1930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8623 Joe MeA. Whitaker. Thomas L. Wogan. Mass., and to the Salem Marine Society, of Salem, Mass., the Oliver E. White. Royal A. Wolverton. silver-service set and bronze clock, respectively, which have been Edson H. Whitehurst. William T. Woodard. in use on the cruiser Salem ; James D. Whitfield, jr. James A. Woodruff, jr. H. R. 6338. An act authorizing the erection of a sanitary fire­ William W. Wilbourne. Thomas K. Wright. proof hospital at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Macpherson B. Williams. Henry S. Wygant, jr. Soldiers at Togus, Me. ; Francis E. Wilson. William N. Wylie. H. R. 6645. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, in Frank I. Winant, jr. Joseph B. H. Young. his discretion, to deliver to tl)e president of the Lions Club, of Walter C. Wingard, jr. Shelbyville, Tenn., a bell of any naval vessel that is now, or may The following-named midshipmen to be assistant paymasters be, in his custody; and to the president of the Rotary Club, of in the Navy, with the rank of ensign, from the 5th day of Shelbyville, Tenn., a steering wheel of any naval vessel that is June, 1930: now, or may be, in his custody ; Edward P. Dorner. H. R. 7395. An act to extend to Government postal cards the Aubrey J. Bourgeois. provision for defacing the stamps on Government-stamped en­ Laurence Cardwell. Walter F. Prien. velopes by mailers ; MARINE CORPS H. R. 7410. An act to establish a hospital for defective delin­ Maj. Andrew B. Drum to be a lieutenant colonel in the Marine quents; Corps from the 1st day of March, 1930. H. R. 7 413. An act to amend an act providing for the parole of First Lieut. William J. Mosher to be a captain in the Marine United States prisoners, approved June 25, 1910, as amended; Corps from the 2d day of April, 1930. H. R. 8052. An act authorizing the heirs of Elijah D. Myers to Second Lieut. Walter I. Jordan to be a first lieutenant in the purchase land in section 7, township 28 south, range 11 west, Marine Corps from the 10th day of April, 1930. Willamette meridian, county of Coos, State of Oregon; Second Lieut. Arthur W. Ellis to be a first lieutenant in the H. R. 8368. An act providing for a study regarding the con­ Marine Corps from the 19th day of April, 1930. struction of a highway to connect the northwestern part of the Second Lieut. Edwin C. Ferguson to be a first lieutenant in United States with British Columbia, Yukon Territory, and the Marine Corps from the 30th day of April, 1930. Alaska in cooperation with the Dominion of Canada; The following-named midshipmen to be second lieutenants H. R. 8650. An act to authorize the Postmaster General to in the Marine Corps from the 5th day of June, 1930: charge for services rendered in disposing of undelivered mail in Paul Moret. Frank M. Reinecke. those cases where it is considered proper for the Postal Service Thomas B. Hughes. Stewart Boyle. to dispose of such mail by sale or to dispose of collect-on-deliv­ William B. McKean. Paul W. Russell. ery mail without collection of the collect-on-delivery charges or Glen G. Herndon. Ronald D. Salmon. for a greater or less amount than stated when mailed; Fred D. Beans. John M. Davis. H. R. 8713. An act granting land in Wrangell, Alaska, to the Francis H. Williams. Russell Lloyd. town of Wrangell, Alaska ; Harold W. Bauer. Edward A. Montgomery. H. R. 8763. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to investigate and report to Congress on the advisability and James T. Wilbur. Edgar 0. Price. practicability of establishing a national park to be known as the Ernest W. Fry, jr. Lawrence C. Brunton. Apostle Islands National Park in the State of Wisconsin, and William B. Steiner. Samuel S. Yeaton. for other purposes; Frank G. Wagner, jr. Donald McP. Weller. H. R. 8805-An act to authorize the acquisition for military Wallace l\1. Greene. Walfried H. Fromhold. purposes of land in the county of Montgomery, State of Ala­ Alvin W. Neal. bama, for use as an addition to Maxwell Field ; H. R. 8973. