Etn1967 Vol14 04

Etn1967 Vol14 04

TRACKNEWSLETTER SupplementingTRACK & FIELD NEWS Vol. 14, No. 4 November 9, 1967 Page 25 (WG) 47. 1. Track Newsletter: Let Us Continue ... ? 800m (10/16), Dufresne (Fr) 1:48. 8; 2. Kemper 1:49. O; 3. Jungwirth (Cze) 1:49.4; 4. Issa (Chad) 1:50.5; 5. Matuschewski (EG) Momentous decisions have been made in the last month 1:52. 6. Heats: (10/15): I-1. Adams (WG) 1:49. 9; 2. Issa 1:49. 9; by the fiscal masterminds at Track & Field News: colossus of 3. De Hertoghe (Bel) 1:50. 6. II-1. Kemper 1:48. 3; 2. Dufresne the track and field publishing world. 1:48. 7; 3. Raiko (USSR) 1:48. 8 ... Davis (US) 1:52. 9. III-1. Jung­ This was supposed to be the last issue ever of Track wirth .1:51. 9; 2. Matuschewsld 1:52. 4 ... 6. Farrell (US) 1:55. 8. Newsletter. Though devoured by you few hardy, hard-core 1500m (10/19), Tummler (WG) 3:46. 4; 2. Ra ilco 3:46. 8; 3. nuts, TN was just not making it, budget-wise. As costs mount­ Finelli (It) 3:48. 3; 4. Bailey (Can) 3:48. 4; 5. Del Buono (It) 3:48 . 6; ed and the number of subscribers and the subscription rate re­ 6. Hoffman (Cze) 3:49. 2; 7. De Hertoghe (Bel) 3:52.1. Heats (10/17) mained constant, TN went in the red. It was headed further in­ I-1. Del Buono 3:49. 2; 2. Bailey 3:50. 8; 3. Palomares (Mex) 3:51. 0 to the red with the soon-to-be effective postage increase. We ... 5. Kvalheim (Nor) 3:53.4. III-1. Tummler 3:52. 2; 2. De Her­ had decided regretfully to press the "destruct" button. toghe 3:52. 4. It was al so determined that T & FN should be spruced up. 5000m (10/19), Gammoudi (Tun) 14:41. O; 2. Letzerich (WG) For a long time, it had gnawed at us that we couldn't squeeze 14:43. O; 3. Martinez (Mex) 14:43. 0; 4 . Tijou (Fr) 14:45. 0; 5. more features and human interest material into the pages of Kiss (Hun) 14:46. 2; 6. Jourdan (Fr) 14:51. O; 1: Alvarez (Sp) the magazine; also, we felt that T&FN subscribers wanted to 14:55. 2; 8. Haro (Sp) 14:57. 6. Heats (10/17): 1-1. Jourdan (Fr) get the news somewhat quicker, especially during the US sea­ 14:5·2. 4; 2. Mecser (Hun) 14:53. 0; 3-. Haro 14:54. 2; 4. Helland son. Therefore, six new issues will be added during the per­ (Nor) 14:55. 8; 5. Perez (Mex) 14:56. 8. II-1. Gammoudi 14:49. O; iod from February through July each year. This will bring our 2. Letzerich 14:49. 4; 3 . Alvarez (Sp) 14:52. 6; 4. Tijou (14:52. 6; T& FN output to 18 issues per annum and will help alleviate the III-1. Martinez 14:44. 2; 2. Kiss 14:47. 2; 3. Dumon (Bel) 14:51. 0 ; nervous tension subscribers suffer during the peak season wait­ 4. Makarov 14:54. O; 5. McCafferty (GB) 14:58 . 6. 0 ing a whole month for the next T &FN. For this 50% increase in 10, OOOm (10/15), Gammoudi 30:16. 0; 2. Haase (EG) 30:16. 2; the number of issues, T&FN's US rates will go up only 20% to 3. Roelants (Bel) 30:28. 8; 4. Martinez 30:29. 6; 5 . Sviridov (USSR) $5. 00 . See fuller announcement in the Nov ember T &FN. 30:44. •I; 6. Mecser 30:55. 6; 7. Nelson (US) 30:57. 8; 8. Seiichiro Managing Editor Dick Drake had second thoughts about (Jap) 31:07. 8. the elimination of TN, however. He argued that if TN were 3000mSt (10/16), Roelants 8:57. 8; 2. Brosius (WG) 9:03. 0; 3. killed, there would be no way for nuts and statistics-keepers Kuryan (USSR) 9 :06. 8; 4. Saruwatari Gap) 9:08. 8; 5. Alvarez and other oddfolk of that ilk to get the results that have only 9:11.0; 6. Van Boutsele (Bel) 9:12.6; 7. Labidi (Tun) 9:15.0; 8. been available to you in the pages of TN . As a service to the Haro (Sp) 9:16 . 2. dedicated few, therefore, we will continue tO put out the News­ Mar (10/22), Roelants 2:19:37. O; 2. Kimihara Gap) 2:21 :57. 8; letter- -in a different form though. Henceforth, TN will be 3. Usami (Jap) 2:24:30.8; 4. Sawaki (Jap) 2:26:13.4; 5. Saito (Jap) mimeo'd, as in its early days, and contain marks and meet 2:26:34. 6; 6. Martinez 2:27:19. 