W - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thureday. Nov. 12, 19B7 Laser game: Court delays hearing again / page 3 1 Road race: Ndayisenga R^EGRmmmEREmmmammE^mmEmmEREmEEifmRmimtmtERmmERmtm will run Thanksgiving GUARANTEED Group homes: State unveils S-^year plan / page 5 I Day / paa® ii GET READY LOWEST PRICES IFOR W INTER HUGE SELECTION - lim ih LOW. LOW PRICES! iHaurbrslrr) Manchester A City ol Village Charm .and check ost theac FR EE scnrlccal 30 Cents FREE MOUNTING! Friday, Nov. 13,1987 N CB'FREE s ta tic BALANCING! •V ^ FREE ROTATION! ■.MOifit.ae Price, sales FREE FRONT-END O' FREE fSfCHANGEOVERt ALIGNMENT WITH THE PURCHASE OF j: O' FREE FLAT REPAIR! FOUR NEW TIRES reports show Every tire sold by Town Fair is backed by our famous 0 W IT H “ IRON-CLAD NO HASSLE” Guarantee! P U R C H A S E Guaranteed LOWEST PRICE Policy ____ _______ ____ _ Every tire sold at TOWW FAIR TIRE Is guaranteed for defects' P U U S l O F 2 N E W Tn workmanship or materials for as long as you own the tire — regardless •When you’re ready for liree, don’t tacrilice the quallh ... mileage received. If a defect In workmanship or materials develop, return It to TOW N FAIR. We TIRES inflation tame performance and guarantee you need. Town Fair Tlre^ will repair It at no charge or replace It. YOU PAY ONLY FOR W HAT YOU HAVE USED! whom you can trust, has a atore near you — there you II find ju it the right tire at... GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES. f We have selected tires GUARANTEED against glass, sharp metal, deep holes and all road haz- NO mer prices, which also reflect the •Don’t compromite, Town Fair Tires’ experience costs no f|9«5 WASHINGTON (AP) - The } 0 ards, and it’s FREE! P U R C H A S E federal government, in two largely higher costs of services and im­ more. NECESSARY ■ sm CARS V positive reports on the economy, ports, rose at an annual rate of 4.8 •“If you find a lower price advertised in Connecticut within 30 Analbend and McPharaon Strut percent through September. days of pruchase on the same merchandise ... bring us the COMPARi US TO AU OTHER TIRE OEAIERS! Not Includad on All Abo»a said today that wholesale prices Inflation this year is considerably advertisement and we will beat the price.” MICHEIIN • 600DYEAR • RRESTONE • DUNLOF * UllERIil • last month posted their first drop ' a.F. MOORICN • AiMSYRONG • UNHOYAt« YOKOmm since July 1986 while retail sales, ahead of last year, when wholesale discounting the expected drop in prices dropped 2.5 percent and and RMiiiy awre fsMMS brand tiras new-car purchases, rose at their consumer prices rose a scant 1.1 speediest clip since February. percent. But those figures were P O R T S C A R Prices fell 0.2 percent, almost paced by a collapse in world oil Y O U SAVE! entirely a reflection of declines In prices. This year, prices generally PRICEBUSTERS! "You Know OUAUTY TIRES FOR SMAU CARS — COMPACTS — UNUSUAL SIZES have returned to the moderate 1st Quality Economy 1st (tuality Economy • BRIDGESTONE • YOKOHAMA • MICHELIN • QI8LAVED • PIRELLI food and energy costs, to nearly The Name" ALL-SEASON • CONTINENTAL • 8EMPERIT • GOODYEAR and Morel erase the 0.3 percent gain of levels of 1982-1985. DOUBLE BELTED ECONOMY RAOML OOOOVEAR September. “ The price outlook is fundamen­ AU-SEASON Deablalahad 8PONT8 THII8 CORSAOT 165/80R13................ •» laania...................... 100/00313 .......................*34 tally good, although the falling laoma...................... *39 17 0/3 0 3 13 .......................*34 The Labor Department report 165/80R13................ *30 MPIAl W.W. 1001113.................................*34 dollar will tack a percentage point Radial law am is...............m laoRia.........................*37 inCHIUH lUPMTff provided dramatic evidence that 1 7 5 rt0 n i3 ................ *32 law aiM is...............m i r o N i d .........................*33 onto inflation in 1988,” said Robert 1 8 5 /« 0 n i3 ................ *33 lawamta...............m 1 IM I1 4 .................................*43 inflation remains tame. 17a/70M13..........................*3C Wescott, chief economist for Alpha- 195/75R14................ *33 Whitewall im r r m u ...............<4a ia a / 7 0 «ii3 ..........................*43 Retail sales overall were down 0.1 a08/75R14................ *33 155/S0R13...M3 iN rrM i4 ...............<41 1 0 I/ 7 (M 1 4 ................. .. ■•43 T t Y W r metrics, a Philadelphia economic 2aar7Mtt4...............>41 percent, but that was less of a drop YOU GO IN 2 1 5 /7 W 1 4 ................ *3T 16S/80R13...*4g 00tt^ OusNfy/mpoftwd ILT t1l/TM14............... 141 SPORTS CAR STEEL than many analysts had expected. forecasting service. 20S/75R1S................ *33 17S/eOR13...*S2 M o rrm ii............... >44 SILTED RAWALS Removing the decline in new-car The weaker dollar is nudging up t h e sn o w 215/75B15................ *33 iia rrtn ii............... ua isania.........................*3s MICMEU N TRK 18S/80R13...