Glasgow Colleges Regional STEM Strategy Summary Document Ali Jarvis Interim Chair, Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board On behalf of the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board, I am delighted to endorse the Glasgow STEM Strategy. Development of skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (or ‘STEM’) is vital for the economy of Glasgow and Scotland. The report from Sir Ian Wood’s Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce emphasised that STEM provision should be a priority in our course planning. And Glasgow’s current economic development strategy stresses ‘success through specialisation’, including four out of eight economic sectors which are STEM-related. 6\YWSHUZMVY[OPZ`LHYHUKUL_[WYV]PKLZPNUPÄJHU[ support for that focus. In our Regional Outcome Agreement with the Scottish Funding Council we are aiming for a 12% increase in energy, engineering, construction and manufacturing provision. And this focus continues into our estates developments, curriculum hubs, industry partnerships and community outreach programmes. Achievement of STEM Assured status from New Engineering Foundation is a success in its own right, of which we are very proud. But even more ZPNUPÄJHU[S`P[»ZHYLÅLJ[PVUVM[OLPTWVY[HUJL^L are placing on STEM provision in Glasgow and of [OLL_WLY[PZLVMZ[HɈHJYVZZ[OL[OYLLJVSSLNLZ(SSVM which will contribute to a more successful Glasgow economy and better job opportunities for students. Purpose The main aims of the Glasgow Regional Strategy are to; To align the STEM provisions to strengthen and create capacity in key areas of economic importance. To address weaknesses or gaps in provisions to meet employer and student needs. To create the conditions for collaborative working to RSWLPLVHERWKWKHFROOHFWLYHRσHUDQGUHVRXUFHV To foster innovation in STEM education thus enriching the student journey. To maximise progression opportunities for students into higher education and employment. Glasgow Educational Focus IN STEM Pr oj cy ec a t er M it a L n l a a Low Carbon Creative Industry g it e Smart Meters / Gaming & m ig Renewables Graphic Design e D n t ICT Life Science Big Data & Medical / Life .HTPÄJH[PVU Sciences Engineering Food & Drink Electrical -VVK/`NPLUL Engineers / Manufacturing 7YVJLZZ*VU[YVS 3VNPZ[PJZ Innovation Enterprise Progression Employability Paul Little Principal and CEO City of Glasgow College The City of Glasgow College is committed to delivering a world class STEM provision that meets the needs and aspirations of our developing workforce. Our estates investment in the City Centre and Riverside campuses positions the College as a key contributor to economic growth and prosperity within the Glasgow City Region and ensures all of our students learn in industry standard facilities. Engaging and inspiring our students with world class learning and teaching experiences is fundamental to our work as a College. Being awarded STEM Assured status consolidates the Colleges position as a globally recognised centre of vocational, technical and professional excellence. I fully recognise the important role that STEM subjects have in preparing our students to seamlessly integrate into employment or onto more advanced education programmes. The launch of the Regional STEM Strategy outlines our commitment to work with our regional College partners to deliver the highest quality of STEM education to learners from Glasgow, Scotland and beyond. City of Glasgow College - The STEM Development Plan 7KH&LW\RI*ODVJRZ&ROOHJHRσHUVDGLYHUVH67(0FXUULFXOXPZLWKDQXPEHURIKLJKSHUIRUPLQJ VSHFLDOLVWDUHDV7KHFOXVWHUGLDJUDPEHORZRσHUVDQRYHUYLHZRIKRZWKHLQWHJUDWLRQRI67(0FDSDFLWLHV LVVSUHDGDFURVVðYHNH\DUHDV Computer Animation Interactive Media Software Development 3D and IT ise pr Networking Technical Support er Product Design Digital Media nt E Interior Design Graphic Design In n Furniture Design Art and Design o 1. Design & v Communications Photography & TV a t Radio Media Digital Media i o n Mechanical Engineering High Voltage 5. Advanced Electronics Engineering Smart Metering Engineering Applied 2. Marine Electrical Engineering Science & Robotics & Maritime & Maths Architectural Technologies Quantity Surveying Project Construction Management Building Surveying Management Civil Engineering 4. Construction 3. Health, Bridge & Engine Ready Chief Engineering & Architectural Sports & Crisis Management Marine Operations Technologies Wellness Marine Engineering Simulation Maritime Studies Medical Care Health Care & Social Care Health & Science Fitness & Coaching Technologies Complementary Therapies Sports Therapy Development Progression and Employability Our innovative industry academy model enables us to work closely with industry partners to create employment opportunities for our students whilst developing