- r-" ?< •■•■ to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurwiay. June 27. ItM BOLTON rXIKA SPORTS ULATHER CALDOR Asbestos work delay Summer 1985 guide Moriarty Brothers Cool, rain or driZZle tonight and Saturday CIRCULAR frustrates educators to fine restaurants • 7 still perfect at 12-0 SALE ... page 10 ... supplement ineMe ... page 16 ... page 2 Continues Through GREAT SUMMER SALE—THROUGH SATURDAY Saturday T IM E X " M^ralb Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Friday, June 28,1985 — Single copy: 254 oENi^Ai^aeoTiiiis ^ C«iO^«n«r '*- Hostages Eo«y«loortcuttina<init«kiii|ri tr^opor«Bon,ii<tfi^. , ip i S-^v , ?-'■ ,. COMMlIlfr «• • • •-C M k 'liiip i « A 4 * « MpeF -' ' ft r«|iSwhfc'S;IN^' may go /!< ^ . t m m .. .EA f . V \5 ,V I*'- ’ >«*>«->.- S'. *J:?«Vf^rr> ^ 4> s- h ' to Syria V- A* " c L iA R A N ^ ALL CASSETTES > vC/ y r ^ ’ By Pater Smerdon ON SALE NOW! United Press International BEIRUT, LeBanon — TBe Amal militia freed •ALL YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS another ailing AmeriCan hijaCk hostage today •EVERY MUSICAL CATEGORY and took h im to a hospital a m id rep orts som e o f •THOUSANDS OF TITLES the remaining 38 hostages had Been transferred to Syria and that arrangements were Being N O i p M ^ C o f M $«l«ctQrou|ltTW FEATURING: orVikw Tip^’-;' made to move the rest. HiNKiV«cuuln O er ■> ' BATH|i|i««.#ll<Ui|’. i'A An aide to Amal leader NaBlh Berri said Simon Grosamayer was released and taken to AmeriCan University Hospital in west Beirut for treatment of an " j »rt, up»?ol«tory bni«i undiadoaed ailment. "A§inoro«^. An tv a a n t^ L H«nd tMiMio OMI wi«ii #ip«i':'.v:;, •TIStMeiMil. O.M<xtOl«HV1O10l <mi8it.itae.an« Grossmayer was taken to the hospital from Berri's home in west Beirut to the hospital. There had Been reports Be was to have Been put aBoard a plane for '■'* - S«'V ■ >* - Cyprus but the last flight to Cyprus left without him. r.i EARANCEI j A spokesman at the LeBanese Ministry of Information Confirmed Grossmayer's release and :^ V ■aid Be waa reCeiving treatment at AmeriCan University Hospital. But the spokesman aaid he did not know if the treatment was linked to lung or Chest S S ?^ -.' .towe So, proBlems. G lto m PrIiAMY ao c i Grosamayer, 57, of Algonquin, ni., had a lung iMHyPo^MLRwfoor Dixieland S removed some years ago and Berri aaid earlier this M»iMliionip«n^ niole By Dma floBaok week Be waa Considering releasing him. His release UMAtyour d«cor.M0*:i....... left IS hoetagee in the hands of the powerful Shiite >niii0«t. Ofif.' ao.tw'. .".|Y y Eighth District firefighters battle a bam fire on McCabe Street after firefighters arrived, wee reported by dietrict fire officials as Moslem Amal militia or of Shiite militants who Cassette ng* C asaatta c CO Thursday afternoon that destroyed th f barn and many of its being of a suspicious origin. The barn at 24 McCabe St. Is owned hijaCked a Rome-Bound TWA jet June 14. ,*Qmwh S*l . otig.‘ aaot ♦2 # ' A398 £ . 9 0 S5T”’ 4.76 0 698 0 . 0 0 '.•MMSfllllB W ftlW H lift ' ■■*'.■;.:« antique, coRtents. One firefighter euftored a cut h i^ .a t the ^ Anthony Choma. LeBanese intelUgenCe sourCes said some of the ^ - - ^ 1 Cssaene Csssatts £ OO sbene. th e fire, which wee b'f^ught under control 40lHlriutes BeetaoMwitB Jewtsh-soundiiig namaa — taken oCr the <M|k* R798 D . £ 4 ssot 0 . 0 0 ?ssr"* 7.74 ftUheMaiIre the rest of the hostages were plaCed in Amal'e Cuatody — Bad already Been transferred to i ALL OTHER CASSETTES IN OUR STOCK AT SIMILAR SAVINGS! Syria. DamasCus firmly denied that report. A senior editor of tBe offiCial Syrian News AgenCy, Fire destroys bam and antiques the government's mouthpieCe, said the report waa "not troe.” He also denied a report Syria had agreed et to take the remaining 38 hostages under United MAJOR APPLIANCE ONLY 2 .9 9 GAL. By AIb x e irtlli ial Hospital and releaaed, distriCt fire The town firefighters were Called out hoped to give the rest to some historiC Nations' auspices. Htrald Reporter department spokesman Thomas R. from there at 2:19 p.m., along with ■odety. Other news reports, however, suggested negotia­ ®53!?r^ WITH REBATE! O'Marra said. distriCt firefighters, to what turn^ out There were some old window sashes tions were under way to arrange a transfer of the atf PBEWVRED I ^ A storage Bam at 24 MCCaBe St. and to Be an unneCessary alarm at 71 Batson with hand-Blown glass, “ proBaBly FLOOR SAMPLE Firefighters found the bam engidfed hostages to Syria. ita ConteaU, InCluding antique!, were melted nofr.'' he said. in flames when they arrived two