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his discretion, to deliver to the custody of the Charleston Museum, of Charleston, S. C., the ship's bell, plaque, war record, THURSDAY; May 8, 1930 and silver service of the cruiser Charleston that is now or may The House met at 12 o'clock noon. be in his custOdy ; The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered H. R. 9235. An act to authorize the Public Health Service to the following prayer : provide medical service in the Federal prisons ; H. R. 9434. An act to extend the times for commencing and Deliver u~e' blessed Lord, from the bondage of fear and from completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia undue devotion to self. In all the ways of life-through anx­ River at or near Arlington, Oreg. ; iety, through perplexity, through loss, and through gain-may H. R. 10258. An act to extend the times for commencing and we be led by Him who is the way, the truth, the life. Give us completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River at faith of the future and hope that shall triumph over all. The or near Cannelton, Ind. ; mountains are Thine, the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars; H. R. 10474. An act granting the consent of Congress to the but it is Thine heart that hath made us. May we realize in our Arkansas State Highway Commission to construct, maintain, own earthly spheres the divinity of that love and use its power and operate a free highway bridge across the White River at or among men. Through Christ our Savior. Amen. near Sylamore, Ark. ; The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and H. R. 10581. An act to provide for the addition of certain approved. · lands to the Yosemite National Park, Calif., and for other MESSAGE FROM THE SEN ATE purposes; H. R.10674. An act authorizing payment of six months' death A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, gratuity to beneficiaries of transferred members of the Fleet announced that the Senate had passed without amendment bills Naval Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve who die while of the House of the following titles : on active duty ; H. R. 389. An act for the relief of Kenneth l\1. Orr ; H. R. 11046. An act to legalize a bridge across the Hudson H. R. 707. Ail act to authorize an appropriation for construc­ River at Stillwater, N. Y. ; tion at Fort McKinley, Portland, Me.; H. J. Res.188. Joint resolution authorizing the use of tribal H. R. 973. An act to remove the age limit of persons who may funds belonging to the Yankton Sioux Tribe of Indians in South be ·confined at the United States Industrial Reformatory at Dakota to pay expenses and compensation of the members of Chillicothe, Ohio; the tribal business committee for services in connection with H. R. 1301. An act for the relief of Julius Victor Keller; their pipestone claim ; and H. R. 1444. An act for the relief of Marmaduke H. Floyd ; H. J. Res. 244. Joint resolution authorizing the President to H. R. 2161. An act to convey to the city of Waltham, Mass., invite the States of the Union and foreign countries to partici­ certain Government land for street purposes ; pate in the International Petroleum Exposition at Tulsa, Okla., H. R. 3527. An act to authorize credit in the disbursing ac­ to be held October 4 to 11, 1930, inclusive. counts of certain officers of the Army of the United States for The message also announced that the Senate had passed, with the settlement of individual claims approved by the War Depart­ amendments in which the concurrence of the House is re­ ment; quested, b:lls of the House of the following titles: H. R. 4198. An act to authorize the exchange of certain lands H. R. 668. An act for the relief of A. J. Morgan; adjoining the Catoosa Springs (Ga.) Target Range; H. R. 3975. An act to amend sections 726 and 727 of title 18, H. R. 5283. An act to declare valid the title to certain Indian United States Code, with reference to Federal probation officers, lands; and to add a new section thereto ; H. R. 5726. An act authorizing ·the Secretary of the Navy, in H. R. 7768. An act to provide for the sale of the old post-office his discretion, to deliver to the custody of the city of Salem, and c<;mrthouse building and site at Syracuse, N. Y.; 8624 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 8 H. R..8299. An act authorizing the establishment of a national S. 3470. An act to define fruit jams, ,fruit preserves, fruit hydraulic laboratory in the Bureau of Standards of the Depart­ jellies, and apple butter, to provide standards there-for, and to ment of Commerce and the construction of a building therefor; amend the food and drugs act of June 30, 1906, as amended; H. R. 8562. An act to extend the times for commencing and S. 3553. An act for the relief of R. A. Ogee, sr.; completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri S. 3555. An act authorizing the purchase, establishment, and River at or near Randolph, Mo.; and maintenance of an experimental farm or orchard in Mobile IL J.
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