Etn1982 08 Confs

Etn1982 08 Confs

Volume 28, No. 8 Mey 13, 1982 • MAJOR MEETS • WEST COAST RELAYS SP, Brenner (UCLA) 62-2¼; 2. Lene (SSTC) DT, Svendsen (WAC) 175 -0; 2. Ford (CSH) 62-½; 3. Weeks (WC) 61-5. 1 :59-8; 3. Springer (Cal) 158 -5; 4. Hoerner Lemoore, California, May 8- DT, Weeks 191-0; 2. Mills (All Am) 185-11 ; (AJA) 156-6. 100(-1.5), Panto" (Fro) 10.59; 2. Hervey 3. Blnley (All Am) 185-6; 4. Brenner 177-0 . JT, Dunton (AJA) 153-2 ; 2. Barn es (SLO) (SSTC) 10.73; 3. James (SSTC) 10.75. HT, Green (CSLB) 225-1 (4, x American 152-0. 400, Phillips (WAC) 46.48; 2. Campbell • collegian) (f, f, 217-5, 223-7, 225-1, 214-1); 2. (FSTC) 47.39; 3. B. Brown (SSTC) 47.70. McArdle (OTC) 219-10; 4. WIiiers " (Can) CR FOR MONICA JOYCE 800, Trott' (Id) 1 :48.58; 2. Robinson (Id) 217-9 ; 4. Rohovlt (CSLB) 214-0; 5. MIieham' 1 :48.88. (Fres) 213-9; 6. Tinsley (FSTC) 199-1 ; 7. Nick - Sen Diego State T wil ight , Sen Diego, April 5000, J. Gomez" (Mexc) 14:15.68; 2. erson (UCLA) 195-3. 30- Tlbedulze' (Sub 4) 14:18.06; 3. Brown (AW) JT, Carpenter (AJA) 238-1; 2. Jon es (UCD) • ~ 2000m, M. Joyce ' (S DI) 5:43.96 CR (old 14: 19.50. 237-5 ; 4. Chen" (Tai) 235-7 ; 4. Jadwln (SSTC) CR 5:56.4 M. Joyce ' [W al '82) (4:18.5m , 110H(0.8), Foster (WAC) 13.39; 2. Allen 231-11. 4:38.3); 2. Kanuka' (SDI) 5:50.03 (2, 2 C) (UCLA) 14.57. - (4:22.4 , 4:42.0); 3. Ernstrom' (S Di) 5:57.48 Women: 4 x 100, Sen Jose State 40.45. (4, 5 C) (4:26.0, 4:47.5). 4 x 400, Sen Jose State 3: 10. 74. 100(-0.8), Bacoul" (Fra) 11.57; 2. Carley (Sac St) 11 . 71. 100H(O .O), Watkin s (CA) 13 .83; 2. Bourn (S 4 x 880, Cal Poly/Pomona 7:39.12. DI) 14.03, 400H, Lindemuth (S Di) 63.04 . 1500, Kraemer (SLO) 4:23.16; 2. Harper DlsMed(y), Cal Poly/Pomona 9:48.38 (Blety HJ, Stafford (S DI) 5-11. SP, McElroy (SLO) 4:29,94; 3, Scannell (Sac St) 4 :36 .09. 4:07.4). (CSLB) 49-9¼; 2. Pollack (CSLB) 47-9½. DT, 100H(1 .4), Yarbrough (SLO) 13.91. HJ, Davis (UCLA) 7-4; 2. Moren (CSH) 7-0. Griffin (AW) 183-2; 2. DeSnoo (S Di) 169 -7; 3. PV, Curran (UCLA) 17 -10½; 2. Baird' 4 x 100, Cal Poiy/SLO 45.5; 2. Sac State Pagel (CSLB) 15 8 -6. JT , Dunton (AIA) 159 -10 ; (Whetsel 17 -0; 3. Seuck (Mace) 17-0; 4. Corney 46.2. 