8; 7. Mecser 2:27:36.4. summaries onlv (all those that'm;ike T&FN's reporting stand ­ llOm!!H (10/18), Ottoz (It) 13. 6; 2. Forssander (Swe) 13. 9; 3. ards)_ It will ~verage four 8½ x 14 pages per issue. There Pascoe (Gil) 14. O; 4. Schabel (Fr) 14. 2. will be no features, nl'ws stories or photos. But you will have 400mIH (10/18), Whitney (US) 49. 8; 2. Knoke (Aus) 50.3; 3 . complete US and forl'i,_tn results as in the past. Still at $6. 00. Olivera (Cuba) 50. 8; 4. Tcxld (GB) 51. 1; 5. Wein stand (Pol) 51. l; Track Ncwslctler will be issued 24 times a year, mostly dur­ 6. Sarr (Sen) 51. 2. ing the January-July period, as before. All issues will be mail­ 3 HJ (10/16), Gavrilov (USSR) 6'nt·; 2. Serban (Rum) 6'10;,''; ed anywhere in the US via the fastest possible postal class (air­ 3. Dahlgren (Swe) 6'8~"; 4 . Hubner (Cze) 6'8J"; 5. Shinnick (US) mail in most of the country\. rather than only two-thirds of the 6'8""; 6. Elliott (Fr) 6'8J". iss11es as at present). Foreif<11 r:Ites wi II remain the same. 0 PV (10/17), Papanicolaou (Gr) 17'4J" EurR; 2. Railsback (US) (Next month's issue will be the last one in the present format.) 17']"; 3. B!iznyetsov (USSR) 16'8t'; 4. Lagerquist (Swe) 16'1"; 6. Thus, the patient has under onc surgery . It was oper­ 5 Fyeld (USSR) 1!i'9"; _7. D'Encausse (Fr) 15'5" ... 9. Mustakari ate: or die. He has recovered somewhat, but how long he can 15'5" ... 11. Alarotu (Fin) 15'1.}". carry on depends on your reactions. If we find that most of you LJ (lO/i9). Ter-Ovanesyan (USSR) 27'4J" EWR. EurR (27'4", continue on with this new formal, l N will continue--and per­ '-----' 2G't~··. f. 27•47"·, 26'9;i"• 26'9;i", 26'9¼"); 2. Davies (GB) 2~'8"; h;_ips put on a little weight in good ti nw. _But if your senti_rnents dictate otherwise, the old boy will have to he put out of his 3. Pani (Fr) 26'4.\"; 4. Shinnick 26'3}"; 5. Klauss (EG) 25'7,i'; Yamada (Jap) 2:,'G.\"; 7. Pousi (Fin) 2S'!i}" . n11serv. 0 TJ (10/15). Saneyev (USSR) 54'4;1' (f. 53'9J", 54'3¼", 54°41', · Your subscription wit} stand as is. If . however. there 53'91". 54 ' 1;"); 2. Mansour (Sen) 54'~"; 3 Kalocsai (Hun) 52'9½"; are some of you who don't .want _to continue on this basis, we will be happy to apply the unexpired portion of your subscription to 4. Pousi 52'9½''. , ., , ., , , 1.... SP (10/16), Matson (US) 65 2-,1 (63 ll<I"1 , 65 2<1"111 , f, 63 12 , your present T&FN subscription·. Let us hear from you only if 6-1'10", I); 2. Bruch (Swe) 57'9". you don't ws1nt ro continue receiving the Newsletter. OT (10/17). Piatkowski (PolP93'8" (193'6", f, 189'½", 193'8", f. f); 2. Niare (Mali) 18G'4"; 3. Danek (Cze) 185'7½"; 4. Simeon 184°7\"; 5. Silvester (US) 178'4" (five fouls)._ l!T (10/18), Klim (USSR) 231'1" (216'8", f, 227'9", 225'1½", f, Complete Pre-Olympic Summaries 231 'l "); 2. Zsivotzky (Hun) 223'8½"; 3. Burke (US) 218'6½"; 4. Ishi da (Jap) 218'1"; 5. Sugawara (Jap~ ~.13'll'.':_, 6. Sa,mr.~I (Cu?3,~208'8". lOOm :("10/15), Kone (IC) 10. 2; 2. Giannattasio (It) 10. 2; 3. JT (10/15), Lusis (USSR) 279 6 (226 8 , 272 8, , 279 6 , ·car!os (US) 10. 3; 4 . R. Jones (GU) 10. 4; 5. Pender (US) 10. 5; fi. 212··10f · . 267'3", 268'8f'); 2. Nemeth [Hun) 267'7½"; 3. Paama Aivaliotis (Gr) 10 . 5; 7. Davies (Gil) 10. 6. Heats (10/15): 1-1. Mon­ (USSR) 259'6~"; 4. Kulcsar (Hun) 257'3 2 "; 5. Gapaillaro (Fr) tes (Cuba) 10. 2; 2. Pender 10. 2; 3. Aivaliotis 10. 2. 11-1. Kone 250'5~"; 6. Covelli (US) 236'3" . , ,, , ,, 10.3. Ill-1. Giannattasio 10.1; 2. Carlos 10.2; 3. Ramond(Fr) 10.2. Dec (10/18-19), Duttweiller (Switz) 7574 (11.0, 23 11 , 44 2 , 200m (10/17), Carlos 20. 7; 2. Giannattasio 20. 8; 3. Ciani 6'4~", 50.5, 15.0, 120'7", 15'9", 197'10½", 5:01l.7); 2. Bliznyet­ (It) 20. 9; 4. Martinez (Cuba) 21. 1; 5. Fenouil (Fr) 21. 1; 6. Aiva­ sov (USSR) 7387 (17'l' PV); 3. Hedmark (Swe) 7266; 4. Sloan (US) liotis 21.

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