Drive. destroyed Thursday afternoon By a fire v ’ minutes after the Call Came in at 1:07 Choma said this morning that the Besides the antique materials, the A spokesman for the Swiss EmBassy said thEre had of suspicious origin, a spokesman for Bam Contained antique hand-wound nsh p.m. The Ore waa deClared under ham Contained some newer things, like Been no re|4y from Berri sinCe he pledged to paaa on to . I P’ the Eighth DistriCt Are department said reCord players, an old Singer sewing m Jf' CLEARANCE! Control at 1:49 p.m, But flreflghters modem windows and modern flush hijaCkers a Swias offer to take Custody of the hostages. today. tS < ';' remained on the sCene until 3:20, madiine in operating Condition, a doors. Also stored was a supply of pine Anthony Choma, owner of the prop­ Beirut's respeCted An Nahar newspaper reported O'M arra said. dkerry dining room set, roCking Chairs Boards from 13 to It inChes wide and 13 erty, said this morning he does yet know today that any transfer of tBe AmeriCans to a Western sav*ortnrn«VTtii waiting to Be refinised, and similar to 14 feet long. the extent of the damage, But said it was Twenty-seven distriCt Dreflghteri itema he has ColleCted over a 20-year emBM sy f a C ^ serious seCurity oBstaCles and that a unlikely that anything in the main part responded to the fire, along with several period. Choma said he was not at home when move to DamasCus was more likely. of the Bam survived the intense fire. He Vernon firefighters who were Called ChMna, a retired wreddng ContraC­ the fire Broke out, But tom e memBers of "Transferring the hostages to DamasCus under the tm » kaid he would try to inventory the under the mutual aid system, he said. tor, said the Bam also contained some his family were. He said the fire was sponsorship of (Syrian) President Hafes Asaad is the i: damage today. While the fire was in progress, ha^-made doors salvaged from old d is C o v e r t By Raymond Daen, a most likely C h t^ BeCause tBe hostages will Be safe liC ^ • F*t"\ One Eighth DistriCt firefighter, Ro­ apparatus from the town's BuCkland Buildings. next-door neighBor who waa working on there regardleee of Bow long a solution is delayed, and ......III.., Bert TurCotte, Cut his hand at the sCene fire station was sent to the distriCt Choma said be had given four or five equipment in his yard. He said Dsen '''' ’ V%/' >JC , '*<• /A their relativee will not worry aBout their safety," said and was treats at ManChester Memor­ firehouse at Hilliard and Main streets. df the doors to a friend reCently and had Called the firefighteri. an offiCial quoted By An Nahar. ' In Oiriatian east Beirut, the VoiCe of LeBanon radio ■aid a plot to assassinate Berri today was foiled By rAr&ELECTRlCRANGES soldiers who found two roCkets rigged on tBe roof of a Sailors find jet wreckage moequeCverlooUng his wJst Beirut home. The radio, whiCh like many LeBanese stations ^'^iDfsHWASHEBS frequently airs reports that m erely heighten tensions, CORK, Ireland (DPI) - A wreCkage — vital to deteimlnlng if 31,910 feet Sunday and Crash into did not identify the sourCe of its information. PoliCe British Navy ship today loCated the the plSM was Brought down By a the AtlantiC. But investigators said .W A S H E R S & d r y e r s Could not im m i^ately verify the report. hulk of the wreCkage from an terrorist BomB, as some experts only meticuloua examination of the Alr-India jumBo jet that Crashed suspeCt — would Be diffiCult and wredCage could confirm that. • refrigerators TBe radio said Tareq Yafi, 19, a memBer of the into mile-deep waters of the require speCial salvage Progressive SoCialist Party of tBe Druxe Moslem seCt, An Irish offiCial said Tliureday AtlantiC OCean, killing 329 people. equipment. was aiTCatod in the alleged plot. Amal offiCials only "1 to 3 perCent" of the plane .U P R IG H T f r e e z e r s The HMS Challenger, a "seaBed A spokeeman for the investiga- deClined comment. operations" vessel equipped with tors, inCluding Canadian, Ameri­ had been reCovered at wreCkage. sophistiCated sonar equipment, Can and Indian experts, said it was 'Hie Challenger earlier deteCted Berri, LeBanon's justiCe minister and head of Amal. pinpointed the wreCkage under not Clear if the wreCkage waa on "weak signala'' from the oCean the powerful Shiite Moslem militia, is negotiating on more than 6,000 feet of water 120 firm ground or sinking into sea floor and a British Defense Minis­ Behalf of Shiite militante who Commandeered the miles off the southwest Coast of floor mud.
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