2. Dlbb (S Di) 152 -0. (CSLB) 17 -0; 5. Hardison (unat) 17-0; 6. e HJ, McNeal (SLO) 6-2 (• 7, x a-t US ; ~7, x Men: Sanderson (AJA) 17-0; ••. nh-Tully (NYAC), a-t C); 2. Blunston (CSB) 5-1 O. Meestrettl (unet), Pullerd (Mace). LJ, Crabtree (USC) 19 -7½ (18-11 ½); 2. Mlle, Fell' (S DI) 4:02.28. HJ, Schiefer (S LJ, Gaffney (Fres) 25-7½; 2. Boerdlnghem Nicks (CSB) 19-7½ (18-8¾); 3. Lov elady (CSB) Di) 7-2½. PV, Durham (AIA) 17-0. DT, Slaney' (CSN) 24 -9¾. 19-3 ¼. e (S Di) 212-1 (7, 8 C) (202-7, 207 -4, f, f, 202 -7, T J, Ellerd (Fres) 50-9. SP, Hamilton (CSB) 48-4; 2. Corley (CSB) 212-1); 2 . Axelsson' (Pt L) 190-7 . HT, Bri ski 46 -3. (unat) 194-8. • LEADING COLLEGIATE DUALS• BYU 85-:TEXAS 68 HJ, Moore (Ge) 6 -1 1 ¾. PV, Spivey (Aub) 8:53.8 2. Sagaser (K s St) 8:57.9; 3. Schultz . 16-8 . LJ, Simmons (Ga) 24-5. T J, Brown (Ga) (Ks) 8:59.9. 400H, Mercer (Ks St) 52.2. 4 x Provo, April 24 /a ltitude 1387m/-100, 50 -2. DT, Price (Aub) 175-5. 110, Kansas State 40,6 (Bonds, Bradl ey, Johnson (Tx) 10.42; 2. Jackson (BYU) 10 .46. Howie , Switzer). 4 x 440, Kansas State 3:13.3. 200, Jackson 21.04. 1500, Woods (BTU) FLORIDA STATE 85 2/3-FLORIDA 68 1/3 HJ, Puvogel (Wich) 6-11 ½. PV Buck­ 3:49.86. St, Sltonlk' (Tx) 9:00.16. 400H, Ingham (Ks) 17-8 ; 2. Lytle (Ks St) 17 -0 . LJ, Welker (Ut St) 51.28. 4 x 100, Texas 41.29. Gainesvill e, May 1-200 , Taylor (Fl St) Switzer 25-2. TJ, Owolabi (JTC) 51-1¾. SP, HJ, Stapleton (BYU) 7-2¼. LJ, Turner (Tx) 20.9. 400, Taylor 46.0. 800, Gomez (Fl St) Bartlett (Ks St) 61 -8½; 2. Johnson (Ks) 61-7½. 24-1 ½. SP, Arrhenius' (unet) 62-3½; 2. Brooks 1:51 .7. 1500, Sinclair (Fl) 3:47.9. St, Overfelt DT, Johnson 180-9; 2. Fried eman (Ks) 178 -2. (Tx) 58-5. DT, Svensson' (BYU) 194-9. HT, (Fl St) 8:57.2. 5000, Wills (Fl St) 14 :05. 1; 2. JT , Hansen (Ks St) 255-8; 2. McKinnis (Ks St) Bystedt' (BYU) 212-7. JT, Kelhes' (BYU) Brantly (Fl) 14:14.2. 100, McKenzi e (Fl St) 247-4. 265-10. 13.9. 400H, McKenzie 50.5; 2. Grey' (Fl) 51.5. 4 x 100, F lorlda State 40. 1. 4 x 440, Fl o ride NEBRASKA WOMEN 85-MINNESOTA 42 BAYLOR 98-TCU 42-NORTH TEXAS 24 State 3: 13 .8 . HJ, Lasze wsk l (Fl) 6-10. PV, Bradley (Fl) Lincoln, May 1- 100, James (Nb) 12.0. 200, Waco, April 30-100, Epps (TCU) 10.48; 2. 16-7 ½. LJ, Allen (Fl St) 23-8¼. DT , Serafenas • Ottey' (Nb) 2 2.96 (dual meet record). 400, Devis (Bey) 10.49. 200, Epps 20.69; 2. Mc­ (Fl) 186-7 . JT, Amabile (Fl) 240- 11 . Culler (Bey) 21.14. 400, Hartson (Bey) 46.53 . Ottey ' 52.67 (dual meet rec o rd). 800, T ate' (Nb) 2:14.1. 1500, Stricker (Nb) 4:26.46; 2. 800, Jeffrey (TCU) 1 :50. 74. 11 OY, Thompson INDIANA 9 0-MICHIGAN 55 (Bey) 13.97. 400H, Montgomery (Bey) 50.91; Dicki son (Mn) 4:28.45. 100H, Blanford (Nb) 13.90. 