a sustainable talent pipeline for the future. Alan Sherry Principal Glasgow Kelvin College The College recognises that it has a responsibility to support economic growth by equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to meet current and future market demands. Our strategy is designed to ensure that our STEM provision meets the needs of learners, local, regional and national employers while supporting Scottish and UK Government economic policy. Throughout this process our aims have been to ensure our STEM provision enhances the quality of the learner experience whilst driving innovation and excellence across the College curriculum. We will provide learners with the skills and attributes for the workplace and Z\WWVY[WYVK\J[P]LHUKLɈLJ[P]LYLSH[PVUZOPWZ^P[O business and employer. Finally we commit to meeting the current and future skills needs of the local and UH[PVUHSLJVUVT`[OYV\NOLɈLJ[P]LWHY[ULYZOPW Our STEM development has been carried out with the HJ[P]LPU]VS]LTLU[VMZ[HɈHJYVZZJ\YYPJ\SHYHYLHZSVJHS business, schools and universities and focuses on placing the STEM curriculum at the centre of the work of the College. Our STEM Manifesto sets outs our vision for students, Z[HɈHUKZ[HRLOVSKLYZTHRPUNZWLJPÄJWSLKNLZ^OPJO we will implement over the coming months and years. It commits Glasgow Kelvin College to a key role in meeting [OLULLKZVMZJPLU[PÄJLUNPULLYPUNTHU\MHJ[\YPUNHUK technological industries in the region while informing curricular planning decisions for the future. Glasgow Kelvin College - The STEM Manifesto *ODVJRZ.HOYLQ&ROOHJHZLOOGHYHORSLWV67(0SURYLVLRQIRFXVVLQJRQWKHIROORZLQJðYH67(0 curriculum clusters. These STEM clusters will include transferable skill-sets such as Health and Safety, Applied Mathematics, Technical Literacy and Enterprise. Each cluster will embed innovation, entrepreneurship and enterprise to support the delivery of STEM education and training that addresses local and regional requirements. A p pli ty ed fe M Sa at & Engineering Logistics h h e lt & & m a a e Automation IntelligentIntellig t i c H Systems TransportationTr anspo r s Cloud Applications Built Health Environmentennt Project & & Mangement Applied Emergingg Sciences T Technologiesies e c h DesignDe si gn n i & e c is al Performance r L Technologies p it er er nt ac E y Innovation | Progression | Employability Eleanor Harris Depute Principal Glasgow Clyde College The College welcomes Glasgow’s Regional STEM strategy and I believe it will help strengthen economic growth by ensuring our emerging workforce has the technical and transferable skills and knowledge required to engage HσHFWLYHO\LQDUDSLGO\FKDQJLQJZRUOGRIZRUN Working with NEF, the college has produced a STEM strategy focused on delivering an integrated vision that is outward-focused and drives economic growth and prosperity. Our STEM Manifesto sets out actions MVYZ[\KLU[ZZ[HɈHUKLTWSV`LYZHUK^PSSLUZ\YL our provision generates even stronger relations with business and industry whilst driving excellence and high quality learning across the college. We commit to WYVK\JPUN^VYRYLHK`LU[LYWYPZPUNHUKKPNP[HSS`Å\LU[ students who support the current and future skills needs of the local, regional and national economy. All young people should be able to progress seamlessly on their learning journey and we will maximise progression opportunities for students into higher education and employment. Part of this will be to promote innovation and the use of emerging technologies in STEM delivery thus enriching the student experience. We also want to widen access and ensure even the most disadvantaged groups have opportunities to undertake STEM related programmes. We will work closely with school and industry partners to deliver coherent pathways aimed at increasing participation, addressing gender imbalance and inspiring all young people to engage in science, technology, engineering and associated subjects. Glasgow Clyde College - The STEM Strategy 7KH&ROOHJHV67(0VWUDWHJ\LGHQWLðHVðYHVSHFLDOLVWFOXVWHUVZKHUH*ODVJRZ&O\GH&ROOHJHFDQ develop competitive advantage - underpinning all of these will be the college wide development of Mathematics and the cross cutting themes of Enterprise, Employability and Progression. Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board City of Glasgow College 60 North Hanover Street Glasgow G1 2BP t: 0141 271 6586 www.gcrb.ac.uk City of Glasgow College City Campus North Hanover Street 60 North Hanover Street Glasgow G1 2BP t: 0141 566 6222 www.cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk Glasgow Clyde College Anniesland Campus /H[ÄLSK+YP]L Glasgow G12 0YE t: 0141 272 9000 www.glasgowclyde.ac.uk Glasgow Kelvin College Springburn Campus 123 Flemington Street Glasgow G21 4TD t: 0141 630 5000 www.glasgowkelvin.ac.uk.
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