NATIONALNATIONAL FISHFISH AND AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATIONFOUNDATION 20192019 C CONSERVATIONONSERVATION INVESTMENTSINVESTMENTS 35 YEARS OF CONSERVATION SUCCESS 69902_CI.indd 1 2/28/20 8:41 AM Dall sheep 69902_CI.indd 2 2/28/20 8:42 AM The Na onal Fish and Wildlife Founda on is dedicated to sustaining, restoring and enhancing the na on’s fi sh, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future genera ons. NFWF will advance its mission through innova ve public and private partnerships, and by inves ng fi nancial resources and intellectual capital into science-based programs designed to address conserva on priori es and achieve measurable outcomes. 3 69902_CI.indd 3 2/28/20 8:42 AM Black skimmers 69902_CI.indd 4 2/28/20 8:42 AM CONTENTS United States and U.S. Territories Fiscal Year 2019 Conserva on Investments In fi scal year 2019, NFWF invested Alabama. 5 Montana . 47 Alaska. 6 Nebraska . 49 more than Arizona. 9 Nevada. 50 $507 million Arkansas . 9 New Hampshire . 50 California . 10 New Jersey . 51 to support more Colorado . 17 New Mexico . 54 Connec cut. 19 New York . 56 than 930 projects Delaware . 21 North Carolina . 59 across the na on. District of Columbia . .23 North Dakota . 61 Florida . 24 Ohio . 62 Georgia . 26 Oklahoma . 62 Hawaii . 28 Oregon. 63 Mountain goat Idaho . 31 Pennsylvania . 64 Illinois. 32 Rhode Island . 71 Indiana. 32 South Carolina . 72 Iowa . 33 South Dakota . 73 United States and Interna onal Kansas . .34 Tennessee . 74 Kentucky . .34 Texas . 75 Fiscal Year 2019 Conserva on Investments . .90 Louisiana . .35 Utah . 77 Gulf Environmental Benefi t Fund Maine. 36 Vermont . 78 Maryland. 38 Virginia. 78 Fiscal Year 2019 Project Commitments . .94 Massachuse s . 42 Washington. 83 Michigan . .44 West Virginia. 85 Impact-Directed Environmental Accounts Minnesota . 45 Wisconsin . 86 Fiscal Year 2019 Project Commitments . .98 Mississippi . 46 Wyoming . 87 Missouri. 47 U.S. Territories . 88 5 69902_CI.indd 5 2/28/20 8:42 AM UNITED STATES FISCAL YEAR 2019 CONSERVATION INVESTMENTS 69902_CI.indd 6 2/28/20 8:42 AM ALABAMA Alabama Wildlife FederaƟ on Cornell University NaƟ onal League of CiƟ es InsƟ tute NaƟ ve Grassland Establishment and RestoraƟ on in Measuring Bachman’s Sparrow Response to Leadership in Community Resilience Program III Alabama Forestry FoundaƟ on Alabama Longleaf Pine Management (mulƟ ple states) (mulƟ ple states) Improving Habitat for At-Risk Species in the Engage private landowners to improve habitat for Develop a methodological framework to use ci zen Expand the Leadership in Community Resilience Alabama Cumberlands III northern bobwhite and other grassland dependent science and fi eld collected data by project partners program with a cohort of eight addi onal ci es Restore riparian and upland forests on private lands species in priority areas across Alabama. Project to evaluate and measure Bachman’s sparrow throughout the United States, providing addi onal in north Alabama benefi ng at-risk freshwater will engage 880 private landowners, provide response to habitat restora on and management technical assistance and peer learning to complete mussels, such as the Cumberland moccasinshell and technical assistance and develop best management eff orts at scales relevant to the species’ popula on. a local resilience project in each city. Project will fi sh such as the blueface darter. Project will reach prac ce recommenda ons for at least 120 of these Project will es mate a region-wide baseline for make 16 staff site visits, complete eight local 500 private landowners through strategic marke ng, landowners, and improve 4,000 acres of grassland occupancy and poten ally evaluate trends in implementa on or demonstra on projects, host a fi eld days, and demonstra ons and restore more habitat. occupancy and rela ve abundance. na onal Resilient Ci es Summit, and deliver new than 160 acres of riparian forest along 24 miles of $171,615 $95,469 educa on and leadership training workshops for stream. dozens of addi onal ci es beyond the cohort. $300,000 Baldwin County Soil and Water ConservaƟ on Forest Landowners AssociaƟ on $249,161 TERRITORIES U.S. AND STATES UNITED District Engaging Working Forest Landowners, Building Alabama Forestry FoundaƟ on Increased Capacity for Mobile Bay Water Quality Stakeholder CollaboraƟ on and Developing SoluƟ ons Saltwater Improving Habitat for At-Risk Species in Southwest Improvement (AL) III (mulƟ ple states) IntegraƟ ng Electronic Technology Tools in the Gulf of Alabama Longleaf Forests III Increase capacity for water quality enhancement Engage large-acreage family forest owners in Mexico Highly Migratory Species Fishery (AL, FL, LA) Engage family forest owners in south Alabama projects benefi ng Mobile Bay, Alabama. Project longleaf pine restora on and conserva on of at-risk Develop and pilot electronic monitoring and to restore and enhance longleaf pine forests to will increase technical planning and engineering and listed species across the historical longleaf repor ng hardware and so ware solu ons for