170 UAB 2.5/2.5/- No figure is given for 2014. Koly Energy 25/-/- BLD Solar 150/-/-|150/-/- Solitek C Fengqiu 200/-/-|50/-/- Gaia Solar 2/2/2 Sun Value 100/100/100 Kioto Photovoltaics 90/100/100 Shuqimeng Energy Guangyi Solar 200/-/- -/-/-|-/-/30 250/-/-|-/-/- G Kyocera 250/250/250 D L EDF ENR PWT (Photowatt) 75/75/75 PV Products 30/30/30 CHANGZHOU NANTONG SHANGHAI Setting the in-roof-standard. A F H PrimeStar Solar/GE 100/100/- Canadian Solar 350/500/500 EDF ENR PWT (Photowatt) 75/75/90 Almaden Eoplly 180/180/-|350/350/- BYD 1,000/900/900 Energetica Energietechnik 50/100/100 ® NESL Solartech 400/-/- QS Solar Calrays 200/-/- SoloPower 300/-/- SolGate 20/-/- Francewatts Great Solar Schweizer 100/100/- Chiko Solar First Solar 280/200/- Solar tiles with Solrif Seasun Green DS Technology 50/-/- NINGBO 15/15/15|40/15/15 Green Power -/-/-|400/-/- G Great Energy Auxin Solar 120/-/- Silfab 90/90/150 Bocai New Energy Precizika MG AB from Schweizer suit all roofs. Seraphim Solar -/-/500 Hanwha SolarOne CN Solar SNAsolar Sunrise Solartech 500/-/- 1,300/1,300/1,300 30/60/60 EP Solar Technology 1,500/1,500/1,500 SolarWorld Trina Solar 2,400/2,500/2,500 Huasheng Solar Energy JA Solar 25/25/25 2,400/2,500/2,800 100/100/100|200/200/200 1,800/1,800/1,800 500/500/500|350/350/350 Korax Solar 20/33/30 Znshine 300/-/- Huatuo Solar Perfectenergy 100/-/- Ernst Schweizer AG, Metallbau, CH-8908 Hedingen ShunFeng Jinshi Solar Power Blessed PowerFilm Phone +41 44 763 61 11, www.solrif.com Photovoltaic 300/-/- Komaes Solar 400/-/- PT Solartec National Hi-Tech Park QS Solar 200/-/- HAINING B Sunshine Alex Solar Energy Wanxiang New Energy Senersun 150/150/- Osda Solar Biaodi 600 900Astana Solar -/100/- Solarbest 300/-/- -/450/450|350/350/350 Fonroche Ankara Solar Chaori Solar Energy km TDG Holding Pearls Energy km PV_Poster_Solrif_e.indd 1 07.10.2013 13:51:33 Juguang New Energy -/100/100 Qixin Solar Electrical 90/90/90 Shinew Photoelectronic Prairiesun Solar Hevel Solar 130/-/- Ring Electronics Jinko Propsolar Sun Earth Solar 500/500/500|100/100/100 Pubsolar MiaSolé 150/150/- Sunrupu New Energy SunPower QiGui Solar Energy Enfoton Solar 110/110/110 HANGZHOU C Surpass Solar HelioVolt Shanghong Energy SolarCity 150/200/- 130/130/130 Advanced Solar Power Ulica Solar -/-/-|600-/- Solar Energy Suniva -/170/170 Millennium Electric 50/100/- China -/30/30 100/100/- Xinneng Science & Technology Kyocera Sillia (Bosch Solar) Astroenergy Photo-Electricity China Suns Solar Technology Stion 140/140/- Philadelphia Solar 40/60/100 Flamco Falx -/-/-|-/1,300/1,300|-/-/- Xufeng Solar Energy Zhongshan Sunshine Solar 250/250/250 -/-/70|150/150/70 500 350 600 650 Bluesun 300/-/-|1,600/-/- Yongjiang Shenzhou BAODING 1 DONGYING 3 Longyang km km km km HEFEI 5 Topsolar Green Energy CN Solar 70/-/- Photovoltaic Fengfan China Photovoltaic Chinaland Solar Zhouhao Solar SunPower 1,100/-/- Dahe Thermo-Magnetics Zhenhai Aike China Sunergy Qatar Solar -/-/300 TianWei SolarFilms Group 200/200/200|200/200/200 All Panels Fit Upsolar 600/600/- Gerui Hanergy Taiming Hanergy Solar Photoelectric Electronics 150/150/- Fuda Solar Power 200/-/- Sunrise Solar Energy Wotechsolar Jabil Circuit Systovi 40/40/40|40/40/40 -/100/100|-/300/300 Solar 250/400/- Solar 300/300/- University Sunny Energy Grand Power Juli New Energy Tansins Photovoltaic LDK Solar 1,700/-/- Cotech Solar 120/-/- -/360/360|200/360/360 100/100/100 900/950/950 Microsol (Solon Modules) 30/150/250 400/400/400|600/400/400 -/300/300|300/300/300 Liaoning Yi.Solar TIANJIN 14 BEIJING 10 3 Clickable Parts Kinglex Solar Energy Wangfeng PV 400/-/- MPO Energy 35/35/- Yingli Green Energy TD Solar 150/-/- BenQ 50/50/- Hope Solar QINGDAO Silevo 200/-/- Huacang -/300/300 11 Xihe Solar Power 2,450/2,450/2,450 Kyocera 250/250/250 300/-/-|1,000/-/- Abo New Energy Well Optical Tech Shengfa New Energy Jinmao 150/150/200 Sillia énergie 50/50/50 2,450/2,450/2,450 Lantian Solar Tech Jiechen Solar New Energy Solutions Bluesun Solar Energy South New Energy NES 15/15/15 WUXI J Microsol 250/250/250 Jingchen Yanggu New Light, Fast and Easy CaJaani 500/-/- Risen Energy Link-Wave Photovoltaic -/180/200|200/200/300|-/-/- Millennium Electric SHANXI 12 Energy 790/800/800 10 Jesen Solar 300/400/500 A.M.P. Solar Miran Pavlovec 15/50/50 Crane Renewable Chenyang PV Tianci Yingli New JIANGYIN Schutten Solar -/-/150 Lightway Green Jiaoyang Lamps D Sinski PV 5 Echo Photovoltaic SUZHOU ERDM Solar 45/60/90 Liyuan New Energy Energy YuTai New Energy Hareon I Energy 4/4/4 Solartron 25/65/180 600/-/-|-/-/- Mine Energy Suntech Bisol 100/150/150 Lu‘an Photovoltaics CECEP Solar 1,875/1,875/1,875 Hengsheng New Energy Zytech Solar 50/-/- 1,800/1,800/1,800 Yaoyu Solar Energy 1 Rayking Solar -/700/700|-/700/700 www.fl amcofalx.com 1,080/1,080/1,080 Luxen Solar Energy 14 General 2,365/2,400/2,450 Chinalight Solar Jetion 900/-/- Solar JIANGSU 6 Resun Solar Energy Jaje SunPower -/100/100|-/-/- JA Solar 600/800/800 JG Solar Sande 80/-/-|70/-/- Hosun Solar Power Ekarat Solar Fangxing Econess Energy Risun Technology Solar Innova 75 km Gongriver New Energy 300/-/- 12 Shengtai Solar Zhongjie Jieyang China -/60/180|-/180/500 -/800/800 HHV -/-/50 Glass Changle 30/-/- 30/-/-|15/-/- Ningxia Zhongjing Solar Linuo 500/600/400|500/600/400 IRICO Group FVG Energy 60/-/- Runda PV Hengliyang Evergreen -/-/20 Yinxing
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