>55 xiarTM is...............<4t 1 4 M 1 3 .................................*33 100/70H33f0 .......... *33 prices of foreign goods, but econo­ 225/75R15................ *41 100313.................................*33 100/OON3|00 .......... *33 purchases, forecast following the Whilawall saarrM ts............. >11 100313.................................*33 100/00H330O --------* 1 13 235/75R15................ *43 185/7Sni4...*M 100310.................................*41 1 0 0 3 1 3 ................................ *33 end of summer rebates, retail sales mists suggest that the impact of OR WE PAY 1 0 3 3 1 3 ................................ *37 170314.................................*44 CONTMBNTAL 195/75H14, .*57 170/70313..........................*44 170/70314 .........................*33 rose 0.3 percent. Indeed, nearly all exchange-rate changes is even STEEL BELTED RAOIALS 100/70313..........................*44 170/70313(3W t.>.............*73 1 0 0/3 0 3 10 ......................* 1 33 more pronounced in lowering the THE TOW iSPGoodrich " a o i a l w .w . 205/75R14.,.»ei ’U fltm lt FanwuaMfB 100/70314..........................*43 of the overall sales weakness came *OGtallG Irt StOftt lU/NHt] • W 20S/7SN14.......... •S4 103/70314..........................*43 price of U.S. goods sold overseas. 1S5/80R13... ...•54 205/75R14-.- .. *aa -------T M O H A M i------- from a 3.1 percent decline in auto 20S/7SniS...>«1 iis/itmt3 305/75ei5........ •tS 165/80R13... ...*52 205/7SR1S... *71 Irs/KM13 Ml 310 sales after a 3.8 percent drop in the If the 0.2 percent October decline ...•56 215/7SR15... *55 215/75ni5...*e4 3is/7sitts........ *as ««o iTO/retnis 1st Quality 175/S0R13... iis/ioni3 •iilil/703311 were maintained for 12 months, it Winter-Ready! 165/80R13... ...*57 225/7SR15... .. *77 iis/ioni« 335/7Sni5..........*71 1 0 M I1 3 .......... preceding month. Economy SNOW 225/75R15...*e7 tH/75H14 ■Min/ioiNK ■ tOO/703313 . 195/75R14... ...«6 4 235/7SR15... ..•52 235/75416........ ‘Te caiM/rotnu 100/703314 . David Kool/Manchatlar Herald The Oct. 19 stock market crash, would amount to a compounded Better Quality RADIAL STEEL BELTED according to the sales figures, annual rate of inflation of- 2.8 Whitewalls percent. Prices (or goods other than h8S/IOR13'33 205/75R14»53 apparently had little Immediate 1»/t0iri3<44 ll8$/t0ni3Ml 20S/75R1S*S4 HIgh-wIre act effect on consumer confidenp.e, foods and energy increased 0.6 W IM M H 7 205!75R1S*34 1 178/101113 *45 215/75R1S*M Today’s report reflected sales percent last month, matching the 17S/IOmi*81 215/7«15'37 I1I8/MR13M3 22S/7SH15*«1 M u a e c l e Eric Rask, a cable-splicing technician for Southern New & Service Inc. on Main Street this morning. Rask, of activity throughout the month. September rise. HS|tOR13*l4 22S/75B15*3I I1H/75R14M3 235/751115 ••• FOR LESS! Suffield, works on telephone lines throughout the area. 118^91114 >M 235/7»15*73 XA4 ALL-SEASON 3 ADIAL W.W. England Telephone, works on a line outside Dillon Sales As for wholesale prices, econo­ BIWiDNAMIs 199/80R13..'U 185/78R14..*S1 218/7SR1S..t21 mists have suggested that the stock ie5/80R13..fS market collapse could bring about a Major Quality 19S/75R14..<SS 228/78R15.. RADIAL SNOW CKMARO • FIRE- 178/80R13..tS slowdown in overall economic Ortega’s STEEL RADIAL 188/80R13..»n 206/7SR15 a3a/78R18..» ( u m m m BIRD‘ TRANS AM activity, further reducing price •MadaSWWSMIO’ FanMMia "Iron Clmd^ and Other "Muscle rTrrr^rn^Trn M wwnwjui pressures in the months to come. 3 No Mdaald" Ouoronimo 1S5/30R13MI 205/75R14»73 215/7»14*04 Car" Owners... *i I'wJtJLAJ......... e i l t t i w i e --------------m Bolton trip O K’d despite fears But rising Import prices due to the t8$/tOR13*» 215/7Sfl14M8 18$/MR13>M top critic 205/75«15*74 IS... weak U.S. dollar could show up as 178/10111301 20S/7SR1SM 2 1 175/I0R13O7 .\ • RWL • PROWLER • Li«/rsit4.. 1IS/MR13«« 215/75B15*77 slightly higher inflation next year, 1|S/75ni4*M 215/75m S*4f I U TOYO* GRAND PRIX* " I f the board approves it. it wiil airport, such as Milan, instead of 1I5/75S14H 22S/7»15*70 By Bruce AAatzkIn planning European trips this school analysts suggested. m i m u 'n 228/7»15*41' 235I75R15'7» ^ And Many More! Rome. He said that it is less likely a 195/7S«14*ei ULTRA-HIGH Manchester Herald year. All of these schools’ trips have not be with the recommendation of The Producer Price Index (or to get pian 5m/7Mi4«4ll 335/78M8»M 1 the administration.” Packman said terrorist attack would take place in li(FGk>odrich either been approved or are ex­ a smaller airport. finished goods, which measures PERFORMANCE TIRES at the meeting. RADIAL T/A BOLTON — The Board of Educa- pected to be approved by the boards Stearns, the only board member price activity one stop short of /he WASHINGTON (AP) — Nicara­ GET READY FOR WINTER! RAISED WHITE LETTER tion has approved a spring trip to of education in their respective Board member Pamela Z.
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