4 x 100, Nebraska 44.57 (McOueen, 2. Brown (Bey) 51.39; 3. Howe (N Tx) 51.72. Bloomington, I ndlana, May 1- 100 , Tur­ Powell, Blanford, Ottey'). 4 x 400, Nebraska 4 x 100, Baylor 39.93 ; 2. TCU 40.26. 4 x ner (In) 10.5. 200, Nix (In) 21.0; 2. Bruce' 440, Baylor 3:09.35. HJ, Coalson (Bay) 7-0. 3:45.69. DT, Wood (Nb) 161-1 ; 2. Small (Nb) (Ml) 21.2. 400, Ni x 46.0. 800, Spivey (In) 159-4 . PV, Cooper (Bey) 16·2. LJ, Norman (N Tx) 1 :49.8. 1500, Spivey 3:40.28; 2. Ri sch (In) 24-10. TJ, Norman 50-6½. 3:44 .44. St, Diemer (Ml) 9: 06.60 . 400H, Thoma s (In) 52. 1. 4 x 100 , Indiana 40.89. 4 x ARIZONA 89-BYU 64 AUBURN 123 - GEORGIA 96-WEST 400, Indiana 3:11.3. GEORGIA 37-TROY 13-TUSKEGEE 10 HJ , Lugin (Ml) 6-11 ¾. PV, Volz (In) 18 -2; Tuc so n, May 1- 100(3.4), Threatt (Az) 2. Wolley (Mi) 16-3 ¼. LJ , Zimmerman (In) 10.46 . 200(0.0), Barksdale (Az) 20.68; 2. Auburn, Alabama, Mey 1- 100, Walker (Ga) 25-6¼ ; 2. Harper (Ml) 25-4½. SP, Neils en ' (Mi) Threatt 21.13. 1500, Peterson (BYU) 3:48.07. 10.30 ; 2. Campbell (Ge) 10 .35. 200, Brooks 59-6¼. DT, King (In) 177 -3. St, Hess (Az) 8:36, 77; 2. Mathews (BYU) (Aub) 21.04; 2. Walker 21.07. 400, Brooks 8:41.36; 3. Koroso' (Mace) 8 :52.7 3 ; 4. Dobl er 46.5 . 800, Roseboro (Ga) 1 : 49.6. 1500, Jones KANSAS ST. 93½ - KANSAS 51-WICH 45 (Az) 8:55.41. 4 x 100, Arizona 39.74 (Oko­ (Aub) 3:45.01; 2. Fox (Aub) 3:45.30. St, dogbe', Barksdale, Miller, Threatt), Carnes (Ga) 9:13.6. 50oo; Graves (Aub) Manhattan, Kansas, M ey 1- 100, Switzer HJ, Anderson (Az) 7-2¼ ; 2. Stapleton 14 :26.9 0. 110H, Richard (Ga) 13.9. 400H, (Ks St) 10.5. 200, Peppers (Wlch) 21.2; (BYU) 7-¾ ; 3. Fraz ier (Az) 7-¾. LJ , Jenkins Benjamin (Aub) 51.6; 2. Johnson (Tusk) 53.0. .. 3. Switzer 21.5. 400, Bra d ley (Ks St) 46.5. (Az) 24-11¾, SP, Svensson' (BYU) 55-3½. DT , 4 x 100 , Georgia 40.06; 2. Auburn 40.93. 800, Rot lc h' (Ks St) 1 :51. 1. St, Gregory (unat) Svensson' 186 -6. JT, Keihas' (BYU) 252-5. -59- CAL SO-OREGON 74 (Timmons 45.9); 2. Oregon 3:07.4 (Mack e Givens 23.26 (dual meet record); 2. Payne' 45.3). 23.46. 400, Wright (Fl St) 53.99; 2. aonner Berkeley, May 8 /Cal's first win since HJ, Nelson (Cal) 6-1 O¼. PV, McAlexander · (Aub) 54.09; 3. Garrett (Va) 54.33. 800, 0. 1901/-100 (1.0), Cowling (Cal) 10.63. 200 • (Cal) 16-11½. SP, D. Crouser (Or) 68-3¾ (10 a-t Brown (FI St) 2: 11.32. 1500, Coomber' (FI St) (0.0), Cowling 20.78; 2. Walcott' (Or) 21.04. C) (65-8¼, 66-10½, 68-3%, 66-11%, 68-1¾, f); 4:32.49.

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