the improve habitat for at-risk species, such as gopher capacity that will enable implementa on of $1.1 pine range, including a par cular focus within areas Gulf of Mexico Highly Migratory Species vessels tortoise, eastern indigo snake, and eastern hognose million in Natural Resources Conserva on Service impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael. using alterna ve gear, which will reduce the snake. Project will reach and educate landowners Environmental Quality Incen ves Program contracts Project will establish 120 acres of longleaf pine and repor ng burden on vessel operators and promote through direct mail and social media marke ng, in FY 2019. produce collabora ve, landscape-level solu ons sustainability. Project will address challenges in data workshops, and fi eld days, resul ng in 2,600 acres $250,000 to longleaf restora on on large family-owned quality, accountability, and meliness. of longleaf plan ng, prescribed burning, and forestlands, including species-related regulatory $240,000 invasive species control. Cawaco Resource ConservaƟ on and Development predictability tools and market-based incen ves. $300,000 Council $150,000 The Longleaf Alliance Understanding the DistribuƟ on and Range of the CoordinaƟ ng Local ImplementaƟ on Team Capacity Alabama Forestry FoundaƟ on Trispot Darter in the Middle Coosa Watershed (AL, Marine Environmental Sciences ConsorƟ um / and Landowner Technical Assistance and Outreach Shortleaf Pine RestoraƟ on in the Alabama GA) Dauphin Island Sea Lab IV (mulƟ ple states) Cumberlands II Collect stream water samples and conduct fi eld Dauphin Island Causeway RestoraƟ on Engineering Improve and sustain coordina on and exchange Restore and enhance shortleaf pine habitat on visits in the Middle Coosa watershed to enhance and Design (AL) of informa on among 17 mul -partner local public and private lands in northern Alabama, knowledge of the distribu on and range of the Inves gate feasibility and recommend alterna ves implementa on teams that organize, plan and benefi ng northern bobwhite, Bachman’s sparrow, trispot darter, a species proposed for lis ng as of sustainable shoreline protec on measures deliver conserva on ac ons to restore and and other forest and grassland dependent birds. threatened under the Endangered Species Act. providing cri cal edge habitat adjacent to Alabama’s enhance the longleaf pine ecosystem. Project Project will establish 400 acres of shortleaf pine Project will collect informa on to help focus most produc ve and ac ve oyster harvest area. will support strategic on-the-ground restora on and enhance an addi onal 2,200 acres of exis ng conserva on ac ons into smaller, more manageable Project will develop engineering plans and through conserva on planning, as well as tracking shortleaf pine habitat with prescribed burning and areas and introduce new conserva on opportuni es permit documents for restora on, including wave and communica on of longleaf pine restora on invasive species removal. for the species. a enua on and marsh crea on to bolster the accomplishments. $150,000 $150,000 resilience of the Dauphin Island community and $150,000 fi shery resources. $250,000 7 69902_CI.indd 7 2/28/20 8:42 AM The Longleaf Alliance The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy ALASKA Longleaf RestoraƟ on in the Gulf Coastal Plain Helen Wood Park Shoreline ProtecƟ on and Habitat Watershed Assessment, Habitat RestoraƟ on, and Ecosystem Partnership Landscape V (AL, FL) RestoraƟ on (AL) Landowner Engagement at Locust Fork (AL) Alaska Department of Fish and Game Restore and maintain 20,000 acres of longleaf pine Protect a half mile of shoreline with ten acres Create a Watershed Coordinator posi on focused Cataloging Anadromous Fish DistribuƟ on in Yukon habitat in the western panhandle region of Florida of inter dal nearshore breakwater habitat and on landowner engagement, data collec on, and and Tanana River Drainages (AK) to benefi t rare and declining species such as the enhance 12 acres of inter dal marsh and seagrass project management within the Locust Fork and Conduct a rapid, systema c inventory of Bachman’s sparrow, red-cockaded woodpecker, beds in Alabama. Project will increase resilience to Big Canoe Creek watersheds in Alabama. Project anadromous and resident fi sh distribu on and gopher tortoise, and northern bobwhite. Project will a local waterfront community and infrastructure will involve the comple on of a full-scale watershed associated aqua c and riparian habitat in select deploy an ecosystem support team to implement frequently impacted by storms and threatened by assessment to priori ze sites for future restora on drainages of the upper Yukon River and select prescribed burns and other longleaf management sea level rise. and project implementa on within the Locust Fork drainages of the Tanana River to fi ll knowledge gaps prac ces and engage 200 private landowners $999,563 watershed. in the Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory Database.
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